FlippantGod's recent activity

  1. Comment on California Forever pulls measure to build Bay Area city in ~design

    Link Parent
    I initially followed it very closely, as I had already been imagining what-if scenarios in that same area. There was a lot going for a forward-thinking and sustainable development there. So...

    I initially followed it very closely, as I had already been imagining what-if scenarios in that same area. There was a lot going for a forward-thinking and sustainable development there. So naturally the actual effort with money behind it is underwhelming. It appears to me, for all intents and purposes, as a straightforward unaltruistic investment with minor megalomania.

    Could have been an opportunity to experiment. Work with locals to convert pasture into hemp farms and vegetable gardens, use hempcrete and local materials to construct mixed use attached buildings that are more pleasant and more efficient to live in.

    If it's just going to be another development that doesn't teach us anything new, revitalize what we already have in spades.

    2 votes
  2. Comment on Donald Trump whisked off stage in Pennsylvania after apparent gunshots rang through the crowd in ~news

    Link Parent
    Taxation without representation. There is a difference.

    ...they didn’t like being taxed so much so they decided to start killing people over that.

    Taxation without representation. There is a difference.

    11 votes
  3. Comment on I tried ditching my vehicle and doing the no-car thing. It was awful. in ~transport

    Link Parent
    You aren't suggesting to move cities closer together, so I assume you are talking about in city transportation. I thought I was pretty clearly discussing regional rail networks.

    You aren't suggesting to move cities closer together, so I assume you are talking about in city transportation. I thought I was pretty clearly discussing regional rail networks.

    1 vote
  4. Comment on I tried ditching my vehicle and doing the no-car thing. It was awful. in ~transport

    Link Parent
    On some level I will still maintain that it is also a density problem. Perhaps the more devoted public transit advocates have run more numbers, but I have yet to grasp how exactly the U.S. is...

    At this level of wealth it's a policy problem, not a wealth problem

    On some level I will still maintain that it is also a density problem. Perhaps the more devoted public transit advocates have run more numbers, but I have yet to grasp how exactly the U.S. is expected to copy paste solutions from Switzerland and the Netherlands.

    It could stand to steal the Netherlands' bike infrastructure for cities wholesale, but your regional train system? I have doubts. Although serious expansion of passenger lines in a few key corridors of the rust belt seems like an ambitious but potentially viable start imo. Here is a nice layman's ideation of what I am thinking, a corridor from Chicago to Indianapolis.

    I find the costs (many billions of $) underestimated for Illinois construction. It would be more than 1.5x the length of Switzerland's entire high speed rail system, from checking a couple wikipedia pages.

    8 votes
  5. Comment on Noctua releases new CPU cooler NH-D15 G2 and NF-A14x25r G2 fan in ~comp

    Link Parent
    HBC is for Intel and LBC is for AMD.

    HBC is for Intel and LBC is for AMD.

    1 vote
  6. Comment on USB and the myth of 500 milliamps in ~engineering

    Around 2011 we got Battery Charging 1.2, which had a few standout features: Dedicated Charging Ports (DCPs) may output more than 1.5A. Allows Portable Devices (PDs) with switch mode chargers to...

    Around 2011 we got Battery Charging 1.2, which had a few standout features:

    • Dedicated Charging Ports (DCPs) may output more than 1.5A. Allows Portable Devices (PDs) with switch mode chargers to
      draw more power (not sure about the PD part, spec seemed to contradict itself.)
    • Minimum Charging Data Port (CDP) current is now 1.5A.
    • PDs may draw up to 1.5A during High-Speed traffic.
    • CDPs must support 1.5A during High-Speed traffic.
    • Secondary Detection now optional for PDs.
    • Remove resistive detection.
    • Any downstream port may act as a DCP (specifically, an SDP, CDP or DCP, and can switch roles).

    Even if this wasn't Power Delivery's "Clean Slate" design, I do think this was roughly everything required for straightforward ~25W charging, power and data combined operation, and a consistent, predictable user experience.

    3 votes
  7. Comment on Automated wok cooking machines prepare traditional Chinese dishes at reasonable prices at new LA restaurant Tigawok in ~food

    Link Parent
    Yeah I knew it was you as soon as I opened this article. Interesting stuff! Have you seen the Japanese vending machine video shared on here? The curry rice vending machine emptying bags of curry...

    Yeah I knew it was you as soon as I opened this article. Interesting stuff! Have you seen the Japanese vending machine video shared on here? The curry rice vending machine emptying bags of curry freshly made by humans is not so different.

    3 votes
  8. Comment on Automated wok cooking machines prepare traditional Chinese dishes at reasonable prices at new LA restaurant Tigawok in ~food

    Relevant wok kinematics research paper topic from Tildes. Should it be tagged cooking.wok as well? I have to say, users have been praising descriptive tags but they have yet to help me unearth an...

    Relevant wok kinematics research paper topic from Tildes.
    Should it be tagged cooking.wok as well? I have to say, users have been praising descriptive tags but they have yet to help me unearth an old topic when searching.

    5 votes
  9. Comment on Why not ban left turns on busy streets? in ~transport

  10. Comment on Minimalist Android launcher recommendations in ~tech

    (edited )
    For people who came here looking for a minimal launcher and not the wishlist features, there is Essential Launcher, open source but discontinued by the author. You get four or five icons on the...

