18 votes

Nightbitch | Official trailer


  1. [3]
    This is from Marielle Heller, actress turned director who you’ve probably seen as the mom from The Queen’s Gambit. She directed Can You Ever Forgive Me and A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood,...

    This is from Marielle Heller, actress turned director who you’ve probably seen as the mom from The Queen’s Gambit. She directed Can You Ever Forgive Me and A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood, both of which I quite enjoyed.

    I didn’t really like the sound of this project from its inception and now that we’re seeing actual footage it just reinforces my worries. This does not look good.

    9 votes
    1. [2]
      Link Parent
      This looks... bad. I'm hopeful the trailer misrepresents it but this isn't a compelling trailer to see the movie.

      This looks... bad. I'm hopeful the trailer misrepresents it but this isn't a compelling trailer to see the movie.

      5 votes
      1. rosco
        Link Parent
        Honestly, I thought the start showed a lot of promise and then it descended into what looked like a Saturday Night Live Spoof. Fingers crossed though. I feel like I might be a little out of the...

        Honestly, I thought the start showed a lot of promise and then it descended into what looked like a Saturday Night Live Spoof. Fingers crossed though.

        I feel like I might be a little out of the loop but it feels like there is a new genre of absurdist movies/shows, largely written and directed by women, that have found success with mainstream audiences. I watched Bottoms the other day and felt a similar reaction. Is this a thing?

        3 votes
  2. [2]
    (edited )
    Did we watch the same trailer? It looks fun, honestly. I have high hopes for the baby mom group dialogue, they're wild places. This is Kafka's Metamorphosis x Daniel 4's King Nebuchadnezzar -- Amy...

    Did we watch the same trailer? It looks fun, honestly. I have high hopes for the baby mom group dialogue, they're wild places.

    This is Kafka's Metamorphosis x Daniel 4's King Nebuchadnezzar -- Amy Adam's character turns into a leader dog at night, she probably gets back in touch with herself, probably kicks the man to the curb, becomes a renowned artist, and she becomes a better mom - the Very Best, Like No One Ever Was™. Sounds fun, and silly and good for a laugh while watching with a few parent pals. It's not going to be an Oscar contender and it's not going to leave you asking if the spinny thing falls or not, just going to be a cozy coming of age story like Turning Red.


    Seems like this is an adaptation from a novel, Nightbitch, by Rachel Yoder. The except didn strike me as a comedy - this movie could actually turn out to be a fever dream drama.

    [...] Now the mother did not want another thing needing her, needing to be cuddled, fed, washed, cooed at, and doted over. Now she wanted only silence and to not be touched.

    7 votes
    1. bahador
      Link Parent
      I have faith in Amy Adams. I don't think she'd sign on to a bad film. I think it'll be great.

      I have faith in Amy Adams. I don't think she'd sign on to a bad film. I think it'll be great.

      2 votes
  3. [2]
    The trailer spent a lot of time on how shitty it is to be a mom and surprisingly little time explaining the dog thing. Its good to not reveal the whole plot in the trailer, but I dont feel like I...

    The trailer spent a lot of time on how shitty it is to be a mom and surprisingly little time explaining the dog thing. Its good to not reveal the whole plot in the trailer, but I dont feel like I really get what the movie is about or whether or not Id be interested. Unless it really is mostly about how shitty it is to be a mom and just like 5% random dog stuff.

    5 votes
    1. GoodhartMusic
      Link Parent
      I really prefer not to know the meat of a movie from its trailer. The trailer gave you the context and then the “but what if”. That should be enough

      I really prefer not to know the meat of a movie from its trailer. The trailer gave you the context and then the “but what if”. That should be enough

      4 votes