semsevfor's recent activity

  1. Comment on Fallout London | Official launch trailer in ~games

    Link Parent
    Website works fine for me

    Website works fine for me

    2 votes
  2. Comment on What games have you been playing, and what's your opinion on them? in ~games

    Link Parent
    The original puzzle made no sense. The one time I actually tried to figure it out with the right coordinates and everything, it was wrong and when I looked up the solution, the marbles were all in...

    The original puzzle made no sense. The one time I actually tried to figure it out with the right coordinates and everything, it was wrong and when I looked up the solution, the marbles were all in completely incorrect positions but that's the answer that worked.

    In the remake the locations make sense with the information you gather over the course of the game.

  3. Comment on What games have you been playing, and what's your opinion on them? in ~games

    Link Parent
    The original marble puzzle was so nonsensical, to this day I do not understand how you're supposed to get the actual solution. I have always had to use a guide to get the solution and just put it...

    The original marble puzzle was so nonsensical, to this day I do not understand how you're supposed to get the actual solution. I have always had to use a guide to get the solution and just put it in. But in the remake, it makes sense. It's logical. It works and you can figure it out. Vast vast improvement

  4. Comment on What games have you been playing, and what's your opinion on them? in ~games

    Link Parent
    I would say Riven is in the same vein of obscure puzzles. Its kinda how Cyan designs their games. I've never been able to beat any of their games without a guide of some kind. With the exception...

    I would say Riven is in the same vein of obscure puzzles. Its kinda how Cyan designs their games. I've never been able to beat any of their games without a guide of some kind. With the exception of the Myst remake just because I've played it so many times I know how to solve all the puzzles already.

    If you found Myst painful, Riven will likely be the same for you, unfortunately, I'm sad to say.

    1 vote
  5. Comment on What games have you been playing, and what's your opinion on them? in ~games

    Played the Riven Remake. It was very good. Definitely had the same vibes as the original. I heard some puzzles had some changes, and while I don't remember exactly the original puzzles, I do...

    Played the Riven Remake. It was very good. Definitely had the same vibes as the original. I heard some puzzles had some changes, and while I don't remember exactly the original puzzles, I do remember the final fire marble puzzle being so confoundingly impossible to understand I never could get it. But it made sense in the remake so I think that was updated and it's so much better now.

    There's a lot I don't remember from this game, or maybe it was added in. I don't remember the starry expanse or the spinning platform that you can travel between domes with.

    All in all I enjoyed it a lot, and I'm so glad Riven finally got an update. Myst has had like 5 updates and remasters, but Riven never got anything until now.

    I hope they continue and do the other Myst games as well, as I never got far in Exile and never touched Revelation or End of Ages and would like to play them, but I feel they're probably too dated at this point to really enjoy, especially after being spoiled with the Myst and Riven remakes

    12 votes
  6. Comment on What's your recommended survival crafting game to play solo? in ~games

    Link Parent
    It's definitely the way to start out. It guides you through the basics, and provides a safety net in the form of being able to save and load (something you can't do in survival) so if you mess up,...

    It's definitely the way to start out. It guides you through the basics, and provides a safety net in the form of being able to save and load (something you can't do in survival) so if you mess up, you can just reload a save and learn from your mistake without losing hours of progress.

    I definitely think you should give it another try in story mode and see how it goes for you.

    1 vote
  7. Comment on What's your recommended survival crafting game to play solo? in ~games

    Link Parent
    I love both sides of the game, flaws and all. Survival is a great big open sandbox with lots to explore and do, but once you've gotten all the achievements and feats and explored every map,...

    I love both sides of the game, flaws and all.

    Survival is a great big open sandbox with lots to explore and do, but once you've gotten all the achievements and feats and explored every map, there's nothing to do.

    Story mode gives you plenty to do, but sometimes the quests are a bit lame and the story isn't anything groundbreaking for sure, but it's definitely intriguing and keeps me interested in how it'll all wrap up.

