8 votes

Day 11: Cosmic Expansion

Today's problem description: https://adventofcode.com/2023/day/11

Please post your solutions in your own top-level comment. Here's a template you can copy-paste into your comment to format it nicely, with the code collapsed by default inside an expandable section with syntax highlighting (you can replace python with any of the "short names" listed in this page of supported languages):

<summary>Part 1</summary>

Your code here.



  1. lily
    Had an irritating error that prevented me from getting a leaderboard spot on part 2, but other than that, today was a nice break after yesterday. I did part 1 pretty naïvely, so had to rewrite my...

    Had an irritating error that prevented me from getting a leaderboard spot on part 2, but other than that, today was a nice break after yesterday. I did part 1 pretty naïvely, so had to rewrite my solution for part 2.

    # Advent of Code 2023
    # Day 11: Cosmic Expansion
    from itertools import combinations
    with open("inputs/day_11.txt") as file:
        image = [list(line[:-1]) for line in file.readlines()]
    galaxies = []
    for y, row in enumerate(image):
        for x, tile in enumerate(row):
            if tile == "#":
                galaxies.append([x, y])
    moved_galaxies_part_1 = [galaxy.copy() for galaxy in galaxies]
    moved_galaxies_part_2 = [galaxy.copy() for galaxy in galaxies]
    for y, row in enumerate(image):
        if "#" not in row:
            for i, galaxy in enumerate(galaxies):
                if galaxy[1] > y:
                    moved_galaxies_part_1[i][1] += 1
                    moved_galaxies_part_2[i][1] += 999999
    for x in range(len(image[0])):
        if not any(image[y][x] == "#" for y in range(len(image))):
            for i, galaxy in enumerate(galaxies):
                if galaxy[0] > x:
                    moved_galaxies_part_1[i][0] += 1
                    moved_galaxies_part_2[i][0] += 999999
    distance_sum_part_1 = 0
    for pair in combinations(moved_galaxies_part_1, 2):
        distance_sum_part_1 += (
            abs(pair[1][0] - pair[0][0]) + abs(pair[1][1] - pair[0][1])
    print(f"Part 1: {distance_sum_part_1}")
    distance_sum_part_2 = 0
    for pair in combinations(moved_galaxies_part_2, 2):
        distance_sum_part_2 += (
            abs(pair[1][0] - pair[0][0]) + abs(pair[1][1] - pair[0][1])
    print(f"Part 2: {distance_sum_part_2}")
    2 votes
  2. Hvv
    (edited )
    This feels like one of those problems that quality-checks how well thought out your initial implementation was, because I only narrowly dodged having to rewrite the whole thing for Part 2. Part 1...

    This feels like one of those problems that quality-checks how well thought out your initial implementation was, because I only narrowly dodged having to rewrite the whole thing for Part 2.

    Part 1 Solution

    We can start this one with the most obvious implementation, which is:

    Going through all the rows & columns, mark off all the columns and rows that have a galaxy (or, equivalently, all the columns/rows that don't).
    Create a new map doubling all those rows/columns and place all the galaxies appropriately in the new map.
    Run a BFS from each galaxy to each other galaxy.

    This is probably good enough to get you through this part, though it might already be chugging a bit. We'll start by noting that a BFS actually isn't necessary. If you play around a bit, you might be able to see that the shortest path between 2 galaxies is to start at one galaxy and then go vertically until you're on the same plane as the other one, and then just go horizontally until you're at the other galaxy.

    To capture this with an algorithm, if we took the X and Y positions of the two galaxies then the distance between those two galaxies is just the absolute differences between the X and Y coordinates (in math terms this is how distance works in the Taxicab Geometry).

    We could go further here because the mere mention of "X" and "Y" positions might already be telling you things about how to optimize this, but if we do too much then there's nothing to write for Part 2! So we'll leave it here for now.

    Part 2 Solution

    This is where the solution above gets quality-checked out of existence. Even if you can check each galaxy in constant time, building a map that's millions by millions doesn't quite work.

    But this is where some extra insight into what we're actually doing with our algorithm hints at a way to compress this map. Namely, we don't care about most of the map, we only care about the galaxies!

