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    1. Watch enthusiasts/collectors

      Do we have any watch enthusiasts or collectors on here ?. I’m more of an enthusiast than a collector, i do owned a couple but wouldn’t call it a Collection.

      10 votes
    2. I haven't owned a car in twelve years. What should I buy?

      My question is exactly what it says on the title. For the past 12 years I've lived in a downtown area and all my workplaces have been metro accessible. I've gotten by with car shares and rentals...

      My question is exactly what it says on the title. For the past 12 years I've lived in a downtown area and all my workplaces have been metro accessible. I've gotten by with car shares and rentals and borrowing other people's cars when I really needed them. but I'm applying for a job that would have about 45min to 1 hour commutes each way and will need a car to get by. I'm also just looking forward to having one, both because I have a dog now and my wife and I will start trying for a kid soon and it just seems more convenient to get around than relying on lyfts.

      Yet having been out of needing to care about cars for 12 years, the modern world of everything being electronic is new and scary to me. Apparently transmissions don't need to shift gears anymore, there are alerts and alarms and sensors everywhere. . . I'm lost. I need help folks.

      So here's what I'm looking for, ordered by priority:

      • Visibility! I live in a city with busy streets and am terrified of accidentally killing a cyclist or scooter. So visibility is important to me, both blind-spot visibility and visibility on turns. Every rental or car share I've used has had shit for rear visibility. This includes the Ford Fiesta, the Mercedes GLC, and the Mercedes GLA. The Chevy Cruze has been okay, but still pales in comparison to the faithful 1999 Sentra of my youth.
      • Fun! I haven't owned a car in forever. I want to enjoy driving it. A manual is out as my wife will need to drive it too, but something that feels peppy and has a good drive feel is important to me. I really like to "feel" like I'm driving and want something with really responsive steering and an okay amount of pick-up. We don't need to be getting into racer level, but I also don't want it to feel like I'm struggling to merge onto the highway (as I often do in a rental Fiesta or Cruze).
      • Easy to park. Again, I'm in a city and parallel parking can be a giant pain and I always feel guilty holding up the people behind me when I'm doing it. Some of these features to alert when you're close to the car behind you or the simulated overhead view that some cars can give you seem great. I'd probably just settle for a backup camera and proximity sensors though.
      • Cost of ownership
      • Roomy and easy to get in and out of, including loading dogs and car seats for kids. I want to be able to drive around 5 people comfortably, with decent shoulder room and not make people feel cramped on long drives.
      • Not too "basic." As in, I value some level of novelty and originality and would prefer something unique that not everyone else has. This is the most childish of my requests, so I don't rank it too highly.

      Price-wise I'm leaning towards around $30,000 and could maybe be persuaded to get to around $40,000 for something that's REALLY perfect and cheap to own long-term. I'm currently considering a Prius, the Mazda3, a VW Golf, and a Toyota Rav4. I generally prefer sedans because of the responsiveness and drive-feel.

      My logical brain is leaning Prius, but my inner teenager is saying "DO NOT GO GENTLE INTO BEING A LAME OLD MAN!!" The Golf and the Rav4 Hybrid are kind of tied. The Rav4 is bigger and harder to park, but it is roomier and has a lower cost of ownership. The Golf seems easier to park and would be more fun to drive, but it's also kind of expensive if I opt for a GTI or sport version. Plus it has less room, seems less luxe, and. . .I don't know it just looks kinda bland. I'm definitely leaning towards a low-mileage certified pre-owned whichever way I go just to not have to pay for depreciation.

      So, any advice? Any other suggestions? Anything, feature-wise, I should be paying particular attention to?

      The Mazda3 hatch seems really nice, but I'm worried I will 100% kill a cyclist

      17 votes
    3. Any motorcyclists?

      I'm about to do my full motorbike licence here in the UK (direct access course) and currently looking at my first big bike, thinking about a 600cc Triumph at the moment. Wondered if there are any...

      I'm about to do my full motorbike licence here in the UK (direct access course) and currently looking at my first big bike, thinking about a 600cc Triumph at the moment. Wondered if there are any other riders here on tildes, what do you ride, what's your history with bikes etc.?

      16 votes
    4. What does your photography setup look like?

      I've been trying to get back into photography and love seeing what other photographers are using. My daily driver is a Nikon D5600 with the kit 18-55mm lens, as well as a 70-300mm lens. Nothing to...

      I've been trying to get back into photography and love seeing what other photographers are using.

