Minori's recent activity

  1. Comment on Engineers develop a recipe for zero-emissions fuel: soda cans (aluminium), seawater and caffeine in ~science

    Link Parent
    Therein lies the rub. I'd need to see the math behind the catalysts they're using to prepare this aluminum. It really might be a massive improvement, but I've known many a researcher to hide the...

    The aluminum is pretreated with a rare-metal alloy

    Therein lies the rub. I'd need to see the math behind the catalysts they're using to prepare this aluminum. It really might be a massive improvement, but I've known many a researcher to hide the costs in fine print. So goes the funding treadmill.

    10 votes
  2. Comment on SAG-AFTRA calls strike against major video game companies after nearly two years of contract talks in ~games

    Link Parent
    I have serious doubts on whether having access to union voice actors is worth killing AI usage. I'm sure the companies are making the same calculations right now.

    I have serious doubts on whether having access to union voice actors is worth killing AI usage. I'm sure the companies are making the same calculations right now.

    12 votes
  3. Comment on Has sexual content invaded too much of the internet? in ~tech

    Link Parent
    Which is funny because Genshin Impact actually has very mild and censored designs due to Chinese regulations!

    Which is funny because Genshin Impact actually has very mild and censored designs due to Chinese regulations!

    3 votes
  4. Comment on Review: The Real North Korea, by Andrei Lankov in ~books

    Link Parent
    The goal is to offer them an off-ramp. If the dictator is out, then a more democratic government can be built up. I don't think they get a bigger off ramp the bigger their atrocities are. I also...

    The goal is to offer them an off-ramp. If the dictator is out, then a more democratic government can be built up. I don't think they get a bigger off ramp the bigger their atrocities are. I also doubt anyone is gonna convince the army to attempt a coup so they might be eligible for a better retirement package lol.

    1 vote
  5. Comment on The magic of tabletop crowdfunding is dying in ~games.tabletop

    (edited )
    It's not surprising that rising material costs have turned some projects insolvent. Kickstarter board games have always had a reputation for being focused on stuff to entice backers. Look no...

    It's not surprising that rising material costs have turned some projects insolvent. Kickstarter board games have always had a reputation for being focused on stuff to entice backers. Look no further than Kingdom Death: Monster. On the upside, designers can go really crazy with the direct funding and produce some absolute classics.

    Kickstarter has always been a gamble. Sometimes you get the Slay the Spire board game, other times you get Mighty No. 9.

    Edit: spelling

    3 votes
  6. Comment on Sam Altman's basic-income study is out. Here's what it found. in ~life

    Link Parent
    Cash benefit programs are pretty different, and the research backing them is a lot more supportive. The whole idea behind UBI is the universal part, so it needs to be evaluated separately (like...

    Cash benefit programs are pretty different, and the research backing them is a lot more supportive. The whole idea behind UBI is the universal part, so it needs to be evaluated separately (like this study did).

    2 votes
  7. Comment on Sam Altman's basic-income study is out. Here's what it found. in ~life

    Link Parent
    Negative Income Taxes have some pretty solid logic behind them. They make good sense economically.

    Negative Income Taxes have some pretty solid logic behind them. They make good sense economically.

    11 votes
  8. Comment on Sam Altman's basic-income study is out. Here's what it found. in ~life

    Link Parent
    I read the mental health effects a bit differently. Giving someone more money makes them happier in the short term, but it ultimately doesn't change their life very much in the medium term per...

    I read the mental health effects a bit differently. Giving someone more money makes them happier in the short term, but it ultimately doesn't change their life very much in the medium term per this study. This doesn't seem that surprising, and it's a knock against UBI as a social priority. We can't prioritize everything at once. It seems there may be better avenues to address homelessness and poverty than UBI.

    17 votes
  9. Comment on Kamala Harris lacks charisma and time in ~misc

    Link Parent
    I get where you're coming from now. Thanks for sharing your opinion. It's probably worth keeping an open mind. I don't think anyone knows all the details of their relationship except them, and I'm...

    I get where you're coming from now. Thanks for sharing your opinion.

    It's probably worth keeping an open mind. I don't think anyone knows all the details of their relationship except them, and I'm not sure it's worth focusing too much on what happens between two consenting adults. Love can blossom in unexpected places! :)

  10. Comment on Kamala Harris lacks charisma and time in ~misc

    Link Parent
    The problem is Michelle Obama hates politics, and she wants nothing to do with the White House.

