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    1. Immersive Labs "Haunted Halloween" Challenges 2023

      Hey everyone! Just wanted to share that Immersive Labs has rolled out their "Haunted Halloween" challenges for 2023. For those unfamiliar, Immersive Labs offers a platform for interactive,...

      Hey everyone! Just wanted to share that Immersive Labs has rolled out their "Haunted Halloween" challenges for 2023. For those unfamiliar, Immersive Labs offers a platform for interactive, gamified learning in the realm of cybersecurity. They've been known to host challenges that test and enhance cyber skills.

      You can sign up for free using code HAUNTEDHOLLOW to try it out hubs.ly/Q026LTZV0.

      Now, I'm not posting this solely out of altruism. I could use some help on the 'Mirrored Mayhem' task.

      Spoiler Alert: Details about the challenge below I've managed to get the RCE. I've crafted a PNG and successfully executed remote code. However, I'm only able to find the 'webapp-token'. I'm at a loss when it comes to the 'user-token' or 'root-token'. The 'whats in the mirror?' file isn't giving me any leads either. I've also got a username/password from it but can't figure out where to use them.

      Would appreciate any pointers or hints from anyone who's tackled this challenge. Thanks in advance!

      4 votes
    2. How do you test your home network security?

      As I'm exploring the idea of hosting my data at home (with offsite backups), I would like to better understand how to test my home network for security vulnerabilities. I have run basic Nmap scans...

      As I'm exploring the idea of hosting my data at home (with offsite backups), I would like to better understand how to test my home network for security vulnerabilities.

      I have run basic Nmap scans and confirmed that there are no open ports. I've confirmed that users have access to what they need but nothing else, and that guests using the network for web access don't have any sort of access to data. All data is encrypted so someone stealing the physical hardware shouldn't have access to the contents, either. But that's about as far as I know what to do.

      What else could and should I try? How do you pentest your home network?

      I feel I'm ok with my understanding of how to set things up so that everything is relatively secure. But I have very little idea how to actually test the setup.

      Edit: Added a sentence about encryption.

      25 votes
    3. How do you use your YubiKeys?

      I'm a little late on this, admittedly. $dayjob is requiring us all to set up a pair of YubiKeys, and I'm using them for the first time and my mind is a little blown. I was seeing articles about...

      I'm a little late on this, admittedly. $dayjob is requiring us all to set up a pair of YubiKeys, and I'm using them for the first time and my mind is a little blown.

      I was seeing articles about "passkeys" all summer, not really grokking what they were talking about, clinging to my usernames and passwords and 2FA codes coming out of 1Password, etc.

      I just set it up on a few accounts today, initially as an additional 2FA source, but when I set them on GitHub, I saw for the first time how exactly they are used instead of the username and password and 2FA combo to log in, and it seems incredible to me!

      For long-time YubiKey users: what are some cool things in the ecosystem that you would recommend looking at?

      21 votes
    4. How do I get started in self hosting?

      I'm curious on how to get started in self hosting. I have computer experience, being an Android Developer, but I hardly have experience in Linux and backend/networking work. I've been wanting to...

      I'm curious on how to get started in self hosting. I have computer experience, being an Android Developer, but I hardly have experience in Linux and backend/networking work.

      I've been wanting to start up a Plex/Jellyfin server for a while, and I have an old system sitting around with a Ryzen 1700 with a graphics card in there as well that's been begging for attention, and maybe I can throw on a Minecraft server in there as well. Since I travel a bunch, it would be nice too to be able to access my media for when I'm traveling, or to let my parents or friends access some shows if they so desire!

      What I'm worried about is exposing my network to the internet basically. I used to run a Minecraft server with port forwarding and such on a personal computer but now I'm realizing that that's probably a bit unsafe lol.

      Basically, are there any guides that I can look at, or any of your own experiences that could potentially help me or anyone who's interested?

      28 votes
    5. Upgraded to Windows 10, what do I need to do to optimize?

      I finally got around to upgrading my mom’s computer (an Asus laptop from 2015) from Windows 8.1 to Windows 10. I’ve already deleted a few apps she won’t use (e.g., Xbox) and disabled/stopped some...

      I finally got around to upgrading my mom’s computer (an Asus laptop from 2015) from Windows 8.1 to Windows 10. I’ve already deleted a few apps she won’t use (e.g., Xbox) and disabled/stopped some unneeded services. What else can I do to keep her computer fast? Particularly interesting in more services I can disable and the best browser/ad blocker combo. Thanks y’all!

      10 votes