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    1. Warrant Canary

      Hey, Just a thought. I'm not sure what the legal standing of warrant canaries (i.e. being compelled to lie) are in Canada, but given the privacy level afforded by the site the key component to...

      Hey, Just a thought. I'm not sure what the legal standing of warrant canaries (i.e. being compelled to lie) are in Canada, but given the privacy level afforded by the site the key component to that privacy is trust.

      You're doing a lot to make sure private data is treated as harmful, and with the open source code being visible, but that's still not a guarantee that the server is actually running the code that will be open sourced.

      Tildes could probably benefit from a warrant canary given that it's a platform for user generated content and if it gets prominent enough it may be subject to LEO scrutiny. Compliance with LEO is a given since the website operates under Canadian Jurisdiction, but given the... nature of some requests (Gag Orders / Etc...) a canary could be a privacy positive move for users of Tildes.

      7 votes
    2. Daily Tildes discussion - missing information?

      I'm doing some writing (and re-writing/editing) for the Docs site today, to prepare for trying to spread the word about Tildes more in the near future. To help with that, what information,...

      I'm doing some writing (and re-writing/editing) for the Docs site today, to prepare for trying to spread the word about Tildes more in the near future. To help with that, what information, explanations, or answers do you feel are missing or insufficient right now?

      For example, the discussion we had the other day on moderation was a perfect example—there was no information really laid out about "how does moderation work?" I'm sure there are quite a few other subjects that also feel like mysteries for now.

      So, especially for people that only found out about Tildes recently, what other gaps are there where you feel like, "I don't understand how Tildes is planning to ____________"?

      11 votes
    3. Community moderators?

      I think I read all of the documentation and at least skimmed most threads here and haven't found much on how moderation will be handled (I'm sorry if I missed a post where this is mentioned, it's...

      I think I read all of the documentation and at least skimmed most threads here and haven't found much on how moderation will be handled (I'm sorry if I missed a post where this is mentioned, it's very likely!).

      Basically, will it be like on reddit, with users volunteering? Or will there be more of an "admin" caste handling that on a higher level? Also I know Deimos made AutoModerator so...

      Just wondering since I've long thought that good moderation is all that really helps in keeping subreddits quality.

      16 votes
    4. Vague plans for the next few days

      Hey everyone, really happy to see people still coming back, and especially having extremely good discussions like this one about moderation. Here's my vague plans for the next few days: Finish...

      Hey everyone, really happy to see people still coming back, and especially having extremely good discussions like this one about moderation. Here's my vague plans for the next few days:

      Finish comment reply notifications and a couple other high-priority items

      I've got comment reply notifications mostly done now, and hope to have that out today or tomorrow. Username mention notifications should be pretty simple to add on top of that as well. Other than that, I need to look into fixing a few strange bugs that have been noticed, and would also like to get through a few other things in the backlog (including doing a better job of getting the backlog listed on the issue tracker).

      A significant feature I'd like to have soon is making it possible for other people to edit the tags on topics, as well as potentially allowing editing the title or even the link. For this to be possible though, we need to have a sort of log of the changes, so that there's accountability in who's making the changes and what they're doing.

      Some more updates/additions to the Docs pages

      The most important piece is to finish writing up some info about the "trust system", which is a lot of what we've been discussing in the "Community moderators?" post. This is going to be a really essential part of having the site be able to handle growth, so not having anything about it on the Docs site currently is a really big gap.

      I'd also like to do a bit of writing/rearranging of some of the other pages before I get too much public attention, since they're pretty scattered right now and are missing some information that people seem to look for.

      Invite more people and/or get some "larger" attention

      Once those other updates are done, I'm planning to start actively looking for a bit more public attention, including possibly posting to places like Hacker News or reddit. We're going to need a pretty steady inflow of people to keep the activity level up, so I think really getting the site out there soon is going to be the easiest way to do that. I do want to have the updates/info mentioned above done first though, so that will probably still be a couple days.

      In the meantime, I've topped up all existing users to 5 invite codes again, so if there's anyone you'd like to invite please feel free. You can get to your invite codes on this page, which is linked in the sidebar when you're on your user page.

      Thanks again, definitely let me know if you have any questions, suggestions, etc.

      11 votes
    5. Daily Tildes discussion - should we have an "about" section on user pages?

      Fairly straightforward question today - do you think it's useful/interesting for people to be able to write a small "about me" section on their userpage? There are definitely good uses for these,...

      Fairly straightforward question today - do you think it's useful/interesting for people to be able to write a small "about me" section on their userpage?

      There are definitely good uses for these, but they also have the potential to be used in spammy or otherwise bad ways too, so I'm not totally sure if it's something I want to do.

      Any thoughts or strong feelings about why this would be a good or bad feature?

