15 votes

Day 3: Gear Ratios

Today's problem description: https://adventofcode.com/2023/day/3

Please post your solutions in your own top-level comment. Here's a template you can copy-paste into your comment to format it nicely, with the code collapsed by default inside an expandable section with syntax highlighting (you can replace python with any of the "short names" listed in this page of supported languages):

<summary>Part 1</summary>

Your code here.



  1. [2]
    Not too easy, not too hard. Had to take some breaks to help with my mother who is currently recovering from neck/back surgery. It's also a lot verbose than I've seen compared to others. I also...

    Not too easy, not too hard. Had to take some breaks to help with my mother who is currently recovering from neck/back surgery. It's also a lot verbose than I've seen compared to others. I also switched over to using JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA's built-in HTTP client for sending my input vs using the excellent RapidAPI for Mac (formerly Paw)

    Ran into a lot of issues with an off-by-one, but I solved it :-D

    package com.michaeleisemann.aoc23.services;
    import com.michaeleisemann.aoc23.interfaces.DayInterface;
    import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Arrays;
    import java.util.HashMap;
    import java.util.List;
    // https://adventofcode.com/2023/day/3
    public class Day3Service implements DayInterface {
        private static class Schematic {
            private record PartNumber(int partNumber, int startX, int endX, int y) {
            private record PartSymbol(String symbol, int x, int y) {
            private final List<String> schematic = new ArrayList<>();
            private final List<PartNumber> partNumbers = new ArrayList<>();
            private final List<PartSymbol> partSymbols = new ArrayList<>();
            public Schematic(String schematic) {
                String[] lines = schematic.split("\n");
            public List<String> getSchematic() {
                return schematic;
            public List<PartNumber> getPartNumbers() {
                return partNumbers;
            public List<PartSymbol> getPartSymbols() {
                return partSymbols;
            private void parseSchematic() {
                for (int y = 0; y < schematic.size(); y++) {
                    String line = schematic.get(y);
                    StringBuilder partNumber = new StringBuilder();
                    int startX = 0;
                    int endX = 0;
                    for (int x = 0; x < line.length(); x++) {
                        if (Character.isDigit(line.charAt(x))) {
                            if (partNumber.isEmpty()) {
                                startX = x;
                            // I hate off by one errors
                            if (x == line.length() - 1) {
                                endX = x - 1;
                                PartNumber part = new PartNumber(
                                partNumber = new StringBuilder();
                        } else {
                            // we are done collecting part numbers
                            if (!partNumber.isEmpty()) {
                                endX = x - 1;
                                PartNumber part = new PartNumber(
                                partNumber = new StringBuilder();
                            if (line.charAt(x) != '.') {
                                PartSymbol partSymbol = new PartSymbol(
        public String part1(String puzzleInput) {
            Schematic schematic = new Schematic(puzzleInput);
            int partNumberSum = 0;
            for (Schematic.PartNumber partNumber : schematic.getPartNumbers()) {
                for (Schematic.PartSymbol partSymbol : schematic.getPartSymbols()) {
                    if (partNumber.y() == partSymbol.y()) {
                        if (partNumber.startX() - 1 <= partSymbol.x() && partNumber.endX() + 1 >= partSymbol.x()) {
                            logger.debug("Same line: {} {} {}", partNumber.partNumber(), partSymbol.symbol());
                            partNumberSum += partNumber.partNumber();
                    } else if (partNumber.y() - 1 <= partSymbol.y() && partNumber.y() + 1 >= partSymbol.y()) {
                        if (partNumber.startX() - 1 <= partSymbol.x() && partNumber.endX() + 1 >= partSymbol.x()) {
                            logger.debug("Different line: {} {} {}", partNumber.partNumber(), partSymbol.symbol());
                            partNumberSum += partNumber.partNumber();
            return String.valueOf(partNumberSum);
        public String part2(String puzzleInput) {
            Schematic schematic = new Schematic(puzzleInput);
            HashMap<Schematic.PartSymbol, ArrayList<Schematic.PartNumber>> partSymbolPartNumberHashMap = new HashMap<>();
            for (Schematic.PartNumber partNumber : schematic.getPartNumbers()) {
                for (Schematic.PartSymbol partSymbol : schematic.getPartSymbols()) {
                    if (partNumber.y() == partSymbol.y()) {
                        addPartToSymbol((HashMap<Schematic.PartSymbol, ArrayList<Schematic.PartNumber>>) partSymbolPartNumberHashMap, partNumber, partSymbol);
                    } else if (partNumber.y() - 1 <= partSymbol.y() && partNumber.y() + 1 >= partSymbol.y()) {
                        addPartToSymbol((HashMap<Schematic.PartSymbol, ArrayList<Schematic.PartNumber>>) partSymbolPartNumberHashMap, partNumber, partSymbol);
            // go through the hashmap and see which * have exactly 2 part numbers
            int gearRatioSum = 0;
            for (Schematic.PartSymbol partSymbol : partSymbolPartNumberHashMap.keySet()) {
                if (partSymbol.symbol().equals("*")) {
                    if (partSymbolPartNumberHashMap.get(partSymbol).size() == 2) {
                        // multiply the part numbers together
                        int gearRatio = 1;
                        for (Schematic.PartNumber partNumber : partSymbolPartNumberHashMap.get(partSymbol)) {
                            gearRatio *= partNumber.partNumber();
                        gearRatioSum += gearRatio;
            return String.valueOf(gearRatioSum);
        private void addPartToSymbol(HashMap<Schematic.PartSymbol, ArrayList<Schematic.PartNumber>> partSymbolPartNumberHashMap, Schematic.PartNumber partNumber, Schematic.PartSymbol partSymbol) {
            if (partNumber.startX() - 1 <= partSymbol.x() && partNumber.endX() + 1 >= partSymbol.x()) {
                // add the part number to the hashmap
                if (partSymbolPartNumberHashMap.containsKey(partSymbol)) {
                } else {
                    ArrayList<Schematic.PartNumber> partNumbers = new ArrayList<>();
                    partSymbolPartNumberHashMap.put(partSymbol, partNumbers);
    3 votes
    1. tjf
      Link Parent
      Very enterprise!

      Very enterprise!

      2 votes
  2. Crespyl
    This seems tricky for the third day, but it's really just another parsing problem at its core. I was able to re-use a utility class from previous years, which helps a lot with handling grids like...

    This seems tricky for the third day, but it's really just another parsing problem at its core. I was able to re-use a utility class from previous years, which helps a lot with handling grids like this (they come up frequently in AoC problems).

