havoc's recent activity
Comment on Reddit has banned r/watchpeopledie in ~tech
These eleven companies control everything about the Fourth of July
7 votes -
Thai cave rescue: What next for the trapped boys?
6 votes -
Comment on A Polish environmental group placed a GPS tracker on the back of a stork, it lost the tracker in Sudan, and then someone put the sim card in their own phone and racked up hours worth of phone calls in ~misc
havoc funny, anecdote, blog, poland, sudan, stork, bird migration, sim, gps, trackingfunny, anecdote, blog, poland, sudan, stork, bird migration, sim, gps, tracking
Comment on The ad-based internet is dead but not because of privacy regulations in ~tech
havoc Yeah, Yen didn't exactly explain how encryption is supposed to affect the ad market, tracking or personal data collection. He just threw in completely uncorrelated statistics to drive his point,...Yeah, Yen didn't exactly explain how encryption is supposed to affect the ad market, tracking or personal data collection. He just threw in completely uncorrelated statistics to drive his point, which seems to be: encryption equals privacy, so use ProtonMail.
That people increasingly make more privacy-conscious purchases and choices would be a much better argument. It is not on a scale which could destroy the ad-market, however.
Comment on Comcast starts throttling mobile video, will charge extra for HD streams and full-speed tethering in ~tech
havoc Depends whether the restrictions are selective to data traffic or a general limitation to the available bandwidth based on your tariff. If it's the former, it may be of value to find out what the...Depends whether the restrictions are selective to data traffic or a general limitation to the available bandwidth based on your tariff.
If it's the former, it may be of value to find out what the exact procedure is, so one might even be able to avoid the restrictions without relying on a third party service.
It seems this is actually Verizon's doing and all the MVNOs (have to?) follow suit, and T-Mobile also has a version of this. So changing the provider may not be a worthwhile option.
Comment on What do you hope to see, content-wise, from Tildes? in ~tildes
havoc There's r/iamverysmart behavior on tildes, what DanBC said is not part of it. Rather, like crius, you, too, tend to gate-keeping in this thread, just from a different perspective. While you're...There's r/iamverysmart behavior on tildes, what DanBC said is not part of it.
Rather, like crius, you, too, tend to gate-keeping in this thread, just from a different perspective.While you're right ~talk is for both casual and serious threads, casual does not imply low effort; and all that people want here is that everyone shows some recognizable effort.
You are free to mass submit links, but you put effort into the selection, tagging, and maybe the titles if the original ones don't fit.
If it's a casual question, you know that those tend to be low quality so you ensure it adds some value in its own right. And so on.Lastly, just as you evaluate how a particular sub on Reddit is going to respond to your submission, you also take this site's communities' expectations into account--which are currently fairly uniform. When you're leading with jargon or memeish fluff with no obvious context, it shows either you don't care about this place, or you're likely intentionally baiting.
Comment on What do you hope to see, content-wise, from Tildes? in ~tildes
havoc Just as https://docs.tildes.net/ explain, everything's on https://gitlab.com/tildes/tildes/issues/Just as https://docs.tildes.net/ explain, everything's on https://gitlab.com/tildes/tildes/issues/
Comment on Pixar's dumpling short "Bao" is polarizing audiences with cultural themes in ~movies
havoc (edited )LinkIn other words, people's brain cells have been roasted? If there really was a lot of such reactions, probably, but I doubt it is justified to push all responsibility to Hollywood in the age of the...But the employment of a white, mostly male perspective throughout most of American movie history means audiences have been weaned to expect one set of values for years.
In other words, people's brain cells have been roasted? If there really was a lot of such reactions, probably, but I doubt it is justified to push all responsibility to Hollywood in the age of the internet.
Anyway, there is absolutely nothing in this short that requires any awareness or knowledge of foreign culture, just the ability to connect dots and empathy.
I can image groups of teenagers planning to watch the Incredibles wouldn't care much about a sentimental short, but there is no excuse for not understanding what was going on. So talking about a polarizing cultural divide serves merely as an excuse and there is no need to support that notion any further. -
Comment on Distinguishing between "invite" (as a noun) and "invitation" (also as a noun). in ~talk
havoc What you claim invite stands for that is the part of the continued meaning of invitation. Also, especially if it isn't codified, yet, you need to source your claims and reasoning. The only...What you claim invite stands for that is the part of the continued meaning of invitation.
