Night/Dark interface request!
Hi there! I do not know how to program anything and I am writing this from my android- has anyone created a night/dark mode with a black screen and light lettering yet? If so, please post the link!
I suffer from chronic migraines- it would likely help more than just me!😄
Tildes.net/settings --> Display Theme.
For real though guys, first time with a new app/community? Check the settings.
Oh wow the site is even more beautiful in dark!
In addition to the others telling you where to look, I'd suggest you check out this introduction post for some answers to other questions and such that you can't find in the docs.
Thank you, is there a way to search for the newest introduction post for new members? I just recieved my invite today.
There's no search for anything yet, unfortunately. That also means that you won't get bullied too much for repeating questions, though everyone is trying to put together resources like those and link them whenever possible.
Thank you🙂
You can search by tag
Tildes has a dark theme, it is in your settings.
You are all amazing! Take my upvotes!😃
Tildes has no karma, upvotes are useless.
It made me feel good to do it. The placebo effect is amazing 😃
Well, they will eventually tie into the rep system as one of the many metrics for building trust. For now though, yeah, they are all placebo. ;)
Could be retroactive trustiness points! :-O
Oh wow. The solarized dark teal is epic!
Hey! You can actually set the theme by clicking on your username and navigating to Settings in the sidebar. There's even a nice solarized dark theme that will be much easier on the eyes!
This is very often post in recent days. Maybe we should make settings more discoverable?
Thank you for the link. Just adding link to settings below username could help a lot. Or just telling new users it's there. Did we get some "welcome here" message after registration? I thought we got one, but I don't see it. If so, maybe I should suggest Deimos to add something like "take a look at settings - it's here" to the message.
Hm, thanks. I guess that just noone reads it.
Perhaps have a walthrough upon successful registration?