    Part 1 - Ruby
    def compute_p1(input)
      symbols = "*#/+%$&=@-".chars
      g = Grid.new(input)
      # find each symbol
      g.coords_where { |c| symbols.include?(c) }
       .map { |x,y| get_neighboring_numbers(g, x, y) }
    def read_number(grid, start_x, start_y)
      str = grid.get(start_x,start_y).clone
      return nil unless str.match?(/[[:digit:]]/)
      x, y = start_x-1, start_y
      while grid.get(x,y) != nil && grid.get(x,y).match?(/[[:digit:]]/)
        str.insert(0, grid.get(x,y))
        x -= 1
      x = start_x+1
      while grid.get(x,y) != nil && grid.get(x,y).match?(/[[:digit:]]/)
        x += 1
    def get_neighboring_numbers(grid, start_x, start_y)
          [-1, -1], [0, -1], [+1, -1],
          [-1,  0],          [+1,  0],
          [-1, +1], [0, +1], [+1, +1]
        ].map { |dx, dy| [start_x+dx, start_y+dy] }
         .filter { |x, y| grid.get(x,y).match?(/[[:digit:]]/) }
         .map { |x, y| read_number(grid, x, y) }
         .uniq # assuming there are no two identical numbers on the same symbol
    class Grid
      attr_accessor :grid
      attr_accessor :width
      attr_accessor :height
      attr_accessor :default
      def initialize(input, default: nil)
        @grid = input.lines
        @width = @grid[0].size
        @height = @grid.size
        @default = default
      def in_bounds?(x, y)
        x >= 0 && x < @width && y >= 0 && y < @height
      def get(x,y)
        if x < 0 || x >= @width || y < 0 || y >= @height
      def set(x,y,val)
        if x < 0 || x >= @width || y < 0 || y >= @height
          raise "Tried to write out of bounds"
          @grid[y][x] = val
      def all_coords
      def coords_where
        all_coords.filter { |x, y| yield(@grid[y][x]) }
      def each_index
        all_coords.each do |x,y|
      def update
        each_index do |x, y|
          @grid[y][x] = yield(x, y, @grid[y][x])
      def ==(other)
        return false if other.class != Grid
        return other.grid == @grid
      def all?(value)
        return @grid.flatten.all?(value)
      def neighbors(x,y)
          [-1, -1], [0, -1], [+1, -1],
          [-1,  0],          [+1, 0],
          [-1, +1], [0, +1], [+1, +1]
        ].map { |dx, dy| get(x+dx, y+dy) }
      def to_s
        s = ""
        height.times do |y|
          width.times do |x|
            s << get(x,y) || default.to_s
          s << "\n"
        return s
      def count(value)
        if block_given?
    Part 2

    Part 2 becomes easy when we already have everything in a searchable grid format.

    def compute_p2(input)
      g = Grid.new(input)
      g.coords_where { |c| c == "*" }
       .map { |x,y| get_neighboring_numbers(g, x, y) }
       .filter { |numbers| numbers.length == 2 }
       .map { |numbers| numbers.inject(&:*) }
    2 votes
  3. csos95
    (edited )
    Today's puzzle tripped me up for a bit and then I got stuck at part two because of a dumb issue where I set the final result to the last calculation rather than summing them up. I'll probably go...

    Today's puzzle tripped me up for a bit and then I got stuck at part two because of a dumb issue where I set the final result to the last calculation rather than summing them up.
    I'll probably go back over it tomorrow to make a better/more concise version.

    use aoc_runner_derive::aoc;
    use logos::{Lexer, Logos};
    use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
    fn get_count(lex: &mut Lexer<Num>) -> Option<i64> {
    enum Num {
        #[regex("[0-9]+", get_count)]
        #[regex(r"([^0-9])", logos::skip)]
    #[aoc(day3, part1)]
    fn part1(input: &str) -> i64 {
        let grid: Vec<Vec<char>> = input.lines().map(|line| line.chars().collect()).collect();
        let mut part_sum = 0;
        input.lines().enumerate().for_each(|(row, line)| {
            let row = row as i64;
            for (num, range) in Num::lexer(line).spanned() {
                match num {
                    Num::Num(n) => {
                        for col in range {
                            let col = col as i64;
                            let mut to_check = Vec::new();
                            let up = row - 1;
                            let down = row + 1;
                            let left = col - 1;
                            let right = col + 1;
                            if up > 0 {
                                to_check.push((up, col));
                            if down < 140 {
                                to_check.push((down, col));
                            if left > 0 {
                                to_check.push((row, left));
                            if right < 140 {
                                to_check.push((row, right));
                            if up > 0 && left > 0 {
                                to_check.push((up, left));
                            if down < 140 && right < 140 {
                                to_check.push((down, right));
                            if left > 0 && down < 140 {
                                to_check.push((down, left));
                            if right < 140 && up > 0 {
                                to_check.push((up, right));
                            let mut is_part_num = false;
                            for (x, y) in to_check {
                                if !grid[x as usize][y as usize].is_ascii_digit()
                                    && grid[x as usize][y as usize] != '.'
                                    is_part_num = true;
                            if is_part_num {
                                part_sum += n;
                    _ => {}
    #[aoc(day3, part2)]
    fn part2(input: &str) -> i64 {
        let grid: Vec<Vec<char>> = input.lines().map(|line| line.chars().collect()).collect();
        let mut gear_nums: HashMap<(i64, i64), Vec<i64>> = HashMap::new();
        input.lines().enumerate().for_each(|(row, line)| {
            let row = row as i64;
            for (num, range) in Num::lexer(line).spanned() {
                match num {
                    Num::Num(n) => {
                        let mut seen_gears: HashSet<(i64, i64)> = HashSet::new();
                        for col in range {
                            let col = col as i64;
                            let mut to_check = Vec::new();
                            let up = row - 1;
                            let down = row + 1;
                            let left = col - 1;
                            let right = col + 1;
                            if up > 0 {
                                to_check.push((up, col));
                            if down < 140 {
                                to_check.push((down, col));
                            if left > 0 {
                                to_check.push((row, left));
                            if right < 140 {
                                to_check.push((row, right));
                            if up > 0 && left > 0 {
                                to_check.push((up, left));
                            if down < 140 && right < 140 {
                                to_check.push((down, right));
                            if left > 0 && down < 140 {
                                to_check.push((down, left));
                            if right < 140 && up > 0 {
                                to_check.push((up, right));
                            for (x, y) in to_check {
                                if grid[x as usize][y as usize] == '*' && !seen_gears.contains(&(x, y))
                                    gear_nums.entry((x, y)).or_default().push(n);
                                    seen_gears.insert((x, y)); //
                    _ => {}
        let mut gear_sum: i64 = 0;
        for (_, nums) in gear_nums {
            if nums.len() == 2 {
                gear_sum += nums.into_iter().product::<i64>();
    2 votes
  4. tjf
    Harder day three than expected -- felt more like a one-week-in problem. There were a couple of edge cases in my input that were not present in the sample, which was frustrating. I don't love the...

    Harder day three than expected -- felt more like a one-week-in problem. There were a couple of edge cases in my input that were not present in the sample, which was frustrating. I don't love the "look" of my solutions, but I guess a couple of nested for loops is common for these grid-style problems.

    Anyway here are my Python solutions:

    Part 1
    #!/usr/bin/env pypy3
    def adjacents(board, r, c, nlen):
        for rr in range(r - 1, r + 2):
            for cc in range(c - 1, c + nlen + 1):
                if (0 <= rr < len(board) and 0 <= cc < len(board[0])
                    and not (r == rr and c <= cc < c + nlen)):
                    yield (rr, cc)
    total = 0
    board = [[*line.strip()] for line in open(0)]
    for r in range(len(board)):
        for c in range(len(board[0])):
            if board[r][c].isdigit() and board[r][c] != '0':
                n = board[r][c]
                for cc in range(c + 1, len(board[0])):
                    if not board[r][cc].isdigit():
                    n += board[r][cc]
                    board[r][cc] = '0'
                if any(board[rr][cc] not in ('0123456789.')
                       for rr, cc in adjacents(board, r, c, len(n))):
                    total += int(n)
    Part 2
    #!/usr/bin/env pypy3
    from collections import defaultdict
    from math import prod
    def adjacents(board, r, c, nlen):
        for rr in range(r - 1, r + 2):
            for cc in range(c - 1, c + nlen + 1):
                if (0 <= rr < len(board) and 0 <= cc < len(board[0])
                    and not (r == rr and c <= cc < c + nlen)):
                    yield (rr, cc)
    gearnums = defaultdict(list)
    board = [[*line.strip()] for line in open(0)]
    for r in range(len(board)):
        for c in range(len(board[0])):
            if board[r][c].isdigit() and board[r][c] != '0':
                n = board[r][c]
                for cc in range(c + 1, len(board[0])):
                    if not board[r][cc].isdigit():
                    n += board[r][cc]
                    board[r][cc] = '0'
                for rr, cc in adjacents(board, r, c, len(n)):
                    if board[rr][cc] == '*':
                        gearnums[(rr, cc)].append(int(n))
    total = sum(prod(nums) for nums in gearnums.values() if len(nums) == 2)
    2 votes
  5. whs
    (edited )
    I thought yesterday that I'll use Nix for day 3. Oh boy, that was a mistake. At least the problem didn't ask me to walk vertically. Part 2 took me like 2 hours due to an off-by-one error in...

