fazit's recent activity

  1. Comment on How do you organize your phone's home screens and apps? in ~tech

    Link Parent
    Yeah it is a rather hidden feature, and if it wasn't for me trying out focus mode for work I would have never found it out. It's been really useful for me!

    Yeah it is a rather hidden feature, and if it wasn't for me trying out focus mode for work I would have never found it out. It's been really useful for me!

    1 vote
  2. Comment on How do you organize your phone's home screens and apps? in ~tech

    I haven't seen anybody comment on how great the Focus feature is for organising their screens in iOS, so I'll briefly explain my workflow. I have six different screens for different occasions:...

    I haven't seen anybody comment on how great the Focus feature is for organising their screens in iOS, so I'll briefly explain my workflow.

    I have six different screens for different occasions:

    • work
    • gym
    • free time
    • vacation
    • at home
    • sleep

    These screens contain specific apps and widgets that I need in the context:
    work has an email and calendar widget, MFA Apps and Teams. Notifications for all other apps are silent.
    Gym has Spotify, some Timer Shortcuts as well as my workout app and so on.
    Home has social apps, Books and Home Assistant Widgets.
    Sleep has Spotify, a guided meditation app and notes, that's it.
    You get the idea.

    What is great about the focus mode, is that you can set it to hide all screens you don't need for the current focus. And you can geofence the activation of focus modes as well as time constrain it. You can also change the wallpaper to something fitting.

    This workflow totally changed how I interact with my phone, and I can recommend it to every iPhone user to at least try it.

    3 votes
  3. Comment on What are your favourite bean recipes? in ~food

    Link Parent
    I also discovered this recipe, although I use Kenji's variation. I think I like his style more because of the ungodly amount of garlic, that is also minced with a microplane for maximum effect....

    I also discovered this recipe, although I use Kenji's variation. I think I like his style more because of the ungodly amount of garlic, that is also minced with a microplane for maximum effect. Since I'm mostly a vegetarian I substitute chicken broth for a high quality store bought vegetable stock.

    It's super easy to cook and my SO requests it once per week.

    1 vote
  4. Comment on Anyone here have a home carbonation system (SodaStream, DrinkMate, Aarke, etc.)? in ~food

    We just had a thread about this topic: https://tildes.net/~food/175c/questions_for_sodastream_users There's a lot of info about different flavours and so on.

    We just had a thread about this topic:

    There's a lot of info about different flavours and so on.

    20 votes
  5. Comment on What's a mechanic that you used to dislike when introduced, but now that it's common you prefer having it in ~games

    Link Parent
    I remember that you had to earn your saves in Resident Evil! You had to find these ribbons for a typewriter and then had a save that you could use later on. Can't say that I miss that, though.

    I remember that you had to earn your saves in Resident Evil! You had to find these ribbons for a typewriter and then had a save that you could use later on.

    Can't say that I miss that, though.

    2 votes
  6. Comment on What do you use to journal with? in ~tech

    Link Parent
    Beautiful, just what I like: small vignettes that allow for a glimpse in another persons life!

    Beautiful, just what I like: small vignettes that allow for a glimpse in another persons life!

    1 vote
  7. Comment on What do you use to journal with? in ~tech

    Link Parent
    I do just the same thing! I feel fairly optimistic that Google will not kill Keep, since it must be such low maintenance app for them. What sucks about this solution is that there is no way to...

    I do just the same thing! I feel fairly optimistic that Google will not kill Keep, since it must be such low maintenance app for them. What sucks about this solution is that there is no way to sensibly create a link between multiple notes, apart form giving them the same tag. Also I feel some metadata is not as easily accessible like it should be - creation date being one of them.

    I actually also keep a tag "Good Stories" that I fill with all the stuff that happens to me or friends during our time on this rock in space, and I find myself frequently revisiting them and having a lough about the absurdities that life holds in store sometimes.

    I'm a bit curious now - would you like to share a tale or two?

