Tildes Minecraft Survival Weekly
New Thread
Server host: tildes.nore.gg
(Running Java 1.21.1)
Bluemap: https://tildes.nore.gg
Playtime Tracker: https://tildes.nore.gg/playtimes.html
Tildes website extension (shows online status & location): Firefox (Desktop and Android) - Chrome
Verification site: https://verify.tildes.nore.gg
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/TildesMC
Plugins and Data Packs
Data Packs:- Terralith - Overworld terrain upgrade
- Nullscape - End terrain upgrade
- Armor Statues [Vanilla Tweaks]
- Bat Membranes [Vanilla Tweaks]
- Cauldron Concrete [Vanilla Tweaks]
- Husks Drop Sand [Vanilla Tweaks]
- Mini Blocks [Vanilla Tweaks]
- More Mob Heads [Vanilla Tweaks]
- Player Head Drops [Vanilla Tweaks]
- Silence Mobs [Vanilla Tweaks]
- Wandering Trades [Vanilla Tweaks]
- Bluemap - Adds a live 3D web map
- Clickable Links - Makes http URLs in chat clickable (only for registered players)
- CoreProtect - Records all block/container/mob changes (Anyone can look up changes with
/co inspect
) - EasyArmorStands - GUI for editing armor stands
- Hexnicks - Enables Tildes usernames to be displayed
- LuckPerms - Locks down unregistered users
- Nerfstick - Allows survival use of the
item (requires admin to spawn in) - Rapid Leaf Decay - Increases the speed of leaf decay by 10x
- WorldEdit - Used for occasional admin stuff
- WorldGuard - Prevents unregistered users from changing anything in the world
The server operates on a soft whitelist. Anyone can log in and walk around, but you need a Tildes account to gain build access.
Impression, Sunrise has been completed! @Evie @TaylorSwiftsPickles
That looks magnificent! Bravo
This was originally Evie's decision to build on the last iteration of the server, so credit really goes to her. Pickles and I just helped to recreate it! :D
I'll have to disagree! If anyone can be credited for the idea, it's Monet! And you two did almost all the work anyway; it doesn't take a genius to make a schematic file. But thank you so much for your efforts!
Oh, also @TaylorSwiftsPickles. I made another thing!
Edit: I just had an idea that you might like, you know how you made the Pleurotus Citrinopileatus with the armor stands? You should use invisible armor stands for the other mushrooms too, with made up names for each species! :D
It looks awesome! Thank you both so much for the extra help :)
In this week's data loss episode:
We have lost potentially no data in the overworld, and 24 hours in other dimensions. I was able to restore most/all player data. If something's missing I can try to help in game.
Judging by my build, I think the overworld is behind maybe around 12hrs. Most of my work was really easy to regain (I did take some screenshots expecting some data loss). This also caused a desync between my progress and my player inventory, but nothing of value was lost or gained, so I will just roll with it
Why is there an uptick with the storage issues? Is Bluemap to blame?
Yes bluemap is certainly to blame. I think something is a little broken.
If it really remains an issue one thing we could try is locking it in 2d mode. It would remove a lot of the cool stuff but might reduce some of the load/space usage.
I am also wondering if some of the lag people experienced has to do with bluemap chunks being transfered to people watching in the browser.
My losses were mostly just digging, which I'll just redo. Admittedly I originally dug out way more than I needed to so it'll be faster the second time.
The real reason I'm commenting is that the specific way it rolled back turned out to be quite interesting. One of the very minor things I lost was that I moved some nether portals around. Expectedly the nether sides rolled back, but in the over world it kept only the second portal modified, not the first or third. So an interesting property of the rollback seems to be that some chunks got rolled back further than others.
I'm being very productive
Joined again and roamed around this week, just taking in the sights and sounds! Didn't join last week so it's cool seeing the new web map through Bluemap. I wasn't expecting it to be a 3D flyover map!
It's cool seeing the mall come along slowly, along with the road and parking lot around it! I also made a tiny bit of progress towards completing the beautification of my Cyan Line extension. I call it beautification but in reality, it's just adding design details to make it match the rest of the Cyan Line. Once that's done, I'll get rid of my scaffolding,
Not sure anyone needs it anymore, but I finally got around to automating hay bales. I'll probably dump around a shulker worth into community storage later today.
If anyone does happen to need a large amount just let me know and I can provide it. Very roughly I think my farm produces around 2 shulkers of hay bales per day, so I'll have plenty.