    If we built compressed map that only contains the X and Y positions of the galaxies, then we can just use taxicab distance for all the pairs and solve everything right then and there.

    The problem is getting those positions. But let's look more carefully how we're building that map. Namely, if on the un-expanded map a galaxy is at row R and column C, every empty row before R contributes a million* expanded empty rows to R in the expanded map, and every empty column before C independently contributes a million* expanded empty rows to C in the expanded map.

    *Alright it's a million minus one, because the empty row itself is already counted in R (this is easier to see in Part 1 where it's just two rows).

    That is, in the expanded map,

    (expanded-R, expanded-C) = (R + (1000000-1)*(# of empty rows before R), C + (1000000-1)*(# of empty columns before C))

    Which we can figure out just by counting the number of empty rows before each R and each C.

    Now once we've collected the galaxies, we can mark off which rows/columns are empty and collect a record of all the rows/columns that are empty, and build the expanded map using the above algorithm to get the answer.

    Bonus Solution Discussion

    We found a solution that is O(n^2) in terms of number of galaxies, which is definitely good enough for this problem. But what if I told you it isn't asymptotically optimal? Alright this one isn't nearly as ridiculous as the other bonus that involved polynomial interpolation, but it's still pretty cool.

    The first thing to note is that the taxicab algorithm calculates the X and Y differences independently, and then just adds them together. So what if we uncoupled those and also calculated the X and Y parts of the taxicab distance independently as well?

    That would look like:

    (1,2), (5,3), (2,5), (3,7)
    X coords:
    Total X distance: 
    (5-1)+(3-1)+(2-1) + (5-2)+(3-2) + (5-3) =
    (5+3+2)-(3*1) + (5+3)-(2*2) + (5)-(1*3) = 13
    Y coords:
    Total Y distance:
    (7-2)+(5-2)+(3-2) + (7-3)+(5-3) + (7-5) =
    (7+5+3)-(3*2) + (7+3)-(2*3) + (7)-(1*5) = 15
    Total distance: 28

    If you precompute those sums in the last equation, the whole thing can be done in O(n).

    Now in this case you could argue that it's O(n log n) because you need to sort to get the X/Y coords in order, but because of the way our input is formatted there's actually a hidden second factor to the complexity, which is just reading the input at all.

    If we scan left to right then top to bottom (like usual) then we get all the Y coordinates in order for free.

    Similarly, if we scan top to bottom first and then left to right then we can also get the X coordinates in order, since we don't need to associate these coordinates to any particular galaxy.

    Part 1/2 Code
    #include <bits/stdc++.h>
    using namespace std;
    int main() {
    	string s;
    	vector<pair<int,int>> galaxies;
    	vector<int> row_is_empty,col_is_empty;
    	while(cin >> s) {
    		for(int i=0;i<s.size();i++) {
    			if(s[i] != '.') {
    				col_is_empty[i] = 1;
    				row_is_empty.back() = 1;
    	for(int i=0;i<row_is_empty.size();i++) {
    		row_is_empty[i] ^= 1;
    	for(int i=0;i<col_is_empty.size();i++) {
    		col_is_empty[i] ^= 1;
    	for(int i=1;i<row_is_empty.size();i++) {
    		row_is_empty[i] += row_is_empty[i-1];
    	for(int i=1;i<col_is_empty.size();i++) {
    		col_is_empty[i] += col_is_empty[i-1];
    	for(const int EMPTY_FACTOR: {2,1000000}) {
    		long long ans = 0;
    		for(int i=0;i<galaxies.size();i++) {
    			int r = galaxies[i].first;
    			int c = galaxies[i].second;
    			r += row_is_empty[r]*(EMPTY_FACTOR-1);
    			c += col_is_empty[c]*(EMPTY_FACTOR-1);
    			for(int j=0;j<i;j++) {
    				int u = galaxies[j].first;
    				int v = galaxies[j].second;
    				u += row_is_empty[u]*(EMPTY_FACTOR-1);
    				v += col_is_empty[v]*(EMPTY_FACTOR-1);
    				ans += abs(r-u)+abs(c-v);
    		cout << ans << '\n';
    2 votes
  3. scarecrw
    A fun day! I'll admit my initial approach was to actually manipulate the array, which obviously needed reworking for part 2. After writing part 2 I went back and refactored as there was no need to...