    1 vote
  8. Comment on One dead, at least twenty-two wounded in mass shooting at Juneteenth celebration in Illinois in ~news

    Link Parent
    Wow. As an European, this is mind bending. I always knew that it was easy to acquire a gun in the states, but somehow I always assumed, that this means it is easy as in "taking a drivers test",...

    there are no real barriers to entry to getting virtually any type of weapon that you could want other than money

    Wow. As an European, this is mind bending.
    I always knew that it was easy to acquire a gun in the states, but somehow I always assumed, that this means it is easy as in "taking a drivers test", not as in "getting some takeout".

    A friend of mine recently got his hunters license, which entails a multi week course in flora and fauna and multiple lessons in gun safety before they were even allowed near a gun. After finishing both a practical and theoretical exam, he can now legally acquire some long weapons like rifles, as long as they aren't automatic.
    This is in Germany by the way.

    9 votes
  9. Comment on What are some more obscure hobbies you enjoy? in ~hobbies

    Link Parent
    With Strudel, you don't even need to setup your environment, but can start experimenting right out of your browser environment: https://strudel.tidalcycles.org/ It is under active development, so...

    With Strudel, you don't even need to setup your environment, but can start experimenting right out of your browser environment:
    It is under active development, so there may be breaking changes, but if you just want to get started without installing anything, this is the way!

    It is immensly fun, although I am humbled yet again that I do not have a musical bone in my body.

  10. Comment on What programming/technical projects have you been working on? in ~comp

    I'm trying to build a report for Jasper Reports with iReports Designer, for our companies ERP System. At first it was really, really confusing. But after a day fiddeling with it, it all starts to...

    I'm trying to build a report for Jasper Reports with iReports Designer, for our companies ERP System.

    At first it was really, really confusing. But after a day fiddeling with it, it all starts to make sense, more or less. One problem is that our software version is quite old, and the documentation and forums are quite mangled by a few redesigns of the Jaspersoft Community website.

    It feels like the very early days of programming again: "Oh, I guess I have to copypaste this incantation if I want to pass a parameter to a subreport. Oh, and this one, too!", "Interesting, if I put the element above this blue line, it's only printed once. If I put it below, it gets repeated for every row in the SQL query!" and so on.

    If anybody knows any good tutorials or ressources about Jasper/iReports, please throw them my way! ChatGPT wasn't a lot of help here...

    2 votes
  11. Comment on Megathread #6 for news/updates/discussion of AI chatbots and image generators in ~tech

    Link Parent
    This is getting a lot of attention here in Germany. Michael Schuhmacher is somewhat of a national icon, and after his tragic accident the whole rainbow-press (thats what we call it here, idk if...

    This is getting a lot of attention here in Germany.

    Michael Schuhmacher is somewhat of a national icon, and after his tragic accident the whole rainbow-press (thats what we call it here, idk if that translates well, I guess tabloids?) went after him like vultures. To no avail: The family is famously tight lipped about his condition and no details are getting out.

    And now this happened. It must be really hurtful for the family and friends, and I hope they sue this magazine into oblivion - but then again, I really don't know what the legal course of action will be, I mean, this is kinda like fan-fiction? And their framing on the cover more or less tells you that it isn't a real interview. It will be interesting to see how this pans out.

    4 votes
  12. Comment on Introductions | April 2023 in ~talk

    Fazit, he/him, one of many online handles that I frequently reuse since getting online the first time in ~2004. I am from Germany, a mechanical engineer by education, but a strong inclination...

    Fazit, he/him, one of many online handles that I frequently reuse since getting online the first time in ~2004. I am from Germany, a mechanical engineer by education, but a strong inclination towards building half-assed software. I do some artsy stuff like building LED lighting installations for festivals, I read quite a bit, enjoy hiking, sailing, climbing. I'm in a transition period from late adolescence into real adulthood and currently struggle a lot with the question of whether to have children or not.

    I like to pick up hobbies and get okay-ish at them, and then move on to the next, so I'm a bit of a jack-of-all-trades-master-of-none. So far I got "okay" in: skateboarding, climbing, bouldering, chess, squash, juggling, diabolo, programming, journaling, snowboarding, skiing, sailing, surfing, bondage, settlers of catan, table tennis, foosball (the table thing), mixing cocktails, cooking, self-hosting, calisthenics...