Also, especially if it isn't codified, yet, you need to source your claims and reasoning.The only evolving part I see is that invite might eventually ascend from its colloquial status due to its popularity.
Comment on How come seven people (the US Supreme Court) can have so much power? in ~society
Comment on We hired a man and a "girl" in ~tech
havoc You're talking about business activities while /u/aphoenix is referring to usage among friends and family. That's a completely different context, hence the reason both of you are correct. As far...You're talking about business activities while /u/aphoenix is referring to usage among friends and family. That's a completely different context, hence the reason both of you are correct.
As far as I know it is not regional. What is regional is the usage of less formal, more casual or even colloquial language at work.
'Girl' can definitely be used as an endearing, personal form of reference. But even in private, the tone or meaning can very quickly degrade into a condescending one, without the speaker even noticing. So commonness does not validate its appropriateness.
So at work, except for blue-collar and service industry apprentices, generally neither girl or boy are ever ok to use.
Even if you're linguistically restricted, as there is no female equivalent to the indiscriminate singular guy ( the plural, guys, is neutral), it does not absolve you of the consequences of using a generally too patronizing term.
In that example of yours, there are several options:
For male: guy, young fellow, young man, young male
For female: young(er) lady, young(er) female
alternatively, namesSo, for instance: "an Asian, young fellow and a Caucasian, younger lady"
Comment on We hired a man and a "girl" in ~tech
havoc (edited )Link ParentWell, I was just clarifying in reply to what you put in words. I wasn't presuming what you meant. I'm not sure what you refer to as the second point. There is just one point and two examples. It...Well, I was just clarifying in reply to what you put in words. I wasn't presuming what you meant.
I'm not sure what you refer to as the second point. There is just one point and two examples.
But that context and understanding are important when determining whether a joke is appropriate.
It is easy to make such a generic statement, that's why
fleshedI tried to flesh out a more realistic one. -
Comment on We hired a man and a "girl" in ~tech
havoc Not exactly. If a certain person is targeted by a joke, they mustn't be a victim of the same abuse, trauma, etc. you're using to make fun of that person. If you grasped the nature of that rule,...sometimes you can joke about those sort of things in an ironic sense, but that requires that people clearly understand that the joke is a joke.
Not exactly. If a certain person is targeted by a joke, they mustn't be a victim of the same abuse, trauma, etc. you're using to make fun of that person.
If you grasped the nature of that rule, you could say there are no exceptions to it. For instance, a comedian is demeaning an audience member for get laughs for his show. That is fine as long as degradation of other people in general, not a particular, handicapped group or a concrete person, is what that comedian does.
Among friends, it is not a setting of a particular event (a comedy show) but there is usually a lot of context to the relationship and group dynamics which justify pretty harsh language. Nonetheless, repetitive victimization still crosses the line; it's just that everyone tends to tolerate a lot more due to peer pressure. -
Comment on What do you think of the Cybersecurity Humble Bundle? in ~tech
havoc SpiderOak had been often used as an alternative to cloud storage systems from big corporations before OwnCloud or NextCloud came along. Also note that the PIA offer is only for new users.SpiderOak had been often used as an alternative to cloud storage systems from big corporations before OwnCloud or NextCloud came along.
Also note that the PIA offer is only for new users.
Comment on Minor text formatting updates in ~tildes.official
havoc Your reply made no sense in regards to the argument here, so I emphasized it is also not part of the html source. The concrete processing path is irrelevant here, unless it points out how the text...Your reply made no sense in regards to the argument here, so I emphasized it is also not part of the html source. The concrete processing path is irrelevant here, unless it points out how the text is noticeable or visible to the naked eye.
Comment on Firefox is back. It’s time to give it a try. in ~tech
havoc (edited )Link ParentWhy are these complaints rather than questions-? Since I don't know what team you're on, I just listed everything that I thought of at the moment--and AMA means anything anyway. The non-questions...Why are these complaints rather than questions-? Since I don't know what team you're on, I just listed everything that I thought of at the moment--and AMA means anything anyway. The non-questions are just suggestions you might have had something to comment on if that was your area.
