22 votes

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  1. [8]
    I would feel so much better about this if there was zero Scientology involved. That being said, the new singer's voice is definitely comparable to Chester's, which is nice I guess? Hopefully they...

    I would feel so much better about this if there was zero Scientology involved.

    That being said, the new singer's voice is definitely comparable to Chester's, which is nice I guess? Hopefully they can put out some more good stuff.

    27 votes
    1. [7]
      Link Parent
      I think the scientology thing is a bit overblown, from what i saw she has never made any comments on it but was in a picture taken in a 2013 gala, scientologists cater to celebrities and whatnot...

      I think the scientology thing is a bit overblown, from what i saw she has never made any comments on it but was in a picture taken in a 2013 gala, scientologists cater to celebrities and whatnot so she could have been there as a guest and not a part of the church for whatever reason. Not saying that she isn't but i don't think a 11 year old photo is conclusive evidence on whether she is part of the org or not.

      10 votes
      1. [7]
        Comment removed by site admin
        Link Parent
        1. [3]
          (edited )
          Link Parent
          All I'm seeing as proof of that is a comment left on Dead Sara's Instagram from Cedric Bixler-Zavala saying she was supposedly at the Masterson trial prelims to show support for him. On that alone...

          All I'm seeing as proof of that is a comment left on Dead Sara's Instagram from Cedric Bixler-Zavala saying she was supposedly at the Masterson trial prelims to show support for him. On that alone people are taking it as fact that she's a rape apologist?

          11 votes
          1. [2]
            (edited )
            Link Parent
            From her Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/stories/emilyarmstrong/3451527381347257919/): “Hi, I’m Emily, I’m new to so many of you, and I wanted to clear the air about something that happened a...

            From her Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/stories/emilyarmstrong/3451527381347257919/):

            “Hi, I’m Emily, I’m new to so many of you, and I wanted to clear the air about something that happened a while back.

            Several years ago, I was asked to support someone I considered a friend at a court appearance, and went to one early hearing as an observer. Soon after, I realized I shouldn’t have. I always try to see the good in people, and I misjudged him. I have never spoken with him since.

            Unimaginable details emerged and he was later found guilty.

            To say it as clearly as possible: I do not condone abuse or violence against women, and I empathize with the victims of these crimes.”

            So she did get caught up in it but has since distanced herself from it maintaining she was duped. Take that for whatever it may be worth but she was one of the ones called in as a show of support for him in court. Whether she was an unwilling participant who just didn't know her "friend" was a horrible rapist (even though at that point it was sort of just a known quantity) is up to you.

            11 votes
            1. cfabbro
              (edited )
              Link Parent
              If she had continued to support him throughout his trial or afterwards, if she had defended him publicly during the trial or after his conviction, or had blamed the victims/accused them of lying,...

              If she had continued to support him throughout his trial or afterwards, if she had defended him publicly during the trial or after his conviction, or had blamed the victims/accused them of lying, etc... Any of the things rape apologetics actually involves, then I could understand her being called a rape apologist. But I'll be honest, I seriously don't understand how her going to that one preliminary trial date has permanently condemned her in so many people's eyes. And as it stands, this whole thing feels pretty witch hunty, IMO.

              11 votes
        2. [3]
          Link Parent
          She responded to this criticism, whether you believe her or not is up to you. https://variety.com/2024/music/news/linkin-emily-armstrong-criticism-danny-masterson-1236135990/

          She responded to this criticism, whether you believe her or not is up to you.


          7 votes
          1. [2]
            Link Parent
            Has she condemned scientology though? A nice a PR piece, but it's still screams organizational privilege that pisses on the ideals that Chester stood for. Why not use an artist who doesn't have a...

            Has she condemned scientology though? A nice a PR piece, but it's still screams organizational privilege that pisses on the ideals that Chester stood for. Why not use an artist who doesn't have a checkered history, or one who has at least denounced the cult that promotes them?

            3 votes
            1. Jambo
              Link Parent
              From what Mike has said in this interview, it was much more organic than "let's find a lead singer" - they wrote the song with her as a creative exercise before there was any plan on getting back...

              From what Mike has said in this interview, it was much more organic than "let's find a lead singer" - they wrote the song with her as a creative exercise before there was any plan on getting back together.

              The moment Linkin Park was back
              Shinoda notes how recording "The Emptiness Machine", which also ended up as the lead single for the album and which was released yesterday, turned out to be one of the significant turning points when he and his bandmates gave reuniting Linkin Park more serious thought:

              "We were, like, 'That's a Linkin Park song.' You can't listen to that song and say it's anything else. At that point, too, we were considering, 'Should we call this a different band name? Do we need one singer? Maybe we've got multiple people playing different roles and stuff.' And when she was singing on certain things, it sounded so much like the band, for me, I was just, like, 'That feels good.' I don't know. I can't be logical about it. It's an illogical thing. It just feels good."


              3 votes
  2. KapteinB
    I wasn't expecting the female vocals, but they really work!

    I wasn't expecting the female vocals, but they really work!

    7 votes
  3. Grumble4681
    In case anyone wanted to learn more behind the scenes of how Linkin Park came back to this iteration, there's this video they released. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=otxt-VTYgmU A lot of...

    In case anyone wanted to learn more behind the scenes of how Linkin Park came back to this iteration, there's this video they released.


    A lot of discussion on how it came to be, how they approached making new music and how they approached playing the older music etc.

