Zoro's recent activity

  1. Comment on Share your favorite pie recipes in ~food

    Link Parent
    I had a phenomenal strawberry pie recently, and the bitter and sweetness of it is mind blowing. I see what you're saying, because it was unexpectedly the best pie I've ever had.

    I had a phenomenal strawberry pie recently, and the bitter and sweetness of it is mind blowing. I see what you're saying, because it was unexpectedly the best pie I've ever had.

    1 vote
  2. Comment on Study says drinking water from nearly half of US faucets contains potentially harmful chemicals in ~enviro

    Link Parent
    Yeah I read a paper which indicated that activated carbon will only adsorb a select few of them anyway, and there are many many PFAS molecules, many of which haven't even been studied. It does...

    Yeah I read a paper which indicated that activated carbon will only adsorb a select few of them anyway, and there are many many PFAS molecules, many of which haven't even been studied.

    It does feel like fear mongering a little, and it probably isn't worth the money for the filter. I just drink a lot of tap water lol.. They got me for a second, but I still haven't bought a filter.

  3. Comment on Study says drinking water from nearly half of US faucets contains potentially harmful chemicals in ~enviro

    Link Parent
    Ya that's more or less what I found when skimming through it all. Was really hoping they would list the sources and the degrees of contamination individually.. Thanks though :(

    Ya that's more or less what I found when skimming through it all. Was really hoping they would list the sources and the degrees of contamination individually..

    Thanks though :(

  4. Comment on Study says drinking water from nearly half of US faucets contains potentially harmful chemicals in ~enviro

    Time to replace my granular activated carbon filter I guess... Living in LA and drinking tons of tap water, this has me mildly concerned. I wish the study gave their sampling locations and...

    Time to replace my granular activated carbon filter I guess...

    Living in LA and drinking tons of tap water, this has me mildly concerned. I wish the study gave their sampling locations and concentrations.. it's probably in the references somewhere.

    Can't be bothered. Just gonna replace my filter lol.

    5 votes
  5. Comment on One Piece theory discussion thread in ~anime

    Link Parent
    I love the final 2 bullet points you've listed. Haven't thought much about the origination of the Yami Yami No Mi fruit... I honestly just always assumed it was a natural fruit, that would exist...

    I love the final 2 bullet points you've listed. Haven't thought much about the origination of the Yami Yami No Mi fruit... I honestly just always assumed it was a natural fruit, that would exist because the Sun God fruit existed. I like the idea of a person being the originator though, like the Sun God Nika.. all very wild.

    I also totally agree that Shanks went to talk about Black Beard. I think that whole scene is a red herring, and I have no reason to believe Shanks is a bad guy tbh. He's too invested in the new generation.

    The larger half of your analysis of Black Beard is pretty general and cool, but I think it can be interpreted in many ways. For instance he might not destroy his island or his crew. He'll probably destroy the world government to some extent, after having become his own nation and government leader. I feel like this is more reasonable. A lot of speculation on the background of Black Beard here, but it's a great perspective nonetheless. Can't wait to learn more about him.

    2 votes
  6. Comment on Affirmative action and its role in your life in ~society

    Link Parent
    Awesome job my friend. I really couldn't agree more with you. It's just hard for me to faithfully have my belief without recognizing my bias. I'm glad someone of sound mind has it too though! LOL....

    Awesome job my friend. I really couldn't agree more with you. It's just hard for me to faithfully have my belief without recognizing my bias. I'm glad someone of sound mind has it too though! LOL.

    Do you think targeting race specifically is the best way of addressing systemic racism though? I can't help but recognize the shortcomings of it given my position. I don't think it's bad either though. If we'll never give them reparations I think this is a good alternative.

    3 votes
  7. Comment on Affirmative action and its role in your life in ~society

    Just curious OP, what is your ethnic background and age if you don't mind me asking? Answer whatever you're comfortable with. I just ask because I'm a Native tribal member, and it's hard for me to...

    Just curious OP, what is your ethnic background and age if you don't mind me asking? Answer whatever you're comfortable with.

    I just ask because I'm a Native tribal member, and it's hard for me to overlook my own bias on this subject. I can agree that there is systemic oppression creating an inequality of opportunity, and yet I also understand that I'm not really in that category, my father being a 2nd generation Norwegian entrepreneur, despite still being a beneficiary of the policy.

    So, ya, I'm all for affirmative action, but I'm not entirely sure if it's mainly because it might benefit me. I'm mostly out of the age range where it'd actually benefit me, so I can say in pretty good faith that my bias isn't really affecting my stance here, but I'm biased.

    So ya, what's your background and how do you think your biases are at play?

    15 votes
  8. Comment on Complaints about Tildes and comparisons to other sites in ~tech

    I enjoy it here and plan to stay, firstly. However, the gate-keeping and internal virtue signaling is intense here. There is a philosophy that the site aims for, publicly, and it causes users to...

    I enjoy it here and plan to stay, firstly.

