41 votes

Dwarf Fortress to be released on Steam and itch.io | Announcement teaser


  1. [2]
    Comment deleted by author
    1. Barskie
      Link Parent
      Yes, the potential implications to the development roadmap is unfortunate. The brother's health problems have likely made this move a necessity, since Toady has traditionally been very protective...

      Yes, the potential implications to the development roadmap is unfortunate. The brother's health problems have likely made this move a necessity, since Toady has traditionally been very protective of the Dwarf Fortress IP.

      At any rate, regardless of the outcome, this appears to be the gentlest way Toady will be able to make this change - a friendly indie developer who has supposedly guaranteed his freedoms in development, and retaining of the Classic version for free, ala Cave Story+ with Nicalis.

      2 votes
  2. [4]
    Comment deleted by author
    1. [3]
      unknown user
      Link Parent
      The whole comment of yours made no goddamn sense to me as an outsider. I've been curious about the game for a while, and I keep track of it in part because of the procedural-generation engine for...

      The whole comment of yours made no goddamn sense to me as an outsider.

      I've been curious about the game for a while, and I keep track of it in part because of the procedural-generation engine for damn near everything, but damn this game is inaccessible.

      Your comment reifies this feeling perfectly. :)

      8 votes
      1. Qis
        Link Parent
        The LNP is the Lazy Newb Pack, which is the most conveniently packaged and consistently maintained UI variant for DF. It includes some tilesets and a couple utility programs for managing your...

        The LNP is the Lazy Newb Pack, which is the most conveniently packaged and consistently maintained UI variant for DF. It includes some tilesets and a couple utility programs for managing your dwarves. The game has a learning curve but honestly it's not as bad as all that.

        6 votes
      2. Sahasrahla
        Link Parent
        I played it years ago and it was a great experience, definitely something worth looking into. I'd say the hardest part is just getting things set up: once you have some mods that help with the UI...

        I played it years ago and it was a great experience, definitely something worth looking into. I'd say the hardest part is just getting things set up: once you have some mods that help with the UI (e.g. "Dwarf Therapist" is a completely separate program that helps you manage your dwarves; dual monitors help) you'll be able to start playing around and seeing what you can do. Watching a bit of a Let's Play can also help in figuring out the sort of things that can be done in the game and how to start with it.

        That being said I don't feel like going back to it even if I still like the game. It got to the point where trying to do anything too complex felt like fighting with the interface and relearning everything at this point just to get an experience I've already had doesn't seem worth it. If you haven't played it before though it's definitely worth trying to get into so that you can experience the things the game does so well.

        3 votes
  3. Deimos
    There's a post on their Patreon with more info: Dwarf Fortress coming to Steam and itch.io, free version always updated and available There are also two AMAs planned on reddit tomorrow, one in...

    There's a post on their Patreon with more info: Dwarf Fortress coming to Steam and itch.io, free version always updated and available

    There are also two AMAs planned on reddit tomorrow, one in /r/dwarffortress at noon pacific, and the other in /r/gamedev at 2 PM pacific.

    9 votes
  4. asoftbird
    (edited )
    I knew a big announce was coming but l 20000% did not expect this. Good move on their part, it's a huge platform and they'll get plenty attention. Plus it's a really good way to track the millions...

    I knew a big announce was coming but l 20000% did not expect this. Good move on their part, it's a huge platform and they'll get plenty attention.

    Plus it's a really good way to track the millions of playtime hours consistently :p

    Edit: I've heard concerns about Tarn's health in the past but thought it was a little over the top, since fans were worried he'd die before the game was finished(in its current development rate and no end goal this still seems likely). The Patreon post apparently tells us that they indeed do have health problems and this is a pretty likely scenario. So I'm happy to see that this might prove to be a stable source of income for the guys, they deserve it.

    7 votes
  5. [2]
    Will there be anything resembling a tutorial?

    Will there be anything resembling a tutorial?

    3 votes
    1. Barskie
      Link Parent
      Quote from the Discord AMA by Toady: Don't bank on it though, there were a lot of questions and Toady is the sort of person who doesn't like to say no directly. I'm guessing later may be anywhere...

      Quote from the Discord AMA by Toady:

      A tutorial could be part of what we do for new players; we'll be able to be more specific later. But it's on the table, yeah.

      Don't bank on it though, there were a lot of questions and Toady is the sort of person who doesn't like to say no directly. I'm guessing later may be anywhere between few months to a few years.

      With the ever-evolving complexity of the game, your best bet is likely the DFwiki or Peridexis's tutorial.

      3 votes
  6. [3]
    Comment deleted by author
    1. [2]
      Link Parent
      I don't think it's coming to the switch, just Steam and itch.io

      I don't think it's coming to the switch, just Steam and itch.io

      1. rogue_cricket
        Link Parent
        Oh my goodness. "Steam + itch" got smooshed into "Switch". Thanks, haha.

        Oh my goodness. "Steam + itch" got smooshed into "Switch". Thanks, haha.

        1 vote