I now have far more than I'll probably ever need for target blocks. Maybe I'll try decorating with packed mud when I get the time.
So I have created most of the outline for my airship in town. To get the cabin large enough for what I wanted to build, I had to create the balloon portion larger than I was initially envisioning. I am planning on texturing the balloon portion quite heavily, so that it is not a plain white blob in town. However, due to the sheer size of it, I wanted to open up discussion here if anyone has concerns with placement or size
Not that i have a problem with it, but why did you choose to build it so low? If it was because of the snowflakes, I can take them down.
It is a bit low
The plan is for it to be docked, with a ladder to climb up into it. One of my inspirations for this project is the airship in Up, and in particular I am taken inspiration from one shot at the end of the movie where they stop at an icecream place with the airship and park it with just the ladder dropped down
I do feel it is a bit much considering the low placement and size. To the point that it might potentially be a bit too dominant and detract from other things nearby like the tree and the tower.
If you want to drop a ladder down, why not drop it down to the tower so you can place the airship higher up where it would be less imposing?
Having the airship higher up and "docked" at one of the towers would be a fun addition, kind of like Godzilla's hat.
I may consider having the ladder dropped down to the tower. That at the moment does not match my planned vision, but I will take some time to figure it out
I do agree with the others, it feels like it's too close to the ground.
However it's also at almost the perfect position for me to do something funny using armour stands on my balcony in the tower...I did think there was some potential with armour stands with your balcony, since it is so close. I did have to initially move my position a couple blocks west because your balcony was colliding
You could have a guy signaling to the airship pilot so they can dock safely!
I tend to use the tower without utilizing the drop chute or bubble elevator, so a lot of flying directly in and out of the top of the tower. With it's current position it would be a bit extreme to say it's in the way, but it does feel like it is maybe encroaching a bit much. Specifically on the flight lines between the top of the tower and the ground.
My gut instinct is that I'd prefer to be able to fly under it more easily, but I do see how that could impede the vision. If it is going to stay low then I'd like some way to be able to use it as an extension of the roof portal platform. Basically that my concern is that it blocks part of the platform I want to glide from so maybe that problem is mitigated if I can cleanly just walk across it to glide off the airship instead. I do not know what that would look like artistically though.
So, as people are unsure of the current placement I have a tentative plan for now. I am going to put the project on hold, but leave the skeleton up. I may finish the skeleton on the south side, as I have not finished the balloon skeleton for the south side yet. The next few days are for people to get used to the possibility of having a structure there, as I think some of the push back is that it is a big chance to the center of town, and we have gotten used to it as it was. Then, in a few days I will ask for opinions on it again, and people may have better formed opinions, and we can go forward from there. I may try experimenting with the cabin design during this period, as I am not preplanning this build.
Edit: I have been continuing on designing the cabin. I did this to help myself figure out the plan for this build and also to give others the rough idea for my plan with this build. I do not intend on heavily detailing it, since it is still undecided if this will be the final location of the build. I just wanted to clarify that the continued progress is not me committing to this location, but just part of planning the build for me, since I am not preplanning it in a creative world
Personally it isn't that there is a change to the center of town. It is that it is going to be the biggest structure in center and because of the low position will absolutely dominate the view, certainly from the west side. It would still be imposing if it was docked above the portal tower, but it wouldn't be as dominant.
I'll try to have an open mind and give it more consideration but, to me, what you have mocked out now looks more like town is being invaded/raided by something. Rather than that this is the normal docking area for this ship.
I think some of it is that it being docked in its normal docking area is not entirely my goal. It is also not my goal to have it be in a state where it is intentionally docked in an area unfit. One of my inspirations for this build is Pixar's Up, and in particular this shot at the end of the movie. While I do not plan on creating such an imposing and contradictory build as this shot, the idea of just dropping down a ladder and making it work as shown in this shot is appealing and inspiring to me in this build.
If the HOA votes on it I can move the air ship upwards using admin powers.
Thanks for the offer. I am just going to put the project on hold for a few days, and then revisit this conversation again. If it does end up being decided that it should be moved, I will probably start looking for a completely different location, and I will just grab a litematica schematic of it to rebuild it.
Wild suggestion: Move the airship to be docked with the platform at (276,195,52).
It's far from downtown now, but hear me out: I think we could link the cab of the balloon to a nether roof portal, which would allow the mountaintop to be reached with a very short walk in the nether. This would both encourage development on the mountaintop (Something I think we could use more of), and it would make the balloon an actual transport role in player movement!