    I thought yesterday that I'll use Nix for day 3. Oh boy, that was a mistake. At least the problem didn't ask me to walk vertically.

    Part 2 took me like 2 hours due to an off-by-one error in getNumberAt, and the gearsNeighbors grid in part 2 had the bottom left written as +, + instead of +, -. I had to built my own test case to find these.

    I can't figure out how to use nix repl to run a non-repl code. So instead, this file build a test derivation with dummy value, and crash on test assertion failures. For the real solutions the output will be in the derivation build result file. And of course, to compute the gear values Nix will need to build/download a new bash, gcc, etc..

    	outputs = { nixpkgs, ... }: with builtins; let
    		lib = nixpkgs.lib;
    		pkgs = import nixpkgs { system = "x86_64-linux"; };
    		input = readFile ./input.txt;
    		exampleInput1 = readFile ./example.txt;
    		isSymbol = v: ! (elem v ["." "0" "1" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6" "7" "8" "9"]);
    		# Like foldl but op is called with (op acc index value)
    		ifoldl0 = op: nul: list: foldl' (acc: i: op acc i (elemAt list i)) nul (genList (i: i) (length list));
    		isSymbolAt = lines: row: col:
    				line = elemAt lines row;
    				char = substring col 1 line;
    				# This also handle overflows...
    				if row < 0 then false
    				else if col < 0 then false
    				else if row >= length lines then false
    				else if col >= stringLength line then false
    				else isSymbol char;
    		# Return [{number; col} ...]
    		getNumbers = line: 
    				chars = lib.strings.stringToCharacters line;
    				numbers = ifoldl0 (
    					acc: index: char:
    							last = lib.lists.last acc;
    						in if isSymbol char || char == "." then
    							# If this is symbol, ensure that the last member of acc is [0]
    							if last.col == -1 then acc
    							else acc ++ [{number = 0; col = -1;}]
    							# This is a number, add it to the last number
    							(lib.lists.init acc)
    							++ [{
    								number = (last.number*10) + (lib.strings.toInt char);
    								col = if last.col != -1 then last.col else index;
    				) [{number = 0; col = -1;}] chars;
    				# The last number might be invalid, remove it
    				if (lib.lists.last numbers).col == -1 then lib.lists.init numbers
    				else numbers;
    		# Return [{number; col; row;} ..]
    		getNumberLines = lines: lib.lists.flatten (lib.lists.imap0 (row: line: map (item: item // {inherit row;}) (getNumbers line)) lines);
    		sumNumbers = numbers: foldl' (acc: cur: acc + cur.number) 0 numbers;
    		filterNumberNextToSymbol = lines: numbers: filter (
    			number: let
    				_isSymbolAt = isSymbolAt lines;
    				numberLen = stringLength (toString number.number);
    				rowRange = lib.lists.range (number.col - 1) (number.col + numberLen);
    			in any lib.trivial.id (lib.lists.flatten [
    				# above row
    				(map (col: _isSymbolAt (number.row - 1) col) rowRange)
    				# left
    				(_isSymbolAt number.row (number.col - 1))
    				# right
    				(_isSymbolAt number.row (number.col + numberLen))
    				# bottom row
    				(map (col: _isSymbolAt (number.row + 1) col) rowRange)
    		) numbers;
    		solve1 = problem: let
    			lines = lib.strings.splitString "\n" (lib.strings.removeSuffix "\n" problem);
    			numbers = getNumberLines lines;
    			# numbers;
    			# filterNumberNextToSymbol lines numbers;
    			sumNumbers (filterNumberNextToSymbol lines numbers);
    		getGearPositionsLine = line:
    				(x: x != null)
    					(i: ch: if ch == "*" then {col=i;} else null)
    					(lib.strings.stringToCharacters line)
    		getGearPositions = lines: lib.lists.flatten (lib.lists.imap0 (row: line: map (item: item // {inherit row;}) (getGearPositionsLine line)) lines);
    		# Return the number occupying the space at {row, col}
    		getNumberAt = numbers: row: col: lib.lists.findFirst (
    			number: let
    				numberLen = stringLength (toString number.number);
    				number.row == row && number.col <= col && number.col + numberLen > col
    		) null numbers;
    		solve2 = problem: let
    			lines = lib.strings.splitString "\n" (lib.strings.removeSuffix "\n" problem);
    			numbers = getNumberLines lines;
    			gears = getGearPositions lines;
    			gearsNeighbors = map (
    				gear: let
    					_getNumberAt = getNumberAt numbers;
    					neighbors = [
    						(_getNumberAt (gear.row - 1) (gear.col - 1)) (_getNumberAt (gear.row - 1) (gear.col)) (_getNumberAt (gear.row - 1) (gear.col + 1))
    						(_getNumberAt (gear.row    ) (gear.col - 1))                                          (_getNumberAt (gear.row    ) (gear.col + 1))
    						(_getNumberAt (gear.row + 1) (gear.col - 1)) (_getNumberAt (gear.row + 1) (gear.col)) (_getNumberAt (gear.row + 1) (gear.col + 1))
    				in lib.lists.unique (lib.lists.remove null neighbors)
    			) gears;
    			correctGearNeighbors = filter (l: length l == 2) gearsNeighbors;
    			# _dbgCorrectGearNeighbors = lib.debug.traceSeq (toJSON correctGearNeighbors) correctGearNeighbors;
    			correctGearNeighborsRatio = map (x: (elemAt x 0).number * (elemAt x 1).number) correctGearNeighbors;
    			foldl' builtins.add 0 correctGearNeighborsRatio;
    	in {
    		part1 = pkgs.writeText "$out" "${toString (solve1 input)}";
    		part2 = pkgs.writeText "$out" "${toString (solve2 input)}";
    		test = assert !isSymbol ".";
    			assert !isSymbol "0";
    			assert !isSymbol "1";
    			assert isSymbol "$";
    			assert isSymbol "!";
    			assert isSymbol "*";
    			assert ifoldl0 (acc: i: elem: elem) 0 ["a" "b" "c"] == "c";
    			assert ifoldl0 (acc: i: elem: i) 0 ["a" "b" "c"] == 2;
    			assert lib.debug.traceValSeq (getNumbers "467..114..") == [{number = 467; col=0;} {number=114; col=5;}];
    			assert lib.debug.traceValSeq (getNumbers "467..114") == [{number = 467; col=0;} {number=114; col=5;}];
    			assert lib.debug.traceValSeq (getNumbers "..467..114..") == [{number = 467; col=2;} {number=114; col=7;}];
    			assert lib.debug.traceValSeq (getNumberLines ["1.." "..2"]) == [{number = 1; col=0; row=0;} {number=2; col=2; row=1;}];
    			assert getNumberAt [{number = 467; col=0; row = 0;} {number=114; col=5; row=0;}] 0 2 == {number = 467; col=0; row=0;};
    			assert getNumberAt [{number = 268; col=5; row = 0;}] 0 4 == null;
    			assert getNumberAt [{number = 514; col=1; row = 0;}] 0 4 == null;
    			assert sumNumbers [{number = 467; col=0;} {number=114; col=5;}] == 467+114;
    			assert isSymbolAt ["1.$" "..2"] 0 2;
    			assert !isSymbolAt ["1.$" "..2"] 0 0;
    			assert !isSymbolAt ["1.$" "..2"] (-1) 2;
    			assert !isSymbolAt ["1.$" "..2"] 3 0;
    			assert !isSymbolAt ["1.$" "..2"] 0 3;
    			assert lib.debug.traceValSeq (getGearPositionsLine "...*......") == [{col=3;}];
    			assert lib.debug.traceValSeq (solve1 exampleInput1) == 4361;
    			assert lib.debug.traceValSeq (solve2 exampleInput1) == 467835;
    			assert solve2 "2\n*\n2" == 4;
    			assert solve2 "2.3\n.*." == 6;
    			assert solve2 "2.3\n*.." == 0;
    			assert solve2 "123\n.*.\n4.." == 123*4;
    			assert solve2 "123*345" == 123*345;
    			assert solve2 "#514.268\n.....*..\n...305.." == 268*305;
    			pkgs.writeText "$out" "true";
    2 votes
  6. pnutzh4x0r
    (edited )
    Language: Python Classic AoC grid problem... Tedious as usual, but very doable. Took my time and I'm pretty happy with the result. :] Part 1 For the first part, I decided to break the problem...