      My daily driver is a Nikon D5600 with the kit 18-55mm lens, as well as a 70-300mm lens. Nothing to spectacular, but it gets the job done. I'm just a hobbyist, so I don't have any real professional-grade equipment, but hopefully with time I'll get some more stuff as I get better with what I already have.

      What are you using?

      10 votes
    5. Home brew! Who's brewing up what?

      The home brew community is one of those groups I just love. Everyone's enthusiastic, helpful, and excited. So... what are you working on? Got something in the fermentor? Something planned for the...

      The home brew community is one of those groups I just love. Everyone's enthusiastic, helpful, and excited. So... what are you working on? Got something in the fermentor? Something planned for the weekend?

      19 votes
    6. What are your hobbies? And how do you get into them?

      I think having a hobby, something outside of your work that you enjoy doing and/or are simply just good at, is kinda important, and fulfilling. And so, I wanted to make a topic in general about...

      I think having a hobby, something outside of your work that you enjoy doing and/or are simply just good at, is kinda important, and fulfilling. And so, I wanted to make a topic in general about what hobbies you might have and why that particular hobby appeals to you (along with some tips as to how a newcomer might be able to introduce themselves to the hobby).

      For myself, I have recently gotten into the Rubix Cube and have had a lot of enjoyment learning some different methods and improving the time it takes me to solve it.

      Started out with a non-descript cube from a supermarket and have recently purchased a GTS3M which I am enjoying a lot so far (plenty of online stores in a variety of countires that will deiver quickly and cheaply). I was able to find a plethora of tutorials on youtube (jperm and brodythecuber in particular) that I found very helpful. For any other cubers: favourite perms, methods, do you compete, tips?

      Something, something first post, may not be perfect, but I want to be more engaged.

      34 votes
    7. Any sailing enthusiasts here ?

      Hey everyone If you're a fellow sailor, post your favorite boat, current boat and location here. I'll start - Fav boat : Hunter 42ss Current boat : Broke college kid :( Location : Great lakes Also...

      Hey everyone

      If you're a fellow sailor, post your favorite boat, current boat and location here.

      I'll start -
      Fav boat : Hunter 42ss
      Current boat : Broke college kid :(
      Location : Great lakes

      Also who was hyped for the Mackinac race last weekend ?

      8 votes
    8. Plants

      Anyone in here interesting in plants (growing, propagating, maintaining, etc). Figure we can get a forum started to exchange tips. On a side note, some of the side categories seem overly broad....

      Anyone in here interesting in plants (growing, propagating, maintaining, etc). Figure we can get a forum started to exchange tips.

      On a side note, some of the side categories seem overly broad. Hobbies for example is going to get pretty bonkers.

      13 votes
    9. How would trade and economics work in a space opera setting with FTL travel but no FTL communication?

      Here in 2019 the overwhelming majority of all currency is virtual and commerce on any appreciable scale occurs electronically. But consider a sci-fi/space opera setting where reasonably fast FTL...

      Here in 2019 the overwhelming majority of all currency is virtual and commerce on any appreciable scale occurs electronically. But consider a sci-fi/space opera setting where reasonably fast FTL is commonplace, but FTL communications are not possible. Obviously one could still "communicate" at FTL with a courier, but you would still be limited to the speed of the courier ship. You certainly wouldn't have instantaneous communication between star systems, meaning there can be no interstellar electronic banking: transactions would take years to complete.

      The Traveller tabletop RPG uses exactly this setup: FTL travel is common, FTL communication does not exist. In Traveller you have the Third Imperium minting currency that is accepted essentially everywhere, the currency is Imperial Credits and they're printed on polymer bills. The result is an effectively cash-only economy.

      But what if your setting has no centralized government? Do people revert to using gold? Are there fleets of merchant ships schlepping precious metals around the cosmos, as if the American Old West has been transplanted into space? Would they come up with a cryptographic solution? Could something like a blockchain work without instantaneous communication cross the entire network that accepts the cryptocurrency?

      What if quantum computing is widespread in your setting, rendering most forms of encryption obsolete? That would seem to eliminate the blockchain based option, FTL comms or not, and once again send us back to needing a fiat currency, or a gold standard.

      16 votes
    10. Any hams around?

      So, I am far from the most experienced, or the most knowledgeable, or the most active amateur radio operator out there, but it is something that has piqued my interest none the less. Before I got...

      So, I am far from the most experienced, or the most knowledgeable, or the most active amateur radio operator out there, but it is something that has piqued my interest none the less. Before I got into the hobby, I always assumed that the FCC just game amateurs a small bucket of useless spectrum and that was it. Maybe you could fly an RC plane, but surely that is about as cool as it gets.