Also, it's next to the pirate ship which I think is neat.
I can see the inspiration. I also think the feedback about the low position in town from multiple people is fairly clear.
So I looked at the votes that were cast, it was 2 against, 1 ambivalent, and 1 "you do you" which I will categorize as ambivalent. There were also a few comments of people who could not join the server this weekend who preferred it being movedd. As a result, I will take it down in the coming days after I grab a litematica for it, as there are some parts that I designed that I will want to carry forward since the entire thing was freehanded. If someone wants to add torches to it to prevent spawning in the meantime, feel free. I just did not want it illuminated in the decision phase as I felt that having it be bright would not be an accurate portrayal of what the final thing will be.
I considered doing a separate comment of a meta commentary on the situation, and have an outline of that. I have decided against it, but will share maybe a few brief thoughts. The first is that there are some ways that I did not handle the situation well, and I am sorry to anyone where my responses have hurt them. The second is I think for town we need to consider the balance between cohesive builds and giving freedom for individuals to build. I am including myself in this category, because I have been annoyed at builds making an area less cohesive but have had to just let others build and move on. I am not sure if we have this currently out of balance, but we should keep this in mind as the goal to have a cohesive town may push players away if their building style does not suit our vision to keep it cohesive. There are also some aspects of the situation in which there was more push back where I was not expecting it. The biggest example is voting in-game which I thought would be a fun idea but others did not. However, I am still glad I did that since I do not know who voted "against". My other thoughts I feel it is more productive for me to move on, instead of sharing.
As for the new location it will be, I am unsure. I think j0hn's suggestion on the platform on the top of the mountain has some potential, although I do think there is already a portal to the top built by DisasterlyDisco. Gravy's suggestion near the pink houses may also be good. I think both of these suggestions have potential, I am just going to finish the sheep farm and think about it before I commit to a new location
/co inspect can probably tell you anyway, no?
I don't think so. I renamed the papers so /co inspect shouldn't have any data from other people interacting, and players put it in a jar which then a hopper pulled it out of and placed it into a barrel, so there is no player interaction with its current spot. If /co inspect can provide that info, I do not want to know
I never got involved in the prior discussion (+1 to "ambivalent" if you like) so I'll add my thoughts on this specifically:
I think the issue is not one of cohesiveness, but one of presence. It's unfortunate because that's what the shot from Up is all about.
Note I'm not saying scale, and I'm not saying style, but rather some unquantifiable mix of those with proximity to
town centerplaces that people visit often. For example, the skyscrapers are huge, but have fairly low presence. The nether tower is small in comparison, but has huge presence.Some ideas to reduce presence (some of which are rehashes of the prior discussion):
On that first one, you don't need to move it as far as the mountain or across the river. I suggest moving it just 20-30 blocks west, over those cherry trees. They have a very dense canopy, so you shouldn't obstruct sight lines from beneath. It gives the nether tower a bit of space to breathe. It's still looming in the background for pedestrians in town center, but it's not above them. Even from the natural history museum it should be fine, since that's far enough away that you can see the spawn mountain range beneath the balloon. The nearby trees obstruct the view more than the blimp would anyway.
I'm a little disappointed that you're considering moving it far from town center, because I wanted to put the Goodyear logo on the side. I don't think that joke would land the same if it's too far away from town.
I think my discussion on cohesion kind of got weakened when I shortened my commentary from being a longer form separate comment into just sharing some brief thoughts. I do agree that presence was definitely the bigger issue than cohesion
I did have a chance to get on this weekend, and spent some time looking at the build from all angles. I agree with you about moving it 20-30 blocks west, I think that would be a perfect spot. It seems likely a Zeppelin would land on that spot. Agree with all the comments about presence!
I have setup a place in the top floor of the airship on the north end a place to vote on placement. On Monday I will see what the consensus is and make a decision on what I do with it.
Okay, I don't want to make a conflict out of this, but I also don't want to not leave this as feedback. Are you making it intentionally difficult for people to “cast their vote”? Why not let people just leave a comment here, but require them to be able to log in before Monday? Also, your wording seems to suggest that you might still consider ignoring whatever it is. Specifically how you decide to handle ambivalent votes, it just comes across as you trying to orchestrate everything to hopefully fall in your favor. And to be honest, I don't think it is a good look.