    Language: Python

    Classic AoC grid problem... Tedious as usual, but very doable. Took my time and I'm pretty happy with the result. :]

    Part 1

    For the first part, I decided to break the problem into: 1. Reading the schematic, 2. Finding the numbers, 3. Finding the parts. This was useful for Part 2 as I could re-use my read_schematic and find_numbers functions.

    Two things I typically do for grid problems:

    1. Pad the grid so you can avoid annoying boundary checks.
    2. I have a DIRECTIONS list I loop through so I can check easily check the neighbors.
    Schematic  = list[str]
    Number     = tuple[int, int, int]
        (-1, -1),
        (-1,  0),
        (-1,  1),
        ( 0, -1),
        ( 0,  1),
        ( 1, -1),
        ( 1,  0),
        ( 1,  1),
    def read_schematic(stream=sys.stdin) -> Schematic:
        schematic = [line.strip() for line in stream]
        columns   = len(schematic[0]) + 2
        return [
            *['.' + line + '.' for line in schematic],
    def is_symbol(s: str) -> bool:
        return not (s.isdigit() or s == '.')
    def find_numbers(schematic: Schematic) -> Iterator[Number]:
        rows    = len(schematic)
        columns = len(schematic[0])
        for r in range(1, rows):
            for number in re.finditer(r'[0-9]+', schematic[r]):
                yield (r, *number.span())
    def find_parts(schematic: Schematic, numbers: Iterator[Number]) -> Iterator[int]:
        for r, c_head, c_tail in numbers:
            part = int(schematic[r][c_head:c_tail])
            for c in range(c_head, c_tail):
                neighbors = (schematic[r + dr][c + dc] for dr, dc in DIRECTIONS)
                if any(is_symbol(neighbor) for neighbor in neighbors):
                    yield part
    def main(stream=sys.stdin) -> None:
        schematic = read_schematic(stream)
        numbers   = find_numbers(schematic)
        parts     = find_parts(schematic, numbers)
    Part 2

    For the second part, I just found the stars, and then I found the gears by checking if the stars are next to two numbers (which I had found previously).

    def find_stars(schematic: Schematic) -> Iterator[Star]:
        rows    = len(schematic)
        columns = len(schematic[0])
        for r in range(1, rows):
            for c in range(1, columns):
                token = schematic[r][c]
                if token == '*':
                    yield (r, c)
    def find_gears(schematic: Schematic, stars: Iterator[Star], numbers: list[Number]) -> Iterator[int]:
        for star_r, star_c in stars:
            gears = [                                                                                                                      
                for number_r, number_c_head, number_c_tail in numbers
                if any(star_r + dr == number_r and number_c_head <= (star_c + dc) < number_c_tail for dr, dc in DIRECTIONS)
            if len(gears) == 2:
                yield gears[0] * gears[1]
    def main(stream=sys.stdin) -> None:
        schematic = read_schematic(stream)
        numbers   = find_numbers(schematic)
        stars     = find_stars(schematic)
        gears     = find_gears(schematic, stars, list(numbers))

    GitHub Repo

    2 votes
  7. jzimbel
    In case anyone else had the same bug in their code as I did, here's a hint. If you swap the sample input given in the puzzle instructions from this: Original sample input 467..114.. ...*.........

    In case anyone else had the same bug in their code as I did, here's a hint.

    If you swap the sample input given in the puzzle instructions from this:

    Original sample input
    to this:
    Tweaked sample input covering an extra edge case
    ..35...633  # <- line changed
    617....#..  # <- line changed
    ...*......  # <- line changed

    Your code should produce the same result.


    I started on this when the puzzle released at midnight in my timezone, but ended up deciding to sleep on it because I wasn't sure how best to represent the schematic as a data structure.

    I'm glad I took some time to think the structure through, because it made querying the data pretty straightforward for both parts.

    The code to parse the schematic into my struct is one giant list comprehension, by far the most complicated one I've written in this language, so that was... fun.

    Part 1 runs in 4.5-5ms, part 2 runs in 5-5.5ms, which I think is pretty good given everything that's going on here?

    Parts 1 and 2

    The Schematic module defines the data structure (the defstruct and the @type def), logic to parse it from the input string, and functions to query it for parts 1 and 2.

    Since you can't implicitly "re-use" a compound value (like a list or a map) with a pointer/reference in elixir, I had to explicitly make a lookup table using the built-in reference type.
    Coordinates of individual digits, which form part of a whole number, are mapped to a common reference. Then, a second map maps the reference to the number formed by the group of digits.
    This allows me to look up the number(s) adjacent to a symbol in logarithmic time, as well as uniquely identifying each number so I can avoid counting it more than once. The same number can also appear in multiple places in the schematic, so this helped me avoid bugs related to that as well.

