dirthawker's recent activity

  1. Comment on We unleashed Facebook and Instagram’s algorithms on blank accounts. They served up sexism and misogyny. in ~tech

    (edited )
    Link Parent
    What's odd is that there is a more/less prompt, but it only seems to be offered for my friends' posts, not the advertising or the random stuff it puts in my feed. And my feed is such trash....

    What's odd is that there is a more/less prompt, but it only seems to be offered for my friends' posts, not the advertising or the random stuff it puts in my feed.

    And my feed is such trash. "Sponsored" advertising, sure, no way around that. But posts from my friends are heavily outnumbered by random accounts reposting sports and celebrity stuff which I have zero interest in and have never clicked on. I hide these posts and check the "hide all from" option, but it's an unending river of crap that still outnumbers my friends' posts.

    Edit: i double-checked the see more/less and find it is available on the randos. You do have to click the ... menu same as when you want to hide it. However, it's still never offered within the feed for randos, only friends, and if you click the "see less" it says you'll see less for a while. How about permanently, Facebook?

    4 votes
  2. Comment on Donald Trump whisked off stage in Pennsylvania after apparent gunshots rang through the crowd in ~news

    Link Parent
    I've read comments (elsewhere) that suggest that this will make undecided voters really go for Trump now, and that completely mystifies me. He's still the same person he was before,...

    I've read comments (elsewhere) that suggest that this will make undecided voters really go for Trump now, and that completely mystifies me. He's still the same person he was before, accomplishments have not changed, still has the same felonies, is not made instantly smarter or saner or less demented/dementia'd by an attempted assassination.

    I suppose anyone who is still undecided is an average dumb voter, so maybe?

    33 votes
  3. Comment on Patelco makes minor restorations but no end near for crippling credit union cyber attack in ~finance

    President Erin Mendez has been sending almost-daily emails to update the situation and reassure customers: As of Friday the following are available, according to the email

    President Erin Mendez has been sending almost-daily emails to update the situation and reassure customers:

    Our commitment to helping you through this outage

    • Fee Reimbursement – we will reimburse late fees, non-Patelco ATM fees, or overdraft fees incurred because of this incident
    • Late Payment Support – if late payments impact your credit score, we will provide letter(s) on your behalf
    • Patelco Loans Assistance – if you have a Patelco loan or credit card, you will not incur fees, be penalized, or reported late because of missed payments while our systems are down"

    As of Friday the following are available, according to the email

    • Patelco checks you write
    • Debit and credit cards (limits apply)
    • Direct Deposit(s)
    • Check and cash deposits
    • Bill Pay payments (previously scheduled)
    • ACH for bills – like cable bills, rent/mortgage, gym, subscriptions, etc.
    • ACH transfers initiated at other banks or credit unions
    • Venmo and PayPal to/from your Patelco account
    4 votes
  4. Comment on Should I be friends with this person? in ~life

    I know it's flattering to feel desired and to want to reciprocate, but I get red flags on this, it feels to me like this woman is wanting to get her ego stroked, and she recruited her friend to...

    I know it's flattering to feel desired and to want to reciprocate, but I get red flags on this, it feels to me like this woman is wanting to get her ego stroked, and she recruited her friend to help. I'm the sort of person who will walk away from relationships (platonic and not, but doing so is easier if platonic, of course) if I feel uncomfortable or like I'm being used. I haven't had to do that with a co-worker so I'm not sure I could advise there. But if it were me I would just shut it down, minimize contact, and keep work professional as possible.

    11 votes
  5. Comment on Does anyone have the right to sex? [2018] in ~life

    Link Parent
    To think that rape is a form of sexual activity that should be acceptable to, and cancels out incel-hood for, women, yet have these impossible standards about which women are acceptable to them...

    To think that rape is a form of sexual activity that should be acceptable to, and cancels out incel-hood for, women, yet have these impossible standards about which women are acceptable to them for sex -- that is seriously messed up. It seems like they actually want to stay incels and feel like martyrs for it.

    5 votes
  6. Comment on Does anyone have the right to sex? [2018] in ~life

    Link Parent
    Do incels reject the possibility of hiring prostitutes for sex? Do they reject the possibility of having sex with women who are average or less than average in appearance? One of the things that...

    Do incels reject the possibility of hiring prostitutes for sex? Do they reject the possibility of having sex with women who are average or less than average in appearance? One of the things that jumped out to me about the Rodgers story was his desire for, and the sense that he deserved, the most attractive women.

    7 votes
  7. Comment on How are you dealing with AI generated results in your searches? in ~tech

    AI does not give me good results for the things I'm searching for, so I turned it off following instructions in this Ars Technica article.

    AI does not give me good results for the things I'm searching for, so I turned it off following instructions in this Ars Technica article.

    1 vote
  8. Comment on Amazon returns have gone to hell in ~tech

    Link Parent
    I disagree. If something is not accurately described, why should the buyer just roll over and accept the product as a punishment for the stupidity of buying from Amazon? I was on the hunt recently...

    I disagree. If something is not accurately described, why should the buyer just roll over and accept the product as a punishment for the stupidity of buying from Amazon?

    I was on the hunt recently for a dress. I have a strong preference for cotton, but a huge number of dresses with "cotton" in the description line actually don't have any. There might be the correct fabric blend in the details, or it might be mentioned in the customer reviews. But if I'm led to believe it's cotton and it turns out not to be, you bet I'm going to return it and complain about the erroneous description, because the seller should be accurate about what they're selling.

    5 votes
  9. Comment on What is your opinion on Dan Brown novels? in ~books

    I always considered Dan Brown to be light airport reading. His characters explain stuff to the reader in a manner completely inconsistent with natural dialogue. If you've been distracted by having...