    A fun day! I'll admit my initial approach was to actually manipulate the array, which obviously needed reworking for part 2. After writing part 2 I went back and refactored as there was no need to have two different approaches.

    Haskell Solution
    module Main (main) where
    import Data.List (transpose)
    main :: IO ()
    main = do
        input <- readFile "./input.txt"
        putStrLn $ "Part 1: " ++ show (solve1 $ lines input)
        putStrLn $ "Part 2: " ++ show (solve2 $ lines input)
    data Coord = Coord Integer Integer
    dist :: Coord -> Coord -> Integer
    dist (Coord r1 c1) (Coord r2 c2) = abs (r1 - r2) + abs (c1 - c2)
    findGalaxies :: [String] -> Integer -> [Coord]
    findGalaxies universe expansionSize = expandedResult where
        findEmpty = map fst . filter (all (=='.') . snd) . zip [0..]
        emptyRows = findEmpty universe
        emptyCols = findEmpty $ transpose universe
        rowIndexed = zip universe [0..]
        rcIndexed = concatMap labelVals rowIndexed where
            labelVals (s, r) = zipWith (\v c -> (Coord r c, v)) s [0..]
        result = map fst $ filter ((=='#') . snd) rcIndexed
        expandedResult = map (expand expansionSize emptyRows emptyCols) result
    expand :: Integer -> [Integer] -> [Integer] -> Coord -> Coord
    expand expansionSize eRows eCols (Coord r c) = Coord r' c' where
        r' = expanded eRows r
        c' = expanded eCols c
        expanded [] i = i
        expanded (x:xs) i
            | x < i = expansionSize + expanded xs i
            | otherwise = i
    solve :: [String] -> Integer -> Integer
    solve universe n = result where
        galaxies = findGalaxies universe n
        result = distances galaxies where
            distances [] = 0
            distances (x:xs) = sum (map (dist x) xs) + distances xs
    solve1 :: [String] -> Integer
    solve1 = flip solve 1
    solve2 :: [String] -> Integer
    solve2 = flip solve 999999

    I've been noticing how much my approach to problems has changed using Haskell. Little things like the ease of defining new data types or having list tools like transpose at hand make me much more likely to work them into my solution. It's surprising how minor language difference will nudge you towards defaulting to certain tools.

    2 votes
  4. DataWraith
    (edited )
    Hah! I predicted exactly what they were gonna do for Part 2. Algorithm The idea is to store the x/y distances as a Prefix sum. Each row/column on the map is assigned the distance light travels...

    Hah! I predicted exactly what they were gonna do for Part 2.


    The idea is to store the x/y distances as a Prefix sum. Each row/column on the map is assigned the distance light travels when crossing that row/column, and thanks to the prefix sum I can lookup quickly how far apart two x or two y coordinates are.

    And since the distance between two galaxies is the manhattan distance here (because we cannot move diagonally), knowing the distances along the x and y axes is enough to compute the distance between galaxies.

    pub struct PuzzleInput {
    impl PuzzleInput {
        pub fn shortest_path(&self, start: (usize, usize), goal: (usize, usize)) -> usize {
            let (x1, y1) = start;
            let (x2, y2) = goal;
            let dx = self.col_dist.query(x1, x2);
            let dy = self.row_dist.query(y1, y2);
            dx + dy
    pub struct PrefixSum {
        prefix_sums: Vec<usize>,
    impl PrefixSum {
        pub fn new(values: &[usize]) -> Self {
            let mut prefix_sums = Vec::with_capacity(values.len());
            for v in values {
                prefix_sums.push(prefix_sums.last().unwrap_or(&0) + v);
            Self { prefix_sums }
        pub fn query(&self, x1: usize, x2: usize) -> usize {
            let (x1, x2) = (x1.min(x2), x1.max(x2));
            let lower = if x1 == 0 { 0 } else { self.prefix_sums[x1 - 1] };
            let upper = if x2 == 0 { 0 } else { self.prefix_sums[x2 - 1] };
            upper - lower
    day_11_bench  fastest       │ slowest       │ median        │ mean          │ samples │ iters
    ├─ parse      63.6 µs       │ 204.3 µs      │ 66.98 µs      │ 69.25 µs      │ 100     │ 100
    ├─ part1      303.6 µs      │ 478.3 µs      │ 310.9 µs      │ 317.7 µs      │ 100     │ 100
    ╰─ part2      303.2 µs      │ 324.9 µs      │ 307.9 µs      │ 310.1 µs      │ 100     │ 100
    2 votes
  5. first-must-burn
    Golang solution Not too bad today, but I found the problem presentation sneaky. Spent too much time on blind alleys in Part 1. I should plan more before I get into code. Discussion with spoilers I...