      It turns out I was dead wrong. Amateurs are allocated bands all across the RF spectrum - more or less. Bands from way below the AM broadcast frequency to way above the microwave frequencies used by our cell phones and wireless routers. Also, you are allowed to legally transmit at up to 1.5 kilowatts of power! That's 3,000 times as much power as your average walkie talkie! :) Also, importantly, the license exam only costs $15.

      At many of the lower frequencies, the signals bounce off the ionosphere and you can make contact with people all over the world (propagation gods permitting). At the higher frequencies, you lose that "skip propagation," but more bandwidth is available. There are analog voice repeater networks, digital packet networks, mesh networks running on modified commercial WiFi gear, and even a handful of old school packet BBSes. There are some LEO satellites which run voice repeaters which allow you make international contacts, and sometimes even the International Space Station will participate in events. Lots of cool stuff going on. This hobby is kind of a bottomless rabbit hole of possibilities.

      I got my technician license about a year ago, and I have been most interested in the data networking end of the hobby. Despite being a pile of hacks, APRS is still very cool, and sometime soon I hope to set up an AREDN node of my own. Every once in a while I'll call into the local repeaters and shoot the breeze.

      So there's my story. Are there any other hams out there?

      25 votes
    11. What's your guitar (or other instrument) practice routine?

      I've been a self taught guitarist for about 10 years, but it turns out I'm not a fantastic teacher, so I've been taking jazz guitar lessons this year to fill in some of the blanks. It's forced me...

      I've been a self taught guitarist for about 10 years, but it turns out I'm not a fantastic teacher, so I've been taking jazz guitar lessons this year to fill in some of the blanks. It's forced me to sit down and actually practice specific skills, rather than just noodle around, play songs I know, and not stretch myself.
      So I knocked together a pretty basic practice routine, and I was wondering if anyone else has a specific routine that they follow when practising?

      Here's my routine:

      7th Chords & Arpeggios
      With root on the E, A, and D strings: Maj7, min7, Dom7, dim7 chords
      With root on the E, A, and D strings: Maj7, min7, Dom7, dim7 arpeggios (1 octave)
      With root on the E and A strings: Maj7, min7, Dom7, dim7 arpeggios (2 octaves)

      Stepwise; 3rds; 4ths; 1-4-3-2 clusters; adding a chromatic note: Major, Dorian, and Mixolydian scales

      Chord scales
      (Not sure what this is called properly, but it's just learning the chords that apply to each note in a scale)
      With root on E, A, D: 1 octave of chords and arpeggios
      Staying in a major scale position: 1 octave of chords and arpeggios

      ii, V, Is
      7th chords around a ii, V, I
      Alternate voicings around a ii, V, I
      "Single note" riffing over a ii, V, I
      Scale riffing over a ii, V, I
      Arpeggio riffing over a ii, V, I
      Unrestricted riffing over a ii, V, I

      Pick a couple of jazz standards and have a play around with them. No need to get them perfect, just become comfortable looking at chord sheets and semi-sight-reading the songs.

      21 votes
    12. Anyone here into growing cannabis?

      Now that it's legal in Canada to grow cannabis, I decided to try my hand at growing a few plants indoors. I started with a simple setup and a couple of seeds in a closet. As I did more research, I...

      Now that it's legal in Canada to grow cannabis, I decided to try my hand at growing a few plants indoors. I started with a simple setup and a couple of seeds in a closet. As I did more research, I slowly started upgrading my equipment and methods. There is so much more to growing good cannabis indoors than I originally thought, and it's become a very interesting hobby for me. There is also a lot of misinformation and pseudoscience out there, which can make it difficult for new growers.

      Anyone else into this hobby? What's your setup like? Anyone thinking of getting into it?

      21 votes
    13. Mini painting

      For almost a year now I have been playing D&D, loving every moment we get together and have a session. Because of life and stuff it's been a once a month meet up and the current campaign is coming...

      For almost a year now I have been playing D&D, loving every moment we get together and have a session. Because of life and stuff it's been a once a month meet up and the current campaign is coming to an end.

      For the better part of all that time I've sat staring at an un-painted mini, I finally took the next step and got a stater kit of paints and went at it. I wish I had done this sooner! So far they are rough as hell but honestly it's such an enjoyable little hobby. I plan on expanding my paints out to more technical washes and shades and with that buying any mini that looks fun to paint.

      I know a few folks play table top games. How many of you paint as well?

      14 votes