31 votes

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  1. kfwyre
    That love letter makes my skin crawl. The way it rapidly shifts gears from being a nice and recognizable meditation on marriage to using racial slurs and referencing the "ethnostate" is deeply...

    That love letter makes my skin crawl. The way it rapidly shifts gears from being a nice and recognizable meditation on marriage to using racial slurs and referencing the "ethnostate" is deeply uncomfortable. The same goes for the guy whose attraction to her is increased when she uses an anti-semitic slur. It's genuinely weird for me to see positive interpersonal affection paired with overt discriminatory hatred. It's a very uncomfortable contrast to process.

    14 votes
  2. ohyran
    There is this forum here in Sweden which is very aimed at free speech at all costs (a great ideal I think, with risks and responsability on the part of the reader) which often grants a glimpse in...

    There is this forum here in Sweden which is very aimed at free speech at all costs (a great ideal I think, with risks and responsability on the part of the reader) which often grants a glimpse in to the mind of many of the extreme right.

    Like a woman who basically wrote a long erotic fan fiction about her and Hitler hidden as an explanation of why Hitler was the perfect human but quickly slid in to a fantasy scenario where she and Hitler visits the Opera. After which she got a contact with another nazi and they seem to have hit it off.

    Which is both kind of scary and at the same time reassuring. Or important.

    That the rise of fascism, racism and authoritarian death cults, isn't some easily spotted jackbooted revolt popping fully formed out of the ground - its just humans.
    With the same little urges we all have that they have to wildly try to marry in to what they have chosen to represent. And conversely the possible path out of it (years back a lot of tattoo people here started working for free doing cover ups for an ex nazi since his girlfriend had become pregnant, she was black and while they had overcome his past he didn't want his children to have to deal with it directly).

    I mean as a species our ability to overcome differences between each other is a way easier task than being able to dehumanize others through ideology. One require constant work, the other just happens.

    It's why meeting others is so critical. Its why we as humans need to see each other fully in arenas where we can exist fully openly. It's why the core work is to speak out, to never allow the normalization of dehumanization exist to such a level that we can, without reflecting on it, treat others as things for something so tiny and pointless as skin colour, name, religion or past.

    12 votes
  3. Akir
    That is the part that gets to me. You think you should be able to draw people away from white supremacy by appealing to their humanity, but the truth is that it will never work. Its sad to say but...

    Here’s the truth that emerged for me: The worst people are still people; their humanity is impossible to disregard, but it does not absolve them. If anything, it makes their choices more abhorrent, surrounded, as they are, by the banality of a life indistinguishable from other lives.

    That is the part that gets to me. You think you should be able to draw people away from white supremacy by appealing to their humanity, but the truth is that it will never work. Its sad to say but it would appear that there is no innate human morality - truly, we are animals.

    6 votes
  4. [2]
    Comment deleted by author
    1. kfwyre
      Link Parent
      Thanks for posting this. I'll be getting this once it releases.

      Thanks for posting this. I'll be getting this once it releases.

      3 votes