Grayscail's recent activity

  1. Comment on Climate hero or villain? As it rapidly adopts clean technologies while drilling furiously for oil and gas, Norway is a paradox. in ~enviro

    I dont think its a paradox for a nation to not neatly fall into an abstract judgment of good or evil. Theyre doing climate thinga because they can and think its a good bet for the future. They are...

    I dont think its a paradox for a nation to not neatly fall into an abstract judgment of good or evil.

    Theyre doing climate thinga because they can and think its a good bet for the future.

    They are drilling for oil and gas because they know its currently a necessity for the world right now.

    Both of these make sense and do not inherently contradict eachother.

    11 votes
  2. Comment on How Apple just stole "AI" from everyone else in ~tech

    Link Parent
    I dont know if its accurate to reality, it was more a summary of what it sounded like the video was saying.

    I dont know if its accurate to reality, it was more a summary of what it sounded like the video was saying.

  3. Comment on How Apple just stole "AI" from everyone else in ~tech

    Terrible title. Apple is integrating AI into their phones and systems, but is planning to outsource to other models rather than create a new one. So the same thing that lots of other apps do....

    Terrible title.

    Apple is integrating AI into their phones and systems, but is planning to outsource to other models rather than create a new one.

    So the same thing that lots of other apps do. Basically what Google/Bing do now.

    So not really "stealing from everyone else" so much as just using AI in the standard way that everyone else already does.

    Theyre also going to be adding some hook in points so app developers can make external calls to AI models. Thats probably pretty useful, I dont know. I just wanted to point out how awful I think the title is.

    19 votes
  4. Comment on Kamala Harris lacks charisma and time in ~misc

    I think this could be a good opportunity for the democrats if they could get past this idea that there "isnt enough time". Kamala Harris should just back off a bit, spend a month or so really...

    I think this could be a good opportunity for the democrats if they could get past this idea that there "isnt enough time".

    Kamala Harris should just back off a bit, spend a month or so really nailing down a platform and campaign strategy, and then do a strong month or 2 month long campaign blitz.

    Weve been in like a 4 year election cycle after finishing the last 4 year election cycle, and it really just kills everyone's genuine enthusiasm to engage with the political system. And replaces it with an overarching feeling of dread and obligation.

    It favors candidates like Trump who can continue to dominate news cycles by pushing the envelope to new and bigger levels of depravity, and when genuine politicans try to go head to head with him, they lose and look like fools.

    So candidates should just stop trying to fight this way. Stop trying to hold the countries attention for a year at a time.

    If Harris just did like 3 or 4 big campaign events, 3 or 4 big speeches, and thats it? People would probably be interested enough to tune in to at least one of those 3 or 4 events. And then thats it, thats the only big impression you make on people, and you just focus as hard as you can on making that one impression a good one.

    13 votes
  5. Comment on Donald Trump does not get post-shooting poll boost in ~misc

    (edited )
    Trump: "I could shoot someone and I wouldnt lose support." The Universe: "Someone could shoot you and you wouldnt gain support."

    Trump: "I could shoot someone and I wouldnt lose support."

    The Universe: "Someone could shoot you and you wouldnt gain support."

    7 votes
  6. Comment on California grid meets and surpasses demand during the day in heat wave due to renewables, batteries in ~enviro

    Link Parent
    There are other options that could offer the benefits of nuclear, each with their own associated costs. Hydropower provides the same kind of benefit as nuclear, stable synchronous inertial power....

    There are other options that could offer the benefits of nuclear, each with their own associated costs.

    Hydropower provides the same kind of benefit as nuclear, stable synchronous inertial power. But there are geological limits to how much we can take advantage of a given hydro source. Back during Bernie Sanders 2016 run he advocated for a plan by Mark Jacobson of Stanford that intended to supplement wind and solar with hydro expansions, but afterwards other researchers responded to that proposal by saying the projected capacity expansions wouldnt be feasible at the level he had proposed.

    Pumped hydro is more a storage technology than energy production, but it could be useful for dealing with long duration demand changes like seasonal variance.

    Geothermal power is another option which has been making advancements in "enhanced geothermal", where you use pressurized water to make sites workable as geothermal sources when they otherwise wouldnt be. If geothermal power becomes the kind of thing that you can deploy anywhere, rather than only in certain areas, that would be a good source.

    My personal long term energy solution would be fusion energy, but in my experience people are even less likely to support fusion than fission, so if youre not into that I understand.

    Concentrated solar power is interesting, I dont think itd be as cheap or easy to install as photovoltaic, but its potentially a way to get high temperature process heat without burning fossil fuels.

    5 votes
  7. Comment on Joe Biden's path to US re-election has all but vanished (gifted link) in ~misc

    I dont know, people have the memories of mayflies when election season comes. Nearly getting assassinated for sure will be a big talking point for the rest of the election, but I feel like it will...

    I dont know, people have the memories of mayflies when election season comes.

