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Comment on Audio enthusiasts share your audio setups in ~hobbies
Comment on Dystopian book recommendations in ~books
drdna Additionally, since no one else has mentioned them yet: WE by Yevgeny Zamyatin Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess The Machine Stops by EM Forster Erewhon by...Additionally, since no one else has mentioned them yet:
WE by Yevgeny Zamyatin
Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift
A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess
The Machine Stops by EM Forster
Erewhon by Samuel Butler
Flow My Tears The Policeman Said by Philip K Dick (and everything else he wrote...)
The Time Machine by HG Wells (also When the Sleeper Wakes)
Player Piano by Kurt Vonnegut
Colossus by DF JonesAnd though you didn't ask, some excellent dystopian films:
Serious films:
Soylent Green
Code 46Fun Films:
Blade Runner
Mad Max
Zardoz -
Comment on How to cook the perfect boiled egg, according to science in ~food
drdna Yes, here is my method that achieves 90% of the results in a fraction of the time. It was with great interest that I read the recent publication: Di Lorenzo, E., Romano, F., Ciriaco, L. et al....Yes, here is my method that achieves 90% of the results in a fraction of the time.
It was with great interest that I read the recent publication:
Di Lorenzo, E., Romano, F., Ciriaco, L. et al. Periodic cooking of eggs. Commun Eng 4, 5 (2025). https://doi.org/10.1038/s44172-024-00334-w
Overall, I was very impressed with the extensive research done on this whimsical topic. However, as with most methodologies, this one also neglects the effect of the volume of the individual egg, which can be approximated by the individual egg’s weight. Ignoring this factor is less critical in the Periodic Method, since a stationary state of temperature is reached in the yolk phase, but it may still affect the cooking of the albumen. To ensure ideal cooking of the albumen, we suggest that it may be beneficial to consider the individual egg volume.
For example, in my own soft-boiled method, individual egg weight is utilized to ensure even cooking:
Weigh eggs and sort by weight.
Boil water (use >500 mL/egg ).
To boiling water, add eggs from heaviest to lightest, at 7.5 sec. interval/gram wt. difference.
— e.g.,
Add a 65 gram egg at Time Zero
then a 64 gram egg at +7.5 seconds
then a 61 gram egg at +30 seconds
Keep water boiling (temperature above 175°F (80°C).)
Total immersion time = 7.5 * (weight in grams of heaviest egg) seconds.
— e.g., If the heaviest egg is 64 grams, the total time is 480 sec. (8 minutes).
*subtract 15 seconds for runny yolk
When done, drain and immerse in cool water for a few minutes. -
Comment on How well do you cook? in ~life.men
drdna Other folks say I cook quite well. I spent many years in the kitchen with my mother growing up learning how to cook basic things, like how to make ravioli or how to decorate cakes, but it was when...Other folks say I cook quite well. I spent many years in the kitchen with my mother growing up learning how to cook basic things, like how to make ravioli or how to decorate cakes, but it was when I went to university and found the book Professional Cooking (which became my Bible) that I truly began to explore cooking. By my 20’s, I was cooking well enough to impress all my friends. Now, in my 50’s, I can cook virtually anything. I rarely enjoy going to restaurants except for the atmosphere, since I know I can do a better job in producing aesthetically and gastronomically better food. I’ll go when the dishes are ones that just take an impractical amount of time to make, the atmosphere is charming, or the restaurant can get ingredients that I cannot. I enjoy fine dining, but I also know that I can produce the same result at home, and I will do soon holidays or special occasions for family and friends. There is no magic to haute cuisine. It is simply a matter of being willing to learn and then practicing.
Comment on Looking for interesting or unconventional wedding ring jewelers/designers in ~design
drdna If you're a fan of Tolkien's Lord of the Rings, Jens Hansen has a variety of LOTR-inspired wedding rings worth checking out. That's what I did for my wedding!If you're a fan of Tolkien's Lord of the Rings, Jens Hansen has a variety of LOTR-inspired wedding rings worth checking out. That's what I did for my wedding!
Comment on Any experience with abdominal aortic aneurysm surgery? in ~health
drdna As an anesthesiologist who has administered the anesthesia for these operations, I remember when the endovascular stent technique first started being done. It was so easy, and was basically like a...As an anesthesiologist who has administered the anesthesia for these operations, I remember when the endovascular stent technique first started being done. It was so easy, and was basically like a very minor procedure, when compared to the open surgical technique, which requires much longer and demands a lot more anesthetic management of hemodynamic shifts.
