BuckWylde's recent activity

  1. Comment on What is a non-professional situation, area or activity in which you are uniquely experienced or skilled? in ~talk

    A friend/ex-coworker found out that I am very skilled at classic death metal "name that tune". At work when he wanted to test me I could usually name the song title, album, and band (of course)...

    A friend/ex-coworker found out that I am very skilled at classic death metal "name that tune". At work when he wanted to test me I could usually name the song title, album, and band (of course) within just a second or two of hearing it.

    1 vote
  2. Comment on What have you been listening to this week? in ~music

    My top 3 artists this week are: Morbid Angel (Heretic & Formulas albums mainly) Judas Priest Oranssi Pazuzu

    My top 3 artists this week are:

    Morbid Angel (Heretic & Formulas albums mainly)
    Judas Priest
    Oranssi Pazuzu

  3. Comment on Games where the campaign serves as the tutorial? in ~games

    Link Parent
    Same here. It's been on my wishlist for a long time and all I hear anymore is how great it is.

    Same here. It's been on my wishlist for a long time and all I hear anymore is how great it is.

  4. Comment on Must see touring artists? in ~music

    Link Parent
    I'm glad I'm not the only one who was going to mention King Diamond. Easily one of the best performers.

    I'm glad I'm not the only one who was going to mention King Diamond. Easily one of the best performers.

  5. Comment on What have you been listening to this week? in ~music

    It looks like my multi month King Diamond fest is starting to wind down. I've still been listening mainly to the Voodoo and House Of God albums in the last week, but with the recent release of It...

    It looks like my multi month King Diamond fest is starting to wind down. I've still been listening mainly to the Voodoo and House Of God albums in the last week, but with the recent release of It Beckons Us All by Darkthrone I'm on that train now.
    Darkthrone has put out yet another banger. For me they're one of those few bands with a large catalog that I can put on album after album and not get sick of it.

  6. Comment on What games have you been playing, and what's your opinion on them? in ~games

    Link Parent
    I also just picked it up and have put almost 10 hrs in. I'm playing on a private server with a few other friends and I'm really enjoying it. The atmosphere is stellar. I like how streamlined the...

    I also just picked it up and have put almost 10 hrs in. I'm playing on a private server with a few other friends and I'm really enjoying it. The atmosphere is stellar. I like how streamlined the building mechanics are. I just made a decked-out upper balcony lair that houses my stone coffin flanked by stone gargoyle statues.
    Looking forward at the boss roadmap and how little of the total map I can see that there's a lot of content ahead of us. It feels like this 1.0 release has really knocked it out of the park.

    1 vote
  7. Comment on What have you been listening to this week? in ~music

    Link Parent
    I'm on my 3rd listen of the album and so far this one might be my favorite through-and-through since Old Star. I'm really enjoying the guitar tone, Fenriz's singing (of course), and the production...

    I'm on my 3rd listen of the album and so far this one might be my favorite through-and-through since Old Star. I'm really enjoying the guitar tone, Fenriz's singing (of course), and the production quality. Every time they put out an album I'm reminded that they are absolutely unstoppable. It's crazy - this is their 21st full-length if I counted correctly.

  8. Comment on What have you been listening to this week? in ~music

    (edited )
    Link Parent
    I can't believe that I hadn't heard about this release at all. I know what I need to do for the next many weeks! Aaaand I just ordered the purple vinyl.

    I can't believe that I hadn't heard about this release at all. I know what I need to do for the next many weeks!
    Aaaand I just ordered the purple vinyl.

    1 vote
  9. Comment on What have you been listening to this week? in ~music

    I'm now into month three of almost exclusive King Diamond territory. I can't stop. I've been scrobbling my tracks on last.fm since 2009 and King Diamond is now #3 on my all-time artists (Mercyful...

    I'm now into month three of almost exclusive King Diamond territory. I can't stop. I've been scrobbling my tracks on last.fm since 2009 and King Diamond is now #3 on my all-time artists (Mercyful Fate is #6).

    I've been stuck on The Graveyard, Voodoo, and House Of God albums.

    1 vote
  10. Comment on Favorite hobby / subculture YouTube channels? in ~hobbies

    Link Parent
    I was a barista for many years but now have been roasting for about 6 years professionally with years before that figuring out roasting at home. Home roasting is a lot of fun and you can get...