    However, the gate-keeping and internal virtue signaling is intense here. There is a philosophy that the site aims for, publicly, and it causes users to regularly police the content and usage of the site by other users.

    If more mods were necessary, they'd be here. It just doesn't seem necessary, and if it were it's not the general users responsibility. It bogs down conversation, and discourages people from participating.

    That's my only real complaint. Things change over time. It's gonna happen. To what end, who knows? Let's let Deimos dictate that.. lol

    21 votes
  9. Comment on One Piece live action early impressions review by Artur from the Library of Ohara in ~tv

    Link Parent
    This is my main issue with the format. It is a grossly complex story. I have a hard time envisioning an exciting, in today's environment, early One Piece story.. it's honestly a little dated, and...

    This is my main issue with the format. It is a grossly complex story. I have a hard time envisioning an exciting, in today's environment, early One Piece story.. it's honestly a little dated, and that's fine and expected. It's amazing for what it is, but they're starting from the beginning and expect to get anywhere meaningful and exciting? Not so sure about that in a Netflix series...

    1 vote
  10. Comment on Do you have any favourite WoW Classic meme/weird builds? in ~games

    Link Parent
    Feral druid is busted in WSG in the 39 bracket. Flag carrying has such high skill cap with a druid. Wish I played it :\ Ya the ZG shoulder enchants.. LOL 40 AP. I was hitting like a TRUCK. I had...

    Feral druid is busted in WSG in the 39 bracket. Flag carrying has such high skill cap with a druid. Wish I played it :\

    Ya the ZG shoulder enchants.. LOL 40 AP. I was hitting like a TRUCK. I had the ZG shoulders, and the nethercleft legs with 40 stam 12 agi...

    My PoD crits were almost 1k, and surv gets 30% raptor strike crit chance. It was such a joke lol. Damage weaving with shadowforge bushmaster, the bis gun, and PoD the bis 2h wep for any class, was silly to say the least.

    They ended up disabling the enchants in WotLK and that's basically when I left the twinking scene.

    1 vote
  11. Comment on Without saying where you live, where do you live? in ~talk

    Link Parent
    Users policing the philosophy of this forum is probably my least favorite thing of this site. Particularly in this circumstance, where it is engaging, and it's whatever the users make of it. No...
    • Exemplary

    Users policing the philosophy of this forum is probably my least favorite thing of this site. Particularly in this circumstance, where it is engaging, and it's whatever the users make of it. No big deal--be the difference, if that's what you want to see.

    If there's a systemic issue, it'll be resolved by Deimos. If it's a bigger issue that he can't solve, there'll be a bigger solution, and it's not on the users to try to keep it from getting there.

    34 votes
  12. Comment on Do you have any favourite WoW Classic meme/weird builds? in ~games

    Made a 39 survival hunter with Pendulum of Doom.. We did some premades and I was basically a dedicated WSG banana defender. It was fucking awesome lol. Damage weaving with it I could crank out 500...

    Made a 39 survival hunter with Pendulum of Doom..

    We did some premades and I was basically a dedicated WSG banana defender. It was fucking awesome lol. Damage weaving with it I could crank out 500 DPS at 39, and with trap mastery I could solo pod warriors. They needed to team push it (we banned faps)... Such a joke lol.

  13. Comment on TF2 but Sniper is banned. What happens? I tried it out - gameplay experiment & analysis in ~games

    (edited )
    To engage with your idea and not get bogged down with what I thought you meant or what I think lol, a redesign from your perspective would probably look more like soldier in overwatch. All of your...

    To engage with your idea and not get bogged down with what I thought you meant or what I think lol, a redesign from your perspective would probably look more like soldier in overwatch. All of your "redesigns" have really just been nerfs, which isn't appropriate. Give him minimal damage spread over long distances, sustained damage, with slightly better mobility and health, and have one of his secondaries be utility, akin to the piss jar, or soldiers healing node. This would allow him to still fulfill his role, while not being somewhat uninteractable.

    Still though, I don't think this is the right decision, as the class's roll would likely diverge to that of a scout/soldier hybrid. I don't think this is advisable, as the game is an attack defense game, and allowing players the ability to adequately defend is important.

    I would be interested to see how this would change the game though. I think the medic would only become actually broken broken... LOL

    Edit: Even with your suggested "redesigns" I think the medic would be a serious issue.

  14. Comment on TF2 but Sniper is banned. What happens? I tried it out - gameplay experiment & analysis in ~games

    (edited )
    Link Parent
    Ok well if we aren't talking about balance here, and purely what's "fun" to play against, I can see where you're coming from. If it's the majority opinion, then I could see how redesigning the...

    Ok well if we aren't talking about balance here, and purely what's "fun" to play against, I can see where you're coming from. If it's the majority opinion, then I could see how redesigning the class MIGHT be warranted.. I do however believe that this type of action needs to be reserved for egregious game design flaws, and I just don't believe that's going on here. Sometimes, you have to learn to adapt and deal with frustrating options an opponent is choosing. Maybe that's not how you like your games though.

