12 votes

Ideology of news-selling and its critique

I've been mulling over this for some time. I'm what you'd call a politically or ideologically motivated person, as it contains topics close to my heart and I'm trying to do my best about them. However, I mostly don't personally follow "the news". I still hear or read things due to my friends and family, or because of places I browse like Tildes. But even here, I filter out most news topics.

Part of this is due to the health problems I have, as they leave little mental energy to spend on stuff, and I'd much rather spend that energy to build something rather than get demoralized. So, what I do instead is to check out specific topics I care more about, and possibly academic articles.

With this being said, I've been observing people around me and how they interact with the news. I'm trying to assess how much following the news regularly impact their political activity. I mean contributing to some sort of political goal. Based on my observations, I'm not convinced that regular consumption of news, in the form of visiting a news website (or several), is what is presented to be.

So, I decided to flex my ideological analysis muscles a little. Here's a rough sketch of my thoughts on the ideology of being a news outlet, whether it's a giant corporation or a single person.

I think there are two levels to the ideology of being a news outlet.

1) The News System

A) How to Market Yourself

  1. You are the most important source of knowledge about the topic you choose. This most often includes a city, country, continent, a political concept like "the west", or the world in general.
  2. You are the objective source of knowledge on this topic.
  3. Consuming news regularly is the responsibility of every citizen. Thus, they should buy your products or visit your website. Doing otherwise is shirking one's duty, and it's morally reprehensible. It's equal to being ignorant.

With this level, you establish yourself as the epistemological source of news about the topic, and you attach moral feelings of duty, guilt, shame, etc. to consuming your product. However, it's also a wider ideology. You don't only sell your news, you sell the news. That means you're also marketing the idea of news to people. This is how you establish the moral case, that is vital to selling your product. It's also important for prestige, which shouldn't be underestimated. There is not only an economic motivation but also a social motivation to selling the idea of news, presenting yourself as a bringer of truths.

B) How to Keep Them in the Loop

  1. Humans are problem-fixers, because ignoring problems would mean they or their loved ones could suffer from them in the future. So, they are emotionally motivated to seek and try to fix problems. So, if you present them a problem, they will pay attention to it.
  2. Cities, countries, continents, etc. are vast. There are always problems, no matter how big or small. You can always report on them.
  3. If you face with the criticism of getting too small on scale, you can say you are just putting a human face on a widespread problem.

By utilizing the points above, you can ensure that you are always selling your product. You also ensure that you are feeling like you are contributing to the world, by "bringing the news to people". This way, you ensure both your financial success and your moral standing, your sense of meaning.

2) The Problems

The problem with the system created by the approach above is several-fold, and it doesn't depend on the factuality of the news being reported.

  1. This system ensures there is always bad-news to be reported every single day, possibly even every single waking hour.
  2. The constant source of bad-news demoralizes people, and quite possibly affects their mental health. A cursory look at Google Scholar with the keywords "doomscrolling mental health" is enough to show that this is suspected by the psychological literature too.
  3. This stream of bad-news alters a person's perception of city, country, world.

For example, if you look at the subreddit for a city, quite often you'll see it filled with news of crimes and such, with people in the comments lamenting or raging about it. But the daily life in such cities is very rarely one of being riddled with crime.

Another example is USA citizens' perception of crime. "The violent crime rate fell 49% between 1993 and 2022, with large decreases in the rates of robbery (-74%), aggravated assault (-39%) and murder/nonnegligent manslaughter (-34%)." However, more and more people in USA think crime is getting worse. I suspect the news-cycle bears a big portion of the blame.

To drive the point home, I suspect this constant stream of bad-news might be feeding into conservatism, as "a meta-analysis (88 samples, 12 countries, 22,818 cases) confirms that several psychological variables predict political conservatism: death anxiety (weighted mean r = .50); system instability (.47); dogmatism–intolerance of ambiguity (.34); openness to experience (–.32); uncertainty tolerance (–.27); needs for order, structure, and closure (.26); integrative complexity (–.20); fear of threat and loss (.18); and self-esteem (–.09). The core ideology of conservatism stresses resistance to change and justification of inequality and is motivated by needs that vary situationally and dispositionally to manage uncertainty and threat."

So, there is enough reason to suspect that constant stream of bad-news, which should elevate people's feelings of uncertainty and threat, should be feeding into conservatism.

3) Solution?

This is an open-ended topic, and I'm not claiming to have solved a very complex topic in a few hundred words. However, one thing that I found to work is limiting and choosing what I consume. By the ways I mentioned, I limit what I see and I try to focus more on topics I care more about.

There is support from the literature too, that suggests partial news avoidance can benefit mental health and well-being (more on the topic can be found on Google Scholar with "news avoidance mental health").

Obviously, following news isn't a black or white situation, and for moderation there is no single size that fits all. But I think it would be better to keep in mind that news outlets benefit both financially and socially from establishing their regular consumption as a moral principle. Honestly, I think constructing a good understanding of ideology and history is more important than that, as it provides a more solid base to judge things from, but that's another day's topic.


  1. NoblePath
    I commend you for systematically paying attention to the world around you. One notion you might integrate into your analysis is human propensity for negativity bias. It’s an evolutionary trait,...

    I commend you for systematically paying attention to the world around you.

    One notion you might integrate into your analysis is human propensity for negativity bias. It’s an evolutionary trait, whereby much mor brain goes to threat detection in the environment than to noticing sustaining or joyful elements.

    2 votes
  2. [2]
    I've been thinking about this a lot over the years, and I have come to the conclusion that the expectation that news be objectively reported has probably had a lot of unintended negative side...

    You are the objective source of knowledge on this topic.