    Golang solution
    Not too bad today, but I found the problem presentation sneaky. Spent too much time on blind alleys in Part 1. I should plan more before I get into code.

    Discussion with spoilers

    I am irritated with myself for not planning more for part 1. I just sort of jumped into implementation and wasted a lot of time expanding the grid array and dealing with the fact that once you
    start expanding it, your row numbers are for the old grid, so you have to account for that.

    It cost me a lot of time, so I felt pretty dumb when I got into part2 and it made me realize I didn't actually need to expand the grid, just track how many empty rows and columns are crossed on the shortest path.

    For computing the distances, I at least noticed that you didn't actually have to stair step down, it is just the sum of the row difference plus the column difference.

    1 vote
  6. RheingoldRiver
    I had an unbelievably dumb mistake that took me like 30 minutes to work out on part 2, really sad about that. Went from ~2500 on part 1 to ~5500 on part 2 Python solutions

    I had an unbelievably dumb mistake that took me like 30 minutes to work out on part 2, really sad about that. Went from ~2500 on part 1 to ~5500 on part 2

    Python solutions

    1 vote
  7. spit-evil-olive-tips
    (edited )
    grid additions I realized my VisitCells function was written with the assumption of a dense grid, so I added a VisitActive function that only visits populated cells, more useful for a sparse grid....
    grid additions

    I realized my VisitCells function was written with the assumption of a dense grid, so I added a VisitActive function that only visits populated cells, more useful for a sparse grid.

    visiting all unique pairs seemed like a useful generic function too, so I added that to the library instead of putting it in the code just for today.

    --- a/grid/grid.go
    +++ b/grid/grid.go
    @@ -9,15 +9,20 @@ type Position struct {
            Col int
    +type Pair [2]Position
     type Grid[T any] struct {
            Items      map[Position]T
            Height     int
            Width      int
            Wraparound bool
            Diagonal   bool
     type CellVisitor[T any] func(pos Position, value T, ok bool)
    +type PairVisitor[T any] func(pos0, pos1 Position, value0, value1 T)
     func NewGrid[T any](height int, width int) *Grid[T] {
            g := Grid[T]{
                    Items:  make(map[Position]T),
    @@ -49,6 +54,12 @@ func (g *Grid[T]) Set(rowIdx int, colIdx int, value T) {
            g.SetAt(pos, value)
    +func (g *Grid[T]) VisitActive(visitor CellVisitor[T]) {
    +       for pos, value := range g.Items {
    +               visitor(pos, value, true)
    +       }
     func (g *Grid[T]) VisitCells(visitor CellVisitor[T]) {
            for rowIdx := 0; rowIdx < g.Height; rowIdx++ {
                    for colIdx := 0; colIdx < g.Width; colIdx++ {
    @@ -75,6 +86,26 @@ func (g *Grid[T]) VisitCol(colIdx int, visitor CellVisitor[T]) {
    +func (g *Grid[T]) VisitPairs(visitor PairVisitor[T]) {
    +       history := make(map[Pair]bool)
    +       for pos0, value0 := range g.Items {
    +               for pos1, value1 := range g.Items {
    +                       if pos0 == pos1 {
    +                               continue
    +                       }
    +                       visited := history[Pair{pos1, pos0}]
    +                       if visited {
    +                               continue
    +                       }
    +                       history[Pair{pos0, pos1}] = true
    +                       visitor(pos0, pos1, value0, value1)
    +               }
    +       }
     func (g *Grid[T]) VisitNeighbors(rowIdx int, colIdx int, visitor CellVisitor[T]) {
            for rowDelta := -1; rowDelta <= 1; rowDelta++ {
                    for colDelta := -1; colDelta <= 1; colDelta++ {
    --- a/grid/grid_test.go
    +++ b/grid/grid_test.go
    @@ -37,11 +37,23 @@ func TestVisitors(t *testing.T) {
            g := NewGrid[int](10, 10)
    +       count := 0
    +       g.VisitActive(func(pos Position, value int, ok bool) {
    +               count += 1
    +       })
    +       assert.Equal(count, 0)
            g.VisitCells(func(pos Position, value int, ok bool) {
                    g.SetAt(pos, 1)
    +       count = 0
    +       g.VisitActive(func(pos Position, value int, ok bool) {
    +               count += 1
    +       })
    +       assert.Equal(count, 100)
            expectedColIdx := 0
            g.VisitRow(5, func(pos Position, value int, ok bool) {
                    assert.Equal(value, 1)
    @@ -124,3 +163,19 @@ func TestNeighborsWithWraparound(t *testing.T) {
            assert.Equal(neighbors[6], Position{1, 0})
            assert.Equal(neighbors[7], Position{1, 1})
    +func TestPairs(t *testing.T) {
    +       assert := assert.New(t)
    +       g := NewGrid[bool](10, 10)
    +       g.Set(0, 0, true)
    +       g.Set(5, 5, true)
    +       g.Set(9, 9, true)
    +       pairCount := 0
    +       g.VisitPairs(func(pos0, pos1 Position, value0, value1 bool) {
    +               pairCount++
    +       })
    +       assert.Equal(pairCount, 3)
    part 1 discussion

