Daily coronavirus-related chat, questions, and minor updates - April 4
This thread is posted daily, and is intended as a place for more-casual discussion of the coronavirus and questions/updates that may not warrant their own dedicated topics. Tell us about what the situation is like where you live!
I attended a digital surprise birthday party for one of my siblings yesterday. We had a family video chat scheduled, and all of us, save the sibling, got onto the chat early. We all found whatever birthday decor we could around our houses (old gift bags, party hats, etc.) and made sure they were in frame. Some of us that had the supplies to do so baked cakes.
Right before my sibling entered, we all turned off our cameras, so we were in the chat but not visible. When my sibling came online, we all turned on our cameras and yelled "surprise"! Then everybody with cakes lit candles on them; we sang a clumsy but earnest "Happy Birthday"; and then they "blew out" the candles onscreen.
It was really cute, and I loved being able to celebrate with my family despite the fact that we're all separated by thousands of miles.
This is the most wholesome thing I've ever read. You and your family are awesome.
My fiancee's birthday is next week and I'll definitely have to set something like this up! What a nice idea.
Girlfriend is moving in with me on Wednesday. Last few weeks without being able to see her much at all have been hard for both of us, but after much deliberation I've convinced her that if we're in this for possibly another month, it's time to move in together for the remainder of the lockdown.
It's a pretty huge step for her so I'm very proud of her.
Beyond that I'm frankly appalled at how I've seen some friends/acquaintances behave towards others now that they have "social permission" to be assholes to each other, which prompted a recent post of mine.
I feel like COVID is showing some people's true colors. From leaders and politicians to local heroes and your neighbours. I got to see who is ready to make an effort when the going gets tough. Who's ready to make sacrifices. And who would turn down their "best friend" nurse asking for a place to leave some supplies at their house, for fear they may have COVID-19.
Assuming the regimen for treating covid-19 is anywhere close to that for malaria:
According to this, an average person might need 6 pills on their first day and then 2 per day afterwards. For a week maybe? That's 20 pills. Germany has a stockpile for 30000 treatments. That really doesn't sound like much. But if it saves ICU capacities in a critical time, it's something.
I helped my wife make a mask out of an old T-shirt yesterday. The plan is that we (well, one of us who is shopping) are just going to wear it to go to the grocery store, whenever that is. Showing it to my brother's family and my mom over video chat might have some influence, though.
The people at my school sent us what we would be studying in school were it not for the quarantine so I'll be studying from home then.
Ironically we'd be on recess for a week if it wasn't for the quarantine since the governor of my state said there would be 4 vacations instead of 2, one of which would be around now.