Suppercutz's recent activity

  1. Comment on Native Americans: Portraits from a century ago in ~arts

    Love these. The Atlantic is the GOAT magazine. I'll never cancel my subscription.

    Love these. The Atlantic is the GOAT magazine. I'll never cancel my subscription.

    2 votes
  2. Comment on Why boyish girls are judged less than girlish boys in ~life

    Link Parent
    Great point. I have the same challenge teyokg to define athiesm/agnosticism to religious types. "Yes, it concerns your believes insofar as it's absent of them. If telling you that my belief system...

    Great point. I have the same challenge teyokg to define athiesm/agnosticism to religious types.

    "Yes, it concerns your believes insofar as it's absent of them. If telling you that my belief system is that yours and anything like it doesn't exist, that's not me oppressing you. That's me expressing myself"

    1 vote
  3. Comment on What do you like and dislike about your chosen music service(s)? in ~music

    Link Parent
    And the guy's Descriptions are absolutely hilarious andon point. Enjoy!

    And the guy's Descriptions are absolutely hilarious andon point. Enjoy!

    3 votes
  4. Comment on What do you like and dislike about your chosen music service(s)? in ~music

    Link Parent
    If you really want to narrow it down, get a bag of chips and load up 'Ishkurs Guide to Electronic Muisc'. It's a hilarious, interactive encyclopedia of genres throught the last 80 years

    If you really want to narrow it down, get a bag of chips and load up 'Ishkurs Guide to Electronic Muisc'. It's a hilarious, interactive encyclopedia of genres throught the last 80 years

    2 votes
  5. Comment on Hi, how are you? Mental health support and discussion thread (August 2021) in ~health.mental

    Link Parent
    Melatonin is a knockout drug for me - it's almost like smoking way too much weed. I had zeros success with it and was thankfully able to turn to exercise to wear me out enough that I fall asleep...

    Melatonin is a knockout drug for me - it's almost like smoking way too much weed. I had zeros success with it and was thankfully able to turn to exercise to wear me out enough that I fall asleep when my head hits the pillow.

    Not sure if you're in the mood for 'try this!' responses, but if you have the energy for exercise (even just a walk before bed) maybe it'll help. Best

    2 votes
  6. Comment on What do you like and dislike about your chosen music service(s)? in ~music

    Link Parent
    Living near the rockies, I wouldn't have anything but files with me as I drive through parts of Canada with little to no service.

    Living near the rockies, I wouldn't have anything but files with me as I drive through parts of Canada with little to no service.

    5 votes
  7. Comment on What do you like and dislike about your chosen music service(s)? in ~music

    Link Parent
    Totally try out if Soma is your go to.

    Totally try out if Soma is your go to.

    3 votes
  8. Comment on What do you like and dislike about your chosen music service(s)? in ~music

    I use Digitally Imported and couldn't be happier. Their electronic music selection is always fresh, the annual $80 gives you access to 4 other multi genre radio networks aaaand they're independent...

    I use Digitally Imported and couldn't be happier. Their electronic music selection is always fresh, the annual $80 gives you access to 4 other multi genre radio networks aaaand they're independent and were among the first to offer streaming radio.

    Hell, I'd pay for a subscription even if I didn't listen to it.

    3 votes
  9. Comment on Private by design: How we built Firefox Sync in ~tech

    I wish that chrome sucked enough that switching was a no brainer. I will, but it kills me since chrome is so full featured.

    I wish that chrome sucked enough that switching was a no brainer. I will, but it kills me since chrome is so full featured.

    2 votes
  10. Comment on EA is partnering with many of the original Westwood developers to work on the Command & Conquer Remastered Collection in ~games

    Despite being super keen on this (especially if it's success means a RA2 update) I can't help but still think of this as an attempt by EA to gain back its legitimacy as a games company in the eyes...

    Despite being super keen on this (especially if it's success means a RA2 update) I can't help but still think of this as an attempt by EA to gain back its legitimacy as a games company in the eyes of the gaming public. After all, The Battlefront fiasco has its legacy embedded directly in this news release (we promise NO micro transactions!)

    6 votes
  11. Comment on Anyone still listening to music with files instead of streaming? in ~music

    I listen to all mp3s and flacs that I've downloaded on my Cowon portable DAP and despite loving streaming for work, would never think about deleting my music files. My first complaint is that...

    I listen to all mp3s and flacs that I've downloaded on my Cowon portable DAP and despite loving streaming for work, would never think about deleting my music files.

    My first complaint is that phone batteries can suck pretty bad, and I'd hate to beeft in the lurch for music and phone stuff because I spent too long listening to tunes. My mp3 player lasts for 100 hours!

    Second - phone audio quality sucked last time I checked. My Cowon has no hiss or noise, and the proprietary EQ settings are absolutely amazing.

    Third - physical buttons are so important to me when I'm working out. I don't want to have to get the phone out to pause or switch to the next track.

    Fourth - phones are so big. What if I just want a little thing in my pocket?

    Lastly - if rather not always be plugged in to the web. Listening on my phone makes thr temptation to screw around on the web too real.

    I love Digitally Imported and all of the other streaming services for background music when people are over or for when I'm working on something, but if I only listened to stream services, I'm worried that Id miss out on the fun of the music search.

