semsevfor's recent activity
Comment on Looking for some recommendations for games where you can build your own spaceships etc in ~games
Comment on Jurassic World Rebirth | Official trailer in ~movies
semsevfor Yeah I'm not intending to shame, just simple stating that this is not the franchise for that kind of thing. And I am pretty annoyed that they have turned it into that when it's supposed to be a...Yeah I'm not intending to shame, just simple stating that this is not the franchise for that kind of thing. And I am pretty annoyed that they have turned it into that when it's supposed to be a much more meaningful and thoughtful IP
Comment on Jurassic World Rebirth | Official trailer in ~movies
semsevfor And that is the problem. That isn't how Jurassic Park should be approached. Hell to quote Alan Grant in the first film: "They're not monsters, Lex, they're just animals."...“watch cool CGI monsters do stuff”
And that is the problem. That isn't how Jurassic Park should be approached.
Hell to quote Alan Grant in the first film: "They're not monsters, Lex, they're just animals."
That is the core problem with every Jurassic World film. They treat dinosaurs as a resource or monsters instead of just animals.
Lost World had an interesting theme on using dinosaurs as a resource/entertainment/etc, but the theme of the movie was again that they are animals and should be left alone and not treated as resources.
This is the only way anyone could ever make a good Jurassic Park film again, is by following this philosophy set out from the first and second films. Not CGI monster fest. That's not at all what the franchise is about. If they want CGI monster fest, they should go make a Godzilla or King Kong movie or something.
Comment on Jurassic World Rebirth | Official trailer in ~movies
semsevfor I hope this bombs so hard because it looks absolutely terrible and they have run one of my favorite movies into the ground. The original Jurassic Park is probably my favorite film of all time and...I hope this bombs so hard because it looks absolutely terrible and they have run one of my favorite movies into the ground. The original Jurassic Park is probably my favorite film of all time and I have a soft spot for Lost World even though no one else likes it. But after that it's all terrible. I kinda like the first World until they continued ruining it even further with the rest of the "trilogy"
The only way another movie like this would work is if they brought it back down to a personal level somehow. They need a plausible reason for the characters to go to Site B, maybe some kind of storm throws a ship off course and they crash on the island or something. They could use the plot point from this trailer that governments don't patrol the area anymore even though that doesn't make a ton of sense, but it could work.
And then make it a survival story. These people are stuck on the island and have to avoid dinos and find a way off. Make it personal, make it with strong characters that have arcs, focus on a smaller story, make the dinosaurs feel like animals again, go back to the roots.
"We need DNA from three big dinosaurs" is the dumbest and weakest plot device they could have went with.
Actually no Im sure they could have come up with something dumber, but it's still a horrible idea that no one cares about.
They have absolutely zero idea why the first film and why dinosaurs in general are interesting to people.
Comment on What games have you been playing, and what's your opinion on them? in ~games
semsevfor I thought IV was atrocious. I can't remember a single thing that happened in the story aside from the memes (bowling!). I just remember feeling like oh ok gotta push through and finish this thing...I thought IV was atrocious. I can't remember a single thing that happened in the story aside from the memes (bowling!). I just remember feeling like oh ok gotta push through and finish this thing just to finish it.
I don't remember any standout missions or big moments. I don't remember any characters (again aside from the bowling meme). The main character I feel like had no character which isn't inherently a bad thing for these kinda of games, but you have to have a strong supporting cast if that's the case.
Contrast that to Vice City and San Andreas where there are so many memorable characters and moments. Tommy and CJ feel like better characters than whatever IVs PC was, Rico? or something? Maybe I'm wrong but I can't name a single thing I liked about IV. And there's so much to love with the trilogy.
Watch dogs never struck me as a GTA clone, though I never played it so I can't say for sure. I didn't get that vibe from it when people talk about it. SR was great but went a little too zany too quickly and ran out of steam. And then new people tried to reboot it and made trash so the franchise is dead and probably will never come back. Isn't Cyberpunk more of a FPS RPG? I wouldn't consider that a GTA clone. Yakuza's combat seems very different from the little I've seen.
