11 votes

Covid global health emergency is over, World Health Organization says


  1. [2]
    Well that's a light note to end on. I'm glad that in many ways, we've finally got this virus under control. Obviously it's still spreading like crazy, but we've gotten much better at treating it...

    "In most cases, pandemics truly end when the next pandemic begins."

    Well that's a light note to end on.

    I'm glad that in many ways, we've finally got this virus under control. Obviously it's still spreading like crazy, but we've gotten much better at treating it compared to the early days. There's ready-access to vaccines, treatments to significantly reduce symptoms once contracted, and a new flurry of medical research into MRNA technologies which may help future outbreaks.

    In many ways we've come out stronger. We received a much-needed push into telemedicine, online teaching, and working from home. We've had the technology for some time, but needed the political will which this pandemic provided. Now that the tools are available, I hope we will use them as needed, when and where appropriate.

    People also had to learn how to properly wear masks, which I hope they will remember when they're feeling sick and need to come into work in the future. I often see the elderly wearing masks while out shopping, and I often don one myself for their benefit.

    Ultimately, this pandemic really showed the best and the worst of people. I applaud those that worked in research, nursing, and essential services while this all unfolded. I condemn those that used the opportunity to spread hate and misinformation.

    Looking forward, I think we need stronger emergency plans to deal with sudden outbreaks. More than just flattening the curve, we need protocols to prevent outbreaks from reaching critical mass. Better data modelling, tracking of potential infections, and isolation procedures when it makes sense. There was a window with covid to prevent it from becoming a global pandemic, and we missed it. I hope we do better next time.

    14 votes
    1. NoblePath
      Link Parent
      I’m not sure we need better plans as much as we need better execution if the plans we have. Especially on a global scale.

      I’m not sure we need better plans as much as we need better execution if the plans we have. Especially on a global scale.

      2 votes
  2. [2]
    I hate that finishing line. I like how WHO called an end to the crisis while reiterating that it's not the end but now I'm curious what this brave new world is going to look like. I honestly feel...

    I hate that finishing line.

    I like how WHO called an end to the crisis while reiterating that it's not the end but now I'm curious what this brave new world is going to look like. I honestly feel only a bit less nervous than when the pandemic started ramping up.

    3 votes
    1. stu2b50
      Link Parent
      Well, they said the emergency is over. There’s a number of things that are quite bad and fatal, which are not emergencies.

      Well, they said the emergency is over. There’s a number of things that are quite bad and fatal, which are not emergencies.

      9 votes