20 votes

Starbucks’ bias training finally happened. Here’s what it looked like.


  1. [6]
    I'm pleasantly surprised by this, especially the fact that this is the beginning of monthly training rather than a one-off. I like that the training tried to address both people who experience...

    I'm pleasantly surprised by this, especially the fact that this is the beginning of monthly training rather than a one-off. I like that the training tried to address both people who experience racism and those who might (knowingly or not) act in racist ways. My only experience with "diversity" training was trying to modify a disability awareness course that didn't acknowledge the person taking it could be disabled (and we're 20% of the population).

    The use of personal stories from coworkers in addition to stories in a video also struck me as potentially effective. The downside to that, however, is that the training experience willy vary-- people in a store with similar staff might not get as much out of it. Asking for people to talk about personal experiences of racism also creates an uneven burden in which POC will probably be relating more difficult stories than white folks.

    Anyway, despite that it sounds promising. I'm interested to see what other topics they cover in subsequent training, and I hope they reinforce each topic every so often.

    9 votes
    1. [5]
      Link Parent
      Oops, I started my comment a couple of hours ago, left for a meeting, came back and posted it. Sounds like we had pretty similar thoughts!

      Oops, I started my comment a couple of hours ago, left for a meeting, came back and posted it. Sounds like we had pretty similar thoughts!

      2 votes
      1. [4]
        Link Parent
        Yeah, sounds like it~ I wonder if other companies will take notice if Starbucks' efforts to continue the training pay off. (Although I'm not exactly sure how you evaluate the effectiveness of such...

        Yeah, sounds like it~

        I wonder if other companies will take notice if Starbucks' efforts to continue the training pay off. (Although I'm not exactly sure how you evaluate the effectiveness of such training; probably surveys...?) Obviously diversity or sensitivity training already exists, but I've seen things that suggest a single day of training is pretty useless, if not actually counterproductive.

        4 votes
        1. [3]
          Link Parent
          You're so right. I also liked the point you made about the uneven burden placed on POC in regards to "becoming a white person teacher." I grew up in a very white part of the US, and one of my best...

          You're so right. I also liked the point you made about the uneven burden placed on POC in regards to "becoming a white person teacher." I grew up in a very white part of the US, and one of my best friends was/is Latina. Looking back, I feel so sorry that she had to bear the brunt of making us not shitty people (also I cringe thinking of lots of the things I said.). She still teaches me things all the time, and I'm sure it can be draining.

          Because of her, I actively search for POC stock photos to include in my safety trainings, and because of you I'm going to start searching for people with disabilities too. Thanks :-)

          4 votes
          1. [2]
            Link Parent
            Yeah, this is something I'm trying to be mindful of as a white person. Learning from people to better understanding their experiences is good; pestering a random POC on Twitter about something you...

            I also liked the point you made about the uneven burden placed on POC in regards to "becoming a white person teacher."

            Yeah, this is something I'm trying to be mindful of as a white person. Learning from people to better understanding their experiences is good; pestering a random POC on Twitter about something you could google is not, haha. (Sounds like your friend was happy to help teach you, but being aware of stuff like this is still good~)

            Because of her, I actively search for POC stock photos to include in my safety trainings, and because of you I'm going to start searching for people with disabilities too. Thanks :-)

            Awesome! Increasing the visibility of disabled folks is always good, especially if its in a context that normalizes their presence in places like a work environment. (I will note that not all disabilities will be apparent in a photo, but I don't say that to discourage you at all from including photos with disabled folks! I just think it's a worthwhile thing to add to the conversation. ^_^ )

            1 vote
            1. Petril
              Link Parent
              For sure. My sister has Ankylosing Spondylitis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, and possibly Chron's, so we talk about invisible illnesses a lot in my family!

              I will note that not all disabilities will be apparent in a photo

              For sure. My sister has Ankylosing Spondylitis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, and possibly Chron's, so we talk about invisible illnesses a lot in my family!

              2 votes
  2. [5]
    If you are from the EU that link won’t work sadly. Altought it is working through Google Amp for fellow EU guys and girls :...

    If you are from the EU that link won’t work sadly. Altought it is working through Google Amp for fellow EU guys and girls : https://www.google.hu/amp/www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-starbucks-racial-bias-training-20180529-story.html%3foutputType=amp

    6 votes
    1. [4]
      Link Parent
      Clicking either link lead me to the same page. Am I just in limbo because I'm in the UK and this whole brexit thing is ongoing?

      Clicking either link lead me to the same page. Am I just in limbo because I'm in the UK and this whole brexit thing is ongoing?

      3 votes
      1. robbit42
        Link Parent
        I'm in Belgium and neither the regular link or the amp link work for me

        I'm in Belgium and neither the regular link or the amp link work for me

        3 votes
      2. jgb
        Link Parent
        I'm in the UK and the AMP page worked for me.

        I'm in the UK and the AMP page worked for me.

        1 vote
      3. Tzupi
        Link Parent
        Hm, my link worked as a proxy for me and i could read the article. Meanwhile the original did not work as I got a error message. I think that more like a GDPR problem and not a brexit stuff as I...

        Hm, my link worked as a proxy for me and i could read the article. Meanwhile the original did not work as I got a error message.

        I think that more like a GDPR problem and not a brexit stuff as I have the same issue from Hungary.

  3. Petril
    That was more promising than I thought it would be! I was afraid it would be a bunch of white executives standing in front of employees, reading from a pamphlet about policies and procedures. It's...

    That was more promising than I thought it would be! I was afraid it would be a bunch of white executives standing in front of employees, reading from a pamphlet about policies and procedures. It's great that they gave space for people of color to speak about their experiences and encouraged group work and discussion. And that they're continuing to give trainings monthly!

    6 votes