    I was a barista for many years but now have been roasting for about 6 years professionally with years before that figuring out roasting at home.
    Home roasting is a lot of fun and you can get really good results. I remember back in the day when I was roasting with a heat gun/bread machine combo. I had some green from the same lot as the most well-known roaster here in Portland OR US. Mine was just as good, if not better, than theirs. At that point I knew I was onto something. Now that I've been working on big machines with automation and all that I really miss the fully hands-on process only relying on your senses instead of sensors. I hope you keep on having fun roasting at home, and keep on trying out new coffees. It never gets old!

    1 vote
  11. Comment on Favorite hobby / subculture YouTube channels? in ~hobbies

    Link Parent
    As a lifer in the coffee industry I love James Hoffmann's content and his overall approach. What's your home roasting setup?

    As a lifer in the coffee industry I love James Hoffmann's content and his overall approach. What's your home roasting setup?

  12. Comment on What have you been listening to this week? in ~music

    I can't get off this King Diamond train that I've been on for the last couple of weeks. I keep coming back to The Graveyard and Voodoo. The stories are just so good, the musicianship is top notch,...

    I can't get off this King Diamond train that I've been on for the last couple of weeks. I keep coming back to The Graveyard and Voodoo. The stories are just so good, the musicianship is top notch, and there's nothing more to be said about King's vocals. I'm dipping my toes into the House Of God album. It feels way more straightforward so far but still pretty good.

    2 votes
  13. Comment on What games have you been playing, and what's your opinion on them? in ~games

    Link Parent
    I also have been sucked into Balatro and Helldivers. They're an excellent pair of games to scratch different itches.

    I also have been sucked into Balatro and Helldivers. They're an excellent pair of games to scratch different itches.

    1 vote
  14. Comment on What have you been listening to this week? in ~music

    This week I decided to give the Cold Lake album by Celtic Frost a couple of spins. In the world of heavy/extreme metal, Celtic Frost is one of the pioneers. From early on in their output they...

    This week I decided to give the Cold Lake album by Celtic Frost a couple of spins. In the world of heavy/extreme metal, Celtic Frost is one of the pioneers. From early on in their output they already started to get a bit experimental. Then this album dropped. At its core it's a hair metal album which was a massive letdown to their reputation considering that they were formulaic in the now rising death and black metal scenes.
    I'm already forming a soft spot for it. Thomas Fischer is a true riff lord and his vocal style is iconic but, hoo boy, do they not mix well in this style of super sleazy and dirty hair metal.
    I get it why this is one of the biggest maligned metal albums of all time, but with my defective brain I can see the charm and am now a Cold Lake apologist.

  15. Comment on Steam Next Fest: what have you been playing? in ~games

    Link Parent
    Same here. I've had a really good time with it so far and am looking forward to all the extra content.

    Same here. I've had a really good time with it so far and am looking forward to all the extra content.

    2 votes
  16. Comment on Game suggestions for a weekly online group in ~games

    I've been playing Elden Ring with up to 5 others using the seamless co-op mod. It can be a bit buggy at times but it's been one of the greatest gaming experiences I've had.

    I've been playing Elden Ring with up to 5 others using the seamless co-op mod. It can be a bit buggy at times but it's been one of the greatest gaming experiences I've had.

    4 votes
  17. Comment on What games have you been playing, and what's your opinion on them? in ~games

    Link Parent
    It's a goodie. I was playing it quite a bit recently with some buddies until I got kidnapped by the seamless coop Elden Ring mod.

    It's a goodie. I was playing it quite a bit recently with some buddies until I got kidnapped by the seamless coop Elden Ring mod.

    1 vote
  18. Comment on In your opinion, what is the appropriate number of outfits to rotate through at work? in ~life.men

    Link Parent
    I work in a warehouse, so similar for me. The only thing I care about is being psyched about which band shirt I'm wearing.

    I work in a warehouse, so similar for me. The only thing I care about is being psyched about which band shirt I'm wearing.

  19. Comment on What was your highlight of 2023? in ~talk

    Link Parent
    I've gotten to see the King a few times now in the last 10 years. You're in for a treat; He still sounds amazing. Where are you going to see him?

    I've gotten to see the King a few times now in the last 10 years. You're in for a treat; He still sounds amazing. Where are you going to see him?

    2 votes
  20. Comment on What have you been listening to this week? in ~music

    My main artists this week: King Diamond Darkthrone (of course) Darkspace

    My main artists this week:

    King Diamond
    Darkthrone (of course)

    1 vote