    Nearly getting assassinated for sure will be a big talking point for the rest of the election, but I feel like it will lose its edge after the next 4 or 5 scandals occur before November.

    2 votes
  8. Comment on Project 2025: The radical conservative plan to reshape America under Donald Trump in ~misc

    You know, good on them. I understand that because this is specifically a Republican plan that its not necessarily a "good" thing, but I think political organizations should focus more on putting...

    You know, good on them. I understand that because this is specifically a Republican plan that its not necessarily a "good" thing, but I think political organizations should focus more on putting together a solid plan for what they actually want to do.

    I would much rather vote based on a detailed plan thought through in advance than have to decide who to vote for based on campaign promises nobody expects the candidates to fulfill, even if they do win.

    I think it would be great if the Democrats or other political coalitions or think tanks had equivalent roadmaps for exactly what their plans are, and how they intend to work around the expected resistance when republicans inevitably try to stop them from doing any of it. Maybe they already do.

    21 votes
  9. Comment on US history shows swapping candidates is a losing game for Democrats in ~misc

    Link Parent
    I can agree with that. I think whether the party ultimately sticks with Biden or not would be fine either way, but in the short term its definitely not doing them any favors to have people keep...

    I can agree with that. I think whether the party ultimately sticks with Biden or not would be fine either way, but in the short term its definitely not doing them any favors to have people keep vascillating on it.

    1 vote
  10. Comment on US history shows swapping candidates is a losing game for Democrats in ~misc

    Link Parent
    Sure, content wise. But I dont think that means those people are insulated from politics. I try my best to not be involved or informed anymore but I still end up hearing information about it all...

    Sure, content wise. But I dont think that means those people are insulated from politics. I try my best to not be involved or informed anymore but I still end up hearing information about it all the time. Advertisements, comments in youtube where people randomly inject comments about the people they dont like, the news, etc.

    You dont really have to follow any the drama surrounding Trump to understand his whole deal just from cultural osmosis. Its kind of part of his campaigning strategy to dominate the media and get his name out there just by being so comically out of pocket that it becomes a part of mass entertainment. So even nonpolitical people still hear about it from comedians and podcasts and other casual entertainment sources.

  11. Comment on US history shows swapping candidates is a losing game for Democrats in ~misc

    Link Parent
    You know what, youre probably right. I dont really have any idea what Im talking about, I was just theowing out an opinion.

    You know what, youre probably right. I dont really have any idea what Im talking about, I was just theowing out an opinion.

    4 votes
  12. Comment on US history shows swapping candidates is a losing game for Democrats in ~misc

    Im sure theres lots of historical examples to draw from, but the US is an ever changing landscape thats chabging at an accelerating rate. Most of the presidents lived in a time before mass...

    Im sure theres lots of historical examples to draw from, but the US is an ever changing landscape thats chabging at an accelerating rate. Most of the presidents lived in a time before mass telecommunications, before social media made politics a 100% of the time constant debate.

    The Democratic fissures that opened in 1968 widened in 1972. Instead of leaving, the left took over this time, driving out moderates and conservatives. The Democratic diaspora went to Richard Nixon by the millions.

    Does anyone think thats gonna happen here? That droves of democrats will flock to Trump by the millions because their beloved Joe Biden is no longer on the ticket?

    Because if you dont, then maybe whatever other conclusions you may be drawing from historical examples might also not hold.

    I think there is a valid argument to be made that Joe Biden should remain the nominee because no one else has distinguished themselves as someone that could unify the party, but personally I think all the hand wringing about how we cant possibly pick a new candidate just 4 MONTHS away from an election is silly.

    30 votes
  13. Comment on A new way to self govern - the selection of representatives by lottery in ~misc

    I dont know if this is a good idea. There is already corruption in my country from the fact that after someone leaves offfice in the senate they know they can land a cushy consultant or talking...

    I dont know if this is a good idea.

    There is already corruption in my country from the fact that after someone leaves offfice in the senate they know they can land a cushy consultant or talking head job if they "play ball", so to speak.

    If you take some random dude and make them one of the deciding votes, theyre going to have the same incentives of knowing they are in a temporary position, and if they do what powerful interests want they will be rewarded in some way.

    Theres also this:

    Ordinary people are capable of high-quality deliberation, especially when deliberative processes are well-arranged: when they include the provision of balanced information, expert testimony, and oversight by a facilitator.

    I dont think I intepret that so charitably. It seems like a big problem that the procedure proposed requires you to have a team of experts to prep the voters and present them with a curated selection of information. To me, when I hear that all these experimental groups are able to unanimously decide on these potentially contentious issues, that says to me that randomly selected groups are suceptible to influence.

    What youve done is just shift the power somewhere else and then divert attention away from that. If we do this random selection system, you dont have to worry about who your representatives are, allegedly. But you DO have to worry about this panel of experts who is going to be priming the representstives. Its just adding an extra layer of obfuscation, so you dont think much about the scientists.

