39 votes

Donald Trump’s lawyers told the court that no one would give him a bond. Then he got a lifeline, but they didn’t tell the judges.


  1. [14]
    Comment deleted by author
    1. [8]
      Link Parent
      I mean it is important for the voice of the people to be able to be the end all in a democracy. It’d be a bit weird if the constitution specifically prohibited people with debt from being...

      I mean it is important for the voice of the people to be able to be the end all in a democracy. It’d be a bit weird if the constitution specifically prohibited people with debt from being president. The issue is more that it’s gotten to the point where half of the country is OK with anything Trump can or will do. When half of a democracy are becoming bad actors, it’s pretty doomed no matter what. Is what it is.

      18 votes
      1. [4]
        Comment deleted by author
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        1. [2]
          Link Parent
          I’m not really sure what the systematic failure is. I think the criteria for running for president should be low. There’s been candidates who ran for president from prison (and who’s a good...

          I’m not really sure what the systematic failure is. I think the criteria for running for president should be low. There’s been candidates who ran for president from prison (and who’s a good example as to why you should be able to - Eugene Debs was in jail for being a socialist). What should be preventing people who are liable to be bribed from being president is that voters should, well, not vote for them. They should be filtered out at the voting stage. That Trump won’t be is the failure, not that he’s merely allowed to run.

          18 votes
          1. Omnicrola
            Link Parent
            Agreed. The failure here is not "the system" in the legal sense, it's in the social sense. For any other presidential candidate in any other era, any single event or even single verbal mis-step...

            Agreed. The failure here is not "the system" in the legal sense, it's in the social sense. For any other presidential candidate in any other era, any single event or even single verbal mis-step that Trump has uttered would have immediately ended a politician's career. Trump is not special. At all. He merely happens to exist in a time when a lot of people are collectively lashing out in anger and frustration, and see him as exemplifying the behavior that they think they want in a leader right now.

            9 votes
        2. gpl
          Link Parent
          This incentives charging and convicting political opponents of crimes.

          This incentives charging and convicting political opponents of crimes.

          2 votes
      2. patience_limited
        Link Parent
        That's the least of the systemic failures which Trump has exposed. He violated the emoluments clause of the Constitution practically from Day One in office. Unfortunately, all the enforcement...

        That's the least of the systemic failures which Trump has exposed. He violated the emoluments clause of the Constitution practically from Day One in office. Unfortunately, all the enforcement powers lie with Congress, and we know how that's turned out.

        8 votes
      3. [3]
        Link Parent
        What? I’ve never heard POTUS referred to as “the voice of the people” before. That’s not remotely my understanding of the role of the executive branch. If anything our representatives are...

        What? I’ve never heard POTUS referred to as “the voice of the people” before. That’s not remotely my understanding of the role of the executive branch. If anything our representatives are literally supposed to represent the voice of the people who elected them.

        I kind of categorically refute this comment altogether. The structure of the US democracy is built on checks and balances. These have been over complicated and stripped of their ability to be effective and obfuscated with legal contortions like “money is free speech”. It’s absolutely a systemic breakdown IMO.

        3 votes
        1. [2]
          Link Parent
          I don't think that they were saying POTUS is the voice of the people, they were saying that the election of POTUS is the voice of the people. Meaning preventing Trump from running would be in...

          I’ve never heard POTUS referred to as “the voice of the people” before.

          I don't think that they were saying POTUS is the voice of the people, they were saying that the election of POTUS is the voice of the people. Meaning preventing Trump from running would be in opposition of allowing the voice of the people to determine who they wish to vote for.

          Personally I think our voting system does that already, so the only difference is for those that don't look beyond the superficial. If preventing Trump from running removes an option that others wish to vote for, then our voting system removes many more options that I'd vote for if the system didn't prevent me from doing so.

          5 votes
          1. HeroesJourneyMadness
            Link Parent
            Ahh. Okay. I understand the comment now. The many different selective “logic” arguments for Trump gets confusing. That particular voice of the people is under gag orders from court(s) I believe.

            Ahh. Okay. I understand the comment now. The many different selective “logic” arguments for Trump gets confusing.

            That particular voice of the people is under gag orders from court(s) I believe.

    2. [5]
      Link Parent
      Because if you get caught, you will get sent to prison. By the "justice" system.

      Because if you get caught, you will get sent to prison. By the "justice" system.

      10 votes
      1. [5]
        Comment deleted by author
        Link Parent
        1. [2]
          Link Parent
          I think that the people who are most successful in life (by shallow capitalistic measurements) are basically sociopaths. In fact, I assume that many powerful people raise their children to be like...

          I think that the people who are most successful in life (by shallow capitalistic measurements) are basically sociopaths. In fact, I assume that many powerful people raise their children to be like wolves among sheep. This gives them a big advantage. To them, only suckers follow rules.
          It's The Prisoner's Dilemma. The "defectors" run rampant because the "cooperators" do what they are supposed to do. If we all acted like Trump then society would collapse in a few days.
          By the way it's unlikely that Trump is any happier than you. He has more stuff but it's obvious he's miserable with an insatiable need to win and cheat and steal. He must know at some level that he's never earned anything, never had a real friend, never had a non-transactional relationship with anyone. It must suck for him, and certainly sucks for all of us who have to hear about him constantly.

