18 votes

So Bethesda are teasing something new, possibly a new fallout game.

Their twitch page is live and their twitter header has changed, both referencing fallout very heavily. I don't remember how to do links properly, so I'm just gonna throw them in here at the bottom.


EDIT: the stream crashed literally as I posted this. Great job bethesda.


  1. [4]
    Comment deleted by author
    1. [2]
      Link Parent
      I wish, but they seem content to suck as much money as possible out of Skyrim for as long as possible.

      I wish, but they seem content to suck as much money as possible out of Skyrim for as long as possible.

      6 votes
      1. [2]
        Comment deleted by author
        Link Parent
        1. sqew
          Link Parent
          2030: hype for Elder Scrolls' VI arrive at announcement event "Today, we are happy to announce the release of Skyrim for all mobile platforms, as well as for your refrigerator! Give us your money!"

          hype for Elder Scrolls' VI
          arrive at announcement event
          "Today, we are happy to announce the release of Skyrim for all mobile platforms, as well as for your refrigerator! Give us your money!"

          3 votes
    2. nothis
      Link Parent
      Last summary I heard is that they were so burnt out on Elder Scrolls after Skyrim they put it on the back burner (also still cash in like crazy on the franchise with Elder Scrolls Online). Their...

      Last summary I heard is that they were so burnt out on Elder Scrolls after Skyrim they put it on the back burner (also still cash in like crazy on the franchise with Elder Scrolls Online). Their big games currently in development are supposedly totally different, likely sci-fi themed and codenamed "Starfield". So a new Elder Scrolls is likely (still) years away.

      3 votes
  2. [3]
    Comment deleted by author
    1. [2]
      Link Parent
      Maybe that colour scheme could have some significance in terms of location? Or perhaps alluding to something focused more on the pre-war aspect of the universe? Maybe even hinting at a remastered...

      Maybe that colour scheme could have some significance in terms of location? Or perhaps alluding to something focused more on the pre-war aspect of the universe? Maybe even hinting at a remastered version of something? Fallout 3 is 10 years old this year...
      Lots of possibility here.

      2 votes
      1. bigbert
        Link Parent
        10 years old really? Oh boy....

        10 years old really? Oh boy....

        1 vote
  3. [4]
    I don't really say this lightly, but if it's going to be just like the last three Fallout games (3, NV, 4), then I'm not interested. I liked 3, loved NV, but I was terribly unimpressed by 4. If...

    I don't really say this lightly, but if it's going to be just like the last three Fallout games (3, NV, 4), then I'm not interested. I liked 3, loved NV, but I was terribly unimpressed by 4. If they do another one, I hope it changes the formula.

    1 vote
    1. [3]
      Link Parent
      What changes would you like to see?

      What changes would you like to see?

      1 vote
      1. guamisc
        Link Parent
        Your decisions essentially didn't matter besides what storyline track you are on. What's the good of being the leader of the minutemen if you can't make them find a decent resolution with other...

        Your decisions essentially didn't matter besides what storyline track you are on. What's the good of being the leader of the minutemen if you can't make them find a decent resolution with other factions, for instance?

        2 votes
      2. emnii
        Link Parent
        Stronger writing, more meaningful impact on the world, less Bethesda jank, and better action or a return to tactical gameplay. Also, these games were never lookers but it'd be nice if it looked...

        Stronger writing, more meaningful impact on the world, less Bethesda jank, and better action or a return to tactical gameplay. Also, these games were never lookers but it'd be nice if it looked better.

        1 vote
  4. [2]
    Comment deleted by author
    1. tvfj
      Link Parent
      The Skyrim/FO4/SkyrimSE engine is the Creation Engine, based on the old Gamebryo engine, fyi. From what I understand, the engine does have some baggage, but a lot of the performance issues not in...

      The Skyrim/FO4/SkyrimSE engine is the Creation Engine, based on the old Gamebryo engine, fyi.

      From what I understand, the engine does have some baggage, but a lot of the performance issues not in VR come from design decisions the developers made (city clutter, especially abundant barely visible light sources). Better RAM and VRAM tend to fix these performance hits.

      A huge reason it performs poorly in VR is because they switched to a deferred renderer after Skyrim. Deferred shading means they render the entire scene completely flat, then apply light and shadows. The benefit is that light sources don't have to calculate beyond the small area they actually affect, so you can use a lot of them, but this is a performance loss. It also means you can't really anti-alias during rendering (like multi-sampling anti-aliasing or MSAA, which renders edges at a higher resolution then downsamples), so you're stuck with post-process AA like FXAA that look pretty bad and perform poorly.

      They could switch back to a forward renderer to fix these issues, but they really seemed to like playing with light in Fo4.

      2 votes