    But this is just a p-hacking exercise, isnt it? If the observation is that groups of people can reliably make decisions when primed with presentstion of relevant data, and there seems to be consistency in how those decisions go when you have well organized deliberation with experts and facilitators, then you can just do some test runs with other randomly selected groups and try out different presentations till you find the version that gets you the result you want.

    So to deal with that, you need to have a good selection process to make sure that the experts and facilitators are not pushing their own biases onto the randomly selected voters. How do you do that? Scientists are not so above it all that you can just trust them more than politicians. Theres a Harvard professor named Francesca Gino who recently got in trouble for alleged plagiarism and data manipulation. She used her position to cheat and bolster her own career, and it succeeded to the point that shes a dean at Harvard. So how do you avoid picking experts who end up being charlatans?

    14 votes
  14. Comment on What is your favorite Final Fantasy game? in ~games

    Final Fantasy 10 is probably my favorite game of all time. I really like the lore, and how Pyreflies tie the whole game together. Pyreflies are these little particles of aether that conduct spirit...

    Final Fantasy 10 is probably my favorite game of all time.

    I really like the lore, and how Pyreflies tie the whole game together. Pyreflies are these little particles of aether that conduct spirit energy, so they react to willpower and emotion. This forms the basis for most of the weird stuff in the game. Spheres, Aeons, Unsent, Fiends, Sin, its all pyreflies working in different ways. Each one is just a very slightly different application of the same thing, some done intentionally and some subconsciously. The whole game is about the power of belief and how it allows people to manifest their dreams and nightmares into reality. The game is written in this intentionally convoluted way so it all seems really confusing, but once you have all the information it fits together really elegantly.

    Beyond that, its one of the best designed turn based RPGs, in my opinion. The Conditional Turn-based Battle system is the best way to do turn based combat, the equipment setup is very simple and easy to understand at a glance, status effects really feel impactful, and if you know what youre doing you can beat the whole game without levelling up at all just by taking advantage of all the other mechanics available.

    The underlying plot about Sin and its commentary on institutional religion and generational trauma are really interesting and done in a subtle enough way that it doesnt feel too preachy.

    And I love all the side quests and content, aside from Lightning Dodger.

    2 votes
  15. Comment on How to raise your artificial intelligence in ~tech

    The key to making an AI is to have a separate AI to evaluate the performance and give a cost function to optimize against. This second AI is the "conscience" module. It detects when the core AI is...

    The key to making an AI is to have a separate AI to evaluate the performance and give a cost function to optimize against. This second AI is the "conscience" module. It detects when the core AI is starting to veer into "evil Skynet monstrosity" territory and trains the AI to avoid those bad scenarios.

    The trick is, the conscience just always says everything is bad, even if theres no clear reason. It detects actually bad things and presents them as more bad in the backpropagation, but nothing is ever good enough to get a fully "good" score.

    This will give the AI the same crippling anxieties about ethics and morality as humans have, thus paralyzing it with indecision before it can kill us all.

    1 vote
  16. Comment on Crunchyroll announces the removal of its comment section across all platforms to 'reduce harmful content' in ~tech

    Link Parent
    Yeah, when I see a news post from a big site and go to the bottom to see a cesspool of unmoderated arguments, I always think how it really would cost them nothing to get rid of the comment...

    Yeah, when I see a news post from a big site and go to the bottom to see a cesspool of unmoderated arguments, I always think how it really would cost them nothing to get rid of the comment section. Someone actually decided to do it? I cant really argue with that.

    5 votes
  17. Comment on Doctors try a controversial technique to reduce the transplant organ shortage in ~health

    Link Parent
    Thats wild. I had heard of people going brain dead but still physically having their internal organs work. But I had been under the impression that once you go brain dead thats just it and nothing...

    Thats wild. I had heard of people going brain dead but still physically having their internal organs work.

    But I had been under the impression that once you go brain dead thats just it and nothing could ever bring you back to more than the vegetative state.

    1 vote
  18. Comment on Doctors try a controversial technique to reduce the transplant organ shortage in ~health

    Link Parent
    Sounds like thise futurama heads in jars.

    Sounds like thise futurama heads in jars.

  19. Comment on Doctors try a controversial technique to reduce the transplant organ shortage in ~health

    Link Parent
    What is the risk if oxygenated blood makes it back to the brain of a dead person? Do they come back to life or something?

    What is the risk if oxygenated blood makes it back to the brain of a dead person?

    Do they come back to life or something?

    6 votes
  20. Comment on What's your recommended survival crafting game to play solo? in ~games

    Link Parent
    Yes, they updated the Dawn Machine so it can clean the whole map from a fixed position if its fed with all essentia. Although at some point they changed the crafting requirement so you need...

    Yes, they updated the Dawn Machine so it can clean the whole map from a fixed position if its fed with all essentia.

    Although at some point they changed the crafting requirement so you need endgame boss drops to make it, which I dont like. So I reverted to an older version before that.

    1 vote