    a useful trick is that the distance between two galaxies is the Taxicab distance and you don't actually need to search for it, it's just the distance in rows plus the distance in columns.

    part 1
    package day11
    import (
    func parseInput(path string) (*grid.Grid[bool], error) {
        lines, err := common.ReadFileLines(path)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err
        height := len(lines)
        width := len(lines[0])
        universe := grid.NewGrid[bool](height, width)
        for rowIdx, line := range lines {
            for colIdx, value := range line {
                if value == '#' {
                    universe.Set(rowIdx, colIdx, true)
        return universe, nil
    func getExpansionMapping(occupiedMap map[int]bool, size int) (map[int]int, int) {
        mapping := make(map[int]int)
        offset := 0
        for src := 0; src < size; src++ {
            occupied, _ := occupiedMap[src]
            if occupied {
                mapping[src] = src + offset
            } else {
                offset += 1
        newSize := size + offset
        return mapping, newSize
    // a quantum leap forward
    // in time and space
    // the universe learned to expand
    func expand(universe *grid.Grid[bool]) *grid.Grid[bool] {
        occupiedRows := make(map[int]bool)
        occupiedCols := make(map[int]bool)
        universe.VisitActive(func(pos grid.Position, value bool, ok bool) {
            occupiedRows[pos.Row] = true
            occupiedCols[pos.Col] = true
        rowMapping, newHeight := getExpansionMapping(occupiedRows, universe.Height)
        colMapping, newWidth := getExpansionMapping(occupiedCols, universe.Width)
        newUniverse := grid.NewGrid[bool](newHeight, newWidth)
        universe.VisitActive(func(pos grid.Position, value bool, ok bool) {
            newRow, ok1 := rowMapping[pos.Row]
            newCol, ok2 := colMapping[pos.Col]
            if !ok1 || !ok2 {
                log.Panic().Msgf("failed to map %v", pos)
            newUniverse.Set(newRow, newCol, true)
        return newUniverse
    var CommandA = &cobra.Command{
        Use:  "11a",
        Args: cobra.ExactArgs(1),
        RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
            universe, err := parseInput(args[0])
            if err != nil {
                return err
            newUniverse := expand(universe)
            sum := 0
            newUniverse.VisitPairs(func(pos0, pos1 grid.Position, value0, value1 bool) {
                rowDist := math.Abs(float64(pos0.Row - pos1.Row))
                colDist := math.Abs(float64(pos0.Col - pos1.Col))
                distance := rowDist + colDist
                sum += int(distance)
            log.Printf("%v", sum)
            return nil
    part 2

    the sparse implementation of my Grid ends up being a huge help here.