    defmodule AdventOfCode.Solution.Year2023.Day03.Schematic do
      @type coords :: {non_neg_integer, non_neg_integer}
      @type t :: %__MODULE__{
              symbols: %{coords => char},
              digits: %{coords => reference},
              numbers: %{reference => non_neg_integer}
      defstruct symbols: %{}, digits: %{}, numbers: %{}
      def from_input(input) do
        for {line, y} <- Enum.with_index(String.split(input, "\n", trim: true)),
            # Put an additional '.' at the end to make sure trailing digits get finalized as numbers
            line = line <> ".",
            {char, x} <- Enum.with_index(String.to_charlist(line)),
            reduce: %__MODULE__{} do
          # Non-symbol, completes a number
          {acc, start_coords, digits} when char == ?. ->
            finalize_number(acc, start_coords, digits)
          # Non-symbol
          acc when char == ?. ->
          # Digit, continues a number
          {acc, start_coords, digits} when char in ?0..?9 ->
            {acc, start_coords, [char - ?0 | digits]}
          # Digit, starts a new number
          acc when char in ?0..?9 ->
            {acc, {x, y}, [char - ?0]}
          # Symbol, completes a number
          {acc, start_coords, digits} ->
            |> finalize_number(start_coords, digits)
            |> then(&%{&1 | symbols: Map.put(&1.symbols, {x, y}, char)})
          # Symbol
          acc ->
            %{acc | symbols: Map.put(acc.symbols, {x, y}, char)}
        # We know the acc will not end up in its {acc, start_coords, digits} alternate form
        # because the string will always end with '.', which will cause `finalize_number`
        # to be called even if the original input ends with a digit.
      def symbol_adjacent_numbers(schematic) do
        # Get coords of all symbols
        |> Map.keys()
        # Get all coords adjacent to those symbols
        |> Stream.flat_map(&adjacent_coords/1)
        # Get number refs for all those coords
        |> Stream.map(&schematic.digits[&1])
        # Remove duplicate refs
        |> Stream.uniq()
        # Remove nil
        |> Stream.reject(&is_nil/1)
        # Look up number for each ref
        |> Stream.map(&schematic.numbers[&1])
      def gear_ratios(schematic) do
        # Get coords of all '*' symbols
        |> Stream.flat_map(fn {coords, symbol} -> if symbol == ?*, do: [coords], else: [] end)
        # Get all coords adjacent to those symbols, keeping a separate list of adjacents per symbol
        |> Stream.map(&adjacent_coords/1)
        # Get number refs for each set of adjacent coords, filtering out duplicates & nil
        |> Stream.map(fn adjacents ->
          |> Stream.map(&schematic.digits[&1])
          |> Stream.uniq()
          |> Enum.reject(&is_nil/1)
        # Filter to those with exactly 2 adjacent number refs
        |> Stream.filter(&match?([_, _], &1))
        # Look up number for each ref and multiply each pair of numbers
        |> Stream.map(fn [ref1, ref2] -> schematic.numbers[ref1] * schematic.numbers[ref2] end)
      # List of coords that produce the 8 coordinates surrounding a given coord when added to it
      @all_adjacent_deltas for x <- -1..1, y <- -1..1, not (x == 0 and y == 0), do: {x, y}
      defp adjacent_coords(coords) do
        Enum.map(@all_adjacent_deltas, &sum_coords(&1, coords))
      defp sum_coords({x1, y1}, {x2, y2}), do: {x1 + x2, y1 + y2}
      defp finalize_number(acc, {x, y} = _start_coords, digits) do
        number = digits |> Enum.reverse() |> Integer.undigits()
        ref = make_ref()
        digit_positions = Map.new(0..(length(digits) - 1)//1, &{{x + &1, y}, ref})
          | digits: Map.merge(acc.digits, digit_positions),
            numbers: Map.put(acc.numbers, ref, number)
    defmodule AdventOfCode.Solution.Year2023.Day03 do
      alias __MODULE__.Schematic
      def part1(input) do
        |> Schematic.from_input()
        |> Schematic.symbol_adjacent_numbers()
        |> Enum.sum()
      def part2(input) do
        |> Schematic.from_input()
        |> Schematic.gear_ratios()
        |> Enum.sum()
    2 votes
  8. whispersilk
    (edited )
    Rust This was fun! A little bit harder than yesterday but easier than day 1, I think. My solution isn't exactly optimized — there's definitely some nested looping going on that would slow things...


    This was fun! A little bit harder than yesterday but easier than day 1, I think. My solution isn't exactly optimized — there's definitely some nested looping going on that would slow things down on larger inputs — but it's pretty quick at this scale and the hard part is still just the grid parsing. Because of that, I'll put my parser in a block of its own and then the solutions will be their own little follow-on blocks.

    Data structures and parser
    struct Part {
        id: u32,
        row: u32,
        col_left: u32,
        col_right: u32,
    struct Symbol {
        kind: char,
        row: u32,
        col: u32,
    impl Part {
        fn new(id: u32, row: u32, col_left: u32, col_right: u32) -> Self {
            Self {
        fn adjacent_to(&self, other: &Symbol) -> bool {
            other.row >= self.row.saturating_sub(1)
                && other.row <= self.row + 1
                && other.col >= self.col_left.saturating_sub(1)
                && other.col <= self.col_right + 1
    fn parse_grid() -> Result<(Vec<Part>, Vec<Symbol>)> {
        let (mut row, mut col) = (0, 0);
        let (mut parts, mut symbols) = (Vec::new(), Vec::new());
        let mut curr_id = None;
        for c in load_input(3)?.chars() {
            match c {
                '\n' => {
                    if let Some(id) = curr_id.take() {
                        parts.push(Part::new(id, row, col - 1 - id.ilog10(), col - 1));
                    row += 1;
                    col = 0;
                '.' => {
                    if let Some(id) = curr_id.take() {
                        parts.push(Part::new(id, row, col - 1 - id.ilog10(), col - 1));
                    col += 1;
                '0' | '1' | '2' | '3' | '4' | '5' | '6' | '7' | '8' | '9' => {
                    let curr = c as u32 - 48;
                    curr_id = curr_id.map(|v| v * 10 + curr).or(Some(curr));
                    col += 1;
                kind => {
                    if let Some(id) = curr_id.take() {
                        parts.push(Part::new(id, row, col - 1 - id.ilog10(), col - 1));
                    symbols.push(Symbol { kind, row, col });
                    col += 1;
        parts.sort_unstable_by(|a, b| a.row.cmp(&b.row).then(a.col_left.cmp(&b.col_left)));
        symbols.sort_unstable_by(|a, b| a.row.cmp(&b.row).then(a.col.cmp(&b.col)));
        Ok((parts, symbols))
    Part 1
    fn first() -> Result<String> {
        let (parts, symbols) = parse_grid()?;
        let sum = parts
            .filter_map(|part| {
                    .find(|s| part.adjacent_to(s))
                    .map(|_| part.id)
    Part 2
    fn second() -> Result<String> {
        let (parts, symbols) = parse_grid()?;
        let ratio = symbols
            .filter(|symbol| symbol.kind == '*')
            .filter_map(|symbol| {
                let mut iter = parts.iter().filter(|part| part.adjacent_to(symbol));
                match (iter.next(), iter.next(), iter.next()) {
                    (Some(part1), Some(part2), None) => Some(part1.id * part2.id),
                    _ => None,

    After completing yesterday's puzzles I put what I've got so far up on GitHub, and I'll do my best to keep it updated as the month goes on.

    2 votes
  9. first-must-burn
    Pretty nice little problem. I solved it, then went back and refactored my code into a more general grid structure out of my code, since I expect there to be more grid problems in the coming days....

    Pretty nice little problem. I solved it, then went back and refactored my code into a more general grid structure out of my code, since I expect there to be more grid problems in the coming days. I also took some time to write some tests for the grid code.

    With this structure, the only extra part is identifying the numbers as regions, everything else is provided by the adjacency methods in the grid structure.

    2 votes
  10. lily
    I would've gotten top 1000 on this, but wasted 25 minutes fixing a stupid bug where newlines were treated as symbols. Oh well. So far all the problems have been primarily based on just parsing the...

    I would've gotten top 1000 on this, but wasted 25 minutes fixing a stupid bug where newlines were treated as symbols. Oh well. So far all the problems have been primarily based on just parsing the input; hopefully there are some more interesting ones soon.