To be clear, I already figured that I don't care strongly enough to oppose the placement anymore. My only request would have been to make sure it is mob proofed as it currently is a mob magnet. I almost got killed checking out the voting spot and typing this message.
It is just that I find it a bit of an odd way of handling things. At this point I honestly rather would have had that you just had gone with “I know it seems a bit low, but it is going to be awesome, and I am building it”. Just my 2ct of feedback on this entire thing.
Anyway, as I said, as far as I am concerned you go ahead and built the thing as long as it is mob proof.
I decided to do the vote in-game for a few reasons:
After the initial push back, I did some work on the cabin to make some of my vision a bit more clear. Therefore, I wanted people to check out a bit more of my vision before casting their vote.
I wanted to restrict the voting options to one of three options to make it easier to parse, rather than having everyone create their own answer making it a spectrum.
I wanted it to be a blind vote. I am unsure if it is me reading into things a bit too much, but it feels like the comments got a bit echo-chambery where it just became something to oppose. So I felt maybe a blind vote would be a good idea.
As for rigging the votes in favour, I have a few comments on that:
Maybe I worded the ambivalent example poorly, I just wanted to disclose that if the majority is ambivalent, and only a few opposed then I would see that as most people don't care and it is just a minority opposed. So in a sense the community at large is fine with it (ambivalent being I don't care one way or the other), so I would consider building it even though the scoring would be -2. I also wanted to disclose that so that people are making an informed decision
I did it over the weekend, I thought asking people to spend a few minutes logging onto the server was not a big ask, especially as there was reasons I wanted to do it in-game as listed above.
The reason for voting was that I wanted to restrict the discussion at the time to whether they are opposed to it or not. Doing so in-game felt like a fun way to do that for a Minecraft server rather than using a poll website.
If it was not in town, I feel like I would not have done it in game, because it would require travelling out to the area. It being in town felt like it was convenient enough that I did not think it was going to be too hard to vote
I may not have time to get ingame to vote this weekend, so consider my vote raising it above the nether roof tower. I think it will look great there.
I'm out of town this weekend, and I don't know the options, but my vote is either docked with the nether tower, or docked at the mountain top (276,52)!
Thank goodness someone's holding down the fort!
The options are in favour of current position, ambivalent, and against the current position. I am personally not excited about the idea of docking it at the nether tower as that does not match the plan of what I wanted to build, so it is not going to end up there
Have you considered putting it above the house by the lake? The one in the trees south of the trading hall, the cherry wood building I finished that someone had started way back when the server started. Plenty of airspace in that area, and I don't think the original builder is ever coming back, so they won't mind.
Question sparked by Gravy suggesting removing the snowflakes from the sky: Are we OK with removing some of the Christmas decorations? I did move a penguin that was in the path in front of the fireworks stall. But some decorations like Santa I would love to see stay there. I don't have any strong opinions on the matter but wanted to see what others think.
My plan was to remove the banners and most of the penguins (I wanna leave one or two in places not in the way). Then I was gonna leave Santa and the snowflakes to be removed by committee decision if they became unwanted. @IsildursBane (I think it was you?) already removed a bunch of the banners from around town for me!
I vote we keep santa but change his appearance based on the season. Something like a mendanbar outfit in summer for example :P
I'm signing your petition
Imagine the sled and reindeer decked out for Halloween!
I did take down all the Christmas banners I could find (you placed a lot of them), and put them in community storage. I left the penguins because they felt more so general winter themed.
If everyone could kindly ignore the horrible villager transport rail leading to my house for a moment, I'd greatly appreciate it.
I promise I'll tear it all back down when I'm done. Mistakes were made trying to get that project done while I was at work. /facepalm
Update: never mind, all done now
Oh... alright, carry on :P
Is it possible this also caused the entire first floor of the trading hall to be zombified?
It shouldn't have done so. I was only tinkering with the top level. My guess would be one of the doors wound up getting left open somehow, although I'd also think that zombies wouldn't have been able to reach the trading villagers?
Idk; that's quite odd. I know there's a shulker outside the trading hall with a bunch of splash weakness pots and a bunch of golden apples if anyone wants to get a bunch of discounted villagers. I can work on replenishing both of those next time I'm on.
Two of the doors were missing, so I guess that is how the zombie got in. As far as reaching the villagers, they managed alright. Anyway, they are all back to their villager state now thanks to @TaylorSwiftsPickles who made quick work of splashing the villagers and feeding them apples.