    --- a/day11/day11a.go
    +++ b/day11/day11a.go
    @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ func getExpansionMapping(occupiedMap map[int]bool, size int) (map[int]int, int)
                    if occupied {
                            mapping[src] = src + offset
                    } else {
    -                       offset += 1
    +                       offset += 999999
    > env BENCHMARK=100 go run main.go 11a day11/11.txt
    {"level":"info","time":"2023-12-10T22:24:31.310705547-08:00","message":"mean: 24.503669ms"}
    {"level":"info","time":"2023-12-10T22:24:31.310772596-08:00","message":"stddev: 521.422µs"}
    > env BENCHMARK=100 go run main.go 11a day11/11.txt
    {"level":"info","time":"2023-12-10T22:24:16.085930636-08:00","message":"mean: 24.819151ms"}
    {"level":"info","time":"2023-12-10T22:24:16.085992656-08:00","message":"stddev: 654.189µs"}

    no meaningful difference in runtime between parts A and B, as expected. but running over the example input yields a noticeable difference:

    > env BENCHMARK=100 go run main.go 11a day11/11e.txt
    {"level":"info","time":"2023-12-10T22:34:41.490831248-08:00","message":"mean: 29.072µs"}
    {"level":"info","time":"2023-12-10T22:34:41.490883071-08:00","message":"stddev: 8.455µs"}

    140x140 instead of 10x10, so about 200 times larger input yielding about 1000 times slower performance.

    edit: performance take 2

    I had a suspicion about where my bottleneck might live - I implemented VisitPairs in a very brute-force way. the algorithm is inherently O(N^2) in runtime, but my simple implementation also uses O(N^2) memory, which is suboptimal. here's a better version that only needs O(N) memory, and allocates it in one shot to avoid resizing the array:

    func (g *Grid[T]) VisitPairs(visitor PairVisitor[T]) {
        type Item struct {
            pos   Position
            value T
        items := make([]Item, 0, len(g.Items))
        for pos, value := range g.Items {
            items = append(items, Item{pos, value})
        for i := 0; i < len(items); i++ {
            item0 := items[i]
            for j := i+1; j < len(items); j++ {
                item1 := items[j]
                visitor(item0.pos, item1.pos, item0.value, item1.value)

    and I was expecting that to give me a speedup, but holy crap:

    > env BENCHMARK=100 go run main.go 11a day11/11e.txt
    {"level":"info","time":"2023-12-10T23:05:36.2297823-08:00","message":"mean: 21.331µs"}
    {"level":"info","time":"2023-12-10T23:05:36.229821551-08:00","message":"stddev: 8.96µs"}
    > env BENCHMARK=100 go run main.go 11a day11/11.txt
    {"level":"info","time":"2023-12-10T23:05:48.420022398-08:00","message":"mean: 455.641µs"}
    {"level":"info","time":"2023-12-10T23:05:48.420065281-08:00","message":"stddev: 88.818µs"}
    1 vote
  8. whs
    I've been writing Kotlin this long weekend. It's nice, but it can be janky if something is missing. Now to use Kotlin on AoC... I realize in the first part that the distance is simply...

    I've been writing Kotlin this long weekend. It's nice, but it can be janky if something is missing. Now to use Kotlin on AoC...

    I realize in the first part that the distance is simply |x1-x2|+|y1-y2|. Also, I realize the tricky part would be that the expanding step is mutating the list mid-loop, so I took extra precaution.

    For second part I tried adding the factor variable in, but that only cause OOM. So, I added virtualExpand that recompute star positions based on the rows. While doing that, I totally forgot about the mutating mid-loop thing...