    I've been thinking about this a lot over the years, and I have come to the conclusion that the expectation that news be objectively reported has probably had a lot of unintended negative side effects that has lead to news organizations being so incredibly bad today.

    I think the idea that the purpose of news is to inform people is also a bad idea. People have reasons to consume news; they need things that are relevant to them. A news source that does not focus on important things is a failed business. And the problem with news today is that the ones people tend to rely on are no longer big city ones that would tell you what is important with a specific perspective, but giant internet conglomerates with no particular anchoring or audience. In order to drum up sales, they just jump from controversy to controversy, sometimes even drawing up their own for good measure. And in the big picture, this pattern of consumption means that nothing is ever really addressed or fixed. Most of them are focused on maintaining the status quo or the interests of the ultrawealthy, which is causing our culture to increasingly lean towards "Right" politics.

    So I would recommend to anyone to not follow that type of media, and instead subscribe to news sources with more narrow scopes. One example I personally like is More Perfect Union, which covers labor rights and corporate misdeeds. It's very clearly slanted, but it's a slant I agree with and it keeps me informed and motivated to try to fix the problems they present. I'm honestly disappointed there isn't more left-wing media outlets who do what they do, because the right does it at much greater scale and it's easy to see how well it's working out for them.

    1 vote
    1. Boaty_McBoatyson
      Link Parent
      I find scheerpost.com to be a decent amalgamation of various single-person news sources. Openly egalitarian-leftist.

      I find scheerpost.com to be a decent amalgamation of various single-person news sources. Openly egalitarian-leftist.

  3. [3]
    I'm not sure if this is a news specific problem. Doom scrolling is hardly limited to politics. There's a good argument that many (most?) humans are just not well adapted to having a fire hose of...

    I'm not sure if this is a news specific problem. Doom scrolling is hardly limited to politics. There's a good argument that many (most?) humans are just not well adapted to having a fire hose of 24/7 information available. Fundamentally, people choose to doom scroll and hop into echo chambers (or at least they did at some point before getting sucked into an addictive pattern). It's also worth pointing out that leftists are far more likely to report being depressed than any other political group I've seen numbers for. There's definitely a discussion to be had about doomer's pessimistic ideology.

    Your point about people's perception of crime is an interesting one. It's worth noting though that Americans at least have had fairly persistent perceptions of serious crime over time. While some subjective measures of crime do vary with actual crime rates, it's not very well correlated. It turns out humans are just really really bad at statistics!

    Another surprising example is that humans, on average, have remarkably consistent levels of life satisfaction for as many decades as we have data. It varies ±10% or so over the years, but it's remarkably stable considering how much has happened in 50 odd years. Perhaps humans are just predisposed to thinking "this is fine"?

    1. [2]
      Link Parent
      That’s a curious statistic, I would like to know more about how and especially to whom the question was presented. A quick search on the eurobarometer site linked as the source of the data did not...

      [happy data]

      That’s a curious statistic, I would like to know more about how and especially to whom the question was presented. A quick search on the eurobarometer site linked as the source of the data did not reveal this information.

      Side note, I also find it curious that the eu government conducts polls like these. On the one hand, it’s admirable that the government pays attention to its citizens. On the other hand, it’s hard to trust a government to keep self serving bias out of the data.

      1 vote
      1. Minori
        Link Parent
        The EU's explanation is that member states want to measure objective and subjective changes in citizens' wellbeing over time which makes enough sense to me. They record unemployment rates,...

        The EU's explanation is that member states want to measure objective and subjective changes in citizens' wellbeing over time which makes enough sense to me. They record unemployment rates, healthcare outcomes, and a bunch of other data, so why not try to measure happiness too? Seems the subjective life satisfaction data may come from a question on their standard monthly survey?

        You can find their data here: https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/quality-of-life/methodology

        2 votes
  4. [2]
    This seems like you're trying to engineer society to receive news in ways that you like, which has its own implications of bias. Not to mention you're trying to solve sociological problems using...

    This seems like you're trying to engineer society to receive news in ways that you like, which has its own implications of bias. Not to mention you're trying to solve sociological problems using technological means, which can and does work to some degree such as maintaining a climate of decency and moderation in online discussions, but by its very nature will be exclusive to those who don't want engineered news feeds from a sole news source and would rather seek out news themselves from many channels. Maybe it'll work for some, as we can see today, but not others.

    Sorry for just skimming it but I'm very skeptical of anyone trying to spend that much time trying to engineer new ways to manipulate people, using that term neutrally here but it applies to all intentional media, news, etc. I generally try not to follow news either for the same reasons and as stated. I get fed up with people trying to fight over my mind and others and try to use them for their own purposes of being their personal army, which is basically what a lot of news is. Maybe this is a personal issue but even as a kid I never enjoyed commercials, even the "funny" ones would make me cringe because nothing's funny when someone more powerful than you is trying to control you. Sorry for the rant but I doubt I'd be your target audience so my opinion may not be relevant.

    5 votes
    1. daywalker
      Link Parent
      I don't quite see how I'm supposedly doing these things. In fact, I tried to be as clear as possible. I listed my biases at the very start, mentioned that this is an open-ended topic, didn't use...

      I don't quite see how I'm supposedly doing these things. In fact, I tried to be as clear as possible. I listed my biases at the very start, mentioned that this is an open-ended topic, didn't use emotionally strong language, I avoided using the term "should" when possible, even used words like "suggest" or "suspect" to show the uncertainties, and I very intentionally and specifically mentioned that there is no one size fits all approach. The last point alone is the opposite of what you're saying I'm doing.

      I think you might have misunderstood what I'm saying because you skimmed the post.

      Edit: I don't even know what using technology part is supposed to be. I haven't mentioned any technological solution.

      3 votes