I see you have inconveniently left out a tiny little defecation note
Oh yeah, there is also a note.
As we already have Cauldron Concrete should we also have Cauldron Mud? It is also part of Vanilla Tweaks.
I was planning out making packed mud using my newly found abundance of wheat when I noticed that it would mean I'd have to make a lot of mud the slow way.
We proposed Cauldron Mud back before the server started, but tea is the one who decided which data packs made the cut. There is a small autoconverter for mud in front of Evie's starter base in town if you wanna use it.
Edit: Located at 98, 134
Ah. I missed that. Since mud is far newer than concrete I figured there was a strong possibility that data pack wasn't around at the time they were chosen.
On the old server I had a mud "farm" built, so if we don't add the data pack it's always an option to build another one.
I'm not sure if this is what you meant, but I only know of 2 kinds of mud "farms".
The first is more-or-less the same as you do for concrete in vanilla: you place each dirt individually and then either break the mud by hand or blow it up. I was assuming that wasn't necessarily desirable due to the fact that a data pack was added to remove the need to do that with concrete.
The other is an automated farm that uses bonemeal, moss, explosions, and some lucky azelia trees to generate rooted dirt and goes from there. It's slow, but I ultimately may build that. Such a farm would be capable of producing oak logs, rooted dirt, mud, and clay. I'd kind of like to have logs for charcoal anyway.
Beyond it being slow, my main hurdle is that I don't have a design for that farm. They do exist on the Internet, but so far all the farms I've built have been my own design. Would be an excuse to design something new I guess.
I built the former type on the old server, which was pretty solid. I suspect it's less annoying than concrete because of how easy mud is to break? But I also had it next to a clay farm, so that definitely affected my sense of how fast it was.
So I have started the process of creating a new wool farm. The plan is for it to have 32 sheep of every colour. For inputs it will take in shulker boxes of iron blocks to autocraft sheers and it will output the wool in shulker boxes. The plan for this is to produce higher quantities in a short time frame, for projects in which the wool farm in town can not supply easily. The farm in town will still be useful and convenient for smaller projects, this is more designed for when we are running larger projects
I have gotten all 512 sheep into position, and so most of the farm is done. I am currently working on a few optimizations for both farm performance and server performance. I also still need to build the sheers autocrafter from iron blocks which should be easy, although j0hn mentioned that it can be difficult to avoid occasionally crafting iron nuggets.
You probably don't need high throughput crafting. What you can do is simply put the crafter on a relatively low tick rate, that would give plenty of time for all slots to fill.
Edit: just realized this is the old thread, there is a new one.
That is a valid point. I haven't investigated it too closely yet, but I have had similar luck with a slow clock speed when I was doing my very rough dispenser autocrafter.
I might be able to assist next time I'm on if you haven't figured out a way to make it work beforehand. I've messed around with the crafter enough that I think I know how to set up a simple crafter for sheers.
I think I should be able to handle the sheers, I just haven't tackled it yet, and haven't gotten to that part of the process yet.
I'm not sure if it's an issue with my very slow internet but the gold/exp farm does not appear to be working right now. Throwing a snowball gets that one piglin to aggro, but the group does not.
I remember stumbling across a discussion about an issue like that before. I want to say it might be caused by someone logging out at the gold farm. It is working now for me
I finally managed to kidnap a couple of villagers from the not-very nearby village, and managed to make one more. So I can finally start on a mini iron farm, and a tiny trade hall. I'm a bit worried they'll despawn though, maybe I should boat them.
Villagers do not despawn. You can keep them in a boat or name tag them if you want to feel extra safe, but villagers in general just don't despawn.
Oh that must be a java thing. I had terrible trouble on Bedrock with even traded villagers despawning. It even made me stop playing bedrock altogether, as I lost too many valuable traders. There was a bug ticket about it for years (it still happens), which mojang finally closed with a "ticket too old" message last year. Something something chunk boundary something was the most likely guess. Good to know I'm not going to encounter that here. My villager room is now full of boats.
I spent about 5 hours tonight constructing a non working villager breeder based on farmer villagers. Should've just built some standard "test tube" style thing instead. Bah.
It works in the sense that you get more villagers from it than you put in, but it doesn't work, in the sense that there's no way to get the new ones out. Double bah. Next job, rip it down and build something more sensible. Hopefully with the same villagers, in the same spot :(
I use a similar thing where I don't plan out how I'm going to get them out. I generally just wait until night and then remove a bed to control one villager at a time.