    import kotlin.math.abs
    fun main() {
    //    val factor = 2
        val factor = 1_000_000
        val input = mutableListOf<MutableList<Char>>()
        while (true) {
            input.add(readLine()?.toCharArray()?.toMutableList() ?: break)
        val colsToExpand = findExpandingCol(input)
        val rowsToExpand = findExpandingRow(input)
        // Part 1
    //    expandRows(input, rowsToExpand, factor)
    //    expandCols(input, colsToExpand, factor)
    //    printMap(input)
    //    val stars = findStars(input)
        // Part 2
        var stars = findStars(input)
        stars = virtualExpand(stars, rowsToExpand, colsToExpand, factor)
        val starPairs = combination(stars)
        val sumDistance = starPairs.map { distanceBetween(it.first, it.second) }.sum()
    fun virtualExpand(stars: List<Pair<Int, Int>>, rowsToExpand: List<Int>, colsToExpand: List<Int>, factor: Int): List<Pair<Int, Int>> {
        return stars.map {
    //        println("expanding $it")
            var row = it.first
            for(expandingRow in rowsToExpand) {
                if (expandingRow < it.first){
                    row += factor-1
            var col = it.second
            for(expandingCol in colsToExpand) {
                if (expandingCol < it.second){
    //                println("expanding col $expandingCol")
                    col += factor-1
    //        println("end result ($row, $col)")
            row to col
    fun printMap(l: List<List<Char>>) {
        for(row in l) {
            for (col in row) {
    fun findExpandingCol(l: List<List<Char>>): List<Int> {
        return l[0].indices.filter { col ->
            l.all { it[col] == '.' }
    fun findExpandingRow(l: List<List<Char>>): List<Int> {
        return l.indices.filter { row ->
            l[row].all { it == '.' }
    fun findStars(l: List<List<Char>>): List<Pair<Int, Int>> {
        val out = mutableListOf<Pair<Int, Int>>()
        l.mapIndexed { rowId, row ->
            row.mapIndexed { colId, col ->
                if (col == '#') {
                    out.add(rowId to colId)
        return out
    fun expandRows(input: MutableList<MutableList<Char>>, rowsToExpand: List<Int>, factor: Int = 1) {
        var expanded = 0
        for (row in rowsToExpand) {
            val pattern = (0..<input[0].size).map { '.' }.toMutableList()
            val injectedRows = (0..<(factor-1)).map { pattern.toMutableList() }
            val realRow = row + expanded
            input.addAll(realRow, injectedRows)
            expanded += factor
    fun expandCols(input: MutableList<MutableList<Char>>, colsToExpand: List<Int>, factor: Int = 1) {
        val injectedCols = (0..<(factor-1)).map { '.' }
        for (row in input) {
            var expanded = 0
            for (col in colsToExpand) {
                val realCol = col + expanded
                row.addAll(realCol, injectedCols)
                expanded += factor
    fun <T> combination(list: List<T>) = sequence {
        list.indices.forEach { a->
            ((a+1)..<list.size).forEach { b->
                yield(list[a] to list[b])
    fun distanceBetween(first: Pair<Int, Int>, second: Pair<Int, Int>): Long {
        return abs(first.first - second.first).toLong() + abs(first.second - second.second).toLong()
    1 vote
  9. jzimbel
    Elixir This one was pretty straightforward. One of the more esoteric Enum functions, flat_map_reduce/3, came in handy here. Parts 1 and 2 I had some extra time to tweak things and see how they...


    This one was pretty straightforward. One of the more esoteric Enum functions, flat_map_reduce/3, came in handy here.

    Parts 1 and 2

    I had some extra time to tweak things and see how they affected performance, so parts of the code are a bit more complicated or weird than they need to be, but hopefully it still mostly makes sense.

    To avoid having to deal with a sparsely-filled grid after expanding along one axis, I did the expansions separately (and concurrently), with each producing a map looking like original_galaxy_coordinates => new_x_or_y_coordinate. Then, I merged the two maps together to get the full new coordinates of each galaxy.

