9 votes

What did you do this week (and weekend)?

As part of a weekly series, these topics are a place for users to casually discuss the things they did — or didn't do — during their week. Did you accomplish any goals? Suffer a failure? Do nothing at all? Tell us about it!


  1. [2]
    Played some Halo 2 online. Payed a rather large and inconvenient payment against a credit card that's be haunting me for months. Went window shopping at a furniture store. Went out dancing with a...

    Played some Halo 2 online.
    Payed a rather large and inconvenient payment against a credit card that's be haunting me for months.
    Went window shopping at a furniture store.
    Went out dancing with a coworker at a couple cool electronica clubs/lounges in my city.
    Did some yard work for my parents.
    Smoked weed out of a Pepsi can.
    Dodged my ex's phone calls.
    Let go of stressful though patterns.
    What a great week :]

    6 votes
    1. BeardyHat
      Link Parent
      Don't take this as admonishment, as I certainly did questionable things when I was smoking, but don't smoke out of aluminum cans. They can release all kinds of toxic chemicals when heated, all of...

      Don't take this as admonishment, as I certainly did questionable things when I was smoking, but don't smoke out of aluminum cans. They can release all kinds of toxic chemicals when heated, all of which you're inhaling.

      Would recommend an Apple though.

      3 votes
  2. [3]
    I heard from an ex who owed me a lot of money (bc love makes you do stupid shit like lend a cheating man thousands of dollars for his business idea). He actually had all the money, plus interest...

    I heard from an ex who owed me a lot of money (bc love makes you do stupid shit like lend a cheating man thousands of dollars for his business idea). He actually had all the money, plus interest for each of the 4 years he didn't pay me back. I sort of couldn't believe it. I don't lend money unless I am fully okay with not getting it back, so this was a huge and pleasant surprise. He even apologized very sincerely, it was good to see him being in a better place than he was before.

    The universe has weird timing because that was 3 days ago. And the next day my cat was attacked by a neighbor cat and needed emergency care which ended up costing 2 grand. I 100% did not have 2 grand laying around before 3 days ago. I feel so blessed, charmed even. Like the timing of that is such a coincidence. 4 years later!!! And just a day before I had an emergency. Somebody is lookin out for me.

    And I got a cool new slingshot that I've been doing target practice with for fun. Shooting at the wood pile. I'm not very good yet.

    I got to see system of a down play, with some other awesome bands. It was an incredible show.

    Life is good.

    3 votes
    1. [2]
      Link Parent
      Congrats on getting your money back newer and shinier than before! As a long-time System fan I feel like you should've led with that haha. I broke my slingshot but I used to be into backyard...

      Congrats on getting your money back newer and shinier than before! As a long-time System fan I feel like you should've led with that haha.
      I broke my slingshot but I used to be into backyard archery in my teen years. I'd love to join a local archery club when I've earned the free time.

      1 vote
      1. Melvincible
        Link Parent
        Haha thanks! Archery is so cool, I've never gotten to try it out but it looks pretty fun. The slingshot is also very fun. I am terrible at it but I have basically unlimited rocks so... plenty of...

        Haha thanks! Archery is so cool, I've never gotten to try it out but it looks pretty fun. The slingshot is also very fun. I am terrible at it but I have basically unlimited rocks so... plenty of opportunity to improve. Might try to knock some berries out of the trees this weekend.

  3. [7]
    About a week ago decided I'd go to a tournament that I wasn't initially feeling. But deciding to go got me out of my funk and after 3d printing 9 models (1 tank, 2 trucks, 6 guys), I painted them...

    About a week ago decided I'd go to a tournament that I wasn't initially feeling. But deciding to go got me out of my funk and after 3d printing 9 models (1 tank, 2 trucks, 6 guys), I painted them all up pretty quickly. Finishing the trucks and crew Sunday and starting and finishing the tank today. I also painted an additional tank I won't be using, but it's nice, because I haven't done any hobby stuff since March.

    Picked up the new Hitman game for $20. I owned the initial release from back in 2016 or so and didn't get into it, which was weird considering I started with the very first game back in the day and played every release since then. However my mood has changed and I'm very much enjoying it this time around.

