9 votes

Jreg (Greg Guevara) has recently "toured" his apartment and people are genuinely getting concerned about his mental health and wellbeing

Admittedly the forcibly neutral headline should probably be changed.

The video has been unlisted but this is the link. One important thing to note is that he recently made a video satirizing how people pretend your life condition doesn't affect your mental health implies that wasn't satire, which is incredibly concerning.

He deleted the comment where he talks about his landlord but it has been screenshotted here. It's also proof that's actually where he lives.

Someone has unironically compiled how that house violates Canadian/Ontarian legislation

After the house tour, Jregs patreon has spiked to its highest ever, and he has gotten 52 new patrons and 230$ more a month in two days

r/jreg is in some mix of meme-ing and genuine concern.


  1. frostycakes
    Is it wrong that all I see is that the dude rents from an apparent slumlord? It's certainly not to the level of hoarder houses, or even the apartment of a friend of mine with major alcoholism...

    Is it wrong that all I see is that the dude rents from an apparent slumlord? It's certainly not to the level of hoarder houses, or even the apartment of a friend of mine with major alcoholism struggles while he's in the depths of a bender.

    I'll be blunt, the fraternity house I lived in during college was as bad, if not worse, than this place, down to the scary fire hazard two pronged outlets, mysterious leaks, floorboards that could be pulled up in spots, random rooms full of stuff from years of fratboys who had forgotten about it, the works. Granted, at least the house was owned by us and the grime and (dis)repair was our collective fault, instead of a lazy landlord, but I've known way too many people of all levels of mental health who have lived in similar conditions, especially if this dude is 23-24ish. (I have horrible memories of the black mold hellscape that was my first non-fraternity house rental, and my garbage landlords that lived next door and gave no fucks, since there was an endless parade of college kids ready to rent their shitholes)

    Seems to be an indictment of shitty slumlords more than anything else to me, that or I'm so used to chaotic mess (with my ADHD struggles, organization is usually the first thing to go when I'm under stress/struggling with other things) that I don't see it as the problem it is. Plus I totally feel the rent is cheap part, I'm living in an old ass studio (that admittedly is in better shape than this) with lazy landlords for the sake of cheap rent.

    Hopefully this dude's slumlord gets fucked from this, but (at least as someone who isn't familiar with him) I'm not too sure of the mental health issue portion.

    Also a minor thing-- dude's talk about how the place is always hot has me wondering if he knows about the control valves on the old-school radiators? Until I lived in that frat house, I had never been in a building with them and wondered why I'd have to keep my window open in the dead of winter-- until someone showed me that shutting off the valves would cool the room down. My ex who also grew up in houses with forced air heat had no idea how to turn them off either until I told him.

    Some of this just looks like the general struggles of moving out on one's own and figuring out the whole process, especially if one grew up in a more well-off environment/in a newer-built area and then moves to an old place in the city.

    17 votes
  2. wervenyt
    Jreg has always seemed worth worrying about, in the mental health space. This video doesn't add much fuel to that flame. Sure, there are objectively maladaptive choices he's made in organizing and...

    Jreg has always seemed worth worrying about, in the mental health space. This video doesn't add much fuel to that flame. Sure, there are objectively maladaptive choices he's made in organizing and decorating his apartment, but they're the kind of thing that a 20-something that doesn't take great care of themselves does all the time. The most concerning part is the apparent mourning of the loss of his roommate, and "others", which feels like it might be hinting at a lot more than "moving out" and losing friendship with people.

    This is someone who knows well how to toe the line of joking, "joking", and crying for help, and it's possible that's what he attempted to do with this video. It's also possible that he's, as always, playing a disturbed character, for the lulz. I can't say I'm not glad to see an increase in support on his Patreon, because he needs to move out. If he doesn't, he's likely to contract a serious fungal infection, let alone what other illness from the various environmental hazards.

    7 votes
  3. [3]
    Sorry, but... who? This is posted as if most people are already familiar with who this person is but the name doesn't ring the slightest bell for me.

    Sorry, but... who? This is posted as if most people are already familiar with who this person is but the name doesn't ring the slightest bell for me.

    15 votes
    1. [2]
      Link Parent
      Yeah I'm totally lost. Am I supposed to know who this is?

      Yeah I'm totally lost. Am I supposed to know who this is?

      1. Sand
        Link Parent
        No. This post is for those who do know of him.

        No. This post is for those who do know of him.

        2 votes