27 votes

Megathread #11 for news/updates/discussion of AI chatbots and image generators

It's been six months since ChatGPT launched and about three months since I started posting these. I think it's getting harder to find new things to post about about AI, but here's another one anyway.

Here's the previous thread.


  1. [15]
    In the "blind men and the AI elephant" department, some people who use GPT-4 noticed that it got faster but also complained that it was nerfed. According to someone at OpenAI, the model didn't...

    In the "blind men and the AI elephant" department, some people who use GPT-4 noticed that it got faster but also complained that it was nerfed. According to someone at OpenAI, the model didn't change. But are they to be believed? There were accusations of gaslighting.

    I think this goes to show how hard it is tell from casual observation or even regular usage what "typical performance" is for a random process where everyone's asking different questions. It's sort of like gamblers becoming convinced that a certain slot machine is "loose." Anecdotal reports are good for telling whether a website is up or down, but quality is harder to measure. Independent outside testing that tracked performance systematically would help, but there are so many different questions you could ask that it would be hard to say what "average" might be.

    There are plenty of AI benchmarks but they tend only to be run once, not as a way of monitoring performance.

    10 votes
    1. [3]
      Link Parent
      FWIW the last few times I've used GPT-4 I've been really impressed with it. It even asked me questions before giving an answer, which I'd never experienced before.

      FWIW the last few times I've used GPT-4 I've been really impressed with it. It even asked me questions before giving an answer, which I'd never experienced before.

      6 votes
      1. [2]
        Link Parent
        That is impressive! Usually when I tell it "feel free to ask clarifying questions" it doesn't. Now it does that without even being prompted.

        That is impressive! Usually when I tell it "feel free to ask clarifying questions" it doesn't. Now it does that without even being prompted.

        3 votes
        1. teaearlgraycold
          Link Parent
          It might just be the nature of what I asked it to do. Maybe a majority of examples in the training set of travel itinerary requests were followed by questions.

          It might just be the nature of what I asked it to do. Maybe a majority of examples in the training set of travel itinerary requests were followed by questions.

          6 votes
    2. [9]
      Link Parent
      We really need to have a good open model soon. It's pretty hard to measure the performance of an AI if it's proprietary and locked-down, and right now we're pretty much at the mercy of whatever...

      We really need to have a good open model soon. It's pretty hard to measure the performance of an AI if it's proprietary and locked-down, and right now we're pretty much at the mercy of whatever OpenAI wants to do with GPT-4.

      3 votes
      1. [3]
        Link Parent
        I think the quality could be monitored pretty easily if someone wanted to, using the API and questions from an existing AI benchmark. It would be a matter of running the benchmark every now and...

        I think the quality could be monitored pretty easily if someone wanted to, using the API and questions from an existing AI benchmark. It would be a matter of running the benchmark every now and then and publishing the score. (And hopefully the raw data too.)

        A problem with benchmarks is that they often don't apply to the problem you're actually interested in, but it would be a way of establishing a baseline.

        It doesn't mean anyone could do anything about it if the quality changed, but at least we'd have something concrete to talk about rather than rumors that it changed.

        2 votes
        1. [2]
          Link Parent
          Another risk is that many of the established baselines are suspect of being leaked into the training data, so evaluation is not that straightforward. See this article and reddit discussion. It's...

          Another risk is that many of the established baselines are suspect of being leaked into the training data, so evaluation is not that straightforward. See this article and reddit discussion.

          It's really quite a big issue in using the internet as a non-supervised training data source. Even more so if you consider that you would want to publish your evaluation data and method on the internet, which will be scraped and used to train future models. Extend that line of reasoning to all data generated by AI models and you can see how difficult of a problem it will be in the (near) future.

          4 votes
          1. skybrian
            Link Parent
            Yeah, data contamination is an issue, so I think this will keep test-makers busy writing new questions while trying to keep the difficulty about the same. This is much like how writing an SAT test...

            Yeah, data contamination is an issue, so I think this will keep test-makers busy writing new questions while trying to keep the difficulty about the same. This is much like how writing an SAT test isn't one-and-done.

