4 votes

Feature Request: Can we get a reply button at the top of every post?

I spend far too much time looking for a reply button before I realise I have to scroll to the bottom.
Also, it'd be a lot less work in big threads, where you might be scrolling for a while to get to the reply box.
Yes, I'm that lazy.
I noticed that sometimes I don't engage if it's a big thread because of this, if the topic being discussed is only of passing interest for example.


  1. [5]
    It's placed at the bottom deliberately, more info in this old thread: https://tildes.net/~tildes/ov/we_gotta_move_the_comment_box_from_the_bottom_of_the_comments_to_the_top I may move it to the...

    It's placed at the bottom deliberately, more info in this old thread: https://tildes.net/~tildes/ov/we_gotta_move_the_comment_box_from_the_bottom_of_the_comments_to_the_top

    I may move it to the top for "ask" threads at some point, but probably not for everything.

    24 votes
    1. sublime_aenima
      Link Parent
      Even ask threads should be read first. Bottom is better and keeps it uniform

      Even ask threads should be read first. Bottom is better and keeps it uniform

      13 votes
    2. precise
      Link Parent
      I strongly encourage you to keep the reply button at the bottom of the page. I don't think certain threads having it in a different location will be any less confusing. In my opinion, if one is...

      I strongly encourage you to keep the reply button at the bottom of the page. I don't think certain threads having it in a different location will be any less confusing. In my opinion, if one is answering a question, they should read other responses to acclimate themselves to the actual discussion at hand. I'm sorry, but I can't really feel sorry for people who struggle to locate or get to the reply button. A community takes effort, perhaps this added "difficulty" will help keep low effort contributors from posting?

      11 votes
    3. a_wild_swarm_appears
      Link Parent
      I thought that might be a reason, fair enough.

      I thought that might be a reason, fair enough.

      3 votes
    4. teaearlgraycold
      Link Parent
      This request has been posted so often you might want to add an FAQ to ~tildes.

      This request has been posted so often you might want to add an FAQ to ~tildes.

      3 votes
  2. Parameter
    I was reading a post on a user that was recently banned. Instead of adding what would have been relatively thoughtless to the discussion, I listened to everyone else and reflected that I changed...

    I was reading a post on a user that was recently banned.

    Instead of adding what would have been relatively thoughtless to the discussion, I listened to everyone else and reflected that I changed my mind and had nothing to further add. The conversation was better off for it.

    (The thread was locked but I missed that)

    18 votes
  3. [4]
    Comment deleted by author
    1. [3]
      Link Parent
      haha! excellent.

      haha! excellent.

      1. [2]
        Link Parent
        I'll let you on in a little secret. The clicking left and right of the mouse wheel is the perfect place to bind those home/end keys

        I'll let you on in a little secret. The clicking left and right of the mouse wheel is the perfect place to bind those home/end keys

        1 vote