    Also picked up Dead Space Remake, because I thought my wife would enjoy watching me play through it and so far, she has. She's actually been asking me to play, which is fun.

    Got sick today. My kids returned to school last week and as expected, immediately returned with illness which I came down with today; it's not the worst I've ever felt, but I'm a giant baby, so I'm miserable. I am glad it struck early in the week here, as I should be largely recovered by the time my tournament rolls around on Saturday.

    Oh, also bought a new handheld. Do I need it? Hell no. But I've been eyeballing the RG405m for about a year now and finally saw a good price on AliExpress. Paid, I think $138, which is a lot for me right now, but a solid deal. Previously when I had considered it, they were coming out to $200, which is just too much for what it is. I kind of had this thought it would replace my PS Vita, but the more I think about it, it's simply going to be a supplement. It was absolutely an impulse purchase. But I think it's encouraged me to sell two my GBAs, which I don't really use at all.

    2 votes
    1. [6]
      Link Parent
      Would you be up for sharing photos? Sounds awesome!!!

      ...After 3d printing 9 models (1 tank, 2 trucks, 6 guys), I painted them all up pretty quickly. Finishing the trucks and crew Sunday and starting and finishing the tank today. I also painted an additional tank I won't be using, but it's nice, because I haven't done any hobby stuff since March.

      Would you be up for sharing photos? Sounds awesome!!!

      3 votes
      1. [5]
        Link Parent
        Sure, here's one I just snapped. Not the best picture, but I think it gives the general idea. The Matilda II (second tank from the left) is a kit, but everything else was 3d printed last week.

        Sure, here's one I just snapped. Not the best picture, but I think it gives the general idea.

        The Matilda II (second tank from the left) is a kit, but everything else was 3d printed last week.

        2 votes
        1. [2]
          Link Parent
          Nice, they look great! Did you oil wash the trucks? I'm really impressed by the quality of those 3D prints!

          Nice, they look great! Did you oil wash the trucks? I'm really impressed by the quality of those 3D prints!

          1. BeardyHat
            Link Parent
            Funny you mention that, as my friend who is into oil washes asked the same. I didn't; I created a mix of 2 parts Agrax Earthshade, with maybe a 1/2 part of Vallejo Rust wash, then another 2 parts...

            Funny you mention that, as my friend who is into oil washes asked the same.

            I didn't; I created a mix of 2 parts Agrax Earthshade, with maybe a 1/2 part of Vallejo Rust wash, then another 2 parts or so water. Brush that on the vehicle, trying not to let it pool too much and it tends to flow downward quite a bit and give a pretty convincing surface rust effect. I then usually go back and drybrush/highlight.

            You can definitely see the flaws in the prints up close, but I don't paint for Golden Demon or anything. I just want my models to look good on the table.

        2. [2]
          Link Parent
          I love the little guy with binoculars!!!!

          I love the little guy with binoculars!!!!

          1. BeardyHat
            Link Parent
            Thanks! He's the spotter for the guy next to him, who's a sniper. I'm happy with how I've done the grass on his base.

            Thanks! He's the spotter for the guy next to him, who's a sniper. I'm happy with how I've done the grass on his base.

            1 vote
  4. Akir
    A funeral. It was good to see the family and the good thing is that it ended up being a fairly positive experience overall. One of my family members had a second death so I got to see them a bit...

    A funeral.

    It was good to see the family and the good thing is that it ended up being a fairly positive experience overall. One of my family members had a second death so I got to see them a bit longer. More importantly I got to spend most of that time with my sister, whom I haven’t been able to see since before yet another death in the family.

    2 votes
  5. TumblingTurquoise
    Recorded the first song with my friends, started working on another two songs. Transcribed one of my own demos and am practicing it on piano. Hung out with some other friends, saw Alien Romulus,...

    Recorded the first song with my friends, started working on another two songs. Transcribed one of my own demos and am practicing it on piano. Hung out with some other friends, saw Alien Romulus, played some Planet Zoo and some Shadow of Chernobyl.

    And work of course, but who cares about that?

    1 vote