14 votes

The 250kb Club


  1. [5]
    Browsed this list and found a useful site: https://customformats.com/ It reminds me of https://regexr.com/ (a much larger website) as a nice reference website to make certain tasks a bit easier....

    Browsed this list and found a useful site: https://customformats.com/

    It reminds me of https://regexr.com/ (a much larger website) as a nice reference website to make certain tasks a bit easier.

    Does anyone have other recommendations for sites like this which serve a singular reference purpose that they have found useful in the past?

    8 votes
    1. [2]
      Link Parent
      Not sure if this is what you're looking for, but here's some I've used in the past 48 hours. External IP: http://ipconfig.io/ Python Interpreter: https://pythoninterpreter.com/ Check if others can...

      Not sure if this is what you're looking for, but here's some I've used in the past 48 hours.

      External IP: http://ipconfig.io/
      Python Interpreter: https://pythoninterpreter.com/
      Check if others can see your ports: https://canyouseeme.org/
      TLDR man pages: https://tldr.ostera.io/ (the CLI tool is awesome)
      SQL Server Build List: https://sqlserverbuilds.blogspot.com/
      Is this website actually down: https://www.isitdownrightnow.com/

      7 votes
      1. Gaywallet
        Link Parent
        Thanks, I'm sure others will find this quite useful!

        Thanks, I'm sure others will find this quite useful!

        2 votes
    2. krg
      Link Parent
      https://regex101.com/ is another good regular expression tester. https://gchq.github.io/CyberChef/ isn't exactly singular purpose... but it has a lot of useful utilities baked in.

      https://regex101.com/ is another good regular expression tester.

      https://gchq.github.io/CyberChef/ isn't exactly singular purpose... but it has a lot of useful utilities baked in.

      4 votes
    3. Kremor
      (edited )
      Link Parent
      My timasomo project is less than 50KB, however I still need to make some improvements on the back-end. Edit: But actually I don't know if it qualifies, the front-end is very small, but the...

      My timasomo project is less than 50KB, however I still need to make some improvements on the back-end.

      Edit: But actually I don't know if it qualifies, the front-end is very small, but the back-end is another story.

      2 votes
  2. [4]
    Comment deleted by author
    1. csos95
      Link Parent
      I'd guess that it's small enough that the overhead of the request/response headers and the compression itself ends up being larger than the initial file. Chrome shows 853 bytes transferred, so it...

      I'd guess that it's small enough that the overhead of the request/response headers and the compression itself ends up being larger than the initial file.
      Chrome shows 853 bytes transferred, so it probably sets more headers on the request.

      4 votes
    2. [2]
      Link Parent
      It's a good sign when your favicon is your largest asset! I think you could bring it down in size though. It looks like you used an actual icon file. It's counterintuitive, but the best way to...

      It's a good sign when your favicon is your largest asset! I think you could bring it down in size though. It looks like you used an actual icon file.

      It's counterintuitive, but the best way to handle favicons is to save them as a png then rename them to .ico. Browsers will understand, and you don't have to go through any sort of png>ico process that kills your image optimization.

      Once it's a png, run it through TinyPng.com or some other compression tool and halve your website's weight!

      edit: To your question, the difference in transfer and size numbers is due to compression. Both assets are text, and text compresses rather well.

      3 votes
      1. [2]
        Comment deleted by author
        Link Parent
        1. Wes
          Link Parent
          I think your JPG compression went a bit far. Some of the yellows came out as green. GIMP's compression 9 still actually uses lossless compression though, so you're losing some progress after that...

          I think your JPG compression went a bit far. Some of the yellows came out as green.

          GIMP's compression 9 still actually uses lossless compression though, so you're losing some progress after that JPGing. PNG of course isn't ideal for photos, but at 32x32 that's less important.

          I think you can afford to reduce the color space and still keep the original colors. In GIMP, select Image > Mode > Indexed to reduce to a simpler palette.

          If you use TinyPng though, it'll do all that for you and also quantize the image. It's lossy, but hardly perceptible. From your source image I resized to 32x32, then ran it through TinyPng which yielded a size of 1.76KB. The quality is about the same, but with the correct colors intact and a smaller filesize to boot.

          You could maybe eek out a few extra bits by using PngOut or Optipng (which are lossless). Likely <1% though.

          1 vote
  3. Wes
    I joked last week that there should be a 25K club for very small sites, as I was sitting at 18.2KB. Just a few more iterations and we'll be there!

    I joked last week that there should be a 25K club for very small sites, as I was sitting at 18.2KB. Just a few more iterations and we'll be there!

    3 votes