clr's recent activity

  1. Comment on How to grow your own alfalfa sprouts in a jar in ~food

    (edited )
    So everyone, meet my girlfriend Jesca. I just wanted to share one of her new DIY videos, it resonates with me from a sustainability perspective. I think alfalfa sprouts have a nice earthy, almost...

    So everyone, meet my girlfriend Jesca. I just wanted to share one of her new DIY videos, it resonates with me from a sustainability perspective. I think alfalfa sprouts have a nice earthy, almost peppery taste and go well on salads and in sandwiches, or as a garnish for a fancy dish. She added a sample recipe at the end.

    Sprouts are safe and easy to grow at home and have quite a high yield, so I don’t see the need for purchasing them at the store. Sprouts in particular are one of the riskier types of produce to purchase because of the risk of E. coli contamination, which is why you usually see warnings about them on restaurant menus. They require a high moisture environment which is conducive to bacterial overgrowth. This is why the water must be cycled as she demonstrates in the video.

    I really think there is a growing movement of food independence and homesteading in general. If you liked this video, she posted another one the other day about making your own bread at home. Historically, bread has been a dirt cheap food item that is extremely simple to make. The sad reality is that consumers are extorted by grocery stores for low quality products with harmful additives. It’s a lose-lose scenario unless buying it for the convenience is your game.

    1 vote
  2. Comment on The culture war has finally come for Wikipedia in ~tech

    (edited )
    I’m an avid user of Wikipedia and have been for over a dozen years, mostly as a consumer. But as a contributor... any attempts I’ve made to edit Wikipedia to remove bias, fix typos, add content,...

    I’m an avid user of Wikipedia and have been for over a dozen years, mostly as a consumer. But as a contributor... any attempts I’ve made to edit Wikipedia to remove bias, fix typos, add content, or restore deleted articles have always been met with harsh edit reverts from some troll guarding the articles seemingly 24/7.

    In recent years, Wikipedia has gotten really bad with propaganda, censorship and corporate shilling. Every day companies make edits to articles to remove criticism of their products and services, and politicians embellish their biographies straight from Capitol Hill. Articles that paint the US government in a bad light have been outright deleted. Here’s an example of one of those deleted articles, thankfully backed up by IPFS.

    5 votes
  3. Comment on Cyberpunk 2077's E3 demo has weak gunplay and unimaginative stereotypes in ~games

    Link Parent
    Well that’s a bit of a straw man as I never stated such things or made any claims about animals. I’m suggesting that expectations in 2019 are too high for a video game developer to appeal to all...

    Well that’s a bit of a straw man as I never stated such things or made any claims about animals. I’m suggesting that expectations in 2019 are too high for a video game developer to appeal to all marginalized groups. People tend to have an innate sense of entitlement. There will always be someone who is going to be unhappy that their specific ethnic, cultural, sexual, gender, or religious identity didn’t receive fair representation, and developers shouldn’t be forced to pander to them.

  4. Comment on Cyberpunk 2077's E3 demo has weak gunplay and unimaginative stereotypes in ~games

    I do feel that this trend of social justice pervading all aspects of every industry is starting to become tired. People come to E3 for video games and excitement, not racial criticism and tension....

    I do feel that this trend of social justice pervading all aspects of every industry is starting to become tired. People come to E3 for video games and excitement, not racial criticism and tension. Be thankful that CD Projekt Red added minorities to the video game in the first place. Portraying them in positive light 100% of the time would be inorganic. I understand that the author of this article is well intentioned, but the fact that he appears to be white makes this come off as white guilt.

    3 votes
  5. What news sources or other websites do you use on a daily basis?

    I’m down to just Hacker News and Tildes for my daily digest. I think using link aggregators is a great way to gain exposure to outside perspectives. Occasionally, I check the Wikipedia main page...

    I’m down to just Hacker News and Tildes for my daily digest. I think using link aggregators is a great way to gain exposure to outside perspectives.

    Occasionally, I check the Wikipedia main page for juicy world news and featured articles.

    28 votes
  6. Comment on Tildistas, what is your favorite poem? in ~books

    (edited )
    The last love letter from an entomologist is a pretty awesome spoken word piece by Jared Singer. His performance has stuck with me for all these years. “A Screw Fell to the Ground” by Xu Lizhi is...

    The last love letter from an entomologist is a pretty awesome spoken word piece by Jared Singer. His performance has stuck with me for all these years.

    “A Screw Fell to the Ground” by Xu Lizhi is also profound. He was a Foxconn worker who jumped to his death.

    "A Screw Fell to the Ground"

    A screw fell to the ground

    In this dark night of overtime

    Plunging vertically, lightly clinking

    It won’t attract anyone’s attention

    Just like last time

    On a night like this

    When someone plunged to the ground

    5 votes
  7. Comment on <deleted topic> in ~talk

    Link Parent
    What Linux distros did you have in mind? I’ve been digging Solus as my daily driver on both my desktop and chromebook, but I also wanted to check out Manjaro Budgie.

    What Linux distros did you have in mind? I’ve been digging Solus as my daily driver on both my desktop and chromebook, but I also wanted to check out Manjaro Budgie.

    1 vote
  8. Comment on <deleted topic> in ~talk

    I was craving some hanger steak (which was first introduced to me at a Korean barbeque restaurant), so I decided to set out to find some locally so I could cook it at home. In case you didn’t...

    I was craving some hanger steak (which was first introduced to me at a Korean barbeque restaurant), so I decided to set out to find some locally so I could cook it at home.

    In case you didn’t know, hanger steak (a.k.a. butcher’s steak) is a flat cut of beef similar to flank/skirt that butchers used to keep for themselves. It has an amazing flavor and texture - imagine a cut with the tenderness of filet mignon, the juiciness of a ribeye, and the full flavor of brisket, for a fraction of the cost. For years, it’s been a well kept secret of the trade and is rather difficult to find.

    Some 31 phone calls later (not an exaggeration) and I found a store in my locale that carries hanger steak (a butcher, to be exact). I found a recipe on YouTube, cooked it up, and enjoyed every bite. Was it worth the treasure hunt? Absolutely.

    3 votes