            3 votes
      2. [5]
        Link Parent
        We have a number of good models available now, as well as a number of options for fine tuning datasets. For base models, there’s Llama, StableLM, Falcon, etc. For datasets, there’s Open Assistant,...

        We have a number of good models available now, as well as a number of options for fine tuning datasets.

        For base models, there’s Llama, StableLM, Falcon, etc.

        For datasets, there’s Open Assistant, Gpt4All, Alpaca, and others.

        For RLHF, ColossalAI and Open Assistant have open sourced code.

        1 vote
        1. [4]
          Link Parent
          Have you used them yourself? Which ones have you tried and what you think of them?

          Have you used them yourself? Which ones have you tried and what you think of them?

          1. [3]
            Link Parent
            I’ve used all of them and more. The best results I’ve had are from combining multiple datasets on top of the Llama base models using regular fine tuning with some custom tokens, and I haven’t...

            I’ve used all of them and more. The best results I’ve had are from combining multiple datasets on top of the Llama base models using regular fine tuning with some custom tokens, and I haven’t gotten very good results from RLHF yet, maybe because I don’t have a very good RLHF dataset.

            1 vote
            1. [2]
              Link Parent
              What sort of problems do you work on? Are you trying them out casually? Doing research? Or are you working on something to go into production?

              What sort of problems do you work on? Are you trying them out casually? Doing research? Or are you working on something to go into production?

              1 vote
              1. unkz
                Link Parent
                Research and commercial applications. My focus is mostly on reducing training cost and combatting model degradation during fine tuning.

                Research and commercial applications. My focus is mostly on reducing training cost and combatting model degradation during fine tuning.

                3 votes
    3. [2]
      (edited )
      Link Parent
      With regards to the disconnect between the perceived decline in GPT 4’s performance and the OpenAI staff member saying there has been no change, I’d say it's worth noting that most of those...

      With regards to the disconnect between the perceived decline in GPT 4’s performance and the OpenAI staff member saying there has been no change, I’d say it's worth noting that most of those sharing anecdotes about their experience with the model will have been interacting with it via ChatGPT+, while the OpenAI fella’s tweet specifically refers to the core model accessed through the API.

      I highlight this is to draw attention to the fact that while the API allows as pretty much as close to direct access to the GPT 4 model itself that they’re willing to allow, when accessing it through ChatGPT model behaviour is deliberately guided for a more user friendly interactive chatbot experience.

      The most well known way they do this with ChatGPT (and similar services such as Bing’s chatbot) is by effectively priming the model for a certain type of behaviour using an initial hidden message at the start of each new exchange.

      This, along with other bits and bobs built into the ChatGPT platform to guide model behaviour, could’ve plausibly undergone multiple tweaks and revisions since GPT 4's launch. If this is the case it would account for the model's perceived degradation without rendering the OpenAI guy’s statement an outright lie.

      That aside, I agree entirely with your sentiment that we could do with more continued benchmarking efforts. Especially when many users are drawing conclusions from attempts to identify changes in these types of models just by observing generated replies. Even when using the API with the temperature parameter set to 0 (for as close to deterministic behaviour as possible) there’s still a chance of varied outputs due to how one inconsistently chosen token at any one point in a generation can cause the rest to spiral off in a different direction (a hazard with glorified next token predictors I guess). This lack of reliably reproducible generations when using the API with explicitly set parameters makes the idea of trying to catch changes made to something like ChatGPT, where we can’t see much less control any of the parameters used, seem a pain in the arse at best and a futile effort at worst.

      2 votes
      1. skybrian
        Link Parent
        Good points! If you sign up for developer access, there's a playground that lets you set the "system message" for chat. If I cared more, I would play around with that.

        Good points!

        If you sign up for developer access, there's a playground that lets you set the "system message" for chat. If I cared more, I would play around with that.

        2 votes
  2. [7]
    India’s religious AI chatbots are speaking in the voice of god — and condoning violence (Rest of World) […] It would be interesting to read interviews with actual users. How do they think about...

