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    1. How do you structure larger projects?

      I'll be writing a relatively large piece of scientific code for the first time, and before I begin I would at least like to outline how the project will be structured so that I don't run into...

      I'll be writing a relatively large piece of scientific code for the first time, and before I begin I would at least like to outline how the project will be structured so that I don't run into headaches later on. The problem is, I don't have much experience structuring large projects. Up until now most of the code I have written as been in the form of python scripts that I string together to form an ad-hoc pipeline for analysis, or else C++ programs that are relatively self contained. My current project is much larger in scope. It will consist of four main 'modules' (I'm not sure if this is the correct term, apologies if not) each of which consist of a handful of .cpp and .h files. The schematic I have in mind for how it should look is something like:

       ├──Module1 (Initializer)
       │         ├ file1.cpp
       │         ├ file1.h
       │         │...
       │         └ Makefile
       ├───Module2 (solver)
       │          ├ file1.cpp
       │          ├ file1.h
       │          │...
       │          └ Makefile
       ├───Module3 (Distribute)
       │          ├ file1.cpp
       │          └Makefile 
       └ Makefile

      Basically, I build each self-contained 'module', and use the object files produced there to build my main program. Is there anything I should keep in mind here, or is this basically how such a project should be structured?

      I imagine the particularly structure will be dependent on my project, but I am more interested in general principles to keep in mind.

      14 votes
    2. Do you enjoy programming outside of work?

      I have found this to be a semi controversial topic. Its almost becoming a required point for getting a new job to have open source work that you can show. Some people just enjoy working on...

      I have found this to be a semi controversial topic. Its almost becoming a required point for getting a new job to have open source work that you can show. Some people just enjoy working on programming side projects and others don't want to do any more after they leave the office.

      Whats your opinion on this? Do you work on any side projects? Do you think its reasonable for interviewers to look for open source work when hiring?

      16 votes
    3. Coding Challenge - Design network communication protocol

      Previous challenges It's time for another coding challenge! This challenge isn't mine, it's this challenge (year 5, season 3, challenge 3) by ČVUT FIKS. The task is to design a network...

      Previous challenges

      It's time for another coding challenge!

      This challenge isn't mine, it's this challenge (year 5, season 3, challenge 3) by ČVUT FIKS.

      The task is to design a network communication protocol. You're sending large amount of bits over the network. The problem is that network is not perfect and the message sometimes arrives corrupted. Design a network protocol, that will guarantee that the decoded message will be exactly same as the message that was encoded.

      MESSAGE => (encoding) => message corrupted => (decoding) => MESSAGE


      Transmitting the message might corrupt it and introduce errors. Each error in a message (there might be more than one error in a single message) will flip all following bits of the message.


      011101 => 011|010

      (| is place where an error occured).

      There might be more than one error in a message, but there are some rules:

      • Minimum distance between two errors in a single message is k

      • Number of bits between two errors is always odd number

      According to these rules, describe a communication protocol, that will encode a message, and later decode message with errors.


      • Guarantee your protocol will work always - even when errors are as common as possible

      • Try to make the protocol as short as possible.

      8 votes
    4. Programming Challenge: Build an Interpreter

      Hello everyone! It has been a while since last programming challenge, it's time for another one! This week's goal would be to build your own interpreter. Interpreter is program that receives input...

      Hello everyone! It has been a while since last programming challenge, it's time for another one!

      This week's goal would be to build your own interpreter.

      Interpreter is program that receives input and executes it. For example Python is interpreted language, meaning you are actually writing instructions for the interpreter, which does the magic.

      Probably the easiest interpereter to write is Brainfuck interpreter. If someone here doesn't know, Brainfuck is programming language, which contains following instructions: ,.<>[]-+. Other characters are ignored. It has memory in form of array of integers. At the start, pointer that points to one specific memory cell points to cell 0. We can use < to move pointer to left (decrement) and > to move pointer to right (increment). . can be used to print value of cell the pointer is currently pointing to (ascii). , can be used to read one character from stdin and write it to memory. [ is beggining of loop and ] is end of loop. Loops can be nested. Loop is terminated when we reach ] character and current value in memory is equal to 0. - can be used to decrement value in memory by 1 and + can be used to increment value in memory by 1. Here's Hello World:


      People with nothing to do today can attemp to make an interpreter for the Taxi programming language.

      You can even make your own language! There are no limits for this challenge.

      23 votes