27 votes

Kanye West declares he will run for US president in 2020


  1. [10]
    the fuck is happening in America? Who would support/vote for someone with this world view to be a president? oh well.. :(

    the fuck is happening in America?

    I am so proud of my beautiful wife Kim Kardashian West for officially becoming a billionaire.

    Who would support/vote for someone with this world view to be a president?

    picked up an immediate endorsement from Elon Musk, the chief executive of electric-car maker Tesla and another celebrity known for eccentric outbursts, who tweeted in reply: “You have my full support!”

    oh well.. :(

    27 votes
    1. [2]
      Link Parent
      It sounds like another case of celebrity-level trolling, which of course is what Musk does all the time. But if ordinary trolls deem it a worthy troll then who knows, there are a lot of them.

      It sounds like another case of celebrity-level trolling, which of course is what Musk does all the time. But if ordinary trolls deem it a worthy troll then who knows, there are a lot of them.

      28 votes
      1. unknown user
        Link Parent
        Bear in mind: Trump was shocked to have won the presidency. He didn't seem to have wanted it.

        Bear in mind: Trump was shocked to have won the presidency. He didn't seem to have wanted it.

        16 votes
    2. [6]
      unknown user
      Link Parent
      You know, in this crazy of a world, I want to see what a West-Musk platform would look like. I'm eager to bet on them raising unusual and out-of-public-eye issues that they can reasonably throw...

      You know, in this crazy of a world, I want to see what a West-Musk platform would look like.

      I'm eager to bet on them raising unusual and out-of-public-eye issues that they can reasonably throw money at to fix or make disappear.

      1. [5]
        (edited )
        Link Parent
        All Elon Musk and Kanye West want to do is troll people, make themselves richer, and pursue billionaire fever dreams. They do not give a fuck, and I could not care less about what they think or...

        All Elon Musk and Kanye West want to do is troll people, make themselves richer, and pursue billionaire fever dreams. They do not give a fuck, and I could not care less about what they think or say. Given that most of the registration deadlines have passed and Kanye has already released a new single, I have to assume this is a PR stunt for an upcoming album.

        31 votes
        1. [4]
          unknown user
          Link Parent
          Now, see, you're taking the possibility with the seriousness that a genuine political engagement deserves. I don't think this is one of those. I am, however, still curious what would happen if...

          Now, see, you're taking the possibility with the seriousness that a genuine political engagement deserves. I don't think this is one of those. I am, however, still curious what would happen if these two partner up and go into politics.

          Why? Because I'm a writer. Even though I find the nitty-gritty of real politics fascinating in its own right, I'd pray for stuff this crazy to fall into my lap like it almost did with this article.

          1 vote
          1. [4]
            Comment deleted by author
            Link Parent
            1. [3]
              unknown user
              (edited )
              Link Parent
              I mean their platform. What they'd run with, how they'd present themselves as valuable candidates for presidency. Trump did his "mexicans are rapists but some are good people" bullshit. Obama...

              I mean their platform. What they'd run with, how they'd present themselves as valuable candidates for presidency.

              Trump did his "mexicans are rapists but some are good people" bullshit. Obama promised HOPE. I'm wondering what these two would do.

              5 votes
              1. [2]
                Link Parent
                Ok this sounds awesome! I want to know what a Kanye-Musk ticket would look like. I am thinking huge costly PR spectacles with a high tech glitzy touch to them. Sending photo models to Mars to...

                Ok this sounds awesome! I want to know what a Kanye-Musk ticket would look like. I am thinking huge costly PR spectacles with a high tech glitzy touch to them.

                Sending photo models to Mars to build a Tesla factory and have them do a reality show on the way! Someone gets voted off every month and gets put in a secondary craft called "Losers Rocket" where every week they gossip or smack talk the remaining people.

                Start up the hyperloop idea, but this time let it focus on the LA - Las Vegas - SF line. Have a luxury fire island hyped first class with Beluga Caviar and Champagne served by robots using state of the art artificial intelligence to detect when first class passengers are low on Beluga caviar.