    The game does not teach you mechanics in survival. You have to figure every single thing out on your own and for new players that can be a huge turn off who otherwise might love this game. I guarantee I would never have developed a love for this game if I'd just been dropped into survival and told good luck. Holy shit is that a horrible experience to try to get someone invested in a game.

    You need to start with story mode to get those foundations that you then build upon in survival. I think saying the game hands everything to you on a silver platter is a bit harsh.

    Story mode provides a great tutorial learning experience, where a new player can learn the game with a safety net, and can learn from their mistakes without losing everything. Many players would probably never play the game again if they dropped into survival and ended up dying 10/15/20 hours in and found out they just lost all that progress.

    Most new players picking up TLD for the first time are coming in mostly blind and don't have that mindset that survival needs. That's something that needs to be built up over time with confidence gained from story mode. This isn't Dark Souls and I don't think it should be treated that way. Sure it can if that's what you want, but not every player wants that, and it shouldn't be the default.

    And story mode might be cake walk for us because we've played hundreds of hours of this game and know a lot. But a brand new player is got to make a lot of mistakes.

    I just recently got a friend to try the game and they basically got to an unplayable state right at the start of story mode because it took them a long time to figure out the UI and backpack and by the time they bandages the blood loss from the crash, they'd lost so much condition, they were stumbling around at the crash site and never would've made it to town.

    Then later they walked out in a blizzard naked because they didn't realize clothes in your backpack are equipped, so they emptied their backpack for space, not realizing they were removing their clothes as well.

    These are dumb, simple things players need to learn early without consequences for or it becomes a frustrating game.

    If they dropped into survival, and 10 hours in they got attacked by a wolf and died because they couldn't figure out how to bandage in the UI fast enough, they would've immediately dropped the game and never touched it again. And I honestly couldn't blame them for that experience. As it was they were already annoyed at the UI but were able to load an auto save from both those situations, making the consequences of those learning moments just a couple minutes, which is fine. So if you added losing hours and hours of progress on top of that frustration, players would never play this game and grow to love it.

    I had a similar experience my first time. I couldn't figure out the UI and never made it out of the crash site and left the game. Didn't touch it for years because of that annoyance, and then finally because it kept coming up in threads and recommendations I decided to give it another shot and now it's one of my favorite games of all time.

    All that wall of text to say: the first experience matters a lot and most new players are not going to have a good experience dropped into survival with no knowledge at all.

    Story mode and survival go hand in hand. Yin and yang, peanut butter and jelly. You can dislike it because it's easy, or the story doesn't interest you, that's perfectly fine. But I don't think you should discount it as a tutorial and learning experience for new players.

    1 vote
  8. Comment on What's your recommended survival crafting game to play solo? in ~games

    Link Parent
    I definitely recommend playing story mode. It teaches you the basics in an new player friendly environment. You have saves so if you make a mistake and die, you can just reload instead of having...

    I definitely recommend playing story mode. It teaches you the basics in an new player friendly environment. You have saves so if you make a mistake and die, you can just reload instead of having to start all over again.

    Once you get the hang of the mechanics and basics, then you can try survival mode and have a chance at actually surviving

    3 votes
  9. Comment on What's your recommended survival crafting game to play solo? in ~games

    Link Parent
    I dont know why people recommend jumping into survival without doing story mode. It makes no sense. You definitely should do story mode, at least the first 2 chapters of it because it teaches you...

    I dont know why people recommend jumping into survival without doing story mode. It makes no sense.

    You definitely should do story mode, at least the first 2 chapters of it because it teaches you all the basics through the quests and side quests.

    I would recommend giving it another try and doing story mode.

    2 votes
  10. Comment on I tried ditching my vehicle and doing the no-car thing. It was awful. in ~transport

    You're getting a lot of hate in this thread and I'm sorry about that. You're absolutely right. It's completely ridiculous to try to eliminate cars. Most of the time I'm going somewhere the only...

    You're getting a lot of hate in this thread and I'm sorry about that. You're absolutely right.