    3 votes
  12. Comment on Mexican government officials visit Canada to learn about marijuana legalization in ~news

    If any country could benefit from taking a bite out of the Black market drug trade, it's Mexico. Good on AMLO - let's hope he's not another hotdog president for thr Mexicans - they need good...

    If any country could benefit from taking a bite out of the Black market drug trade, it's Mexico. Good on AMLO - let's hope he's not another hotdog president for thr Mexicans - they need good leadership, especially now.

    4 votes
  13. Comment on What are some of your favorite "lost" games? in ~games

    I used to play Word Munchers, Number Munchers and Cross Country Canada (Oregon Trail in Beaver's clothing) on the Apple II in elementary school (~1994). WM and NM were great educational games, but...

    I used to play Word Munchers, Number Munchers and Cross Country Canada (Oregon Trail in Beaver's clothing) on the Apple II in elementary school (~1994).

    WM and NM were great educational games, but CCC blew my mind. You mean, I can type 'hit dashboard' while sitting in my big rig truck and the game will give me the response 'ouch!'?


    9 votes
  14. Comment on <deleted topic> in ~life

    It's idealistic, but I don't think that you can read this blog post like it's an editorial or news. It's a clever luddyte's tyraid that on the surface, is a tear into people who pursue careers in...

    It's idealistic, but I don't think that you can read this blog post like it's an editorial or news.

    It's a clever luddyte's tyraid that on the surface, is a tear into people who pursue careers in tech, but in reality, has more in common with the Jonathan Swift letter about eating babies. It's meant to convey insight figuratively, and through the virtue signalling of poverty.

    The irony is that unless you're trained to recognize those things (ie: by pursuing an English education), you'll read it as a literal attack on 'The Digital Man'.

    6 votes
  15. Comment on Apple can delete purchased movies from your library without telling you in ~tech

    There are services like Band Camp that allow your to purchase then download flac files, and while in not sure about legitimate services that allow for film dowosds, I still intend on getting my...

    There are services like Band Camp that allow your to purchase then download flac files, and while in not sure about legitimate services that allow for film dowosds, I still intend on getting my hands on a file to store in my NAS. Frankly, I have zero ethical concerns about whether downloading content is bad. I send the artists money if they need it, and if they're a big group whose overlords have already seen my dollars at some point or another, then I'll download.

    Steam also is under no obligation to let you keep the games they 'loan' you, and there's no physicalmedia at all for those releases.

    6 votes
  16. Comment on Batch-saving websites for offline viewing in ~comp

    I wanted to poke through a website when I was on vacation some 8 or so years ago and there was an application for windows that downloaded everything at the time. That said, websites just...

    I wanted to poke through a website when I was on vacation some 8 or so years ago and there was an application for windows that downloaded everything at the time.

    That said, websites just referenced code files and linked to picture resources back then - there wasn't all sorts of CMS database stuff that required you to redirect paths to suit the new device's folder setup.

    I'm probably wrong, but that's my busy guess on why your can't download entire sites for offline viewing. They'd probably need to be packaged for you by the site admin.

    1 vote
  17. Comment on <deleted topic> in ~comp

    Link Parent
    Good to hear. Sometimes employers are ok with you using portions of a project for a portfolio, too. It doesn't happen all the time, but it never hurts to ask

    Good to hear. Sometimes employers are ok with you using portions of a project for a portfolio, too. It doesn't happen all the time, but it never hurts to ask

    1 vote
  18. Comment on <deleted topic> in ~comp

    Hey Ali, As somebody in marketing and who works with people to build sites, my advice would lean in the direction of observations and follow-up questions about your intent, and who your specific...

    Hey Ali,

    As somebody in marketing and who works with people to build sites, my advice would lean in the direction of observations and follow-up questions about your intent, and who your specific audience is.

    I see that you're a software engineer that deals in development, security and UX. For all three of those, I'd love to learn a little more about your experience or work in these areas. I think that it would still be a simplified site if you had a navigational menu that pointed to all three of those things on separate pages, or in the case of a one page site, a section on the page.

    I'm no software engineer, so I understand that it might not be as easy to 'show off your work' like an artist would a portfolio, so if it isn't, could you talk about some of your achievements in each area. This could be links to downloadable code or packaged software. If that's not possible, you could mention the companies that you did the work for, or post diagrams that show your thought process/skills.

    Lastly, who do you want to look at this page? Is it potential employers who visit your LinkedIn page first? Is it hobbyists who might want to work with you on a project? In terms of who your audience is, I would really design the site to cater to them. If you design security for corporations, make your site look like a corporate contractor at your level (feel free to copy somebody elses, even). If you code indie-games, make your site appeal to that crowd.

    If this is purely a resume page, do on your site what LinkedIn isn't already doing for you. Companies will look there first, and if they're interested, will want to learn more in-depth information from your page. Give them that.

    6 votes
  19. Comment on Google wants websites to adopt AMP as the default approach to building webpages. Tell them no. in ~tech

    So wait, is Microsoft the good guy again? What am I even supposed to do anymore.

    So wait, is Microsoft the good guy again? What am I even supposed to do anymore.

    4 votes
  20. Comment on <deleted topic> in ~talk

    Link Parent
    Very likely where their name comes from, I'm guessing. Cool!

    Very likely where their name comes from, I'm guessing. Cool!