    I'm sometimes a bit sad that most interesting online communities like this one are very US-centric, so if another european would like to point out similiar communities in spirit, I would be glad. This does not imply that I don't enjoy my stay here - quite the contrary, I like the slow pace, the small amount of politics, the nice community activities (although I oculdn't joint so far)... it's beautiful here!

    9 votes
  13. Comment on What have you been eating, drinking, and cooking? in ~food

    Link Parent
    Great software, blazingly fast and it also gets rid of the ads (or was that my adblocker?) - thank you for the recommendation!

    Great software, blazingly fast and it also gets rid of the ads (or was that my adblocker?) - thank you for the recommendation!

    1 vote
  14. Comment on What have you been eating, drinking, and cooking? in ~food

    Link Parent
    I use keep for just about everything that I want to write down in my life. Journaling, Recipes, Packing Lists, To Dos, Books I want to read... everything. That being said, I recently felt that it...

    I use keep for just about everything that I want to write down in my life. Journaling, Recipes, Packing Lists, To Dos, Books I want to read... everything.

    That being said, I recently felt that it lacks some nice features for organizing recipes. Mainly:

    • No tables. This sucks for ingredient lists.
    • No sections/subheaders. A longer recipe with multiple steps turns into a lot of visual clutter
    • No hard-copy of links. I can save a link to Keep, but it only saves the link and the page header. I've been bitten by this before and would really like to have a solution that also hard-copies the page content, like OneNote does.

    Apart from that I have to say that Google Keep has some nice automatic tagging. If I search for "recipe" in my Keep, I get all the recipes, not only the ones that are explicitly tagged as recipe or have the word turn up somewhere. Apparently, Google recognizes the format.

    1 vote
  15. Comment on i.reddit.com (aka .compact) appears to be gone in ~tech

    It is really sad to see it go away. For me, i.reddit.com provided just enough friction to keep me from endlessly consuming content compared to Reddit is Fun or AlienBlue, while also not confining...

    It is really sad to see it go away.

    For me, i.reddit.com provided just enough friction to keep me from endlessly consuming content compared to Reddit is Fun or AlienBlue, while also not confining me to the ad-riddled, sluggish "experience" of the native website.

    I guess I will just stick to visiting some dear communities like /r/factorio, /r/arduino or /r/python via old.reddit.com and rarely visit the frontpage. That's probably a better use of my time anyway.

    7 votes
  16. Comment on What are you reading these days? in ~books

    Link Parent
    Thanks for the encouragement! I'm really enjoying the novel so far. I decided to dive into the Discworld novels after reading a quote somewhere that deeply resonated with me: After looking up this...

    Thanks for the encouragement! I'm really enjoying the novel so far.

    I decided to dive into the Discworld novels after reading a quote somewhere that deeply resonated with me:

    "[...] And sin, young man, is when you treat people like things. Including yourself. That's what sin is."
    "It's a lot more complicated than that--"
    "No. It ain't. When people say things are a lot more complicated than that, they means they're getting worried that they won't like the truth. People as things, that's where it starts."
    "Oh, I'm sure there are worse crimes--"
    "But they starts with thinking about people as things..."
    -- Carpe Jugulum, by Terry Pratchett

    After looking up this picture on wikipedia: Discworld Reading Order Guide I decdided to start with the first starter novel in the branch that Terry Pratchett picked his starter novel from.

    Let's see where it takes me!

    2 votes
  17. Comment on What are you reading these days? in ~books

    I am halfway through the first discworld novel The Color of Magic. It is wonderfully entertaining, although I have to admit that I sometimes struggle with books where every character has a weird...

    I am halfway through the first discworld novel The Color of Magic. It is wonderfully entertaining, although I have to admit that I sometimes struggle with books where every character has a weird name - and there are plenty in this book. Then again I guess it makes sense for a failed wizard to be called Rincewind instead of something like Thomas.
    (It's the same reason why I struggle with russian novels - while I thought that Nochnoi Dozor - Night Watch was captivating and really suspenseful, I frequently tripped over all the -witsch and -novs and their respectable diminuatives (Alexei is Sascha in some contexts - that was a real revelation when I finally learned that its the same person...) so it took me waaaay longer to read than usual.)

