12 votes The Killer | Official teaser trailer Posted August 29, 2023 by cloud_loud Tags: trailers.teaser, david fincher, the killer, drama.crime, adventure.action, netflix, michael fassbender, tilda swinton, charles parnell, source.youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vs1epO_zLG8 Link information This data is scraped automatically and may be incorrect. Authors Netflix Duration 1:38 Published Aug 29 2023 4 comments Collapse replies Expand all Comments sorted by most votes newest first order posted relevance OK [2] snailboy August 29, 2023 Link Idunno if it was the choice of music, the style of the cuts, or the colour pallete, but this gave me a Fight Club vibe. Idunno if it was the choice of music, the style of the cuts, or the colour pallete, but this gave me a Fight Club vibe. 1 vote cloud_loud (OP) August 29, 2023 Link Parent David Fincher David Fincher 7 votes [2] Eji1700 August 29, 2023 Link Certainly a plot we've seen before but I'm excited to see fincher's take on it. Certainly a plot we've seen before but I'm excited to see fincher's take on it. conception August 29, 2023 Link Parent Plot I believe is based on these comics https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Killer_(comics) Note spoilers. Plot I believe is based on these comics https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Killer_(comics) Note spoilers. 1 vote Comment removed by site admin Link Parent
[2] snailboy August 29, 2023 Link Idunno if it was the choice of music, the style of the cuts, or the colour pallete, but this gave me a Fight Club vibe. Idunno if it was the choice of music, the style of the cuts, or the colour pallete, but this gave me a Fight Club vibe. 1 vote cloud_loud (OP) August 29, 2023 Link Parent David Fincher David Fincher 7 votes
[2] Eji1700 August 29, 2023 Link Certainly a plot we've seen before but I'm excited to see fincher's take on it. Certainly a plot we've seen before but I'm excited to see fincher's take on it. conception August 29, 2023 Link Parent Plot I believe is based on these comics https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Killer_(comics) Note spoilers. Plot I believe is based on these comics https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Killer_(comics) Note spoilers. 1 vote Comment removed by site admin Link Parent
conception August 29, 2023 Link Parent Plot I believe is based on these comics https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Killer_(comics) Note spoilers. Plot I believe is based on these comics https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Killer_(comics) Note spoilers. 1 vote
Idunno if it was the choice of music, the style of the cuts, or the colour pallete, but this gave me a Fight Club vibe.
David Fincher
Certainly a plot we've seen before but I'm excited to see fincher's take on it.
Plot I believe is based on these comics https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Killer_(comics)
Note spoilers.