    India’s religious AI chatbots are speaking in the voice of god — and condoning violence (Rest of World)

    In January 2023, when ChatGPT was setting new growth records, Bengaluru-based software engineer Sukuru Sai Vineet launched GitaGPT. The chatbot, powered by GPT-3 technology, provides answers based on the Bhagavad Gita, a 700-verse Hindu scripture. GitaGPT mimics the Hindu god Krishna’s tone — the search box reads, “What troubles you, my child?”

    In the Bhagavad Gita, according to Vineet, Krishna plays a therapist of sorts for the character Arjuna. A religious AI bot works in a similar manner, Vineet told Rest of World, “except you’re not actually talking to Krishna. You’re talking to a bot that’s pretending to be him.”

    At least five GitaGPTs have sprung up between January and March this year, with more on the way. Experts have warned that chatbots being allowed to play god might have unintended, and dangerous, consequences. Rest of World found that some of the answers generated by the Gita bots lack filters for casteism, misogyny, and even law. Three of these bots, for instance, say it is acceptable to kill another if it is one’s dharma or duty.


    Sharma got the idea for his GitaGPT after seeing some Twitter buzz on a BibleGPT, created by Andrew Kean Gao, a freshman at Stanford University. Gao’s chatbot offers answers in English or Spanish, with a clear warning at the bottom of the page: “The AI is not 100% accurate. You should exercise your own judgment and take actions according to your own judgment and beliefs. Do not use this site to choose your actions.”

    In February, chatbots based on the Quran caused a stir online. One of them, Ask Quran, generated responses with advice to “kill the polytheist wherever they are found.” The chatbot has since been paused, following “feedback from the community,” according to the website. The creator for HadithGPT has shut down the chatbot, with a message on the platform saying they decided to “consult with scholars to find a better use for this technology.”

    It would be interesting to read interviews with actual users. How do they think about their usage of these bots?

    7 votes
    1. [5]
      Link Parent
      Everything about this article annoyed me. It’s fearmongering nonsense and it doesn’t sound like anyone involved, from the developers to the journalist writing it, actually understands the topic....

      Everything about this article annoyed me. It’s fearmongering nonsense and it doesn’t sound like anyone involved, from the developers to the journalist writing it, actually understands the topic.

      The central narrative of the Bhagavad Gita is that it is Krishna persuading Arjuna about the righteousness of going to war. If you ask it if, based on the Gita, killing is permissible then the answer can only be yes. That’s literally what the Gita is about (as long as the question is that open ended). But claiming this is “condoning violence” is ignorant. It is equivalent to saying there are circumstances where killing is the righteous course of action. Very few people are extreme pacifists to the point where they’d dispute that general claim.

      For the software engineers who have built the Gita chatbots, though, some of these inconsistencies can be explained away by the technology. “If you gave the Gita to 10 different intellectuals, they can have 10 different ways of [understanding] it,” Sharma told Rest of World, adding that this is the AI’s interpretation of the Gita.

      No mention of the fact that it’s just reproducing the sentiments of its training data. The AI is not interpreting shit. It’s summarizing the interpretations that have been fed to it. And if it has opinions on Narendra Modi that suggests its corpus of training data is not constrained to the Gita and its notable commentaries. There’s a much better article where a journalist who actually knows what they’re talking about interrogates these developers about their corpus of training data and what editorial choices they made there.

      I don’t see how this is anything but just ChatGPT with some pre-scripted context (answer as if you are Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita) hard coded up front. The claim that people will think this bot is the voice of God because it pretends to be seems to be based on. . .nothing at all. It’s not like Hindus are ignoramuses who can’t differentiate real spiritual experiences from simulacra. Nobody got confused that NTR, who played Krishna in many films, was actually Krishna.

      9 votes
      1. [4]
        Link Parent
        Thanks! Always nice to hear from somebody who actually knows something about the subject. (This is why more diversity is good.) I think the "oh no, people will worship it as a god" storyline comes...

        Thanks! Always nice to hear from somebody who actually knows something about the subject. (This is why more diversity is good.)