I do this mostly because I personally find it easier to breed villagers where I need them than moving them from a central location. I then only need 2 at a time and so don't get a lot of value from optimizing the output. For example, if I'm building an iron farm I just bring 2 over, put the beds where they actually belong, and throw in a bunch of bread.
@creesch @teaearlgraycold I see the map is throwing 502 errors suddenly
All webservices seem to do so, not sure sure what is going on as I only have limited access to the service (to update markers).
What I can say is that it is not the disk that is full for a change. There also doesn't appear to be high CPU load.
Good to know that it's not the storage.
I recall @teaearlgraycold had set up some kind of loadbalancer. Maybe the TLS cert somewhere in the path expired? Most of my 502s have been cert-related so worth checking out when he sees this
I don't know if tea did something in the background or it was me running
/bluemap reload light
in game. But, it works again.I didn’t do anything
Fyi, I have been checking storage on a daily base and it did jump up today from 74% in use to 89% percent. Before that it was slowly creeping up.
Edit: Also something else is now going on, can't connect to the server with minecraft again. SSH works fine still.
I see I can actually see the minecraft logging and going through there is see several instances of the server not responding and being behind a few ticks before it restarted. Going over the thread dump there are a few things that stand out.
and that is the one that triggers the watchdog error. I think anyway. This seems to be an operation that saves world/player data to the disk, and it gets stuck there.CoreProtect‑Edge‑23.0‑RC3
might not be related though.From what I can see here it seems to me that too many things tried to write to the disk at the same time. I had
running shortly before the restart and did see CPU usage of roughly 250%-300% but I am not sure if that is relevant as I actually don't know how many cores the server has.Some possible approach I am seeing to at least reduce the risks of this happening:
As to why it doesn't happen more often, I think it has to do with how many people are on the server and actively doing stuff and where. The people on the server at this time were quite spread. Which might increase the amount of data being juggled. That is just a pet theory though.
Had a look at the logging from earlier and I think coreprotect might actually be causing some issues here. At the very least it is having trouble dealing with villagers being killed? Which doesn't happen that often, but there might be some other issues. As I noted earlier I saw we are running on an RC of coreprotect so updating it to a stable version might not be a bad idea.
Server is kaput rn
That lag was clearly a bad omen
Edit: it back
Weirdly, as we were discussing that, I disconnected and am unable to join, but according to BlueMap I am still logged on. Now I fail to connect (Timed Out) when I try to rejoin
Edit: Seems like it went down for everyone at the same time, or moments later
@teaearlgraycold and @creesch should we maybe take the server offline briefly and get the storage handled, since it seems like it is now climbing rapidly? I am wondering if we address it now instead of waiting until it maxes out and then do a rollback with data loss. Both of you are more technical than me so I will let you decide, but thought it might be a good idea to throw out there
Storage is no longer rising, at least not quickly. I am not sure how quick it was rising though as I just know that at some point in the past... 12(?) hours or so it did rise from 74% to 89%.
There were a ton of
files in/var/lib/mysql
. StackOverflow tells me I can just disable this form of logging which is used for replication across multiple MySQL servers. I have reclaimed the disk space.TPS is 20 at the moment.
Also I'll need to pay to upgrade CoreProtect. I'm not absolutely opposed but I doubt it's the issue as it's been on that version for a while.
Yeah it likely isn't the main issue. It just did seem to be the first one in the logs from where things started to spiral out of control.
A newer version isn't guaranteed to not have issues either.
Best I can tell it really is happening from time to time when things align so that multiple plugins try to write at the same time.
I've been doing a LOT of grass clearing. Which will be a colossal number of block state updates quickly over hundreds / thousands of blocks even. Even though I'm doing it by hand, each minecraft day session usually nets me two or three full stacks of seeds. That's a lot of broken grass.
Might be relevant, might not. Probably not.
I've been using a tunnel bore down in the mines collecting diamonds for the last two nights. I've probably cleared 10s of thousands of blocks of deepslate during that time. If it were you causing the issues, it would have been a full blown disaster last night because of me.
Hahaha. Yeah a TNT duper tunnel machine thing is gonna be a lot more blocks than me whacking grass with a hoe. Lol
Just did some quick calculations, I'd estimate I've destroyed around 150k blocks in 6 or 7 hours total between last night and this morning. :D
That's what they all say ;)