Offbeat Fridays – The thread where offbeat headlines become front page news
Tildes is a very serious site, where we discuss very serious matters like half life.3, pornography and popeye. Tags culled from the highest voted topics from the last seven days, if anyone was nerding out.
But one of my favourite tags happens to be offbeat! Taking its original inspiration from Sir Nils Olav III, this thread is looking for any far-fetched offbeat
stories lurking in the newspapers. It may not deserve its own post, but it deserves a wider audience!
Pooping before exercise improves physical and cognitive performance.
That's certainly taking a load off.
My partner: "makes sense, you're not holding back"
I don’t talk about this often for obvious reasons but I am somewhat terrified with how many people get frequent constipation.
Eat your veggies, folks. It may not seem like it but it really improves your life.
I think you're mostly joking and thus so am I, but... definitely be less scared about other people's bowels.
Yes fiber is really important for all that but if it's terrifying you, definitely have fewer poop thoughts!
I read through this a bit, so I hope this isn't something they already said or precluded, but it seems obvious to me that dumping a weight and removing discomfort would improve both of those factors?
Texas teenager accused of using poison to kill rival’s competition show goat
A fucked-up, serious story, and this girl is a monster, but the headline definitely had me do a double-take. It seems like something out of like Looney Tunes.
What the actual fuck. Showing animals gives me complicated feelings as is - and I'm reminded of the child whose show goat ( I think) was confiscated by police and slaughtered out of spite in the name of policy. But like, how do you go this far when you theoretically care about animals? (I know, I just don't want to)
Indeed, and her mugshot doesn't exactly scream "remorseful" to me either. :(
awww thats super sad :'(
I hope Willie was somewhere safe and with people who loved him at the end. It's so sad that it was slow and painful and no doubt frightening. That poor child (Willie's big person) ....I hope the Ag community rally around her at this time.
It sounded like he died in his young owner's arms. So, sort of?
New Taiwanese boardgame offers chance to battle Chinese invasion
The Guardian – Amy Hawkins – 30th December 2024
Not that crazy when
It's on their mind a lot, I would say.