28 votes

Xbox unveils four new accessibility offerings


  1. [4]
    I love the initiative Microsoft has been doing with their physical controllers accessibility. Sony's been doing a great job with their stuff too, but I feel like their stuff has mostly been...

    I love the initiative Microsoft has been doing with their physical controllers accessibility. Sony's been doing a great job with their stuff too, but I feel like their stuff has mostly been software offerings in games and such.

    Notably for me, I actually met, chatted with, and pledged some money for ByoWave a couple of years ago at PAX, and I'm so glad that their stuff is finally out! When I was talking to them about the controller itself, I was surprised that they naturally brought up accessibility and made a great case for it.

    I'm not in the gaming space in any official capacity, but accessibility is one of my passions so it's really cool to see what Xbox has come up with

    19 votes
    1. [3]
      Link Parent
      I'm also big into accessibility, and I'm a fan of these video game companies making gaming accessible. I hope some of the features become standard, because accessibility benefits everyone.

      I'm also big into accessibility, and I'm a fan of these video game companies making gaming accessible.

      I hope some of the features become standard, because accessibility benefits everyone.

      12 votes
      1. [2]
        Link Parent
        Disability is the destiny of anyone who lives long enough

        Disability is the destiny of anyone who lives long enough

        8 votes
        1. Habituallytired
          Link Parent
          Absolutely. And anyone can become disabled at any time. People seem to forget that.

          Absolutely. And anyone can become disabled at any time. People seem to forget that.

          3 votes
  2. balooga
    I’ve got a lot of beef with MS for various reasons, but credit where it’s due: This is great! I hope we continue to see accessibility progressing like this across the industry. Kudos to the Xbox...

    I’ve got a lot of beef with MS for various reasons, but credit where it’s due: This is great! I hope we continue to see accessibility progressing like this across the industry. Kudos to the Xbox team for sticking at it!

    7 votes
  3. Sodliddesu
    I've taught myself quite a few tricks on how to function should I ever lose a limb... But most of them rely on having normal functioning elsewhere which, given how traumatic any amputation might...

    I've taught myself quite a few tricks on how to function should I ever lose a limb... But most of them rely on having normal functioning elsewhere which, given how traumatic any amputation might be, that's not a given.

    Love the fact that "years of research" led them to "pretty much the PS Move analog stick controller" with the bonus of "plugs into the rest of the adaptive controller."

    That said, that was one of the things that kept me from toying with the adaptive way back when it was announced. This might change that.

    5 votes