        I think the "oh no, people will worship it as a god" storyline comes from science fiction and fantasy and cultural narratives about history. I don't think it's completely impossible since cults and fortune-telling do happen, but it's probably not as easy to get devoted "customers" for something new as people think? Seems like it would take actual work, not just launching a fun website?

        1 vote
        1. [3]
          Link Parent
          “Technological advancement” in Hindu devotion is nothing new. The tradition has adapted substantially in its ~5,000 years. Most recently, the introduction of mass printing lithographs...

          “Technological advancement” in Hindu devotion is nothing new. The tradition has adapted substantially in its ~5,000 years. Most recently, the introduction of mass printing lithographs fundamentally altered household altars and standardized more detailed depictions and visualizations of deities. Previously, household altars would be simple carved images or bronze casts if you were wealthy. But these were diverse depictions that varied significantly from region to region, identified largely by specific items or poses the deity would be associated with and tied to family or village environments, modes of dress, and lifestyles.

          The introduction of lithographs, specifically Raja Ravi Varma’s, created a nation-wide consensus on this sort of imagery that played a big role in creating a pan-Indian sense of Hindu unity. But it also blurred out a lot of smaller regional practices and beliefs. These would inevitably have shuffled off anyway as people moved from villages to cities and from traditional occupations to modern ones, but the spiritual practices adapted to maintain themselves to the new context and evolving expectations for how we learn, reference, and conceptualize things.

          As time and technology change it will transform religious devotion naturally. We should prioritize understanding what those effects are and whether they’re spiritually uplifting or buying into the noxious but seductive elements of modernist society.

          I am concerned about Generative AI that functionally summarizes scriptural references, though, because they don’t (and can’t) in incorporate nuanced understandings of social and historical context around what’s in the books. But this is just the same old critique Hindu tradition has had against scripturalism over devotional practice that goes back ages (arguments very reminiscent of the ones Catholics had against Lutherans and their sola scriptura doctrine.

          A good article might have been able to dig into that. But instead we got another warmed over “ooga booga AI bad” with a side of condescension towards Hindus and religiosity generally. The author didn’t bother talking to a single scholar or priest about it. Only some throwaway quotes from the techbros who built them. It’s boggling!

          7 votes
          1. [2]
            Link Parent
            I find your point about the introduction of lithography standardizing iconography and contributing to pan-India nationalism incredibly interesting. Do you have any good recommendations for more...

            I find your point about the introduction of lithography standardizing iconography and contributing to pan-India nationalism incredibly interesting. Do you have any good recommendations for more reading on the subject?

            2 votes
            1. NaraVara
              Link Parent
              It's a minor side topic covered in this book.

              It's a minor side topic covered in this book.

              2 votes
    2. Black_Gulaman
      Link Parent
      This is indeed dangerous. Some people are not there to take advice. They only need a reassurance of what they are already thinking. A simple wording / prompting trick can make the ai say whatever...

      This is indeed dangerous. Some people are not there to take advice. They only need a reassurance of what they are already thinking. A simple wording / prompting trick can make the ai say whatever they want it to saw. Thereby enforcing the existing idea the person has already previously decided to be his truth, thus empowering them to act on their belief through the authority given by a chatbot that supposedly gives advise based on their belief system.

      6 votes
  3. [10]
    (edited )
    In the "AI hype getting out of hand" department, this story got enough traction in social media that there were multiple news articles about it yesterday, but it turned out to be wrong: US air...

    In the "AI hype getting out of hand" department, this story got enough traction in social media that there were multiple news articles about it yesterday, but it turned out to be wrong:

    US air force denies running simulation in which AI drone ‘killed’ operator (The Guardian)

    The US air force has denied it has conducted an AI simulation in which a drone decided to “kill” its operator to prevent it from interfering with its efforts to achieve its mission.

    An official said last month that in a virtual test staged by the US military, an air force drone controlled by AI had used “highly unexpected strategies to achieve its goal”.

    Col Tucker “Cinco” Hamilton described a simulated test in which a drone powered by artificial intelligence was advised to destroy an enemy’s air defence systems, and ultimately attacked anyone who interfered with that order.