    It's completely ridiculous to try to eliminate cars. Most of the time I'm going somewhere the only option is my car. If I'm going to work, I have my work bag with me, and I have to be presentable when I arrive at work. Public transit would have me walking several miles on either end, not easy to do in work clothes and I'll show up sweaty and stinking, unacceptable. Biking which I have considered, would be a real pain with my bag, and I'd show up even sweatier and stinkier. Plus timewise, driving my car is roughly 4-5 or more times faster than either of those options. I already don't have much free time anymore so I'm not cutting that down anymore.

    Ok what about groceries? When I go to the store I'm stocking up. I am an efficient person, if I'm going to the store I'm getting everything I'm gonna need for a few weeks so I won't be going back. I also shop at Costco sometimes as well. No way in hell I can get bags and bags of groceries or stuff in bulk from Costco home in any possible fashion other than my own car.

    Long distance trips I take often. Some to rural places where there is literally no public transit for miles and miles.

    I'm currently on a long 1000 mile from home road trip for vacation, trying to take a bus or train to achieve this same trip would be a nightmare, similar to your experience. Fuck that.

    I get they want to improve public transit. I'm all for that, let's make it better. But removing cars is never going to work.

    The only possible way they could ever remove cars is if there was a reliable web of fully autonomous, reliable, electric car fleets that would pick people up and take them wherever they wanted to go and could run several hundred miles on one charge. Only then could I see this changing. But even with that solution you still have the problem of people being assholes and leaving messes, bodily fluids, or destroying the things. Nasty.

    No I'll never get rid of my car thank you.

    5 votes
  11. Comment on How do I win at Agricola? in ~games.tabletop

    I've only played a few times and it's been a long time since the last one, but from what I've gathered the best strat is to be open to all strats until you can focus one. I noticed a lot of times...

    I've only played a few times and it's been a long time since the last one, but from what I've gathered the best strat is to be open to all strats until you can focus one. I noticed a lot of times people pick a strat early on and then get screwed by other people taking things they need before they can or getting unlucky. But if you branch out and leave yourself open to anything, and have a little bit of everything, then you can see how the "luck" of the game is going for you, and what others are focusing so you can pick the best option for you. Don't know if that helps, I haven't really tried it myself because like I said I haven't played it much.

    I do play similarly in Catan which I play a lot more of. My main strat is to get something on every number as fast as I can. Sure it's nice to have a lot of 6s and 8s, but it's better to get something every turn cause in any given game it always seems like some numbers just never get rolled and you get screwed if all your eggs are only in a couple good numbers, than in everything.

    If my opponent gets 3 resources on a 6, and I get 1 on every number, in a standard 6 player game, I get 5 resources per round (4 if a 7 is rolled statistically tht round) and with trading I can usually get just about anything done. I think a similar approach would work well with Agricola.

    9 votes
  12. Comment on Funny, crazy and silly mods in ~games

    Two of the best mods I ever played were for the original Jedi Knight (Dark Forces 2) way back in the day. One was a Goldeneye mod that mostly just added the guns from Goldeneye, but it also had a...

    Two of the best mods I ever played were for the original Jedi Knight (Dark Forces 2) way back in the day.

    One was a Goldeneye mod that mostly just added the guns from Goldeneye, but it also had a watch which replaced your lightsaber so you always had it on you. The watch would fire a grappling hook at wherever you were looking and pull you towards it super fast. It was so. Much. Fun. The ridiculous physics you could pull off with it were awesome. You could swing around maps like Spiderman. The best one was I was playing on a fan map (my brothers and I downloaded a bajillion of them and played on together) where there was a huge pit in the middle going down to a lower area with some air vents that would push you up it as the normal way to go up and down without fall damage. I somehow timed the grapple perfectly so when I jumped down the pit right in the middle with no air and grappled to the ceiling at the top of the pit, the physics worked out perfectly so I got pulled back up exactly before hitting the ground (and dying from damage) and grabbed the powerful weapon that was sitting on the ground. It was a perfect Spiderman moment, it was beautiful.