I would say good examples of a GTA clone are Bully, Godfather, Red Dead, Sleeping Dogs (another comment mentioned this one to me even though I haven't played it, but I believe it fits the bill).
It just seems like the specific style is gone and no one is making them anymore is all in saying
Comment on What games have you been playing, and what's your opinion on them? in ~games
semsevfor The only problem with that is I think a GTA style game is a bit too ambitious as an indie project. Would probably have to be a AA game and those are pretty rare these days too. I'm really sad they...The only problem with that is I think a GTA style game is a bit too ambitious as an indie project. Would probably have to be a AA game and those are pretty rare these days too.
I'm really sad they ruined Saints Row with their reboot because that was such a good franchise and a good counter to GTA until then.
I know it's divisive but I loved all the wacky shit. 3, 4, and Gat Out of Hell were fantastic. I would love more in a similar style to 3.
Comment on What games have you been playing, and what's your opinion on them? in ~games
semsevfor I haven't played that one yet but maybe I will once I finish the definitive editions.I haven't played that one yet but maybe I will once I finish the definitive editions.
Comment on What games have you been playing, and what's your opinion on them? in ~games
semsevfor Started playing GTA III Definitive. Man these were such good games. I'm having so much fun. My biggest gripe is the lack of custom radio. Makes no sense they removed this feature from the...Started playing GTA III Definitive.
Man these were such good games. I'm having so much fun. My biggest gripe is the lack of custom radio. Makes no sense they removed this feature from the Definitive editions and it's really annoying. I have to have a playlist up on my second screen to play music and it's such a hassle to switch between instead of just having it play.
Otherwise its a blast. I didn't play much of III back in the day I mostly did VC and SA. But I'm still having fun with this one and it's interesting seeing how the trilogy evolved. No motorcycles in III for example. I only just noticed that last night.
It also makes me so sad that the series has fallen so far. These three games were so good and then IV was bad and V became this terrible online BS with a mediocre single player campaign at best. I have zero hope for VI to be any good cause they're probably going to focus even more on the stupid online crap.
I miss the days of GTA clones. I am sad they're gone and we likely won't see them return cause everyone is too afraid of competing with modern day GTA, even though I think someone could absolutely make a old style GTA clone and it would be distinct enough to be successful.
Comment on 40 gods, 40 hours in ~creative
semsevfor Nerebulexus is the god of fancy cars right? Lol jk, let's do the head honcho (at least I assume being listed first). Also what do the different subdivisions mean/do?Nerebulexus is the god of fancy cars right?
Lol jk, let's do the head honcho (at least I assume being listed first). Also what do the different subdivisions mean/do?
Comment on What game intended for multiplayer did you enjoy playing solo? in ~games
semsevfor This is why I have zero hope for GTA VI. I loved the original trilogy of 3, VC, and SA. IV fell flat for me. V seemed to have some interesting ideas and maybe go back to its roots but after...This is why I have zero hope for GTA VI. I loved the original trilogy of 3, VC, and SA. IV fell flat for me. V seemed to have some interesting ideas and maybe go back to its roots but after playing it for a while I fell off. It didn't have the same magic those 3 did.
And I don't think VI is going to try to recapture it, it's going to chase that online craze so it'll have no interest to me.
It's really sad that the genre is basically dead now. There's not really any good crime games in the old GTA style.
Maybe someone will do a nostalgic re imagining at some point like what Stardew did for the cozy farming genre.
Comment on What games have you been playing, and what's your opinion on them? in ~games
semsevfor That doesn't seem like a worth trade off, especially once you get the uniform for the area, cause then all enemies but the lieutenants won't bat an eye at youThat doesn't seem like a worth trade off, especially once you get the uniform for the area, cause then all enemies but the lieutenants won't bat an eye at you
Comment on What games have you been playing, and what's your opinion on them? in ~games
semsevfor What do you mean exactly by snapping factory design into focus? Are you building with foundations? Once I started building everything on foundations (ensuring I had enough space to expand...What do you mean exactly by snapping factory design into focus?
Are you building with foundations? Once I started building everything on foundations (ensuring I had enough space to expand foundation size if needed) it was pretty easy to figure out optimal logistics.
