18 votes

Trump wants the military used against Americans who don't support him


  1. Notcoffeetable
    The absolute depravity of this rhetoric is second only to the fact that his supports (and apparently swing voters?) will not take it seriously. This election has underscored how broken not only...

    The absolute depravity of this rhetoric is second only to the fact that his supports (and apparently swing voters?) will not take it seriously. This election has underscored how broken not only our political system is, but american society in general. On one hand we have serious candidates who are given the appropriate coverage, questions, critiques that any candidate should endure. On the other we have openly violent, fascistic rhetoric that is given a pass because the supporting party has a victim complex whenever they are challenged and the supports either refuse to recognize the reality of what the party is proposing or relishing that it "triggers" everyone else.

    It's like watching a poker game with one player playing normal hold 'em, and the other player just making up the size of their stack and cards in hand. And it's just being treated like a normal game of poker.

    A thought that I can't get out of my mind is that perhaps we are hurtling towards a fascist oppressive regime because 50% of the population doesn't have the empathy, context, worldview to actually assess the dangers of the political system they seem to espouse. Best case scenario Trump loses and fades into obscurity, his imitators try the same schtick but it fails. I'm not sure I'd bet on that right now.

    18 votes
  2. vord
    (edited )
    This is an absolutely disgusting turn of events. It is absolutely terrifying. Pair false claims of election meddling with the desire to imprison/kill dissenters is a great start to a dictatorship...

    This is an absolutely disgusting turn of events. It is absolutely terrifying.

    Pair false claims of election meddling with the desire to imprison/kill dissenters is a great start to a dictatorship and genocide.

    12 votes
  3. [8]
    Prefacing this: I'm not a fan of donald trump, I'm also not a fan of shitty journalism This article is quite sensationalist and they are definitely twisting his words. Luckily, they posted the...

    Prefacing this: I'm not a fan of donald trump, I'm also not a fan of shitty journalism

    This article is quite sensationalist and they are definitely twisting his words. Luckily, they posted the clip and we can see that he is is just suggesting that the national guard be used to keep the peace on election day.

    5 votes
    1. [3]
      Link Parent
      The problem, one of the many problems, with Trump is that everyone he disagrees with is essentially a radical left lunatic. Because he said keep the peace on election day against in particular...

      The problem, one of the many problems, with Trump is that everyone he disagrees with is essentially a radical left lunatic. Because he said keep the peace on election day against in particular radical left lunatics. Which is how he describes the opposing party candidate. (Among other inappropriate things).

      In the same way that he vows to fight election fraud but has also said the only way he loses is fraud which means he's vowing to fight his loss. It would maybe be reasonable in the mouth of someone who doesn't regularly advocate for state violence against his opponents. That's not Trump.

      16 votes
      1. [2]
        Link Parent
        Yes, naming a house representative that (glance) voted for the Iraq war and did other typical-Democrat things is obviously the radical left. Don't forget that all of his claims about fraud were...

        Yes, naming a house representative that (glance) voted for the Iraq war and did other typical-Democrat things is obviously the radical left.

        Don't forget that all of his claims about fraud were themselves fraudulent, or he was the one trying to fake the votes.

        He's positioning himself as a "Heads I Win, Tails You Lose" candidate. And I've seen far too many "Vote Felon" signs to think that his support among his base is waning.

        1 vote
        1. DefinitelyNotAFae
          Link Parent
          Precisely, that's why this isn't just "keeping the peace on election day." He still won't admit he lost in 2020.

          Precisely, that's why this isn't just "keeping the peace on election day." He still won't admit he lost in 2020.

          1 vote
    2. [3]
      Link Parent
      The part you are missing is that he does this all of the time. He says things that are outrageous, and then his supporters rush in to say that he didn't mean what you heard. Can you think of any...

      The part you are missing is that he does this all of the time.

      He says things that are outrageous, and then his supporters rush in to say that he didn't mean what you heard. Can you think of any other politician ever where someone always has to explain what he meant?

      As an adult, and someone who wants to be leader of a whole country, he has a very important responsibility to say what he means and means what he says in clear terms.

      What did he mean when he called Kamala Harris "retarded"?
      What did he mean when he said police should go ahead and bang suspects heads when they put them in the car.
      What did he mean when he said that women let him grab them by the pussy?
      What did he mean when he said that Harris supporters in at his rally shouldn't admit it because something bad may happen to them?

      There is no excuse for thousands of the things he's said. He is not fit for any kind of office for this and a thousand other reasons.

      10 votes
      1. [2]
        Link Parent
        That’s apples and oranges. There’s no doubt he’s not fit to be president, he seems barely functional as a human being recently. Which is precisely why you don’t need to make things up to write...

        That’s apples and oranges. There’s no doubt he’s not fit to be president, he seems barely functional as a human being recently. Which is precisely why you don’t need to make things up to write scathing reporting on him.

        The angle on this speech should be how everything he said is incoherent, not creating things to fear monger.

        1 vote
        1. vord
          Link Parent
          It's not incoherent to his base though, because it's all about the complete narrative. Moderate Democrats are the radical left perpetuating totally real "voter fraud." The mainstream news is lying...

          It's not incoherent to his base though, because it's all about the complete narrative.

          Moderate Democrats are the radical left perpetuating totally real "voter fraud."

          The mainstream news is lying to you, except of course Fox News telling you "the real story."

          Apparently a full 7% of the country is due to be "deported," AKA "kids in cages and other fun things ICE is known for."

          Oh, and the fact he's not the president and thus has no authority to do so, but he's obviously going to try, because that's how coups work.

          1 vote
    3. clem
      Link Parent
      That's what I thought at first, too, when the first paragraph clearly broke his full quotation (which I'd already seen, though admittedly not heard) into chunks to use however they liked. But the...

      That's what I thought at first, too, when the first paragraph clearly broke his full quotation (which I'd already seen, though admittedly not heard) into chunks to use however they liked. But the article goes on to make clear judgment calls, reading between the lines. One connection they're making is here:

      Later in the interview, Trump said the “enemy from within” is “more dangerous than China, Russia, and all these countries,” declaring, “The thing that’s tougher to handle are these lunatics that we have inside, like Adam Schiff.”

      They add to it here:

      Yet in the interview, Trump appeared to be very specifically talking about Americans on the left who simply don’t support him. In addition to Trump’s name-check of Schiff, it’s important to note that Trump has for years applied the phrase “radical left” not to, say, people plotting terrorist attacks, but to the Democratic Party in general.

      Maybe they're wrong about this, but personally, I rely on this kind of insight, as I have no interest in listening to all the tripe that Donald Trump has to say. I'm happy to read more about why this is poorly twisting his words (as long as I don't have to hear much of it from his own mouth), but the article as a whole offers enough evidence to further alarm me.

      6 votes