It is always best to do these procedures before they become emergencies, and the endovascular stent technique is very straightforward. No surgery is ever without risk, but it sounds like you are in good hands with an experienced surgeon.
Comment on San Francisco sues Oakland over proposed airport name change in ~transport
drdna I live in San Francisco, and I don't think the name change is a good idea, largely because if you search on line to buy tickets, you will routinely be offered the option of flying into nearby...I live in San Francisco, and I don't think the name change is a good idea, largely because if you search on line to buy tickets, you will routinely be offered the option of flying into nearby airports like Oakland and San Jose. It's not as if the vast majority of people are unaware when making flight arrangements that these airports are in the Bay Area.
The expense of changing all the signs and so forth seems to be a huge venture that would likely net very few additional travelers coming to OAK, while simultaneously generating ill will between Oakland and San Francisco.
Comment on I donated platelets for the first time! in ~health
drdna It would be the same for any blood product. The main concern is that some of the medication you take remains in the blood products and may adversely affect the person who receives the blood product.It would be the same for any blood product. The main concern is that some of the medication you take remains in the blood products and may adversely affect the person who receives the blood product.
Comment on First of YouTuber Joel Haver's "12 Feature-Length Films in 12 Months" released in ~movies
drdna Joel talks about his latest film in this video. This comedic film brings back many familiar faces in a film that re-visits a character from Joel's shorts. While I personally enjoyed the film, it...Joel talks about his latest film in this video. This comedic film brings back many familiar faces in a film that re-visits a character from Joel's shorts. While I personally enjoyed the film, it has clear limitations, suffering from many of same troubles that any feature-length film based on characters from 30-minute TV series does. In addition, it goes without saying that the severe constraints of completing the entire production of the film within a month necessarily leave their mark on the finished product. I actually find it quire impressive that the structure of the film with its multiple story arcs, foreshadowing, and deus-ex-machina ending all with comedic overtones nevertheless yield an interesting if lighthearted character study.
In reference to Joel's other films, the basic structure and style is consistent with his other films, though many of his other feature length films are more profound and more satisfying to me. If you enjoy the films of Jon Jost or Aki Kaurismäki, you may find it worth your while to dig a bit deeper into Joel Haver's oeuvre.
Comment on First of YouTuber Joel Haver's "12 Feature-Length Films in 12 Months" released in ~movies
drdna I first discovered Joel Haver's amazing work a couple years ago when he made Pretend That You Love Me in 2020, which remains one of my favorites. Joel Haver is a Canadian filmmaker who released...I first discovered Joel Haver's amazing work a couple years ago when he made Pretend That You Love Me in 2020, which remains one of my favorites.
Joel Haver is a Canadian filmmaker who released his films free on YouTube. His work is stark and iconoclastic, no-budget in the best possible way. It takes a bit of getting used to, but I was reminded of my own forays into filmmaking when I was in high school, and if you are a fan of spartan independent films (think: Ingmar Bergman's Scenes From A Marriage or Jon Jost's All The Vermeers in New York -- then you might just love Joel Haver's films. Another of of my personal favorite of Haver's films is We Have To Leave Here Together with its unique mixture of deadpan humor and bittersweet exploration of relationships. In my opinion, Haver is one of the most under-recognized filmmakers active today, continuing to make quirky yet remarkable films with excellent staging, storyboarding, cinematography, and editing on a shoestring budget.
His latest effort is to make a series of 12 feature length films in the next twelve months (a la Fassbinder), and I'm really looking forward to seeing what comes out of this!
Phono Cartridges: London Reference and London Jubilee
Phono Turntable: Well Tempered Turntable and Garrard 301
Tuner: Sansui TU-X1
Cassette: Nakamichi RX-505
Phono Pre-Amps: Threshold FET-10 and EAR 834
Preamp: Custom made passive preamplifier
cables: handmade cables
Amplifier: Wellborne Moondog 2A3 Monoblock SET
Speakers: Edgarhorn Titans and Carfrae Little Big Horn speakers
I have customized everything in my system, and I am very happy with the sound.
Planned for the future: