Three Cheers feature request: Bookmarks
Can we get the ability to see and then follow bookmarks to bookmarked content?
Can we get the ability to see and then follow bookmarks to bookmarked content?
Apologies if this isn’t the right place to put bug reports.
I’ve noticed an issue where comments which are bookmarked don’t display as such in my notifications.
For example:
A bookmarked comment displaying as Unbookmarked in my notifications.
Is anyone else seeing the same ?
Maybe it's just because I've lost my bookmarks so many times, one way or another. I now avoid using website-specific bookmarks, you never know when the website could shut down or you could lose the bookmarks some other way. not saying Tildes will shut down; I'm sure it won't be any time soon, but I still can't get myself to use it even though it's so convenient ☹️ does anyone else feel the same way ?
I just wanted to share a handy feature in Firefox that can be used to create shorthanded keywords. For instance, you could make it so that typing "t ~books" brings you to "". Or "ts banana" that brings you to Tildes search engine, searching for "banana".
I've been using a similar trick on another browser I use for years (Qutebrowser), but lately I've been using Firefox more and a post on the Ferdiverse reminded me that I could do this in Firefox as well.
You can use this feature with any website, so I encourage you to play around with it :)
I checked GitLab and couldn't find anything. I have a similar issue with Reddit and it's super frustrating, especially as your history grows. Would be great to implement this natively in Tildes.
If you bookmark enough content, it can become really hard to navigate without some type of sorting. Currently you can't even search your bookmarks!
I'd like to be able to bookmark posts from the front page. Right now it really isn't an issue yet since posting frequency is low, but I often quickly check the front page for interesting reads, while not having the time to actually read them. I'd like to see a "Bookmark" button on front page posts that allow me to save those posts for later when I actually do have time to read the posts.
For quick scrolls over the front page, tapping the post and then bookmarking is one click too many.
You could argue I'm lazy, I call it efficiency.
While on the subject, if I click "bookmark" on a topic, it'll read "bookmarked" but does not offer an "unbookmark" option until I refresh the page. Since I have big thumbs(large bones) I often tap wrong, so it could be nice if there was a quick way to undo this, similar to how we can undo votes.
Edit: this seems to be a bug: it does work for comments.
Edit2: Made this into an issue.