    # Advent of Code 2023
    # Day 3: Gear Ratios
    with open("inputs/day_3.txt") as file:
        schematic = [line.rstrip("\n") for line in file]
    used_positions = []
    part_sum = 0
    ratio_sum = 0
    for y, line in enumerate(schematic):
        for x, char in enumerate(line):
            if char not in ".0123456789":
                adj_count = 0
                ratio = 1
                for pos in (
                    (x + 1, y), (x + 1, y + 1), (x, y + 1), (x - 1, y + 1),
                    (x - 1, y), (x - 1, y - 1), (x, y - 1), (x + 1, y - 1)
                    if 0 <= pos[0] < len(line) and 0 <= pos[1] < len(schematic):
                        if (
                            schematic[pos[1]][pos[0]] in "0123456789"
                            and pos not in used_positions
                            part = schematic[pos[1]][pos[0]]
                            check_x = pos[0] - 1
                            while (
                                check_x >= 0
                                and schematic[pos[1]][check_x] in "0123456789"
                                and (check_x, pos[1]) not in used_positions
                                part = schematic[pos[1]][check_x] + part
                                used_positions.append((check_x, pos[1]))
                                check_x -= 1
                            check_x = pos[0] + 1
                            while (
                                check_x < len(line)
                                and schematic[pos[1]][check_x] in "0123456789" 
                                and (check_x, pos[1]) not in used_positions
                                part = part + schematic[pos[1]][check_x]
                                used_positions.append((check_x, pos[1]))
                                check_x += 1
                            part_sum += int(part)
                            if char == "*" and adj_count < 2:
                                adj_count += 1
                                ratio *= int(part)
                if adj_count == 2:
                    ratio_sum += ratio
    print(f"Part 1: {part_sum}")
    print(f"Part 2: {ratio_sum}")
    1 vote
  11. spit-evil-olive-tips
    part 1 package day03 import ( "fmt" "os" "strings" "github.com/spf13/cobra" ) type Schematic [][]byte type Position struct { row int col int } type PartNumber struct { value int row int startCol...
    part 1
    package day03
    import (
    type Schematic [][]byte
    type Position struct {
    	row int
    	col int
    type PartNumber struct {
    	value    int
    	row      int
    	startCol int
    	endCol   int
    func parseInput(path string) (Schematic, error) {
    	data, err := os.ReadFile(path)
    	if err != nil {
    		return nil, err
    	contents := string(data)
    	var s Schematic
    	lines := strings.Split(contents, "\n")
    	for _, line := range lines {
    		runes := []byte(line)
    		s = append(s, runes)
    	return s, nil
    func (s Schematic) isValidPartNumber(pn PartNumber) bool {
    	var candidates []Position
    	for col := pn.startCol - 1; col <= pn.endCol + 1; col++ {
    		candidates = append(candidates, Position{pn.row - 1, col})
    		candidates = append(candidates, Position{pn.row + 1, col})
    	candidates = append(candidates, Position{pn.row, pn.startCol - 1})
    	candidates = append(candidates, Position{pn.row, pn.endCol + 1})
    	for _, candidate := range candidates {
    		if candidate.row < 0 || candidate.row >= len(s) {
    		if candidate.col < 0 || candidate.col >= len(s[candidate.row]) {
    		switch s[candidate.row][candidate.col] {
    		case '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9':
    		case '.':
    			return true
    	return false
    func (s Schematic) getPartNumbersFromLine(row int, line []byte) []PartNumber {
    	var partNumbers []PartNumber
    	startCol := 0
    	value := 0
    	for col := 0; col <= len(line); col++ {
    		var char byte
    		if col == len(line) {
    			char = '.'
    		} else {
    			char = line[col]
    		switch char {
    		case '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9':
    			if value == 0 {
    				startCol = col
    			digit := int(char - '0')
    			value = (value * 10) + digit
    			if value > 0 {
    				pn := PartNumber{
    					value:    value,
    					row:      row,
    					startCol: startCol,
    					endCol:   col - 1,
    				partNumbers = append(partNumbers, pn)
    				value = 0
    	return partNumbers
    func (s Schematic) getPartNumbers() []PartNumber {
    	var partNumbers []PartNumber
    	for row, line := range s {
    		lineNumbers := s.getPartNumbersFromLine(row, line)
    		partNumbers = append(partNumbers, lineNumbers...)
    	return partNumbers
    var CommandA = &cobra.Command{
    	Use:  "03a",
    	Args: cobra.ExactArgs(1),
    	RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
    		s, err := parseInput(args[0])
    		if err != nil {
    			return err
    		partNumbers := s.getPartNumbers()
    		sum := 0
    		for _, partNumber := range partNumbers {
    			if s.isValidPartNumber(partNumber) {
    				sum += partNumber.value
    		fmt.Printf("%v\n", sum)
    		return nil
    part 1 discussion

    I had an annoying bug where I wasn't including a part number that happened to occur at the very end of a line of input, because my getPartNumbersFromLine function only registered it when it found the first character after the number. I solved this by pretending there's a . character at the end of every line.

    part 2

    I modified my isValidPartNumber function to return the character that's adjacent to the part, as well as its position:

    --- day03/day03a.go      2023-12-02 23:25:12.827319289 -0800
    +++ day03/day03b.go      2023-12-02 23:13:23.613715480 -0800
    @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
            return s, nil
    -func (s Schematic) isValidPartNumber(pn PartNumber) bool {
    +func (s Schematic) isValidPartNumber(pn PartNumber) (bool, byte, Position) {
            var candidates []Position
            for col := pn.startCol - 1; col <= pn.endCol + 1; col++ {
    @@ -61,17 +61,18 @@
    -               switch s[candidate.row][candidate.col] {
    +               char := s[candidate.row][candidate.col]
    +               switch char {
                    case '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9':
                    case '.':
    -                       return true
    +                       return true, char, candidate
    -       return false
    +       return false, '.', Position{}
     func (s Schematic) getPartNumbersFromLine(row int, line []byte) []PartNumber {
    @@ -138,7 +139,8 @@
                    sum := 0
                    for _, partNumber := range partNumbers {
    -                       if s.isValidPartNumber(partNumber) {
    +                       isValid, _, _ := s.isValidPartNumber(partNumber)
    +                       if isValid {
                                    sum += partNumber.value

    and from there it was easy to build up a map of gear positions to adjacent parts:

    var CommandB = &cobra.Command{
    	Use:  "03b",
    	Args: cobra.ExactArgs(1),
    	RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
    		s, err := parseInput(args[0])
    		if err != nil {
    			return err
    		partNumbers := s.getPartNumbers()
    		matchingParts := make(map[Position][]PartNumber)
    		for _, partNumber := range partNumbers {
    			_, char, position := s.isValidPartNumber(partNumber)
    			if char == '*' {
    				matchingParts[position] = append(matchingParts[position], partNumber)
    		sum := 0
    		for _, parts := range matchingParts {
    			if len(parts) == 2 {
    				gearRatio := parts[0].value * parts[1].value
    				sum += gearRatio
    		fmt.Printf("%v\n", sum)
    		return nil
    1 vote
  12. Crestwave
    Longer day 3 than expected; might be because it's a weekend. Part 2 was pretty simple, at least. Part 1 POSIX AWK doesn't seem to have a way to handle multiple matches so I had to manually...

    Longer day 3 than expected; might be because it's a weekend. Part 2 was pretty simple, at least.

    Part 1

    POSIX AWK doesn't seem to have a way to handle multiple matches so I had to manually implement it. Overall went pretty smoothly other than a couple off-by-one errors.

    #!/usr/bin/awk -f
    	str = $0
    	len = 0
    	while (length(str) > 0) {
    		i = match(str, /[0-9]+/)
    		if (i == 0)
    		grid[i + len, NR] = substr(str, i, RLENGTH)
    		len += i + RLENGTH - 1
    		str = substr(str, i + RLENGTH)
    	str = $0
    	len = 0
    	while (length(str) > 0) {
    		i = match(str, /[^0-9.]/)
    		if (i == 0)
    		sym[i + len, NR] = substr(str, i, 1)
    		len += i + RLENGTH - 1
    		str = substr(str, i + RLENGTH)
    END {
    	for (k in grid) {
    		split(k, xy, SUBSEP)
    		for (x = xy[1] - 1; x <= xy[1] + length(grid[k]); ++x)
    			for (y = xy[2] - 1; y <= xy[2] + 1; ++y)
    				if (sym[x, y])
    					total += grid[k]
    Part 2

    Very minor changes. The instructions specified "adjacent to exactly two part numbers", but I didn't have any that were more than two in my input so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    #!/usr/bin/awk -f
    	str = $0
    	len = 0
    	while (length(str) > 0) {
    		i = match(str, /[0-9]+/)
    		if (i == 0)
    		grid[i + len, NR] = substr(str, i, RLENGTH)
    		len += i + RLENGTH - 1
    		str = substr(str, i + RLENGTH)
    	str = $0
    	len = 0
    	while (length(str) > 0) {
    		i = match(str, /[^0-9.]/)
    		if (i == 0)
    		sym[i + len, NR] = substr(str, i, 1)
    		len += i + RLENGTH - 1
    		str = substr(str, i + RLENGTH)
    END {
    	for (k in grid) {
    		split(k, xy, SUBSEP)
    		for (x = xy[1] - 1; x <= xy[1] + length(grid[k]); ++x)
    			for (y = xy[2] - 1; y <= xy[2] + 1; ++y)
    				if (sym[x, y] == "*")
    					if (gear[x, y])
    						total += gear[x, y] * grid[k]
    						gear[x, y] = grid[k]
    1 vote
  13. guissmo
    Hoping for more problems beyond parsing! But at least I got to use some functions that I haven't used in a while. Posted my solution and explanation here:...

