box0rox's recent activity

  1. Comment on Share a link to good singing in a language that you don't understand in ~music

  2. Comment on In pursuit of intentionality in ~tech

    (edited )
    I once attended a "roundtable discussion" at a local high school about high school kids "Internet" use. It ended up being a debate between an English teacher and myself. She was (still is) a...

    I once attended a "roundtable discussion" at a local high school about high school kids "Internet" use. It ended up being a debate between an English teacher and myself. She was (still is) a technophobic, low skill computer user, and came equipped with dozens of research papers that purported to prove that some ill defined Web surfing, social media, even reading books on an e-reader, causes poor grades, reduces attention span, etc etc.

    I made the comment at the time, "You have no idea what you are talking about".

    In retrospect, she wasn't entirely wrong. There are a lot of "cigarettes for the mind" out there. I suspect that most tildes users are doing their own personal rehab from addictive, low quality social media. Some stuff is just bad. But not everything: there is a huge amount of great media out there. There are different qualities of all media: just because tabloids exist, does not mean that people should stop reading.

    If you feel like your screen time is degrading you, if it's become a vice, or worse, a habit, stop that. Find something better to do. If it is improving you, great. These days, even if it just keeps you from losing your mind of boredom, that's a win.

    5 votes
  3. Comment on If you have pets, what is it like? in ~talk

    I have a cat. I have always had cats since I was born; my Mom claims that I was partially raised by an old female. We had 5 in the house once. I can hardly imagine ever not having pets. I have...

    I have a cat. I have always had cats since I was born; my Mom claims that I was partially raised by an old female. We had 5 in the house once. I can hardly imagine ever not having pets. I have lived with dogs on and off as well, but don't have one now.
    My cat is an asshole. He's an obnoxious old male who bites without warning. He was a stray, and is very independent. He takes no insubordination from any other creature; I respect that. In spite of which, he obviously loves his people. He is sincerely affectionate, when he wants to be, and totally loyal.
    Pets are like children, like friends, and like alien creatures living with you. All at the same time.

    4 votes
  4. Comment on Fortnightly Programming Q&A Thread in ~comp

    Link Parent
    We could start a whole new thread about learning styles... I'm not much of a fan of studying programming with videos. I learned how to fix the carburetor in my lawn mower from a video. It's...

    We could start a whole new thread about learning styles... I'm not much of a fan of studying programming with videos. I learned how to fix the carburetor in my lawn mower from a video. It's perfect for that (and the guys who produce those videos are a hoot too). IMO, for programming, you need a book, a development system, examples, and problems to solve.

    3 votes
  5. Comment on Fortnightly Programming Q&A Thread in ~comp

    Link Parent
    I was thinking of either Haskell or Lisp, in fact. I have toyed around with Rust a little, and it seems to me that it is likely to be useful and more popular. But, other than the borrow checker,...

    I was thinking of either Haskell or Lisp, in fact. I have toyed around with Rust a little, and it seems to me that it is likely to be useful and more popular. But, other than the borrow checker, it's just another procedural language.
    Hy looks very interesting, thanks!

    1 vote
  6. Comment on Fortnightly Programming Q&A Thread in ~comp

    I am a self taught programmer, originally a physics major. I currently use Python, Java, and C/C++ all the time. I learned C and Java because I had to for a project. I learned Python (in the...

    I am a self taught programmer, originally a physics major. I currently use Python, Java, and C/C++ all the time. I learned C and Java because I had to for a project. I learned Python (in the version 1.5 days), because it seemed cool at the time; that worked out pretty well. Not saying I'm a pundit, I was just lucky.

    I would like to self-study and learn another language, just to learn new concepts, get better. I have some ideas, about which one, but I'd rather get other people's opinions.

    5 votes
  7. Comment on What kind of drunk are you? in ~talk

    Closest to 3, I'm afraid. I don't drink much anymore, either, no more than a couple of drinks, ever. I probably get much worse on Conscientiousness than Agreeableness, though. Some of my antics...

    Closest to 3, I'm afraid. I don't drink much anymore, either, no more than a couple of drinks, ever. I probably get much worse on Conscientiousness than Agreeableness, though. Some of my antics from binges have passed into folklore among my old friends. The problem is that it seems like I only lose forebrain activity, the rest of me is Type 1. I can almost always remember things afterward, but sometimes it'd better if I didn't...

    1 vote
  8. Comment on Is there such a thing as a "Hispanic" and "Latino" person? in ~life

    It means you speak Spanish natively, and are either in an English speaking country or being referred to by someone who is. People who actually live in Latin America think of themselves as members...

    It means you speak Spanish natively, and are either in an English speaking country or being referred to by someone who is. People who actually live in Latin America think of themselves as members of their country or culture; I don't think there is a big Pan Latin movement.

  9. Comment on What have you been listening to this week? in ~music

    LITE Japanese instrumental math/prog rock, very cerebral and pretty. Shellac - At Action Park Also very cerebral, beautiful in it's own way. Steve Albini is one of a kind. You could not possibly...


    Japanese instrumental math/prog rock, very cerebral and pretty.

    Shellac - At Action Park

    Also very cerebral, beautiful in it's own way. Steve Albini is one of a kind.

    You could not possibly go wrong with anything by either group.

