11 votes

[SOLVED] Who do I contact to apply to "A Layperson's Introduction to" series in ~sci?

Hello, I wrote an introductory post titled Introduction to the physical basis of global warming. I think it would be a good fit for A Layperson's Introduction to... series, but I don't see any contact info on that page, and the person who started the series doesn't seem to have been active in the last 5 years.

So, how do I apply? Also, I think it would be better if the page was updated with info on how to apply.


  1. [3]
    If you want to take over the upkeep of that wiki entry and/or add your topic to it, you need to ask @Deimos to grant you the permissions required to add/edit the ~science group wiki, since he's...

    If you want to take over the upkeep of that wiki entry and/or add your topic to it, you need to ask @Deimos to grant you the permissions required to add/edit the ~science group wiki, since he's the only person who can grant other user's permissions on this site.

    4 votes
    1. guissmo
      Link Parent
      I didn’t know this existed thank you! I was interested in the security posts but it seems that the topics have been deleted!

      I didn’t know this existed thank you!

      I was interested in the security posts but it seems that the topics have been deleted!

      2 votes