    I really like the character of Death and all the "real world stuff in magical context"-things like the picturebox or Twoflowser failure to anticipate insurance fraud. Had a lot of laughs so far!

    6 votes
  18. Comment on Day 1: Calorie Counting in ~comp

    (edited )
    All my Javascript friends do oneliners with map and reduce, so I had to give it a try in python: Python oneliners print(max([reduce(lambda tot, cal: int(int(tot)+int(cal)), map(int,...

    All my Javascript friends do oneliners with map and reduce, so I had to give it a try in python:

    Python oneliners
    print(max([reduce(lambda tot, cal: int(int(tot)+int(cal)), map(int, elv.split('\n'))) for elv in input_str.split('\n\n')]))
    print(sum(sorted([reduce(lambda tot, cal: int(int(tot)+int(cal)), map(int, elv.split('\n'))) for elv in input_str.split('\n\n')])[-3:]))
    1 vote
  19. Comment on Day 2: Rock Paper Scissors in ~comp

    (edited )
    That was interesting. At first I thought I could find a matrix that gives me the shape output for the desired outcome, but that proved cumbersome. Then I decided I can just search for the desired...

    That was interesting. At first I thought I could find a matrix that gives me the shape output for the desired outcome, but that proved cumbersome.
    Then I decided I can just search for the desired outcome and then get the right shape.
    I had to refactor my outcome matrix for part 2, since it was set up the other way round, and checking over multiple lists which result fits my desired outcome seems ugly.

    with open('./02/input.txt', 'r') as f:
        strategy_guide = f.readlines()
    # Opponent Move: Row, Player Move: Column
    #           Rock    Paper   Scissor
    # Rock      3
    # Paper             3
    # Scissor                       3
    outcome_matrix = [
        [3, 6, 0],
        [0, 3, 6],
        [6, 0, 3]
    shape_reward = [1, 2, 3]
    LUT_RPS_1 = {
        'A': 0,
        'B': 1,
        'C': 2,
        'X': 0,
        'Y': 1,
        'Z': 2
    def reward_function(game_str: str) -> int:
        opponent, player = game_str.replace("\n", "").split(" ")
        opponent_play = LUT_RPS_1[opponent]
        player_play = LUT_RPS_1[player]
        outcome = outcome_matrix[opponent_play][player_play]
        shape_bonus = shape_reward[player_play]
        score = outcome + shape_bonus
        return score
    scores = [reward_function(game_str) for game_str in strategy_guide]
    total_score = sum(scores)
    print(f"Total score for Part 1: {total_score}")
    LUT_outcome = {
        'X': 0,
        'Y': 3,
        'Z': 6
    def find_player_shape_score(opponent, outcome) -> int:
        opponent_play = LUT_RPS_1[opponent]
        desired_outcome = LUT_outcome[outcome]
        player_shape_idx = outcome_matrix[opponent_play].index(desired_outcome)  #CPU cycles are cheap, my time is not
        shape_bonus = shape_reward[player_shape_idx]
        return shape_bonus
    def reward_function_2(game_str: str) -> int:
        opponent, outcome = game_str.replace("\n", "").split(" ")
        outcome_score = LUT_outcome[outcome]
        shape_score = find_player_shape_score(opponent, outcome)
        score = outcome_score + shape_score
        return score
    scores_2 = [reward_function_2(game_str) for game_str in strategy_guide]
    total_score_2 = sum(scores_2)
    print(f"Total score for Part 2: {total_score_2}")
    3 votes
  20. Comment on What are the top five software apps you benefit the most from? in ~tech

    Link Parent
    I'm intrigued by autohotkey. Can you recommend some resources where I can read up on its uses? The first thing that comes in mind is auto-expanding my email and address while signing up for stuff,...


    I'm intrigued by autohotkey. Can you recommend some resources where I can read up on its uses? The first thing that comes in mind is auto-expanding my email and address while signing up for stuff, but that is not enough to justify a continuously running software that hooks my keyboard.

    Is it powerful enough to automate some copy paste jobs like string splitting etc? What are your few dozen other things?

    2 votes