7 votes

How our ancestors used to sleep can help the sleep-deprived today


  1. [3]
    The biphasic sleep articles are making the rounds again - I've seen a few in the past couple of weeks. The book referenced in the article is from 2006, and as far as I can tell - theres nothing...

    The biphasic sleep articles are making the rounds again - I've seen a few in the past couple of weeks. The book referenced in the article is from 2006, and as far as I can tell - theres nothing really new in this article.

    I also haven't seen any practical applications come from the biphasic sleep idea, other than noting that "being unable to sleep through the night doesn't necessarily mean you have insomnia". It mostly remains in the realm of cool facts ideas about the past.

    8 votes
    1. [2]
      Link Parent
      I’m not entirely convinced by what I’ve read of the historical evidence either. I wonder what other historians think of this theory? Is it generally accepted?

      I’m not entirely convinced by what I’ve read of the historical evidence either. I wonder what other historians think of this theory? Is it generally accepted?

      7 votes