    I always considered Dan Brown to be light airport reading. His characters explain stuff to the reader in a manner completely inconsistent with natural dialogue. If you've been distracted by having to look up your gate number on the departures board or find your way somewhere, there's no need to flip back to catch up, his characters will remind you of what's been happening. The stories are okay but just the way they're written keeps me from considering them to be good.

    3 votes
  10. Comment on Recipes for chicken thighs in ~food

    Link Parent
    Thanks very much! i think this will work since my better half is sometimes willing to eat things if they're not prominently visible as something he will reject. E.g. doesn't eat scrambled eggs,...

    Thanks very much! i think this will work since my better half is sometimes willing to eat things if they're not prominently visible as something he will reject. E.g. doesn't eat scrambled eggs, but bits of scrambled egg in fried rice is fine.

    And thanks for the tagine with apricots link. I actually quite often make the Bobby Flay version of that dish

    1 vote
  11. Comment on Recipes for chicken thighs in ~food

    Link Parent
    This looks really good, but would you happen to know if there's some substitute for olives? Hubs doesn't like them.

    This looks really good, but would you happen to know if there's some substitute for olives? Hubs doesn't like them.

  12. Comment on Does anyone else have succulents? in ~hobbies

    I have more or less three, all of which I proplifted: Carpobrotus edulis aka magic carpet, small pink flowers, loves sun, grows pretty readily, invasive to CA. I started a couple patches on my...

    I have more or less three, all of which I proplifted:

    Carpobrotus edulis aka magic carpet, small pink flowers, loves sun, grows pretty readily, invasive to CA. I started a couple patches on my front lawn, with the intention to replace the entire lawn with it, but that's a lot of work, and it seems to prefer to grow over rocks (including the driveway concrete) rather than into the dirt area. Swiped from Pacific Grove coastline.

    The other one I'm not sure what it is, it may be a Graptosedum or Echeveria. It's in a bowl and I think it's probably getting too much sun since none of them have grown very large. Swiped from a Greek restaurant.

    Also have a couple of jade plants. They don't need much care (honestly none of them do, that's kinda how I roll with plants) and they flower every year. Swiped from my mom's house.

    4 votes
  13. Comment on California junk fee ban could upend restaurant industry in ~food

    Link Parent
    I'd see that as a reason for customers to never come back after seeing their bill unexpectedly jacked up by 20% or more at the end of the meal.

    I'd see that as a reason for customers to never come back after seeing their bill unexpectedly jacked up by 20% or more at the end of the meal.

    9 votes
  14. Comment on Making tough decisions: what’s your go-to approach? in ~talk

    Link Parent
    Haha, the coin flip is exactly what I do to clarify my feelings! That little pinch of disappointment or happiness at the result tells all.

    Haha, the coin flip is exactly what I do to clarify my feelings! That little pinch of disappointment or happiness at the result tells all.

    4 votes
  15. Comment on Duty to Warn's John Gartner breaks down Donald Trump's cognitive decline in ~health.mental

    Link Parent
    There's a clinical definition for "confusion" which is a profound affliction and contrasts with mere forgetfulness, and it's this definition that's being used in the quote rather than the...

    There's a clinical definition for "confusion" which is a profound affliction and contrasts with mere forgetfulness, and it's this definition that's being used in the quote rather than the conversational use of the word.

    9 votes
  16. Comment on Duty to Warn's John Gartner breaks down Donald Trump's cognitive decline in ~health.mental

    While both men have declined from where they were 15 or 20 years ago, that doesn't make their issues equal. From the article: "Forgetting the name of the president of France isn’t the same as...

    While both men have declined from where they were 15 or 20 years ago, that doesn't make their issues equal.
    From the article: "Forgetting the name of the president of France isn’t the same as thinking Obama is president or that Nikki Haley and Nancy Pelosi are one person. [...] Forgetting names and dates is normal for people who are aging, like Joe Biden, and me, and millions of others. By stark contrast, the Dementia Care Society says “confusing people and generations” is a sign of advanced dementia. And this is the type of profound memory disturbance we’re seeing in Trump."

    25 votes
  17. Comment on The Yorkshire Pudding recipe battle royale in ~food

    Link Parent
    I would call them "wells" but I'm not sure if I've ever seen them described.

    I would call them "wells" but I'm not sure if I've ever seen them described.

    1 vote
  18. Comment on Does anyone else have really strange FedEx driver stories? in ~talk

    (edited )
    Link Parent
    At the beginning of this year I had UPS fail me. They're usually very good. I ordered a laptop, ~$1500, from Best Buy. I was out of town, but there was an option to choose ship date, so it was...

    At the beginning of this year I had UPS fail me. They're usually very good.

    I ordered a laptop, ~$1500, from Best Buy. I was out of town, but there was an option to choose ship date, so it was supposed to arrive the day after I came home. For some reason that failed, and the UPS driver brought it 2 days before I was coming home. This was also a signature item, and she put it on the doorstep, knocked on the door and immediately left.

    Fortunately I have good neighbors -- I called them and they put the package in the shed in my backyard for me.

    3 votes
  19. Comment on 12-year-old student opened fire at a secondary school in southern Finland on Tuesday morning, killing one and seriously wounding two other students, police said in ~news

    Link Parent
    Hunting is really becoming a niche sport, sadly. My personal take on the second amendment is that we should allow people to have as many firearms as they want, provided they are functionally...

    Hunting is really becoming a niche sport, sadly. My personal take on the second amendment is that we should allow people to have as many firearms as they want, provided they are functionally identical to what was commonly available in 1791, like single shot flintlocks. I'm somewhat jesting, but only somewhat.

    5 votes