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  • Showing only topics in ~games with the tag "game design". Back to normal view / Search all groups
    1. What are some ideas and experiences that are underexplored in gaming?

      I was thinking about this question recently because I finished watching Game of Thrones and it made me want to play a game where I get to be a badass dragon. Unfortunately, it turns out there are...

      I was thinking about this question recently because I finished watching Game of Thrones and it made me want to play a game where I get to be a badass dragon. Unfortunately, it turns out there are surprisingly few games that tackle that experience.

      I also recently played a game called 1979 Revolution: Black Friday, which attempts to inform the player about a real event in history through Telltale-style adventure gameplay. Though it's fictionalized, I realized while playing that it's as close to a documentary as I've come in gaming, which I would argue is another unexplored area.

      That said, I'm curious to see what people here think.

      • What are some ideas/experiences that games haven't tackled, or have hardly scratched the surface of?
      • Why do you think this area has gone untouched for so long? Oversight? Tough to design around? Unfeasible? Unfun?
      • Are there any games that do fit your bill? Are they any good?
      • If you had to design a game to fill the niche you identified, what might it be like?
      26 votes
    2. What are some good introductory books on video game theory and design?

      I'm looking into making a 2D video game just for fun, and I'd like to know some books on the subject. Not necessarily technical, since I got that covered with Godot Engine materials, but...

      I'm looking into making a 2D video game just for fun, and I'd like to know some books on the subject. Not necessarily technical, since I got that covered with Godot Engine materials, but brainstorming, planning, narrative, theory, etc... You know, some big-picture stuff!

      For convenience and personal preference, I much prefer books instead of videos and articles.

      12 votes