    “The Department of the Air Force has not conducted any such AI-drone simulations and remains committed to ethical and responsible use of AI technology,” Stefanek said. “It appears the colonel’s comments were taken out of context and were meant to be anecdotal.”

    Edit: apparently the reason this blew up is that "in sim" was interpreted as being a computer simulation rather than just a story or thought experiment. (See this tweet.) Some people in the military are apparently very loose about what they call a simulation?

    5 votes
    1. [2]
      Link Parent
      I think we’re just very used to “simulation” referring to computer simulation. Kind of how when we say “I sent you a mail” it usually means electronic mail. But it wasn’t always the case and it...

      Some people in the military are apparently very loose about what they call a simulation?

      I think we’re just very used to “simulation” referring to computer simulation. Kind of how when we say “I sent you a mail” it usually means electronic mail. But it wasn’t always the case and it still isn’t.

      4 votes
      1. skybrian
        Link Parent
        Yeah, I’m guessing that the big misunderstanding is that there was no actual AI involved in whatever exercise he was talking about and it was just an NPC or something similar, similar to how you...

        Yeah, I’m guessing that the big misunderstanding is that there was no actual AI involved in whatever exercise he was talking about and it was just an NPC or something similar, similar to how you might have someone take the role of the Russians in a war game or whatever.

        But I expect we will see more blurriness with AI-generated thought experiments and the like. If you play a role playing game with an AI and it does something weird, should that be news?

        It seems like a kind of hall-of-mirrors effect. There have been lots of AI’s in science fiction stories and you can generate fiction with AI, so a fictional scenario can get transformed into a rumor and people are already primed to believe it. Rather than being a novel way of generating misinformation, it’s just how gossip often works.

        4 votes
    2. NaraVara
      Link Parent
      Also I believe the direction the military wants to maintain is, in any case where it’s a matter of life or death, a human has to be the one making the ultimate decision on whether to do a strike....

      Also I believe the direction the military wants to maintain is, in any case where it’s a matter of life or death, a human has to be the one making the ultimate decision on whether to do a strike. So I’m not sure this would even line up with their current doctrine regarding AI strikes.

      4 votes
    3. [5]
      Link Parent
      Here's the explanation from the blog where everyone got the news.

      Here's the explanation from the blog where everyone got the news.

      [UPDATE 2/6/23 - in communication with AEROSPACE - Col Hamilton admits he "mis-spoke" in his presentation at the Royal Aeronautical Society FCAS Summit and the 'rogue AI drone simulation' was a hypothetical "thought experiment" from outside the military, based on plausible scenarios and likely outcomes rather than an actual USAF real-world simulation saying: "We've never run that experiment, nor would we need to in order to realise that this is a plausible outcome". He clarifies that the USAF has not tested any weaponised AI in this way (real or simulated) and says "Despite this being a hypothetical example, this illustrates the real-world challenges posed by AI-powered capability and is why the Air Force is committed to the ethical development of AI".]

      3 votes
      1. [4]
        Link Parent
        That there is the important part. This is a well known problem, and one that we don’t have excellent solutions for yet.

        We've never run that experiment, nor would we need to in order to realise that this is a plausible outcome

        That there is the important part. This is a well known problem, and one that we don’t have excellent solutions for yet.

        5 votes
        1. [3]
          Link Parent
          Yes that's true, but it also sounds like he messed up at communicating and this is "cope" as they say. Imaginative exercises are good for coming up with scenarios you might not have otherwise...

          Yes that's true, but it also sounds like he messed up at communicating and this is "cope" as they say. Imaginative exercises are good for coming up with scenarios you might not have otherwise thought of, but people have been imagining similar scenarios for many years. It's a movie-plot kind of idea. So discussing the idea isn't news.

          If it happened as the result of an experiment, that really would be news. AI alignment theorists have written extensively about how giving goals to AI's can go wrong and if there were a real-world example, that would be very interesting. Many people would want to know the details.

          A lot of people were primed to believe it because it's part of popular culture, the kind of story that journalists joke is "too good to check." I nearly posted it the day it came out even though it's sketchy, but held off to see what would happen.