    For people who came here looking for a minimal launcher and not the wishlist features, there is Essential Launcher, open source but discontinued by the author. You get four or five icons on the homescreen, and swipe up for all apps and app search. This is the smallest (I have found), comfortably usable launcher with icons (no custom icons, of course).

    Correction: I'm on a later version than this fork, source unavailable. YMMV.

  11. Comment on Anti-Defamation League faces Wikipedia ban over reliability concerns on Israel, antisemitism in ~news

    Link Parent
    Meh. That sure just looks like a statement that the ADL will continue their operations as they see fit, despite criticism.

    the ADL then proceeds to call them anti-semite

    Meh. That sure just looks like a statement that the ADL will continue their operations as they see fit, despite criticism.

    14 votes
  12. Comment on US President Joe Biden outlines Israeli proposal for Gaza cease-fire deal in ~news

    Link Parent
    I think your comment could be a constructive addition to the first comment, but doesn't make sense as a reply to stu2b50. The original comment specifically addresses prisoner vs hostage, and that...

    I think your comment could be a constructive addition to the first comment, but doesn't make sense as a reply to stu2b50. The original comment specifically addresses prisoner vs hostage, and that is what stu2b50 addressed.

    7 votes
  13. Comment on Remnants of a legendary typeface have been rescued from the River Thames in ~design

    Link Parent
    It sounds like he was simply very persistent and made regular trips over multiple days.

    It sounds like he was simply very persistent and made regular trips over multiple days.

    1 vote
  14. Comment on It's time for operating systems to rediscover hardware (1hr 6mins) in ~comp

    (edited )
    Link Parent
    I forgot I had something to say until you commented. We see a similar trend in high performance flash storage controllers, which are present perhaps only on modern game console SoCs and more...

    I forgot I had something to say until you commented.

    We see a similar trend in high performance flash storage controllers, which are present perhaps only on modern game console SoCs and more esoteric accelerator card SoCs.

    Which is especially interesting as in Linux, F2FS is a great example of leveraging the increasing complexity of flash storage controllers. I don't know if this is a failing of Linux, however. Flash is a commodity and high performance controllers, in addition to their specialized nature, give the manufacturers a way to compete.

    This also conflicts with the video, as unlike OS R&D, filesystems are both a historical staple of operating systems and are still an area of red-hot Linux development (and industry too).

    Finally, seeing as the video mostly seems to give a call to action but provides few concrete starting points, I'd point out that DPUs are probably the perfect place to experiment with OS R&D for SoCs.

    4 votes
  15. Comment on In Berlin, I experience icks I never thought possible in ~travel

    Link Parent
    Had me until the currywurst ngl.

    Had me until the currywurst ngl.

    6 votes
  16. Comment on Kobold letters. Why HTML emails are a risk to your organization. in ~tech

    Rich email has had problems but this is considerably more fun than the dead horse that is remote asset loading. In the end it will betray you.

    Rich email has had problems but this is considerably more fun than the dead horse that is remote asset loading.

    In the end it will betray you.

    13 votes
  17. Comment on It annoys me that so many PC games feel like they're intended for consoles in ~games

    I'm not interested in wasting my time moving the mouse cursor over a prompt and clicking it every time I use a door in a game. Much better to press a key. Requiring the mouse is a genuine...

    I'm not interested in wasting my time moving the mouse cursor over a prompt and clicking it every time I use a door in a game. Much better to press a key. Requiring the mouse is a genuine usability issue as well. It could have been an extra way to interact, but it sure isn't my ideal way.

    35 votes
  18. Comment on Rumor: Insider claims Xbox handheld under development in ~games

  19. Comment on Sweden has vast old growth forests – but they are being chopped down faster than the Amazon in ~enviro

    Link Parent
    I think the concern is also demonstrated well with and And this cleared land not previously clearcut is converted to non-forestry land use. This was a really well linked article, with a lot of...

    I think the concern is also demonstrated well with

    Primary forests are rare in Sweden, the mapped forests represent only 2% of Sweden’s forest land, and only a portion of this 2% are primary forests of the highest naturalness. They are, however, highly valuable for research. They inform us on how ecosystems would have looked without direct human impact, and they can therefore be seen as a part in a long-standing experiment, where they act as a control or baseline to an experiment of land use that may have been ongoing for centuries.


    We show [with Swedish data] that at least 19% of all clear-cuts since 2003 have occurred in old forests that were most likely not previously cut and planted or seeded. Old forests have been cut and lost at a steady rate of ∼1.4% per year for the same period, and at this rate they will disappear by the 2070s. There is further evidence that this type of unreported forest conversion is occurring across much of the world's boreal forest.

    And this cleared land not previously clearcut is converted to non-forestry land use.

    This was a really well linked article, with a lot of interesting associated material!

    6 votes
  20. Comment on Mexico aims to compete with Panama Canal by using cargo trains in ~transport

    Link Parent
    Not quite what I was getting at. I am under the impression - perhaps incorrect - that the Panama Canal cannot be expanded without service interruption. If the overland route is cost effective...

    Not quite what I was getting at. I am under the impression - perhaps incorrect - that the Panama Canal cannot be expanded without service interruption.

    If the overland route is cost effective enough to implement at all, I imagine it would expand until expansion is no longer cost effective.

    1 vote