json's recent activity

  1. Comment on Seven days in the North Island of New Zealand in ~travel

    Link Parent
    Ponsonby road? But why though. Or, what do you mean by the scene.

    Ponsonby road? But why though. Or, what do you mean by the scene.

  2. Comment on Donald Trump loathes our laws, puts self over country, and is dangerous for America. He is fully unfit to lead, writes the editorial board. (gifted link) in ~misc

    Link Parent
    My read: Stable base vs fluctuating interest in bothering to vote at all.

    My read: Stable base vs fluctuating interest in bothering to vote at all.

    2 votes
  3. Comment on Crunchyroll announces the removal of its comment section across all platforms to 'reduce harmful content' in ~tech

    Link Parent
    Those game changer episode/shorts with the get in the comments lines... and what, there's no comments on the official place to watch a full episode? Similar to how I feel about Nebula. They at...

    Those game changer episode/shorts with the get in the comments lines... and what, there's no comments on the official place to watch a full episode?

    Similar to how I feel about Nebula. They at least have a fairly active subreddit for video discussion. But it would be nice to have some integrated comment section.

    3 votes
  4. Comment on Udio | AI music generator in ~music

    Link Parent
    I was playing with Suno to make a version of the New Zealand national anthem. I asked for polka as a joke, but it made something actually listenable, rather than a chore to suffer through prior to...

    I was playing with Suno to make a version of the New Zealand national anthem.
    I asked for polka as a joke, but it made something actually listenable, rather than a chore to suffer through prior to sports games, school assemblies, or state events.

    The Māori words are butchered, but in the same way that most people would sing them.

    The English verses (or at least the more well known second verse) begin with the same loudness and chorus that happens as people join in singing since that's the words they know.

    5 votes
  5. Comment on Google scrambles to manually remove weird AI answers in search in ~tech

    Link Parent
    Artificial Internet, since it's a generative repost machine.

    Artificial Internet, since it's a generative repost machine.

    11 votes
  6. Comment on A variety of beginner home server questions in ~comp

    Easy with custom hardware: TrueNas, probably. Less easy but flexible with custom hardware: ProxMox, perhaps with VM of TrueNas/OMV/etc.

    Easy with custom hardware: TrueNas, probably.

    Less easy but flexible with custom hardware: ProxMox, perhaps with VM of TrueNas/OMV/etc.

    2 votes
  7. Comment on ‘The science isn’t there’: do dating apps really help us find our soulmate? in ~life

    Link Parent
    The apps are just a way to connect people together. The context is slightly more specific in that they're looking for some sort of relationship (albeit not necessarily the same personal goals). An...

    The apps are just a way to connect people together. The context is slightly more specific in that they're looking for some sort of relationship (albeit not necessarily the same personal goals).

    An alternative to sitting alone at the bar.

    18 votes
  8. Comment on Generation Z is unprecedentedly rich in ~finance

    Link Parent
    Not to discount what you're saying. But CPI, and any sector specific CPI is going to be based on averages. When you compare against specific items there will be some that increased higher than CPI...

    Reeses, a standard 2-pack: $1 in 2000, CPI for $1 buying power is $1.83, price today is $2.15. Which comes out to about 4.7 cents increase per year, opposed to 3.4 cents that the "official inflation" shows.

    Not to discount what you're saying. But CPI, and any sector specific CPI is going to be based on averages.
    When you compare against specific items there will be some that increased higher than CPI (your Reeses example) and others that didn't.

    13 votes
  9. Comment on Indiana will test a highway that can charge moving vehicles in ~transport

    Should make cars be life size scalextric.

    Should make cars be life size scalextric.

    1 vote
  10. Comment on Norwegian bridge collapsed ten years after it was built – all because designers focused too much on making it look good in ~engineering

    Link Parent
    You're right. But the other provides this part which, idk, I'm not an engineer to understand whether it's even relevant.

    You're right. But the other provides this part which, idk, I'm not an engineer to understand whether it's even relevant.

    which unlike the Eurocodes did not account for block shear failure.

    3 votes
  11. Comment on Norwegian bridge collapsed ten years after it was built – all because designers focused too much on making it look good in ~engineering

    Link Parent
    Also: more to the story, from HN:

    Also: more to the story, from HN:

    Tretten Bridge was designed while building regulations in Norway were in transition from a national system to European codes.
    Provisions for this transitional period enabled the project to follow the older national standards, which unlike the Eurocodes did not account for block shear failure.