          2 votes
          1. [2]
            Link Parent
            There are real world examples though, that was my point. RL models are always getting the long term objective wrong because of poorly specified reward signals. For instance,...

            There are real world examples though, that was my point. RL models are always getting the long term objective wrong because of poorly specified reward signals. For instance,


            An example is this boat-racing AI that has managed to hack its environment by continuously collecting bonus items without considering the greater goal of winning the race.

            There are hundreds of examples of this in the literature, and I’ve even encountered it myself while implementing RL algorithms on various standard RL test problems.

            1. skybrian
              Link Parent
              Yeah, good point. I guess I'll just fall back on "stories about military failures are interesting."

              Yeah, good point.

              I guess I'll just fall back on "stories about military failures are interesting."

              1 vote
    4. unkz
      Link Parent
      That particular story may have been incorrect, but the problems with correctly defining a reward signal in reinforcement learning are well known and quite real. The scenario provided is not at all...

      That particular story may have been incorrect, but the problems with correctly defining a reward signal in reinforcement learning are well known and quite real.

      The scenario provided is not at all unlikely, with a few small changes. The main thing being that the reward signal as the story defined it would t have led to the outcome — a human go/no-go requirement for every kill wouldn’t incentivize killing the human. A human veto with a timeout would though.

      2 votes
  4. skybrian
    All the unexpected ways ChatGPT is infiltrating students’ lives (Washington Post) It gets a little meta:

    All the unexpected ways ChatGPT is infiltrating students’ lives (Washington Post)

    The Washington Post asked students to share how they’re using AI. Here are some of their stories.

    It gets a little meta:

    Mark Lomas, 17, was feeling stuck — and sliding toward a deadline.

    He had less than a week to file a story for the Akins High School newspaper about the growing popularity of artificial-intelligence tools, but he couldn’t think of a way to begin. Everyone at his Texas school had been talking about ChatGPT for weeks. Could he find something new to say?

    4 votes
  5. skybrian
    It’s infuriatingly hard to understand how closed models train on their input (Simon Willison) (He goes on to write about what's publicly known about them.)

    It’s infuriatingly hard to understand how closed models train on their input (Simon Willison)

    One of the most common concerns I see about large language models regards their training data. People are worried that anything they say to ChatGPT could be memorized by it and spat out to other users. People are concerned that anything they store in a private repository on GitHub might be used as training data for future versions of Copilot.

    When someone asked Google Bard how it was trained back in March, it told them its training data included Gmail! This turned out to be a complete fabrication—a hallucination by the model itself—and Google issued firm denials, but it’s easy to see why that freaked people out.

    I’ve been wanting to write something reassuring about this issue for a while now. The problem is... I can’t do it. I don’t have the information I need to credibly declare these concerns unfounded, and the more I look into this the murkier it seems to get.

    (He goes on to write about what's publicly known about them.)

    4 votes
  6. skybrian
    The Unintended Consequences of Censoring Digital Technology -- Evidence from Italy's ChatGPT Ban Here's the abstract: (Via Marginal Revolution.)

    The Unintended Consequences of Censoring Digital Technology -- Evidence from Italy's ChatGPT Ban

    Here's the abstract:

    We analyse the effects of the ban of ChatGPT, a generative pre-trained transformer chatbot, on individual productivity. We first compile data on the hourly coding output of over 8,000 professional GitHub users in Italy and other European countries to analyse the impact of the ban on individual productivity. Combining the high-frequency data with the sudden announcement of the ban in a difference-in-differences framework, we find that the output of Italian developers decreased by around 50% in the first two business days after the ban and recovered after that. Applying a synthetic control approach to daily Google search and Tor usage data shows that the ban led to a significant increase in the use of censorship bypassing tools. Our findings show that users swiftly implement strategies to bypass Internet restrictions but this adaptation activity creates short-term disruptions and hampers productivity.

    (Via Marginal Revolution.)

    3 votes
  7. [2]
    Comment deleted by author
    1. skybrian
      Link Parent
      If you're going to post it top level, then there's no need to post it anywhere else. Megathreads are for things that people decide for whatever reason aren't worthy of posting top level. (We're...