                Create a huge territory centered around Iowa, North and South Dakota where there is 0% tax systems, using a construct of paid social security through insurance schemes where you construct these mega clusters of mansions walled off and safe from others where each owner can host their own private security army - as bug out mansion areas.
                Then you invite all Latinx people from the south of america with promises of a legal citizenship after a certain set of time worked.
                By carefully planning the layout of the clusters you can in effect create these vast circles of land around the area where normal people live. Travelling from the outer circle in, takes a set amount of time which gives ample time to make sure they are who they are and are going exactly along the route they should. By making certain that you have a outside-in road bill you can make workers living outside pay for the upkeep of the road every time they travel!
                As a way to off set the risk of the poorer classes revolting due to lack of food or health care etc, you have these booths where advertisers pay a certain amount of money that goes towards a credit for anyone in the booth watching the ads that they can use for food or health care. A slice of that goes towards upkeep and owner profit of course. Intersperse that with Youtube styled fail videos or animal videos and you ensure that anyone poor enough to revolt, also needs to entertain themselves for such a long amount of time to get say a happy meal that they simply don't have time to revolt. You can also let the youtube videos focus on "dogs enduring everything but gets rewarded in the end" or "whiny poor people mimicing the rich and then failing hard and making a fool of themselves".

                Actually come to think about it, you don't need to even set up those mansion clusters in Iowa.

                2 votes
                1. unknown user
                  Link Parent
                  This is just crazy enough for me to dig, for a fictional ticket for two billionaire entrepreneurs running for office.

                  This is just crazy enough for me to dig, for a fictional ticket for two billionaire entrepreneurs running for office.

                  2 votes
    3. nothis
      Link Parent
      I'm waiting for Grimes' goth makeup line!

      I'm waiting for Grimes' goth makeup line!

  2. [5]
    I guess a new Kanye album is coming out

    I guess a new Kanye album is coming out

    18 votes
    1. [4]
      Link Parent
      Or he stopped taking his medicine again. Actually maybe both. Apparently he considers his bipolar disorder a superpower that fuels his creativity.

      Or he stopped taking his medicine again.

      Actually maybe both. Apparently he considers his bipolar disorder a superpower that fuels his creativity.

      23 votes
      1. [3]
        unknown user
        Link Parent
        I can certainly see that. It's not a healthy view, but depression has been a major fuel for creatives all throughout history. When you're out of depression you feel like you can finally do things....

        I can certainly see that. It's not a healthy view, but depression has been a major fuel for creatives all throughout history.

        When you're out of depression you feel like you can finally do things. Plan that trip, make that wooden castle for your kid, rebuild the house... It all feels like a normal thing you can do – and hell, you probably can, but the trick is to also plan ahead for a fact that at some point, you will fall back into a depressive state for a while, which will not only halt your progress, but also make you feel like you're either not going to be able to finish it, or that it sucks from the get-go, or that you don't deserve finishing this great project...

        I have no experience with manic states, but I'm assuming it's like that but magnified.

        4 votes
        1. [2]
          (edited )
          Link Parent
          Oh man, let me tell you about mania. I suffer from bipolar as well, but my depressive lows are much rarer now that I've removed myself from most of my toxic environment. The manic states remain...
          • Exemplary

          I have no experience with manic states, but I'm assuming it's like that but magnified.

          Oh man, let me tell you about mania. I suffer from bipolar as well, but my depressive lows are much rarer now that I've removed myself from most of my toxic environment. The manic states remain however, and I can run you and @KapteinB through one quick. Last year I had my first full-blown prolonged hypomanic state that didn't result in mania, and it was the first time I had an acute self-awareness of the process. Keep in mind this is after 3 prior lengthy stays in a mental hospital.

          1. Normal - Everything is pretty much fine, your moods are normative, life is basic. Depending on your meds, you might be gaining weight, feeling numb to the world, or even just relatively normal. On my previous med, it was a constant feeling of numbness, constant drowsiness, and easy weight gain. Now that I'm on a different med, I've dropped over 30 pounds over a year.

          2. The trigger - Something will kick me out of normalcy and into hypomania. For me, that has often been a combo of stress and sleep deprivation.

          3. Hypomania - So this is the high, the 'superpower' that Kanye is referring to. If left untreated, will escalate to full-blown mania. You'll feel a reduced need for sleep < 4 hours, and your thoughts will be racing. Become much more confident, inhibition drops. Creativity spikes. You might be easily distractable, but given an opportunity to hone in on something, can make some truly brilliant progress. Also might be a bit of a rude asshole to people because their minds aren't racing at 100mph the way yours is.

          4. Mania - Psychosis sets in. You're now delusional and most likely need a trip to the hospital.

          5. The big come down - This will plummet most bipolar patients into a deep depression, because hypomania is awesome and it'll get yanked away harshly. I'm one of the lucky ones that has a slower fall, kind of coasting back through hypomania again back to normalcy.