    I enjoy the challenge. It's a gimmick that can be pretty easily addressed. If I'm in a pub, and there are too many snipers or a really good sniper, I just go spy until they either switch, or spend too much of their time dealing with me.

    Seems a little rash to be suggesting* game modifications to something that actually has counterplay, just because you don't think it's fun, but everyone can play how they want I suppose.


    2 votes
  15. Comment on TF2 but Sniper is banned. What happens? I tried it out - gameplay experiment & analysis in ~games

    (edited )
    Not too sure how telling any of this is since it wasn't conducted in a competitive format. There are no other class limitations or weapon limitations, so there are many many ways the gameplay...

    Not too sure how telling any of this is since it wasn't conducted in a competitive format. There are no other class limitations or weapon limitations, so there are many many ways the gameplay could equilibrate. I don't think the outcome here is the end-all-be-all, at all really.

    Just to speak generally about sniper, and maybe more in the context of highlander, which the data analogs KIND OF closely--as a class it's not broken. If the player is exceptional, they can become a problem, but there are tons of easy solutions that a communicating team can come up with to address a good sniper. Spy is in the game for a reason. If the sniper is as good as the other team, it's just something to be aware of. Play the flank, and wait till the sniper is down to peek and push with the medic. This is perfectly enjoyable gameplay.

    Edit: Looking at the data from the spy's perspective makes it fairly clear what happened. Sniper players go spy unless they're on defense, in which case they go heavy. This lines up with my experience of class proficiency overlap and offensive/defensive tendencies. Spy metrics go down across the board. Thier kill distance goes up, which is not favorable.. Makes sense. They have no snipers to counter.

    If you look at the 6s format's class limitations it becomes pretty clear which classes are broken. The only 3 classes with a limitation of 1 are Demo, Medic, and Engineer. I believe the engineer limitation is just to prevent degenerative play. It's not a broken class. Medic and Demo however, if you were to allow 2 at a high level, the game would just degenerate to 2 medics 2 Demos every game lol. Demo has the best mobility in the game, a large health pool, and the highest DPS in the game. Medic makes your whole team invincible. It's honestly a no-brainer which classes need to be limited.

    You're allowed 2 snipers in 6s, and yet sniper only ever gets played at last, and not every time. If the sniper off class rolls out of last after defending, they're reaching. It's a big risk. This is all relative to a team of 6 though. I'm not saying sniper is bad. It's just clearly not broken.

    Anyway, I love TF2, and honestly think it's very well balanced. The medic's Uber is the main resource management of the game, so their life is gold. All other resources are aplenty. Nailing direct pills, sticky jump rolling out, and smart sticky traps are all VERY difficult.. Seems perfectly fine to me.

    Edit2: I don't think your claim how people enjoy the absence of sniper indicates that sniper's design is flawed logically follows. It's a pub. There's no communication. Take spy out and people will say the same, and spy is truthfully not a great class.

    3 votes
  16. Comment on DMs and GMs - what are your favorite traps and puzzles to use in your campaigns? in ~games.tabletop

    Link Parent
    Ya dude... I play with some hardcore gamers usually and they wanted me to run this to just PURELY dungeon crawl and smash. Still getting through it, but I'm sure the chase scene and some of the...

    Ya dude... I play with some hardcore gamers usually and they wanted me to run this to just PURELY dungeon crawl and smash. Still getting through it, but I'm sure the chase scene and some of the traps in the first level alone will be sufficient for your immediate plans.

    Happy to help :)

    3 votes
  17. Comment on DMs and GMs - what are your favorite traps and puzzles to use in your campaigns? in ~games.tabletop

    If you're looking for some inspiration, consider reading the Dungeon of the Mad Mage module. It is basically a million levels of a dungeon crawler. Tons of sick mazes, puzzles, chases, traps, etc...

    If you're looking for some inspiration, consider reading the Dungeon of the Mad Mage module. It is basically a million levels of a dungeon crawler. Tons of sick mazes, puzzles, chases, traps, etc...

    13 votes
  18. Comment on Frame walk spacing in Super Smash Bros. Melee in ~games

    Link Parent
    It ALL boils down to the movement. It's so beautiful and you're totally right.. I can go on and on. The amount of techniques do allow the players the ability to utilize unique sets of options...

    It ALL boils down to the movement. It's so beautiful and you're totally right..

    I can go on and on. The amount of techniques do allow the players the ability to utilize unique sets of options though, which is why you're so easily able to tell players apart just by seeing them play.

    Also the execution barrier makes it clear when someone is truly fluent in the language or the dance of the game. A sight to behold without a doubt.

    1 vote
  19. Comment on Frame walk spacing in Super Smash Bros. Melee in ~games

    Link Parent
    New techniques are still being discovered 20 years later, and the tier list is still VERY contentious. There's not much more you can ask for. The games just keeps on giving lol.

    New techniques are still being discovered 20 years later, and the tier list is still VERY contentious. There's not much more you can ask for. The games just keeps on giving lol.

    2 votes
  20. Comment on Frame walk spacing in Super Smash Bros. Melee in ~games