    1 vote
  10. Comment on What are you reading these days? in ~books

    The Road to Oxiana by Robert Byron An English architectural historian has adventures in Iran and Afghanistan in the 1930s. This isn't historical fiction, the book was written then. He conveys a...

    The Road to Oxiana by Robert Byron

    An English architectural historian has adventures in Iran and Afghanistan in the 1930s. This isn't historical fiction, the book was written then. He conveys a sense of awe about how remote and exotic these places were then. You can't have adventures like that anymore. It's in first person, and the author has a great sense of humor and respect for the culture he is studying (not so much respect for the Shah, though).

    1 vote
  11. Comment on Where are you from? in ~talk

    USA, The Commonwealuth of Massachusetts

    USA, The Commonwealuth of Massachusetts

    1 vote
  12. Comment on <deleted topic> in ~tech

    I tried it, I wanted to like it, but the content is not that good, and it was hard to use. I have gone back and looked again when it sends me reminder emails. Nope, still bad.

    I tried it, I wanted to like it, but the content is not that good, and it was hard to use. I have gone back and looked again when it sends me reminder emails. Nope, still bad.

    2 votes
  13. Comment on What did you do this weekend? in ~talk

    My son graduated college in May, and moved away to start his job, last weekend. We're sort of on personal lockdown here, and I was worried it might be completely barren this weekend. I: Power...

    My son graduated college in May, and moved away to start his job, last weekend. We're sort of on personal lockdown here, and I was worried it might be completely barren this weekend. I:

    • Power washed the house trim
    • Went for a long swim
    • Cooked a new dish: Vegan tacos with tofu crumbles
    • Went through a bunch or tutorials on FreeCAD and printed my first design: an eyeglasses case
    • Had a long phone call with my brother

    So it wasn't so bad.

    4 votes
  14. Comment on What do you self host? in ~comp

    Link Parent
    Just curious, how does that work in Europe? I live in the Northeast US, but the two VPSs I have had are in Texas and California, and it really doesn't matter. (Although, I would not visit those...

    Just curious, how does that work in Europe? I live in the Northeast US, but the two VPSs I have had are in Texas and California, and it really doesn't matter. (Although, I would not visit those places right now). How much do privacy laws differ within Europe? Is the bandwidth between Sweden and, say, Germany any less than within the country?

    1 vote
  15. Comment on <deleted topic> in ~finance

    Like this? I have several credit cards entirely for the purpose of getting interest free loans on specific large purchases: items of furniture, a set of tires, etc. These are usually high rate,...

    Like this? I have several credit cards entirely for the purpose of getting interest free loans on specific large purchases: items of furniture, a set of tires, etc. These are usually high rate, bad deals otherwise, with big penalties if you are late on a payment. I auto pay them at minimum amount to maintain the interest free deal, and cancel them after they are paid off.

  16. Comment on What do you self host? in ~comp

    On VPS: A reverse proxy using Alpine Linux and lighttpd with separate containers for: NextCloud on an Ubuntu instance a mail server (prepackaged, modoboa) on Ubuntu RainLoop webmail (because I...

    On VPS:
    A reverse proxy using Alpine Linux and lighttpd with separate containers for:

    • NextCloud on an Ubuntu instance
    • a mail server (prepackaged, modoboa) on Ubuntu
    • RainLoop webmail (because I don't like the one in NextCloud), a DIY front end for a very basic DIY home automation system , abd a git server, all on Alpine
      The containers are done using lxc/lxd
      At home:
    • A UPnP media server on OpenWRT on my router (I dunno, does this count?)
    • The actual home automation system on a Beagle Bone
    • An urbit instance
  17. Comment on What do you self host? in ~comp

    Link Parent
    I would absolutely get a VPS. You can get a system that is legitimately on the Internet, not violating any terms of service, and it's not in your house. If you can handle running a server over an...

    I would absolutely get a VPS. You can get a system that is legitimately on the Internet, not violating any terms of service, and it's not in your house. If you can handle running a server over an ssh connection, it's the way to go. If you can't, AFAIK this is how it's done, you will learn a bunch of useful skills.

    3 votes
  18. Comment on What are you reading these days? in ~books

    Still reading Domesticated: Evolution in a Man-Made World by Richard C. Francis The book covers the history of different domesticated animals: dogs, cats, livestock, and how they have been...

    Still reading Domesticated: Evolution in a Man-Made World by Richard C. Francis
    The book covers the history of different domesticated animals: dogs, cats, livestock, and how they have been genetically affected by domestication. It's in depth, but still very engaging and readable.

    3 votes
  19. Comment on Lightning Bolt - Dead Cowboy @ TAICOCLUB'14 in ~music

    Holy crap, that was intense. I can't believe I had never heard of these guys, them being RISD alumni and all. Thank you!

    Holy crap, that was intense. I can't believe I had never heard of these guys, them being RISD alumni and all. Thank you!

    1 vote
  20. Comment on What did you do this week? in ~talk

    I finished everything I had to do at work, before I left for a week's vacation next week. I exercised every day. Not earth shattering, but, these days, you have to affirm whatever you can...

    I finished everything I had to do at work, before I left for a week's vacation next week. I exercised every day. Not earth shattering, but, these days, you have to affirm whatever you can...

    3 votes