    5 votes
  12. Comment on Norwegian bridge collapsed ten years after it was built – all because designers focused too much on making it look good in ~engineering

    (edited )
    Link Parent
    Purely based on the photo linked in the other comment, and a cursory read of Wikipedia for materials used. I imagine the beauty is based on fitting in within the environment and being minimally...

    Purely based on the photo linked in the other comment, and a cursory read of Wikipedia for materials used.

    I imagine the beauty is based on fitting in within the environment and being minimally imposing.
    The use of glulam (wood), weathered steel (rust appearance), and stone piers make it look like an old bridge.
    The curve and tapered top of the truss also helps reduce its visual impact.

    It fits in better than a generic white concrete & grey steel bridge.

    I would like to see pictures of what it replaced. Wikipedia says there was 1895-built steel truss bridge.
    Found: https://digitaltmuseum.no/021015802088/tretten-bru-over-gudbrandsdalslagen-i-1895

    15 votes
  13. Comment on "Dune: Part Three" in the works, in addition to Denis Villeneuve adapation of "Nuclear War: A Scenario" in ~movies

    Link Parent
    The only good Hamlet movie adaption is The Lion King.

    The only good Hamlet movie adaption is The Lion King.

    7 votes
  14. Comment on What games have you been playing, and what's your opinion on them? in ~games

    Palworld. On the surface it's like Pokémon and Breath of the Wild, but with guns.


    On the surface it's like Pokémon and Breath of the Wild, but with guns.

    3 votes
  15. Comment on The Ladoga was the Soviet Union’s plush nuclear-war command vehicle. A drone just blew one up in Eastern Ukraine. in ~news

    Link Parent
    A land submarine.

    A land submarine.

    3 votes
  16. Comment on It annoys me that so many PC games feel like they're intended for consoles in ~games

    Link Parent
    Tangent: Mistakenly putting the wrong ingredient to what was expected by the customer (real cheese on a vegan pizza) is serious due to allergies (to dairy).

    Mistakenly putting the wrong ingredient to what was expected by the customer (real cheese on a vegan pizza) is serious due to allergies (to dairy).

    1 vote
  17. Comment on It annoys me that so many PC games feel like they're intended for consoles in ~games

    Link Parent
    SteamDeck shows this is no longer true. Well, yes, the license remains within a Steam compatible system, but the form factor may be more like a console than a PC. They've started labelling games...

    Steam, I've bought a PC game, not multi-platform game. OP can't take their PC license and load it up on a console.

    SteamDeck shows this is no longer true. Well, yes, the license remains within a Steam compatible system, but the form factor may be more like a console than a PC.

    Further, the Steam page doesn't give any indication it is multi-platform,

    They've started labelling games with how playable they are on the SteamDeck. Which could be useful as a PC-only vs Console/multi-platform indicator.

    list its extent of mouse and keyboard support, much like Steam store pages do for controller support

    Agree. But a game not mentioning any level of controller support, to me at least, implies mouse & keyboard as primary input method.

    6 votes
  18. Comment on Why the 2% inflation target? in ~finance

    Link Parent
    So in short: original intent for 0-1% range for price stability. Adding a 1% buffer to allow for better influence during a recession. Japan's deflation in the 90s spooked all, while New Zealand's...

    So in short: original intent for 0-1% range for price stability. Adding a 1% buffer to allow for better influence during a recession. Japan's deflation in the 90s spooked all, while New Zealand's success gave credence to accepting a higher range. Giving today's acceptable range as 1-3% and midpoint as target of 2%.

    21 votes
  19. Comment on Seems like all socials are being scraped for AI and personal/aggregate data. Is Tildes? in ~tildes

    Scraping for data has been happening on every website for at least 25 years because of search engine web crawlers.

    Scraping for data has been happening on every website for at least 25 years because of search engine web crawlers.

    53 votes
  20. Comment on India electrified 45% of its railway network in just five years in ~transport

    Link Parent
    Not to mention that a single large polluter can have all manner of efforts thrown at it while the decentralised problem of thousands of polluters is bloody difficult. That's more true for private...

    Not to mention that a single large polluter can have all manner of efforts thrown at it while the decentralised problem of thousands of polluters is bloody difficult.

    That's more true for private vehicles than a train network. It's still better to have EVs (trains included) powered by coal power stations than ICE engines polluting locally and making air quality worse where we breathe.

    Maybe it comes out in the wash at a global level. But the most obvious difference to people is the one felt locally.

    4 votes