          9 votes
          1. HeroesJourneyMadness
            Link Parent
            I think you’re making the case for why the rule of law matters. Why there needs to be “Justice” in the legal system. So people have a direction to point and internal sense of moral duty. Trump is...

            I think you’re making the case for why the rule of law matters. Why there needs to be “Justice” in the legal system. So people have a direction to point and internal sense of moral duty.

            Trump is showing us a mirror of how far the country has drifted from that. IMO we are literally trolling the US culture and government with Trump. It’s a dangerous “game” the rage of Trumpers are “playing”.

            3 votes
        2. first-must-burn
          Link Parent
          You might be interested in Bruce Schneier's book, Liars and Outliers. The author is a noted computer security researcher, and the book deals with the role of trust in society.

          You might be interested in Bruce Schneier's book, Liars and Outliers. The author is a noted computer security researcher, and the book deals with the role of trust in society.

          3 votes
        3. HeroesJourneyMadness
          Link Parent
          Exactly. The rule of law matters. The longer Trump gets on the less people believe in a just world.

          Exactly. The rule of law matters. The longer Trump gets on the less people believe in a just world.

          1 vote
  2. [5]
    I find this statement pretty disgusting. Hey, what's $464M between friends?

    a bond for the full amount of the lower court’s judgment, $464 million.
    “I saw that they were rejected by everyone and I said, ‘Gee, that doesn’t seem like a difficult bond to post,’” Hankey said.

    I find this statement pretty disgusting. Hey, what's $464M between friends?

    12 votes
    1. [3]
      Link Parent
      Trump inevitably betrays friends like the scorpion and the frog in the river. Dude dodged an expensive bullet

      Trump inevitably betrays friends like the scorpion and the frog in the river.

      Dude dodged an expensive bullet

      8 votes
      1. ackables
        Link Parent
        He still posted the reduced bond for Trump. This guy made his fortune with car loans, so he’s used to repoing assets of delinquent borrowers.

        He still posted the reduced bond for Trump. This guy made his fortune with car loans, so he’s used to repoing assets of delinquent borrowers.

        18 votes
      2. first-must-burn
        Link Parent
        I agree he'd likely lose the money, if nothing else due to Trump's inability to control himself around these court cases. I think what's unsettling is that there was some level of influence he...

        I agree he'd likely lose the money, if nothing else due to Trump's inability to control himself around these court cases.

        I think what's unsettling is that there was some level of influence he thought he could gain by putting $464M at risk, and either that's an insignificant amount of money to him or the influence he expects to wield as a result is huge, or both.

        9 votes
    2. HeroesJourneyMadness
      Link Parent
      Yep. This makes Hankey an insurrectionist and traitor to the US IMO.

      Yep. This makes Hankey an insurrectionist and traitor to the US IMO.

      1 vote
  3. [3]
    (edited )
    All the contortions of the whole Trump saga have pretty much convinced me there are major components that the public is just not privy to. It’s nonsensical to me that with the amount of evidence...

    All the contortions of the whole Trump saga have pretty much convinced me there are major components that the public is just not privy to. It’s nonsensical to me that with the amount of evidence of Trump having been compromised in so many ways, AND attempted to overturn an election via violence… the insane amount of PR and legal noise needed to blot out fact after fact after fact…

    I think the best I can hope for is one of these two scenarios happening:

    • Some weird chaotic change, some “new” turn of events that ends with Trump jailed (or dead) and at least the guise of the rule of law restored in some way between now and November. Though, according to some politically connected conservative friends, shockingly they actually believe this does carry some risk of violence and even civil war.
    • Probably a better scenario is something happens that makes it impossible for him to continue running. Health or some major incontrovertible evidence of treason (though IMO 6 Jan should have been sufficient). Something that absolutely deflates Trump supporters once and for all.

    In the end though I personally stopped believing any narrative the media offers. I’m down to hoping that some 3 letter agencies are actually steering this ship and that they are both on this side of the globe and still have US-based intentions. That’s where I can still find some sense of hope, because nothing makes sense anymore.

    6 votes
    1. [2]
      Link Parent
      You can actually run for President from jail (people have done so before). There’s nothing that says that you can’t, after all.

      some “new” turn of events that ends with Trump jailed

      You can actually run for President from jail (people have done so before). There’s nothing that says that you can’t, after all.

      3 votes
      1. HeroesJourneyMadness
        Link Parent
        …and if my grandma had wheels she would have been a bike. (Acknowledging this might be pressing Tildes etiquette, but I hope it brings a chuckle to someone.) Yes. There are lots of technicalities...

        …and if my grandma had wheels she would have been a bike.

        (Acknowledging this might be pressing Tildes etiquette, but I hope it brings a chuckle to someone.)

        Yes. There are lots of technicalities in law that make it possible for lots of things to happen. Bankruptcy increasing one’s debt, legal fines being the best monetary decision, etc. I guess I’m just optimistic enough to think that maybe 1/2 the country wouldn’t elect a man in jail… but at this point, who knows. It seems people still treat elections like WWE.

        1 vote