          On my ramps up into hypomania, I'll often do some of my best professional work (assuming it's deep work and not shallow busy-work), but it often won't be documented well. On the come-downs, I produce my best art (still mostly crap, but fun at least) and have my best times living in the moment. I think hypomania is closer to the intended normal for human existence, but it's driven out of us by overwork and living in a fairly toxic environment.

          So, stuff that Kanye puts out that is great is likely written in a hypomanic state. The batshit crazy stuff is what he puts out there when he hits mania.

          17 votes
          1. YogyrtMaej
            Link Parent
            Thank you for this. I believe this sequence is what contributes to the nature of his workflow. He tends to stop entire projects, even if they are sonically or theatrically brilliant. Take Yandhi...

            Thank you for this.

            I believe this sequence is what contributes to the nature of his workflow.
            He tends to stop entire projects, even if they are sonically or theatrically brilliant.
            Take Yandhi for instance. Ye repeatedly set new dates for the album release along with major edits. Eventually, the entire project was called off in favor of his critically lambasted album, Jesus is King.

            Kanye said that the high stress level of his expectations and financial debt strained him mentally (and possibly physically). This coupled with manic episodes and criticism on social media seems quite horrible.

            The faster stigma around mental health dissolves, the sooner we can expect to see the best of humanity.

            4 votes
  3. [18]
    Oh great, another self-absorbed celebrity who doesn't understand democracy, governing, foreign affairs or anything necessary to be president; another person who doesn't understand that his rise to...

    Oh great, another self-absorbed celebrity who doesn't understand democracy, governing, foreign affairs or anything necessary to be president; another person who doesn't understand that his rise to fame is a symptom of the problems in this country, not a source of solutions.

    15 votes
    1. FishFingus
      Link Parent
      On the plus side, I doubt he'll find it yeezy.

      On the plus side, I doubt he'll find it yeezy.

      5 votes
    2. [16]
      Link Parent
      Not to derail this thread, but why would you assert this about Kanye? If you were to say that about his wife, I'd understand.

      another person who doesn't understand that his rise to fame is a symptom of the problems in this country, not a source of solutions.

      Not to derail this thread, but why would you assert this about Kanye? If you were to say that about his wife, I'd understand.

      2 votes
      1. [7]
        Link Parent
        Sorry, this guy just hits a pet peeve of mine, but it's not about him specifically. My point is generally that the currents of celebrity worship and consumer capitalism allow entertainers to...

        Sorry, this guy just hits a pet peeve of mine, but it's not about him specifically. My point is generally that the currents of celebrity worship and consumer capitalism allow entertainers to outshadow far, far, far more qualified (but probably less photogenic) people for the complex roles of civic leadership. We shouldn't allow entertainers to leverage their fame as an electoral advantage over others. If a normal schmoe from Anytown, USA had the same depth of ideas and civic leadership experience as this guy has, they would struggle at a local election level. Instead, he is already making national (international?) headlines for a Presidential election! And he'll probably get votes too.

        10 votes
        1. [5]
          Link Parent
          I agree with all of that, but that's very little to do with his rise to fame; here you're objecting to what he plans to do now that he's famous. If that's where your gripe is, I get it and agree,...

          I agree with all of that, but that's very little to do with his rise to fame; here you're objecting to what he plans to do now that he's famous. If that's where your gripe is, I get it and agree, but he first attained success through achievements in music and it looked like that's what you had an issue with.

          4 votes
          1. [4]
            Link Parent
            Sort of, but again not specific to him. Why do entertainers from music and sports develop such rabid, dedicated followings when scientists, activists, and other contributors to society get largely...

            Sort of, but again not specific to him. Why do entertainers from music and sports develop such rabid, dedicated followings when scientists, activists, and other contributors to society get largely ignored? That is a big problem in democracy, which relies on informed engaged citizenry.

            3 votes
            1. [3]
              Link Parent
              Because they're entertainers? By nature their work is going to have gteater emotional impact. In terms of democracy, fandom of leading figures who influence public policy is much less important...

              Because they're entertainers? By nature their work is going to have gteater emotional impact. In terms of democracy, fandom of leading figures who influence public policy is much less important than properly understanding the work they do, and is arguably more dangerous (see: Trump).

              2 votes
              1. [2]
                Link Parent
                Yes, exactly. Entertainers (like Trump) sidestepping into politics is very dangerous. And our culture's celebrity worship of entertainers allows that to happen. I've mentioned the book...

                Yes, exactly. Entertainers (like Trump) sidestepping into politics is very dangerous. And our culture's celebrity worship of entertainers allows that to happen. I've mentioned the book Entertaining Ourselves to Death enough times on Tildes that I'm afraid I'm beating a dead horse now, but I feel that prioritizing entertainment over other societal issues is dangerous.

