16 votes

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 reviews – Top Critic Average: 88


  1. [6]
    I know I'm contrarian but I have to be dubious of these after playing miles morales. It was basically just the same six missions plastered on 150 waypoints splattered on a map. Basically just...

    I know I'm contrarian but I have to be dubious of these after playing miles morales. It was basically just the same six missions plastered on 150 waypoints splattered on a map. Basically just another Ubisoft open world as far as I could tell with a kinda boring city to back it.

    And critics for some reason ate it up. I assume they just really love web slinging or the (kind boring) stealth/combat?

    7 votes
    1. [3]
      Link Parent
      i might just be a bit biased, i love spider-man stories and they don't really get old to me lol so I love the stories. You might wanna read the actual full reviews to get an idea if you'll like it...

      i might just be a bit biased, i love spider-man stories and they don't really get old to me lol so I love the stories. You might wanna read the actual full reviews to get an idea if you'll like it or not though. Digital foundry did a spoiler-y deep dive on the tech on the game and it looks pretty exciting too.

      5 votes
      1. [2]
        Link Parent
        Tech is not really a selling point on games for me anymore, unless it's totk style physics/chemistry stuff. Too many crazy pretty games that play like shit.

        Tech is not really a selling point on games for me anymore, unless it's totk style physics/chemistry stuff. Too many crazy pretty games that play like shit.

        10 votes
        1. phoenixrises
          Link Parent
          That's totally fine, then maybe the game isn't for you?

          That's totally fine, then maybe the game isn't for you?

          6 votes
    2. [2]
      Link Parent
      That’s how I’ve also felt with the state of AAA open world games these days - a large map full of busywork and checklists dependent on the game’s setting and central exploration mechanic. 2018...

      That’s how I’ve also felt with the state of AAA open world games these days - a large map full of busywork and checklists dependent on the game’s setting and central exploration mechanic. 2018 Spider-Man nailed the web swinging and I’m sure Spider-Man 2’s addition of a new traversal mechanic in Web Wings adds to this. Combat in the first game felt serviceable aside from the occasional AAA open world tropes like forced stealth missions or sections where you lose all your powers for a bit of a mission.

      Yet a lot of these reviews seem to focus heavily on the new story being told and its writing than any true innovations in its formula. Praise left and right for the characters, writing, plot. Sure there is some great PS5 tech on display from Insomniac, but I feel like we’re getting to a point of diminishing returns. What exactly would adding a second playable character serve to the game other than enhancing storytelling? GTA V did this a decade ago and it’s a great way of integrating different playstyles into the plot and sandbox. This should be a game after all, not a Spider-Man movie with a Ubisoft-esque open world tacked onto it. I’m probably going to skip on this one at launch or wait for a PC port.

      2 votes
      1. smiles134
        Link Parent
        Everyone plays games for different reason, but this is my primary reason for playing. I truthfully don't care all that much about innovative gameplay -- I'm just interested in what the story is...

        What exactly would adding a second playable character serve to the game other than enhancing storytelling

        Everyone plays games for different reason, but this is my primary reason for playing. I truthfully don't care all that much about innovative gameplay -- I'm just interested in what the story is going to be like this time around.

        5 votes
  2. [10]
    It's really looking like 2023 is shaping up to be one of the greatest years for gaming! I was super happy/excited with Starfield, and now this is what's next on my docket. I'm a big Spider-Stan,...

    It's really looking like 2023 is shaping up to be one of the greatest years for gaming! I was super happy/excited with Starfield, and now this is what's next on my docket. I'm a big Spider-Stan, and this game looks like it'll be great.

    4 votes
    1. [7]
      Link Parent
      Any other games you like from this year ? I thought 2022 was very strong. I've alsi heard very mixed results from starfield,and haven't been sold on buying it yet

      Any other games you like from this year ? I thought 2022 was very strong. I've alsi heard very mixed results from starfield,and haven't been sold on buying it yet

      3 votes
      1. madbro
        Link Parent
        Tears of the Kingdom and Baldur's Gate 3

        Tears of the Kingdom and Baldur's Gate 3

        12 votes
      2. phoenixrises
        Link Parent
        ToTK came out this year too! Also Resident Evil 4 Remake, both games I've dumped hours into. I'm a big fan of the Bethesda formula so Starfield scratched the itch for me, at least for 80 hours so...

        ToTK came out this year too! Also Resident Evil 4 Remake, both games I've dumped hours into. I'm a big fan of the Bethesda formula so Starfield scratched the itch for me, at least for 80 hours so far according to Steam lol. People are super into Baldur's Gate 3, I personally haven't gotten into it though. So far Resident Evil 4 Remake has been my favorite though, just cuz it's a game I've loved for forever.
        There were definitely some duds for sure. I think I dumped like hundreds of hours into Slay the Spire in 2022 so I didn't really play too much outside of that last year.

        5 votes
      3. Monte_Kristo
        Link Parent
        Street Fighter 6 and Armored Core 6.

        Street Fighter 6 and Armored Core 6.

        4 votes
      4. [3]
        Link Parent
        If you liked Skyrim/Fallout 4 you will very much likely enjoy Starfield. All the major (overblown IMO) complaints about Starfield are 10x more apparent in those games. Starfield was ultimately a...

        If you liked Skyrim/Fallout 4 you will very much likely enjoy Starfield. All the major (overblown IMO) complaints about Starfield are 10x more apparent in those games. Starfield was ultimately a victim of overhype where gamers who don't like Bethesda games were expecting it to be not-a-Bethesda-game and got mad it's a Bethesda game.

        3 votes
        1. [2]
          Link Parent
          One of my favorite things about leaving reddit was enjoying Starfield for a solid month before even hearing anything about people disliking it so much. It definitely is a Bethesda game, but it's a...

          One of my favorite things about leaving reddit was enjoying Starfield for a solid month before even hearing anything about people disliking it so much. It definitely is a Bethesda game, but it's a very good one.

          3 votes
          1. babypuncher
            Link Parent
            it's even worse on most lemmy instances unfortunately. it's like some people just exist to be miserable

            it's even worse on most lemmy instances unfortunately. it's like some people just exist to be miserable

            1 vote
    2. [2]
      Link Parent
      Funny how this was one of the worst years before TotK came out! Shows how crazy and reactionary the public as a whole and the gaming community in particular is.

      Funny how this was one of the worst years before TotK came out! Shows how crazy and reactionary the public as a whole and the gaming community in particular is.

      1. phoenixrises
        Link Parent
        Resident Evil 4 Remake came out before TotK came out, and that's all I need to have this be a good year.

        Resident Evil 4 Remake came out before TotK came out, and that's all I need to have this be a good year.

        5 votes