    4 votes
  4. [6]
    Have to say I was expecting more. I love Dead Sara and Linkin Park but I don't think the vibe of LP suits Emily's vocals. Listen to Weatherman or Lemon Scent and you'll see what I mean. I really...

    Have to say I was expecting more. I love Dead Sara and Linkin Park but I don't think the vibe of LP suits Emily's vocals. Listen to Weatherman or Lemon Scent and you'll see what I mean. I really hope this isn't the end of Dead Sara...

    1 vote
    1. [4]
      (edited )
      Link Parent
      I had never heard of her or Dead Sara before, but as a long-time Linkin Park fan, I thought the exact opposite. IMO her voice has just the right amount of raspiness to fit right in with LP's vibe....

      I had never heard of her or Dead Sara before, but as a long-time Linkin Park fan, I thought the exact opposite. IMO her voice has just the right amount of raspiness to fit right in with LP's vibe. I was super impressed by her in this track, and even got goosebumps when she started screaming at 1:37, since she reminded me so much of Chester.

      5 votes
      1. [3]
        Link Parent
        I think the concerns about the raspier lyrics came more from the livestreamed gig, particularly in the first half. She did bring it back after a break with the newer songs and then did alright for...

        I think the concerns about the raspier lyrics came more from the livestreamed gig, particularly in the first half. She did bring it back after a break with the newer songs and then did alright for the final song, but it felt she was really struggling with the HT / Meteora heavy start.

        1 vote
        1. Grumble4681
          Link Parent
          I just started listening to the live performance and while I can hear the struggle with that, there's no replacing Chester and those songs were heavily defined by Chester's vocals. There surely...

          I just started listening to the live performance and while I can hear the struggle with that, there's no replacing Chester and those songs were heavily defined by Chester's vocals. There surely will be a hard time playing some older music that she simply cannot come close to replicating the feeling or sound imparted by Chester. Granted I'm sure there are others that could more easily do the vocals for those older songs, they would forever be compared to Chester in newer material and for what they can't do because they'll sound close but not close enough.

          I almost wonder if it played a part in why they went with a female vocalist, it's a lot harder to compare directly. It draws a very clear line, they aren't trying to replace or replicate Chester, they're going to embrace a new sound.

          4 votes
        2. killertofu
          (edited )
          Link Parent
          Interesting. The single for me feels like like an LP song, but Emily's vocals were a clear highlight. I was actually really impressed with the live show. It's obviously not Chester, but I thought...

          Interesting. The single for me feels like like an LP song, but Emily's vocals were a clear highlight. I was actually really impressed with the live show. It's obviously not Chester, but I thought it was still really good and worth tuning in for. Also I think she absolutely blew it away for Faint, one of my favorites. It's a new sound, but I like it.

          2 votes
    2. Grumble4681
      Link Parent
      It's not unheard of for people in bands to have side projects or release music as a solo artist, but there's no doubt it takes away time, energy and focus that might have otherwise gone to that if...

      It's not unheard of for people in bands to have side projects or release music as a solo artist, but there's no doubt it takes away time, energy and focus that might have otherwise gone to that if it were their primary focus.

      I listened to those songs you mentioned and a few others and while its definitely not my cup of tea, I didn't inherently find anything about the vocals in those to make me think it wouldn't work with Linkin Park, especially how her vocals work in this new song they released. It sounds good and has potential to me but I'm not going to make any strong conclusions without a greater body of work.

      3 votes
  5. [9]
    Big day for classic/dad rock

    Big day for classic/dad rock

    1 vote
    1. [3]
      (edited )
      Link Parent
      When Linkin Park emerged I was old enough to view them as a silly thing for kids. It felt very forced and industrialized. I'm not saying that it was, but it was our perception at the time. It was...

      When Linkin Park emerged I was old enough to view them as a silly thing for kids. It felt very forced and industrialized.

      I'm not saying that it was, but it was our perception at the time. It was a little cringe for a fan of Nirvana. The whole nu metal scene was largely unappealing for an older grunge head.

      11 votes
      1. NaraVara
        (edited )
        Link Parent
        Linkin Park is one of the few nu metal acts that actually aged well. Most of the rest have fallen off. I think the key is they evolved their sound to stay current.

        Linkin Park is one of the few nu metal acts that actually aged well. Most of the rest have fallen off. I think the key is they evolved their sound to stay current.

        6 votes
      2. crdpa
        Link Parent
        Same here. I liked nu metal at first because I was an angry teen. So I loved Slipknot and Korn, but didn't care much about the more "hip hop" side of nu metal like Limp Bizkit and Linkin Park. But...

        Same here. I liked nu metal at first because I was an angry teen. So I loved Slipknot and Korn, but didn't care much about the more "hip hop" side of nu metal like Limp Bizkit and Linkin Park.

        But it aged really bad for me. Probably because when they emerged I was discovering more types of metal and just started listening to black, death, grind, etc. So it was a thing of the moment for me.

        In the end (heh) I just can't stand anything related to nu metal and metalcore these days.

        4 votes
    2. [3]
      Link Parent
      If linkin park is classic/dad rock, what do we call metallica?

      If linkin park is classic/dad rock, what do we call metallica?

      1 vote
      1. Wolf_359
        Link Parent
        Metallica is to Linkin Park what Elvis was to Metallica. Metallica, as much as I love them, is now grandpa rock. Linkin Park was my generation's music, so that's dad rock.

        Metallica is to Linkin Park what Elvis was to Metallica.

        Metallica, as much as I love them, is now grandpa rock. Linkin Park was my generation's music, so that's dad rock.

        3 votes