                I didn't phrase that well above, and I didn't mean to say that non-entertainers should have goggy eyed, hyperventilating fan bases, but they should have the equivalent level of intellectual respect. Our societal distraction with entertainment is a pathology.

                2 votes
                1. culturedleftfoot
                  Link Parent
                  That's much more accurate and a sentiment we both agree on.

                  That's much more accurate and a sentiment we both agree on.

                  1 vote
        2. YogyrtMaej
          Link Parent
          I get your point. Optics and "winnability" plague current conceptions of democracy.

          I get your point. Optics and "winnability" plague current conceptions of democracy.

          2 votes
      2. [8]
        Link Parent
        Why? She's studying to take the bar exam in 2022 so she can help disenfranchised people lead a better life. She and Kanye additionally helped fund George Floyd's daughter's education and the...

        If you were to say that about his wife, I'd understand.

        Why? She's studying to take the bar exam in 2022 so she can help disenfranchised people lead a better life. She and Kanye additionally helped fund George Floyd's daughter's education and the funeral expenses for many other victims of police brutality. I understand if you think neither are fit to run the country, but I don't think you can attribute a sense of harmful ego and entitlement to Kim.

        1. [4]
          Link Parent
          Because Kim Kardashian only rose to fame by being socially adjacent to Paris Hilton and a sex tape. They were born into wealth, and used that wealth to catapult to more wealth and fame. It's all...

          Why? She's studying to take the bar exam in 2022 so she can help disenfranchised people lead a better life

          Because Kim Kardashian only rose to fame by being socially adjacent to Paris Hilton and a sex tape. They were born into wealth, and used that wealth to catapult to more wealth and fame.

          It's all fine and dandy that she's studying to take the bar exam, approximately 20 years after rising to fame (as she was already born into wealth). Philanthropy is better than none I guess. Doesn't take away from the fact that her rise to fame is a symptom of a toxic society.

          13 votes
          1. [3]
            Link Parent
            You are right. Her rise to fame is a result of a society that values vanity over substance. That being said, she doesn't project it as a source of solutions, contrary to what user:...

            You are right. Her rise to fame is a result of a society that values vanity over substance. That being said, she doesn't project it as a source of solutions, contrary to what user: culturedleftfoot originally suggested.

            Even then, her fame IS a source of solutions. She uses her fame and platform to raise awareness on false convictions and problems in the current carceral system. Furthermore, she used her connections to actually get people out of jail. Literally.

            1 vote
            1. [2]
              (edited )
              Link Parent
              No, that's not what I was suggesting. @vord's first two sentences and last line were exactly what I was getting at. Notice which bit of the quote I bolded for emphasis.

              No, that's not what I was suggesting. @vord's first two sentences and last line were exactly what I was getting at. Notice which bit of the quote I bolded for emphasis.

              1 vote
              1. YogyrtMaej
                Link Parent
                It seems to be a misunderstanding then. I thought you were referring to the entire quote, since you, y'know, quoted it.

                It seems to be a misunderstanding then. I thought you were referring to the entire quote, since you, y'know, quoted it.

        2. [3]
          Link Parent
          Something tells me you aren't very aware of Kim's... complicated history with Black people/culture. I'm happy to see her recent intent to use her platform for positive, but it's primarily because...

          Something tells me you aren't very aware of Kim's... complicated history with Black people/culture. I'm happy to see her recent intent to use her platform for positive, but it's primarily because she now has Black kids herself.

          1 vote
          1. [2]
            Link Parent
            Ok. I don't think you can make that claim. Would it be logically possible, and probable, that she is more involved with black people now that she has black children, yes. Can we say that it is...

            Ok. I don't think you can make that claim. Would it be logically possible, and probable, that she is more involved with black people now that she has black children, yes. Can we say that it is definitely the primary reason, no. Kim might have had a "complicated" history with black culture, but we can't discount any advances she's made just by virtue of her kids being black.

            1. culturedleftfoot
              Link Parent
              I'm not just talking out of my ass here, you know. I'm not discounting what she's doing, I'm contextualizing it. If you are actually familiar with her history, ego and entitlement are not...

              I'm not just talking out of my ass here, you know.

              “My evolution on this is probably some combination of growing up, getting married, having kids, and my life being so different than what it was when I was starting out,” the Keeping Up with the Kardashians reality star explained. “Now, I feel like I have a duty to myself and to my children more than the public and I want to be a good role model for my kids.”