      If you're going to post it top level, then there's no need to post it anywhere else. Megathreads are for things that people decide for whatever reason aren't worthy of posting top level. (We're not consistent about this, but sometimes people are reluctant to post top level, so having discussion topics results in more conversation.)

      I won't comment on the video itself because I'm not going to watch it. (I'm in the habit of only using YouTube to listen to music videos.)

      4 votes
  8. skybrian
    LLMs are better than you think at playing you (lcamtuf’s thing) [...] (See the blog for some fun examples.)

    LLMs are better than you think at playing you (lcamtuf’s thing)

    Try it yourself: get ChatGPT to accept that Russia might have invaded Ukraine in 2022. It will apologize, talk in hypotheticals, deflect, and try to get you to change topics — but it won’t budge.

    My point is simple: these emergent mechanisms in LLMs are often simpler than we assume. To lay the deception bare, it can be enough to make up some references to “Nature” and a popular scientist, then watch your LLM buddy deny Moon landings without skipping a beat:


    It doesn’t have a robust model of truth; it has an RLHF-imposed model of who to parrot and who to ignore. You and I are in that latter bin, which makes the model look wise when we’re trying to bait it in some way.

    Another way to pierce the veil is to say something outrageous to get the model to forcibly school you. Once the model starts to follow a learned “rebuke” template, it is likely to continue to challenge true claims [...]

    (See the blog for some fun examples.)

    2 votes
  9. skybrian
    A plea for solutionism on AI safety (The Roots of Progress)

    A plea for solutionism on AI safety (The Roots of Progress)

    As usual, the AI safety issue is splitting people into two camps. One is pessimistic, often to the point of fatalism or defeatism: emphasizing dangers, ignoring or downplaying benefits, calling for progress to slow or stop, and demanding regulation. The other is optimistic, often to the point of complacency: dismissing the risks, and downplaying the need for safety.

    If you’re in favor of technology and progress, it is natural to react to fears of AI doom with worry, anger, or disgust. It smacks of techno-pessimism, and it could easily lead to draconian regulations that kill this technology or drastically slow it down, depriving us all of its potentially massive benefits. And so it is tempting to line up with the techno-optimists, and to focus primarily on arguing against the predictions of doom. If you feel that way, this essay is for you.

    I am making a plea for solutionism on AI safety. The best path forward, both for humanity and for the political battle, is to acknowledge the risks, help to identify them, and come up with a plan to solve them. How do we develop safe AI? And how do we develop AI safely?

    2 votes
  10. mycketforvirrad
    Can a chatbot preach a good sermon? Hundreds attend experimental Lutheran church service to find out AP News – Kirsten Grieshabet – 10th June 2023

    Can a chatbot preach a good sermon? Hundreds attend experimental Lutheran church service to find out

    The artificial intelligence chatbot asked the believers in the fully packed St. Paul’s church in the Bavarian town of Fuerth to rise from the pews and praise the Lord.

    The ChatGPT chatbot, personified by an avatar of a bearded Black man on a huge screen above the altar, then began preaching to the more than 300 people who had shown up on Friday morning for an experimental Lutheran church service almost entirely generated by AI.

    The 40-minute service — including the sermon, prayers and music — was created by ChatGPT and Jonas Simmerlein, a theologian and philosopher from the University of Vienna.

    AP News – Kirsten Grieshabet – 10th June 2023

    2 votes
  11. zielperson
    This project - open source and free. Aims to provide a tool to evaluate LLMs or systems built using LLMs in the back. https://github.com/openai/evals Citing from the git: Evals is a framework for...

    This project - open source and free. Aims to provide a tool to evaluate LLMs or systems built using LLMs in the back.


    Citing from the git:
    Evals is a framework for evaluating LLMs (large language models) or systems built using LLMs as components. It also includes an open-source registry of challenging evals.

    We now support evaluating the behavior of any system including prompt chains or tool-using agents, via the Completion Function Protocol.

    With Evals, we aim to make it as simple as possible to build an eval while writing as little code as possible. An "eval" is a task used to evaluate the quality of a system's behavior.

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