imperator's recent activity

  1. Comment on Industrial emissions poised to become largest US carbon source in ~enviro

    Link Parent
    The only way is to impact their profits by not moving. Tax higher for carbon production and offer credits that make earnings better by shifting to carbon neutral or negative energy production

    The only way is to impact their profits by not moving. Tax higher for carbon production and offer credits that make earnings better by shifting to carbon neutral or negative energy production

    3 votes
  2. Comment on US President Joe Biden announces that he will not run for re-election in ~news

    Link Parent
    Basically saying he's what have rise to trump and the accepted extremism on the right

    Basically saying he's what have rise to trump and the accepted extremism on the right

    1 vote
  3. Comment on Donald Trump does not get post-shooting poll boost in ~misc

    Link Parent
    Plus we know that polling has been a garbage metric these last 10 years. Plus Gen z probably isn't captured in those polls

    Plus we know that polling has been a garbage metric these last 10 years.

    Plus Gen z probably isn't captured in those polls

    8 votes
  4. Comment on Donald Trump whisked off stage in Pennsylvania after apparent gunshots rang through the crowd in ~news

    Link Parent
    The only "benefit" is we have several months for this news to become boring... I'm definitely worried.

    The only "benefit" is we have several months for this news to become boring... I'm definitely worried.

    25 votes
  5. Comment on What are the most effective ways to help get Joe Biden re-elected in the US? in ~misc

    Link Parent
    My step son is now old enough so I'll be working on getting him registered.

    My step son is now old enough so I'll be working on getting him registered.

  6. Comment on US Soccer fails to deliver in

    Link Parent
    It's been awhile since I've watched USMNT. Growing up I played against Michael Bradley quite a bit when he lived in the Chicago area. The issue has been no super star. No one that helps drive team...

    It's been awhile since I've watched USMNT. Growing up I played against Michael Bradley quite a bit when he lived in the Chicago area.

    The issue has been no super star. No one that helps drive team cohesion. We still only produce mediocre players even those that are playing in Europe.

    1 vote
  7. Comment on An uncompromising guide to sleep masks (for side-sleepers) in ~health

    Link Parent
    I've used those wax ones. Used them when my hotel was right next to the road. Blocked all sound and was fairly comfortable. I never wear them but slept great.

    I've used those wax ones. Used them when my hotel was right next to the road. Blocked all sound and was fairly comfortable. I never wear them but slept great.

    2 votes
  8. Comment on The opaque industry secretly inflating prices for prescription drugs (gifted link) in ~health

    Link Parent
    Rebates on some products can be upwards of 85% of list price

    Rebates on some products can be upwards of 85% of list price

    4 votes
  9. Comment on The opaque industry secretly inflating prices for prescription drugs (gifted link) in ~health

    Link Parent
    I work in Generic pharma, I'm on the finance side and help my team within the charge back and rebate area. The agreements you have to do to get your products sellable is crazy. Getting your...

    I work in Generic pharma, I'm on the finance side and help my team within the charge back and rebate area. The agreements you have to do to get your products sellable is crazy. Getting your product to the end customer requires agreements and fees. It's so convoluted and requires so much administrative work it's insane.

    10 votes
  10. Comment on Steam Business Update - Update on the Steam Platform, features, and global trends in ~games

    Link Parent
    You could try Bazzite it's based on fedora but pretty close to the experience you'd get on the deck. It's immutable like Steam OS and ships with Flatpak enabled out of the box and all the tools to...

    You could try Bazzite it's based on fedora but pretty close to the experience you'd get on the deck. It's immutable like Steam OS and ships with Flatpak enabled out of the box and all the tools to get up and running. Of course just about any distro is capable of doing what Steam OS does but they tend to take a bit more configuration. It also comes with distrobox so you can have applications installed the normal way as well.

    1 vote
  11. Comment on DeGoogling 2024: Replacing Photos, Gmail, and Search in ~tech

    Link Parent
    I've been thinking about this for a while. It's hard on also super tied in. Including the phone service which has the best international plan available. I also use Android so while other OS exists...

    I've been thinking about this for a while. It's hard on also super tied in. Including the phone service which has the best international plan available.

    I also use Android so while other OS exists you lose a lot of convenience. But I'm wow interested in moving to graphenos where I can use Google services if needed but in a sandboxed environment

    9 votes
  12. Comment on AI: The decade ahead in ~tech

    Link Parent
    I think a large number of AI developers are drinking their own Kool-Aide. I think we'll likely see some disruption in employment, but no where near the levels being touted unless there is some...

    I think a large number of AI developers are drinking their own Kool-Aide. I think we'll likely see some disruption in employment, but no where near the levels being touted unless there is some sort of major breakthrough.

    Most companies data is so bad that AI won't have the significant impact they think it will.

    I didn't believe the hype and I know I'm in the minority it seems but we've been through this before with other pump and dump schemes.

    1. RPA
    2. Crypto/blockchain
    3. NFTs

    These are the big 3/4 I've seen in the finance industry none of which have really changed the direction the world works.

    6 votes
  13. Comment on AI is making economists rethink the story of automation in ~tech

    Link Parent
    The hard thing about AI is they keep moving the goal posts to define what is and isn't AI. The marketing on this and selling hype is so high it won't move up to it. Likely what we'll see is...

    The hard thing about AI is they keep moving the goal posts to define what is and isn't AI. The marketing on this and selling hype is so high it won't move up to it.

    Likely what we'll see is further replacement of customer service to AI where you'll never get a human on the phone which is already getting harder and harder.

    In my sphere I see companies advertising their forecasting models they've had for 10-20 years as AI. Many haven't changed anything, they may use regression but most just use historical days and apply a multiplier to adjust and ensure it falls on a Monday if it was on a Monday last year. Not sophisticated and definitely not AI.