    The other mod was a chicken mod which replaced all the weapons with chicken related weapons. One was a frying pan where you threw an egg as a projectile, another was a rubber chicken you just checked and grabbed another I think there was one where you held a chicken and squeezed it to shoot eggs out its butt.

    So much fun, so many good memories.

    6 votes
  13. Comment on What can be done about the Supreme Court of the United States? in ~misc

    Link Parent
    I don't disagree, Trump was especially bad, I just meant its pretty disheartening on what the common people can do when the only course of action is vote for better candidates when there are none

    I don't disagree, Trump was especially bad, I just meant its pretty disheartening on what the common people can do when the only course of action is vote for better candidates when there are none

    9 votes
  14. Comment on What can be done about the Supreme Court of the United States? in ~misc

    Link Parent
    Problem is there's no good presidential candidates, you have to pick a lesser of two evils and that doesn't work well for modern society

    Problem is there's no good presidential candidates, you have to pick a lesser of two evils and that doesn't work well for modern society

    16 votes
  15. Comment on What games have you been playing, and what's your opinion on them? in ~games

    Picked up Save Room and Outpath on summer sale. Save Room was a lot of fun, but it's only about an hour to play through, it's a little puzzle game based off those grid style inventories of like...

    Picked up Save Room and Outpath on summer sale.

    Save Room was a lot of fun, but it's only about an hour to play through, it's a little puzzle game based off those grid style inventories of like Resident Evil or Dredge or other similar inventory systems.

    Outpath is also really fun! It's kinda like a mobile incremental game mixed with Minecraft Skyblock mod packs/base building games. You start on a tiny island with nothing and have to gather resources, research new workbenches, build better tools and equipment, unlock new islands, etc. It is a bit grindy but a lot of fun!

    7 votes
  16. Comment on Steam - Game Recording Beta - A new built-in system for creating and sharing your gameplay footage in ~games

    Link Parent
    SSDs are getting cheaper and cheaper, it's not much of a concern anymore I would say.

    SSDs are getting cheaper and cheaper, it's not much of a concern anymore I would say.

    5 votes
  17. Comment on Riven (2024) | Launch trailer in ~games

    Link Parent
    I just want to add that Myst and Riven also don't pull their punches, the puzzles can end up being frustrating just because of how difficult and challenging they are. I am no stranger to...

    I just want to add that Myst and Riven also don't pull their punches, the puzzles can end up being frustrating just because of how difficult and challenging they are. I am no stranger to walkthroughs and have no issues looking up an answer if I'm truly stuck.

    If that isn't an issue for you, then I'd say these games are perfect for you

    5 votes
  18. Comment on What games have you been playing, and what's your opinion on them? in ~games

    Link Parent
    Interesting, ok, thanks! I appreciate you doing that! I'm excited to see what that looks like and how that changes things. Can't wait to get home and finish my first cycle! Good luck on yours!

    Interesting, ok, thanks! I appreciate you doing that! I'm excited to see what that looks like and how that changes things. Can't wait to get home and finish my first cycle! Good luck on yours!

    1 vote
  19. Comment on What games have you been playing, and what's your opinion on them? in ~games

    Link Parent
    Are the seals a one time thing or do you keep getting them each run to keep extending your time?

    Are the seals a one time thing or do you keep getting them each run to keep extending your time?

    1 vote
  20. Comment on What games have you been playing, and what's your opinion on them? in ~games

    Link Parent
    That's good to know. Since you've played quite a bit more than me, can you explain a little bit about the rogue like element? Is it just that you are starting a town fresh every time? Or is it the...

    That's good to know. Since you've played quite a bit more than me, can you explain a little bit about the rogue like element? Is it just that you are starting a town fresh every time? Or is it the cycle? I'm a bit confused on that aspect. Cause you make towns, but then at the end of the cycle everything gets washed away when the storm comes, but then you also have xp and levels going on which give you better perks and options.

    1 vote