No need to interpret my post as a judgemental commentary.
edit: grammar -
Comment on Firefox is back. It’s time to give it a try. in ~tech
havoc (edited )Link ParentHey! I'll just list some questions I can think of right now. :p Desktop: Why is there still no proper global permission and shortcut management? Even the lackluster attempt with about:permissions...Hey! I'll just list some questions I can think of right now. :p
- Why is there still no proper global permission and shortcut management? Even the lackluster attempt with about:permissions was removed long ago.
- Is there at least some hope we'll get a global shortcut API? After all, there are still so many keyboard-driven users,
- Why does the font manager not show the fonts how they would be rendered? Especially in order to see how different locales will look like.
- What is the status of a global shortcut API support?
- Why can't we configure search engines manually?
- Similarly, why don't you allow users to select their own block list for tracking?
- Why is there no search bar on the default get add-ons page?
- Why is the add-on search so bad? At least allow to exclude anything outside the title and the description, that alone would decrease noise immensely.
- Why can't we set the application that should open a file by default in Firefox itself?
And why can't we choose whether a save only or open or save window will appear for particular file types? - Can we get a cookie expires on tab close and cookie expires after leaving a domain option in the cookie manager?
- Can we get a counter of the number of permission entries for location/camera/etc. so we don't have to click settings for each of them?
- Can we get a normal restart function in the menu or as a about:restart URI? Why is there only one disabling add-ons, while the normal one is hidden in about:profiles?
- Can we get an integrated invert colors feature similarly to what Lightning+ offers? It's FOSS, just steal it. :p
- Why don't you take advantage of the space sliding side bars at the left and right would bring?
- Why is the mobile theme support so bad? What about a black AMOLED app (incl. menu) theme?
- Firefox should consider adding a floating button at the bottom as a more comfortable access to selected functions.
- Are there any plans for navigation via gestures?
- We should be able to choose what sharing buttons are accessible directly in the menu.
- There should be a way to set how long the switch to tab tool-tip should appear.
- The add-ons button in the menu should lead to a sub-menu like 'page' or 'tools', listing all or some add-ons.
Comment on China just handed the world a 111-million-ton trash problem in ~enviro
havoc But then you may do it, right? As far as I'm aware, tildes does not consider link submissions low-effort at all, that's why I'm posting. Not sure what posts you're referring to, but the users...These are the most low-effort posts on Tildes right now.
But then you may do it, right? As far as I'm aware, tildes does not consider link submissions low-effort at all, that's why I'm posting.
Why are there 12 posts from grown ass adults arguing over whether China no longer taking in the world's recyclable plastic is technically them handing the rest of the world a problem?
Not sure what posts you're referring to, but the users here--also not sure about their age--were arguing about title style conventions, unfortunately, not the content of the article.
China has been having trouble containing the side effects isolated from the public, in particular the emerging middle class, hence the policy changes.
The news serves more as a review of the rest of the world's practices at dumping to realize their recycling rates, and highlights the latest report on how much waste, it is estimated, will be produced in the next decade. -
Comment on China just handed the world a 111-million-ton trash problem in ~enviro
havoc That has never been how titles worked in the press, or even literature for that matter. A title's purpose is to attract, to stand out, to arouse interest. In the beginning they were called...That has never been how titles worked in the press, or even literature for that matter.
A title's purpose is to attract, to stand out, to arouse interest. In the beginning they were called clickbait only when the author was extensively misleading, inciting, agitating, outright lying--the usual stuff of yellow journalism or tabloids.
Only due to increased sharing via third-parties, e.g., social media and aggregators, this has become more common for the rest of the press.
Although the press itself is mostly at fault for the too often justified sensibility, people often cluster all issues in a single bucket, stripping them of all nuance. Reddit's community depreciated this criticism even, as a lot of people laughably do not even read the articles.
The main reason why it is wrong to ban r/wpd is that it was a well-moderated space. Voat, on the other hand, is all about unfiltered submissions and commentary for as long as the platform can pay for itself and it's legal. So, recommending the latter as the place to turn to, it's like missing the entire point why tildes exist.