    Hoping for more problems beyond parsing! But at least I got to use some functions that I haven't used in a while. Posted my solution and explanation here: https://guissmo.com/blog/advent-of-code-2023-day-3/

    Here's the complete code:

    Parts 1 and 2
    import re
    def padded_grid(inp):
        pad = '.'*(len(inp[0])+2)
        mid = [f'.{i}.' for i in inp]
        return([pad] + mid + [pad])
    class Symbol():
        def __init__(self, num, i, j):
            self.value = num
            self.i = i
            self.j = j
        def __str__(self):
            return f'symbol {self.value} at row {self.i} and column {self.j}'
        def __eq__(self, other):
            return self.value == other.value and self.i == other.i and self.j == other.j
    class Number():
        def __init__(self, num, i, j0, j1):
            self.value = int(num)
            self.i = i
            self.j0 = j0
            self.j1 = j1
        def __str__(self):
            return f'number {self.value} at row {self.i} spanning columns {self.j0} to {self.j1}'
    class Grid():
        def __init__(self, inp):
            self.grid = padded_grid(inp)
            self.numbers = self.detect_numbers()
            self.symbols = self.detect_symbols()
            self.asterisks = self.detect_asterisks()
        def __str__(self):
            ret = ""
            for l in self.grid:
                ret += l
                ret += '\n'
            return ret
        def detect_numbers(self):
            ret = []
            for i,l in enumerate(self.grid):
                for m in re.finditer(r'[0-9]+', l):
                    (j0, j1) = m.span()
                    ret.append(Number(m[0], i, j0, j1-1))
            return ret
        def detect_symbols(self):
            ret = []
            for i,l in enumerate(self.grid):
                for m in re.finditer(r'[^0-9\.]', l):
                    (j0, j1) = m.span()
                    ret.append(Symbol(m[0], i, j0))
            return ret
        def detect_asterisks(self):
            ret = []
            for i,l in enumerate(self.grid):
                for m in re.finditer(r'[\*]', l):
                    (j0, j1) = m.span()
                    ret.append(Symbol(m[0], i, j0))
            return ret
        def detect_adjacent_symbols(self, num):
            ret = []
            for s in self.symbols:
                if num.i-1 <= s.i and s.i <= num.i+1 and num.j0-1 <= s.j and s.j <= num.j1+1:
            return ret
        def sum_of_part_numbers(self):
            ret = 0
            for n in self.numbers:
                if len(self.detect_adjacent_symbols(n)) > 0:
                    ret += n.value
            return ret
        def find_gear_ratio(self):
            dic = {}
            for n in self.numbers:
                adjacent_symbols = self.detect_adjacent_symbols(n)
                for s in adjacent_symbols:
                    if s.value != '*':
                    k = (s.i, s.j)
                    if k not in dic:
                        dic[k] = []
            ret = 0
            for k in dic:
                l = dic[k]
                if len(l) == 2:
                    ret += l[0].value*l[1].value
            return ret

    Then it was a matter of doing

    grid = Grid(my_input)
    1 vote
  14. wycy
    Rust Highly involved for a day 3. I hope it's just the early problems that have had their complexity increased to combat LLMs. If the whole challenge has had its complexity scaled up this much,...


    Highly involved for a day 3. I hope it's just the early problems that have had their complexity increased to combat LLMs. If the whole challenge has had its complexity scaled up this much, it's going to be really hard by day 10.

    Day 3
    use std::env;
    use std::io::{self, prelude::*, BufReader};
    use std::fs::File;
    use std::collections::HashMap;
    use point2d::point2d::Point2D;
    fn neighbors(start: &Point2D, end: &Point2D) -> Vec<Point2D> {
        let mut neighbors = Vec::new();
        neighbors.push(Point2D {x: start.x - 1, y: start.y    }); // start:left
        neighbors.push(Point2D {x: start.x - 1, y: start.y - 1}); // start:left-up
        neighbors.push(Point2D {x: start.x - 1, y: start.y + 1}); // start:left-down
        neighbors.push(Point2D {x: end.x   + 1, y: end.y      }); // end:right
        neighbors.push(Point2D {x: end.x   + 1, y: end.y   - 1}); // end:right-up
        neighbors.push(Point2D {x: end.x   + 1, y: end.y   + 1}); // end:right-down
        for x in start.x..=end.x {
            neighbors.push(Point2D {x: x      , y: start.y - 1}); // up
            neighbors.push(Point2D {x: x      , y: start.y + 1}); // down
    fn is_number(ch: char) -> bool {
        match ch {
            '0' | '1' | '2' | '3' | '4' | '5' | '6' | '7' | '8' | '9' => true,
            _ => false,
    fn is_symbol(ch: char) -> bool {
        if is_number(ch) { return false }
        if ch == '.'     { return false }
    fn is_gear_symbol(ch: char) -> bool {
        if ch == '*' { return true }
    // Returns the actual number from a vec of numeric characters
    fn number_from_digits(digits: Vec<char>) -> i64 {
            .map(|(i,digit)| digit.to_digit(10).unwrap() as i64 * i64::pow(10,i.try_into().unwrap()))
    // Verifies that a given part number is valid based on adjacency to any symbol
    fn is_valid_part_number(start: &Point2D, end: &Point2D, map: &HashMap<Point2D,char>) -> bool {
        for n in neighbors(&start, &end) {
            match map.get(&n) {
                Some(ch) => if is_symbol(*ch) { return true },
                None => {},
    // Returns all gear symbol Point2D adjacent to a number
    fn adjacent_gears(start: &Point2D, end: &Point2D, map: &HashMap<Point2D,char>) -> Vec<Point2D> {
        let mut gears: Vec<Point2D> = Vec::new();
        for n in neighbors(&start, &end) {
            match map.get(&n) {
                Some(ch) => if is_gear_symbol(*ch) { gears.push(n) },
                None => {},
    // Extracts the current number and returns the end point thereof
    fn extract_number(start: &Point2D, map: &HashMap<Point2D,char>) -> (i64, Point2D) {
        let mut digits: Vec<char> = Vec::new();
        let mut end_pt = Point2D { x: start.x, y: start.y };
        'find_lp: loop {
            match map.get(&end_pt) {
                Some(ch) => {
                    if is_number(*ch) { digits.push(*ch); }
                    else { break 'find_lp }
                None => break 'find_lp,
            end_pt.x += 1;
        end_pt.x -= 1;
    fn solve(input: &str) -> io::Result<()> {
        let file = File::open(input).expect("Input file not found.");
        let reader = BufReader::new(file);
        // Input
        let input: Vec<String> = match reader.lines().collect() {
            Err(err) => panic!("Unknown error reading input: {err}"),
            Ok(result) => result,
        // Build map
        let mut part_numbers: HashMap<Point2D,char> = HashMap::new();
        for (y,line) in input.iter().enumerate() {
            for (x,ch) in line.chars().enumerate() {
                let pt = Point2D { x: x as i64, y: y as i64 };
                part_numbers.insert(pt, ch);
        let xmax = &part_numbers.keys().map(|&pt| pt.x).max().unwrap();
        let ymax = &part_numbers.keys().map(|&pt| pt.y).max().unwrap();
        // Solve
        let mut part1: i64 = 0;
        let mut potential_gears: HashMap<Point2D,Vec<i64>> = HashMap::new();
        for y in 0..=*ymax {
            let mut pt = Point2D { x: 0, y: y };
            loop {
                let ch = part_numbers.get(&pt).unwrap();
                if is_number(*ch) {
                    let (num,end) = extract_number(&pt, &part_numbers);
                    // Part 1
                    if is_valid_part_number(&pt, &end, &part_numbers) {
                        part1 += num;
                    // Part 2
                    for gear in adjacent_gears(&pt, &end, &part_numbers) {
                        if potential_gears.contains_key(&gear) {
                        } else {
                    pt.x = end.x + 1;
                } else {
                    pt.x += 1;
                if pt.x >= *xmax { break }
        println!("Part 1: {part1}"); // 525119
        // Part 2
        let part2: i64 = potential_gears
            .filter(|(_,v)| v.len() == 2)
            .map(|(_,v)| v.iter().product::<i64>())
        println!("Part 2: {part2}"); // 76504829
    fn main() {
        let args: Vec<String> = env::args().collect();
        let filename = &args[1];
    1 vote
  15. infinitesimal
    Just wondering, do people ever use fancy spatial data structures for these 2D (or eventually 3D) AoC grid problems instead of just nested loops? Kotlin object Day3 { data class Number(val i: Int,...