    The problem is Michelle Obama hates politics, and she wants nothing to do with the White House.

    8 votes
  11. Comment on Kamala Harris lacks charisma and time in ~misc

    Link Parent
    But could they easily win re-election would be the question.

    But could they easily win re-election would be the question.

    2 votes
  12. Comment on Kamala Harris lacks charisma and time in ~misc

    Link Parent
    u/Akir I agree the term carries a lot of historical significance, but I don't think it's inherently offensive or derogatory. The NAACP says, "It's outdated and antiquated but not offensive."...

    u/Akir I agree the term carries a lot of historical significance, but I don't think it's inherently offensive or derogatory. The NAACP says, "It's outdated and antiquated but not offensive." Certainly wouldn't default to it still since it's so old-fashioned. Some people will take offence, but it's not inherently pejorative.

    13 votes
  13. Comment on Kamala Harris lacks charisma and time in ~misc

    Link Parent
    Eh, I think she's fine. I'm also not holding her 2020 primary campaign against her because a lot can change in four years. Journos gotta get clicks somehow.

    Eh, I think she's fine. I'm also not holding her 2020 primary campaign against her because a lot can change in four years. Journos gotta get clicks somehow.

    28 votes
  14. Comment on What games have you been playing, and what's your opinion on them? in ~games

    Link Parent
    All of the systems and collectibles in A Link Between Worlds fit together extremely nice. As far as I remember, the game was considered an excellent 2D Zelda title. It really speaks to LttP...

    All of the systems and collectibles in A Link Between Worlds fit together extremely nice. As far as I remember, the game was considered an excellent 2D Zelda title. It really speaks to LttP fans...which is why I actually didn't like it quite as much as my favourites: Spirit Tracks and Phantom Hourglass.

    I've always preferred 2D Zelda, so I'm really excited for the upcoming game! We'll see how it ends up.

    1 vote
  15. Comment on US President Joe Biden announces that he will not run for re-election in ~news

    Link Parent
    People often underestimate local politics and don't engage with local elections, so good on you for doing research and participating!

    People often underestimate local politics and don't engage with local elections, so good on you for doing research and participating!

    10 votes
  16. Comment on CrowdStrike code update bricking Windows machines around the world in ~tech

  17. Comment on CrowdStrike code update bricking Windows machines around the world in ~tech

    Link Parent
    Also, Azure Central VMs went down for a few hours right before the Crowdstrike issue showed up. This is where some of the confusion stems from.

    Also, Azure Central VMs went down for a few hours right before the Crowdstrike issue showed up. This is where some of the confusion stems from.

    8 votes
  18. Comment on CrowdStrike code update bricking Windows machines around the world in ~tech

    Link Parent
    I don't think that's necessarily hard to believe? It seems possible a developer could override safeties to create and push a release candidate without oversight. Ideally there would be some alarms...

    I don't think that's necessarily hard to believe? It seems possible a developer could override safeties to create and push a release candidate without oversight. Ideally there would be some alarms going off to get someone to review the rush-release. Getting access to the right engineer's laptop has always been a nice attack vector.

    10 votes
  19. Comment on US appeals court blocks all of Joe Biden's SAVE student debt relief plan in ~finance

    Link Parent
    I hope you're able to get things fixed! In general, they're really understanding about unexpected financial hardship. There are good options available, so I hope you're able to take advantage of...

    I hope you're able to get things fixed! In general, they're really understanding about unexpected financial hardship. There are good options available, so I hope you're able to take advantage of them. :)

    4 votes
  20. Comment on US appeals court blocks all of Joe Biden's SAVE student debt relief plan in ~finance

    Link Parent
    I'm really sorry to hear that. The loan servicers can really suck. You should be able to recertify your income early to get your payments adjusted. The SAVE plan is only 5% of your combined...

    I'm really sorry to hear that. The loan servicers can really suck. You should be able to recertify your income early to get your payments adjusted. The SAVE plan is only 5% of your combined discretionary income (which adjusts for family size). You can also put your loans on Forbearance or Deferment due to financial hardship.

    8 votes