    defmodule AdventOfCode.Solution.Year2023.Day11 do
      alias AdventOfCode.CharGrid, as: G
      def part1(input), do: solve(input, 1)
      def part2(input), do: solve(input, 999_999)
      def solve(input, spacing) do
        |> G.from_input()
        |> expanded_galaxy_coords(spacing)
        |> pairwise_distances_sum()
      defp expanded_galaxy_coords(grid, spacing) do
        [new_xs, new_ys] =
            Task.async(fn -> expanded_axis(grid, spacing, &G.cols/1, fn {x, _y} -> x end) end),
            Task.async(fn -> expanded_axis(grid, spacing, &G.rows/1, fn {_x, y} -> y end) end)
        Enum.map(new_xs, fn {coords, x} -> {x, new_ys[coords]} end)
      defp expanded_axis(grid, spacing, lanes_fn, axis_fn) do
        |> lanes_fn.()
        |> Enum.flat_map_reduce(0, fn lane, expand_by ->
          if Enum.all?(lane, &match?({_coords, ?.}, &1)) do
            {[], expand_by + spacing}
            {for({coords, ?#} <- lane, do: {coords, axis_fn.(coords) + expand_by}), expand_by}
        |> then(fn {new_axis, _expand_by} -> Map.new(new_axis) end)
      defp pairwise_distances_sum(galaxy_coords, sum \\ 0)
      defp pairwise_distances_sum([], sum), do: sum
      defp pairwise_distances_sum([{x1, y1} | rest], sum) do
        new_sums = for({x2, y2} <- rest, reduce: 0, do: (acc -> acc + abs(x2 - x1) + abs(y2 - y1)))
        pairwise_distances_sum(rest, sum + new_sums)
    1 vote
  10. wycy
    Rust Day 11 use std::env; use std::io::{self, prelude::*, BufReader}; use std::fs::File; use point2d::point2d::Point2D; extern crate itertools; use itertools::Itertools; // Expand map, where times...


    Day 11
    use std::env;
    use std::io::{self, prelude::*, BufReader};
    use std::fs::File;
    use point2d::point2d::Point2D;
    extern crate itertools;
    use itertools::Itertools;
    // Expand map, where times parameter is the column multiplier
    // eg. expanding the map doubles (times=2) the width of empty space
    fn expand_map(map: &Vec<Point2D>, times: i64) -> Vec<Point2D> {
        let xmax = map.iter().map(|pt| pt.x).max().unwrap();
        let ymax = map.iter().map(|pt| pt.y).max().unwrap();
        // Determine which rows and columns to expand
        let expanded_rows: Vec<_> =
            .filter(|y| {
                (0..=xmax).into_iter().all(|x| !map.contains(&Point2D { x: x, y: *y}))
        let expanded_cols: Vec<_> =
            .filter(|x| {
                (0..=ymax).into_iter().all(|y| !map.contains(&Point2D { x: *x, y: y}))
        // Generate expanded map
        let mut new_map = map.clone();
        for y in (0..=ymax).rev() {
            if expanded_rows.contains(&y) {
                for g in &mut new_map {
                    if g.y > y { g.y += times-1 }
        for x in (0..=xmax).rev() {
            if expanded_cols.contains(&x) {
                for g in &mut new_map {
                    if g.x > x { g.x += times-1 }
    fn distance(one: &Point2D, other: &Point2D) -> i64 {
        (one.x - other.x).abs() + (one.y - other.y).abs()
    fn distance_sum(galaxies: &Vec<Point2D>) -> i64 {
            .map(|g| distance(g[0],g[1]))
    fn solve(input: &str) -> io::Result<()> {
        let file = File::open(input).expect("Input file not found.");
        let reader = BufReader::new(file);
        // Input
        let input: Vec<String> = match reader.lines().collect() {
            Err(err) => panic!("Unknown error reading input: {err}"),
            Ok(result) => result,
        // Build map
        let mut galaxies: Vec<Point2D> = Vec::new();
        for (y,line) in input.iter().enumerate() {
            for (x,ch) in line.chars().enumerate() {
                let pt = Point2D { x: x as i64, y: y as i64 };
                if ch == '#' {
        // Part 1 + Part 2
        let part1 = distance_sum(&expand_map(&galaxies,2));
        let part2 = distance_sum(&expand_map(&galaxies,1_000_000));
        println!("Part 1: {part1}"); // 9509330
        println!("Part 2: {part2}"); //635832237682
    fn main() {
        let args: Vec<String> = env::args().collect();
        let filename = &args[1];
    1 vote
  11. Toric
    Easily, easily my slowest day in terms of runtime (~300 ms), probably due to my liberal use of hashsets and hashset lookups. Also definitely at the stage where I cant do every day in time anymore....

    Easily, easily my slowest day in terms of runtime (~300 ms), probably due to my liberal use of hashsets and hashset lookups. Also definitely at the stage where I cant do every day in time anymore.

    1 vote