Prior to that when building with terrain in the way I was constantly getting frustrated and having to re-place things cause belts wouldn't work a certain way.
Plus foundations make it so easy to make multiple floors of you need more space as well. By the end of the game nearly everything I built had a second level at least to accommodate all the early parts I needed to pump out to finish my later parts.
Comment on What games have you been playing, and what's your opinion on them? in ~games
semsevfor If you're at the part with the giant snake then you're about halfway through the final hub area, and then there's some more story stuff after that. If you're not doing side quests and only main...If you're at the part with the giant snake then you're about halfway through the final hub area, and then there's some more story stuff after that.
If you're not doing side quests and only main quest you probably have 2ish hours left to finish.
Comment on What games have you been playing, and what's your opinion on them? in ~games
semsevfor Ohhhh, that's why, I pretty much was always wearing a disguise. I was annoyed every time the game forced me back to Indy outfit cause I had to switch back haha That is kinda silly, just cause he's...Ohhhh, that's why, I pretty much was always wearing a disguise. I was annoyed every time the game forced me back to Indy outfit cause I had to switch back haha
That is kinda silly, just cause he's wearing a disguise means he doesn't have his gun anymore? Even in his satchel? That doesn't make much sense
Comment on Does anyone want to talk about stocks/options? in ~finance
semsevfor I got a good discount on more Nvidia stock cause of it though :)I got a good discount on more Nvidia stock cause of it though :)
Comment on Steam Brick: No screen, no controller, and absolutely no sense, just a power button and a USB port in ~tech
semsevfor How the hell would you play AOE with joysticks?? You're a madmanHow the hell would you play AOE with joysticks?? You're a madman
Comment on What are some accidental life hacks you've stumbled into? in ~talk
semsevfor Similarly, but different because I can't stand notifications, so I need all emails to be read when I've looked at them. I just keep a resolved folder and throw everything in there that I don't...Similarly, but different because I can't stand notifications, so I need all emails to be read when I've looked at them. I just keep a resolved folder and throw everything in there that I don't need anymore. What's in my inbox is my To do list. But everything is read so there's no notification.
Comment on Do you think stressful games are kind of bad for your health? in ~games
semsevfor Oh then I'm not sure what to tell you, maybe it's just not your game I suppose?Oh then I'm not sure what to tell you, maybe it's just not your game I suppose?
Comment on Do you think stressful games are kind of bad for your health? in ~games
semsevfor I never played Doom 3, cause I heard nothing but bad things about it, but OP mentioned Eternal and a jump in graphics, so I assume they were talking about DOOM 2016I never played Doom 3, cause I heard nothing but bad things about it, but OP mentioned Eternal and a jump in graphics, so I assume they were talking about DOOM 2016
Comment on Do you think stressful games are kind of bad for your health? in ~games
semsevfor How did you play the game? Did you play it like a cover shooter? Hiding behind cover and jumping out to fire? Cause if so, that's why it wasn't working for you, that's not how it's intended to be...How did you play the game? Did you play it like a cover shooter? Hiding behind cover and jumping out to fire?
Cause if so, that's why it wasn't working for you, that's not how it's intended to be played. DOOM is a run and gun game, you're meant to be moving constantly, running, jumping, shooting, ripping, tearing. With this constant movement there really is no behind you as you are spinning and swiveling to see the whole battlefield. Most of the time you're basically circling the area around the edges so you're "back" is to the wall or cliff and enemies aren't spawning behind you, cause they all spawn in the battlefield area.
It's a welcome change of pace to most modern shooters that have you hide behind cover and shoot at opportune moments.
I disagree, it was clunky and confusing and for the average person it is basically impossible to figure out how it works without spending a significant amount of time watching YouTube tutorials on it.
I tried a couple times even put a few skills points in ship building expecting that to make it easier and it was too much and I said fuck it. Even something as simple as upgrading your engines which should be a quick delete and drop the new one requires in depth knowledge of how the whole system works or it gives you errors and won't let you proceed.
Not to mention once you get the ship from the Freestar quest you basically don't need any other ships again.
For what OP is looking for, I don't think Starfield is the way to go.