16 votes Three Cheers feature request: Bookmarks Posted 3 days, 10 hours ago by elight Tags: suggestions, three cheers, apps, android, ios, features, bookmarks Can we get the ability to see and then follow bookmarks to bookmarked content? 2 comments Collapse replies Expand all Comments sorted by most votes newest first order posted relevance OK talklittle 3 days, 9 hours ago Link Thanks for the feedback. Viewing bookmarks is on my to-do list. Can't provide ETA though. Thanks for the feedback. Viewing bookmarks is on my to-do list. Can't provide ETA though. 16 votes cfabbro 3 days, 10 hours ago Link Might as well ping @talklittle, since Three Cheers is their third-party app, so if they don't see this it won't accomplish much. ;) Might as well ping @talklittle, since Three Cheers is their third-party app, so if they don't see this it won't accomplish much. ;) 10 votes
talklittle 3 days, 9 hours ago Link Thanks for the feedback. Viewing bookmarks is on my to-do list. Can't provide ETA though. Thanks for the feedback. Viewing bookmarks is on my to-do list. Can't provide ETA though. 16 votes
cfabbro 3 days, 10 hours ago Link Might as well ping @talklittle, since Three Cheers is their third-party app, so if they don't see this it won't accomplish much. ;) Might as well ping @talklittle, since Three Cheers is their third-party app, so if they don't see this it won't accomplish much. ;) 10 votes
Thanks for the feedback. Viewing bookmarks is on my to-do list. Can't provide ETA though.
Might as well ping @talklittle, since Three Cheers is their third-party app, so if they don't see this it won't accomplish much. ;)