              Kardashian West continued: “I’m raising four black kids in this society and our system is so discriminatory against black and brown people. I want to do as much as I can to make their lives easier…I never knew much about the system until I started to dig in, and once I learned and saw how many things were wrong, I really couldn’t stop.”

              I'm not discounting what she's doing, I'm contextualizing it. If you are actually familiar with her history, ego and entitlement are not far-fetched criticisms; they take on yet another dimension when you specifically couple her ignorance of the system's impact on Black people with her problematic (to put it mildly) relationship with Black culture.

              4 votes
  4. [3]
    unknown user
    Did Putin have a hand in this, too?

    We must now realize the promise of America by trusting God, unifying our vision and building our future

    Did Putin have a hand in this, too?

    5 votes
    1. [2]
      Link Parent
      He doesn't have to.. Americans are digging their own graves.

      He doesn't have to.. Americans are digging their own graves.

      9 votes
      1. unknown user
        Link Parent
        I was mostly speaking in jest. The rhetorics matching is uncanny on this abstract a level, but of course it didn't have to come from the same source. At this stage, I wouldn't be surprised...

        I was mostly speaking in jest. The rhetorics matching is uncanny on this abstract a level, but of course it didn't have to come from the same source.

        At this stage, I wouldn't be surprised Russians had a hand in grooming a handful of celebrities to take up politics. Trump worked out very well for them, after all. But then, Kanye could just be an idiot with a penchant for grabbing attention, like oh so many US celebrities are.

        3 votes
  5. [6]
    so the maga hat wearing guy that supported trump is running against him? which votes will be siphoned off?

    so the maga hat wearing guy that supported trump is running against him?

    which votes will be siphoned off?

    4 votes
    1. [2]
      Comment deleted by author
      Link Parent
      1. Kuromantis
        Link Parent
        But the most notable element of his campaign is that he supports Trump? Which Democrat would ever choose that? I know blacks are the most conservative/religious people group in the Democratic...

        But the most notable element of his campaign is that he supports Trump? Which Democrat would ever choose that? I know blacks are the most conservative/religious people group in the Democratic party/in general, but what more is there?

        1 vote
    2. [5]
      Comment removed by site admin
      Link Parent
      1. [2]
        Link Parent
        Normally I'd agree, but I also thought the exact same thing about Trump and look at where we are now. The big difference is we are way later in the election cycle and Kanye hasn't done any of the...

        Normally I'd agree, but I also thought the exact same thing about Trump and look at where we are now.

        The big difference is we are way later in the election cycle and Kanye hasn't done any of the work as far as I know to actually get on the ballot. If he's able to do that then I'll start taking him seriously.

        2 votes
        1. [2]
          Comment removed by site admin
          Link Parent
          1. Flashynuff
            Link Parent
            Oh, I don't see a voting base either. But if he manages to get on the ballot somehow, that usually shows there's some level of support

            Oh, I don't see a voting base either. But if he manages to get on the ballot somehow, that usually shows there's some level of support

      2. [3]
        Comment deleted by author
        Link Parent
        1. [3]
          Comment removed by site admin
          Link Parent
          1. Litmus2336
            Link Parent
            I'd imagine young people who don't give a fuck or think it's a joke. Potentially the Never Trump Never Biden crowd who would otherwise write in or maybe vote Biden and just not tell anyone.

            I'd imagine young people who don't give a fuck or think it's a joke. Potentially the Never Trump Never Biden crowd who would otherwise write in or maybe vote Biden and just not tell anyone.

            2 votes
          2. bleem
            Link Parent
            the demo that wrote in harambe in 2016

            the demo that wrote in harambe in 2016

  6. [2]
    (edited )
    Does this guy have anything to say politically? Trump acts like a nationalist ("everyone who doesn't look like me doesn't belong here") and has "TheTwitterFeedTM". Is Kanye comparable?

    Does this guy have anything to say politically? Trump acts like a nationalist ("everyone who doesn't look like me doesn't belong here") and has "TheTwitterFeedTM". Is Kanye comparable?

    3 votes
    1. culturedleftfoot
      Link Parent
      I will be very surprised if he does have anything actionable. I hope I'm wrong, but I think he is going to end up positioning himself as a useful idiot... again.

      I will be very surprised if he does have anything actionable. I hope I'm wrong, but I think he is going to end up positioning himself as a useful idiot... again.

      1 vote
  7. YogyrtMaej
    This is, quite literally, a Late Registration. Cue All Falls Down by Kanye West*

    This is, quite literally, a Late Registration.

    Cue All Falls Down by Kanye West*

    2 votes
  8. Comment removed by site admin