    Just wondering, do people ever use fancy spatial data structures for these 2D (or eventually 3D) AoC grid problems instead of just nested loops?

    object Day3 {
        data class Number(val i: Int, val row: Int, val col: IntRange)
        data class Symbol(val c: Char, val row: Int, val col: Int)
        data class Schematic(val nums: List<Number>, val syms: List<Symbol>)
        private fun parse(lines: List<String>) = lines.mapIndexed { row, line ->
            val nums = Regex("""\d+""").findAll(line).map { Number(it.value.toInt(), row, it.range) }
            val syms = Regex("""[^\d.]""").findAll(line).map { Symbol(it.value.first(), row, it.range.first) }
            Schematic(nums.toList(), syms.toList())
        }.reduce { prev, next -> Schematic(prev.nums + next.nums, prev.syms + next.syms) }
        private fun isAdjacent(num: Number, sym: Symbol) = let {
            val vert = (num.row - 1)..(num.row + 1)
            val horz = num.col + (num.col.first - 1) + (num.col.last + 1)
            val neighborhood = vert.flatMap { row -> horz.map { col -> Pair(row, col) } }
            Pair(sym.row, sym.col) in neighborhood
        fun part1(lines: List<String>) = let {
            val (nums, syms) = parse(lines)
            nums.filter { num -> syms.any { sym -> isAdjacent(num, sym) } }.sumOf { num -> num.i }
        fun part2(lines: List<String>) = let {
            val (nums, syms) = parse(lines)
            syms.filter { it.c == '*' }.sumOf { sym ->
                val neighbors = nums.filter { num -> isAdjacent(num, sym) }.toList()
                if (neighbors.size == 2) neighbors[0].i * neighbors[1].i else 0
    1 vote
  16. Macil
    Using Typescript and Deno together still. I flipped my approach to solving this a few times. Originally I decided I would process the text character-by-character to look for symbols, and then also...

    Using Typescript and Deno together still. I flipped my approach to solving this a few times. Originally I decided I would process the text character-by-character to look for symbols, and then also do that to look for numbers, but then I would have to do some annoying book-keeping to remember where I encountered each of a number's digits. I realized it would be much easier if I used a regex to recognize strings of multiple digits together, and then searched for symbols around it. I also used regexes to search for the symbols. I would use the slice() method on the strings of the surrounding rows to make a substring of only the positions neighboring the number, and then use a regex to search those for symbols.

    For part 2, I did a similar search, but I would only look for "*" symbols neighboring the numbers, and I kept track of the locations of all "*" symbols and the numbers that neighbored them in a Map object. Then I iterated through the map looking at all locations which had exactly two numbers as neighbors.

    import { assertEquals } from "https://deno.land/std@0.208.0/assert/mod.ts";
    import { runPart } from "https://deno.land/x/aocd@v1.5.1/mod.ts";
    class Coordinate {
      row: number;
      column: number;
      constructor(row: number, column: number) {
        this.row = row;
        this.column = column;
      toString() {
        return `${this.row},${this.column}`;
      static fromString(str: string): Coordinate {
        const [row, column] = str.split(",").map(Number);
        return new Coordinate(row, column);
    function parse(input: string): string[] {
      return input.trimEnd().split("\n");
    function* getNumberSymbolNeighbors(
      lines: string[],
      numberCoordinate: Coordinate,
      numberLength: number,
      symbolRegex = /[^0-9.]/g,
    ): Generator<Coordinate> {
      for (
        let row = numberCoordinate.row - 1;
        row <= numberCoordinate.row + 1;
      ) {
        const line = lines[row];
        if (!line) {
        const searchPartStart = Math.max(0, numberCoordinate.column - 1);
        const searchPart = line.slice(
          numberCoordinate.column + numberLength + 1,
        for (const symbolMatch of searchPart.matchAll(symbolRegex)) {
          yield new Coordinate(row, searchPartStart + symbolMatch.index!);
    function numberHasSymbolNeighbors(
      lines: string[],
      numberCoordinate: Coordinate,
      numberLength: number,
      symbolRegex?: RegExp,
    ): boolean {
      for (
        const _value of getNumberSymbolNeighbors(
      ) {
        // Just return true as soon as we've found one, don't need to keep looking.
        return true;
      return false;
    function part1(input: string): number {
      const lines = parse(input);
      const partNumbers: number[] = [];
      lines.forEach((line, row) => {
        for (const numberMatch of line.matchAll(/[0-9]+/g)) {
          const numberCoordinate = new Coordinate(row, numberMatch.index!);
          if (
            numberHasSymbolNeighbors(lines, numberCoordinate, numberMatch[0].length)
          ) {
      return partNumbers.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0);
    function part2(input: string): number {
      const lines = parse(input);
      // keys are stringified coordinates
      const gearCoordsToNumbers = new Map<string, number[]>();
      lines.forEach((line, row) => {
        for (const numberMatch of line.matchAll(/[0-9]+/g)) {
          const numberCoordinate = new Coordinate(row, numberMatch.index!);
          for (
            const gearCoordinate of getNumberSymbolNeighbors(
          ) {
            const gearCoordinateString = gearCoordinate.toString();
            let gearNumbers = gearCoordsToNumbers.get(gearCoordinateString);
            if (!gearNumbers) {
              gearNumbers = [];
              gearCoordsToNumbers.set(gearCoordinateString, gearNumbers);
      return Array.from(gearCoordsToNumbers.values())
        .filter((gearNumbers) => gearNumbers.length === 2)
        .map(([a, b]) => a * b)
        .reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0);
    if (import.meta.main) {
      runPart(2023, 3, 1, part1);
      runPart(2023, 3, 2, part2);
    const TEST_INPUT = `\
    Deno.test("part1", () => {
      assertEquals(part1(TEST_INPUT), 4361);
    Deno.test("part2", () => {
      assertEquals(part2(TEST_INPUT), 467835);
    1 vote