    Most companies data is so bad to find a use case will be extremely difficult. Likely there will be some niches and as we're seeing now AI generated articles for more and more pump and dump and adjusted marketing.

    I'd love to see a strong use case outside of stuff we've already been augmenting that provides strong value beyond the incremental changes we've seen over the last 10 years.

    I'm very skeptical. Perhaps a big one will be medical and molecule research? I'm having a hard time seeing where this replaces people en masse vs just making people more productive.

    9 votes
  14. Comment on Teslas can still be stolen with a cheap radio hack—despite new keyless tech in ~transport

    Link Parent
    My brother has the Ioniq6 it's a slick car. He likes it quite a bit.

    My brother has the Ioniq6 it's a slick car. He likes it quite a bit.

    6 votes
  15. Comment on Winamp has announced that it is opening up its source code to enable collaborative development of its legendary player for Windows in ~tech

    Link Parent
    Ya I used my old computer in college, hooked it up to the TV and speakers. Was awesome at parties with winamp

    Ya I used my old computer in college, hooked it up to the TV and speakers. Was awesome at parties with winamp

    1 vote
  16. Comment on The economics of $15 salads in ~finance

    Link Parent
    This is what we've determined. I'm order to have a nice salad with variety you end up wasting a lot.

    This is what we've determined. I'm order to have a nice salad with variety you end up wasting a lot.

    4 votes
  17. Comment on What games have you been playing, and what's your opinion on them? in ~games

    Link Parent
    Ya I kind of assumed that would be the case. I play through slow since I only get a little time here and there so maybe more content will be added before I get to that point! Lol

    Ya I kind of assumed that would be the case. I play through slow since I only get a little time here and there so maybe more content will be added before I get to that point! Lol

  18. Comment on What games have you been playing, and what's your opinion on them? in ~games

    Manor Lords. I have only got about 2 or so hours in but really enjoying it.

    Manor Lords. I have only got about 2 or so hours in but really enjoying it.

    4 votes
  19. Comment on Google lays off hundreds of ‘Core’ employees, moves some positions to India and Mexico in ~tech

    Link Parent
    I hear you. I've been moving in the same direction for years now. As these companies suck and suck while proving less and less value to consumers and employees.

    I hear you. I've been moving in the same direction for years now. As these companies suck and suck while proving less and less value to consumers and employees.

    9 votes
  20. Comment on A variety of beginner home server questions in ~comp

    I'm not a programmer (I can hack stuff together), nor is my profession networking/server administration. I'm in Finance... but this is my hobby. I don't spend a lot of time maintaining it, but the...
    • Exemplary

    I'm not a programmer (I can hack stuff together), nor is my profession networking/server administration. I'm in Finance... but this is my hobby. I don't spend a lot of time maintaining it, but the initial setup and different iterations have required a decent amount of research and upfront effort.

    Networking - Definitely provide your own router. I used the edgerouter x for a year or 2. Updates bricked it and eventually I replaced with a PC dedicated to it running Opnsense. I liked this aspect, but if I were you. I'd start with something that is likely simplier to setup such as the Ubiquity ecosystem or even TP Link small business stuff. I personally have 3 APs EAP 225 and they have been rock solid in keeping connectivity and ensuring the signal propagates through my home. VLANS are great to separate network traffic especially if you're going to expose any services to the web. I have a gameserver, home assistant and some others that I do expose through NGINX Proxy Manager. Although I'm contemplating on switching this to tailscale access only. I think this part is key to ensuring you have fun running a server. You'll need a switch and this is likely where you'll spend a decent amount of money if you're not getting second hand used parts and are willing to get them all working together (like I did). I have a cisco switch that I got for $40, the EAPs (were new) and the opnsense router. It would have been easier to do this with a single ecosystem, but would have cost me 3-5x.

    Server: I built mine. It runs an intel 8300 which I use for transcoding plex/jellyfin. I ended up running a hypervisor (Proxmox) to have separate VMs, LXC containers etc. This was just for fun. You can get all this running on a single machine running debian/ubuntu, just takes more work. Proxmox took a bit for me to get used to, but definitely prefer using a hypervisor to separate stuff out, run VMs for specific tasks etc. You'll definitely want one with an Intel CPU to utilize QuickSync for transcoding.


    • Plex/Jellyfin. I prefer the Plex interface, but the direction they've gone, I'd really like to switch to Jellyfin. The main issue I have is audio sync when playing from my TV to the receiver as it causes latency. For some reason Plex can handle this. Jellyfin doesn't. No matter the amount of audio delay adjusting I try, I can't get it to sync right. Solution is likely to play directly from the receiver instead of the TV, but using the TV to navigate different apps and try to get my partner to change is probably a no go. As for using it at different locations throughout your house. Chromecasts, Firesticks etc. Then install the apps. You don't need a full blown PC, Xbox or whatever at each location unless you really want to run it over ethernet. Maybe save that for a specific home media center, then get something more powerful that can handle it over ethernet.
    • I run some of the other services to help achieve getting content which automates the whole process. Not sure how Tildes feels about this so won't give names, but its easy to find on the internet.
    • NAS - I run Open Media Vault in a VM on proxmox and pass through and LSI controller where my various hard drives I've shucked out of WD external enclosures are connected to. I use snapraid to have parity to save from drive failures and then backup to an external 14tb hd. I don't have offsite back up, but most of this data is replaceable. I don't think a pre-built NAS system could handle what I'm trying to do without really hacking it to work a specific way. You'd likely end up needed another machine to handle plex/jellyfin and your cameras.

    I like my solution, its super flexible and allows me to do what I need to do on the "cheaper" side of things. I learned a ton.

    4 votes