      (P.S. Sorry, this is later than I'd usually like to make these posts)

      13 votes
    6. New feature added (opt-in only): marking new comments (and which topics have any)

      It's not quite notifications for replies/mentions yet, but in a similar vein, I've now added a feature that will mark which comments in a thread are new since your last visit, and also mark which...

      It's not quite notifications for replies/mentions yet, but in a similar vein, I've now added a feature that will mark which comments in a thread are new since your last visit, and also mark which topics have any new comments when you're on the listing page (like "9 comments (3 new)").

      To fit with Tildes's approach to privacy, this feature is disabled by default and requires you to opt in.

      There's a link to the page to do this from your settings page, which is linked from the sidebar on your userpage. The page explains the privacy implications and allows you to enable it if you want to use it.

      Let me know what you think of it, more new stuff coming soon.

      14 votes
    7. Daily Tildes discussion - How's the current set of groups?

      I'm going to start posting one "official" daily discussion topic a day in ~tildes to talk about general site things, plans for mechanics, feedback on specific ideas, etc. You're definitely all...

      I'm going to start posting one "official" daily discussion topic a day in ~tildes to talk about general site things, plans for mechanics, feedback on specific ideas, etc. You're definitely all welcome to post other similar topics as well if you want to, I just want to have one sort of "focused" post going every day.

      For today:

      What do you think of the current set of groups? It's a decent mix, but there are also some obvious gaps (though ~misc is supposed to act as a catch-all for posts that don't really fit anywhere else).

      Overall, it's a tricky balance—I think if there isn't a group where a particular topic seems to fit, it feels a little discouraging, like maybe you shouldn't post it. But I also don't want to create too many groups, where we end up with a lot of them just being inactive because it's uncommon for anyone to submit items that fit in there.

      And on a related topic, do you think there's a particular way we should try to handle "group requests", or just treat them mostly informally in ~tildes?

      14 votes
    8. Tildes can now be considered "public information"

      I think I was confusing about this before, so to be clear up front: Tildes will stay invite-only for the foreseeable future. There's a ton to figure out and build before we can even consider...

      I think I was confusing about this before, so to be clear up front: Tildes will stay invite-only for the foreseeable future. There's a ton to figure out and build before we can even consider making the site open to the public. Staying invite-only will let us take our time on a lot of the systems and functionality, and build up a good "base culture" before worrying about a massive influx.

      However, starting now, we can stop treating it as a secret. Please don't go out of your way to promote/spam it anywhere (and I'm personally still going to take it a bit slow today), but if there are people that you want to talk to about it, feel free. Please try to send anyone to the announcement blog post first, since that's the best explanation of the site's goals.

      Edit: I've also tweeted the post from the official account, if that's useful for sharing or anything.

      I've also given all the current users 5 invite codes, so you can invite specific people if you'd like to. You can access these on this page, which is linked from the sidebar on your user page. Keep in mind that the site is currently quite minimal and inactive and probably will be for a while yet, so it's best to invite people that you think won't be discouraged by that (and ideally will help by posting things themselves). If you want more invite codes, just let me know and I can give you more.

      As always, thanks for being here so far, and please do tell me if you run into issues or have any feedback.

      15 votes
    9. Spammed everybody with a welcome message

      Since we're starting to get a decent number of new people coming in (and I'm hoping to keep that going), I just set up a welcome message that will go out to all new users when they register. I...

      Since we're starting to get a decent number of new people coming in (and I'm hoping to keep that going), I just set up a welcome message that will go out to all new users when they register. I also went back and sent it to everyone that's already registered just to make sure everyone sees it, since I think the site hasn't been very good so far about explaining itself. A lot of you probably already knew (or figured out) the info in it, but maybe there's something new, like the tracking of comment visits if you don't already have that enabled.

      More stuff coming soon, I've got a few things in progress and have also been talking with a bunch of people about the site.

      13 votes
    10. High-priority things to fix/add

      Here's a quick list of things that I'm working on getting ready in the very near future. Please let me know if you have particular thoughts on any of these. Fixing the site icons for link topics...

      Here's a quick list of things that I'm working on getting ready in the very near future. Please let me know if you have particular thoughts on any of these.

      1. Fixing the site icons for link topics (currently just shows the blue dashed square).
      2. Putting some information in topic sidebars - any thoughts on what would be good to have here? I think I'd like to have some of the more-detailed metadata about the topic once there's more of that being generated (for example for videos, this could show which channel it's from, how long it is, etc.), but that still won't be very much and there's a lot of space. Commenting rules? Something else?
      3. Inbox/notifications for replies to your comments and topics, as well as username mentions. Any opinions about how it would be good to do this in a way that's convenient and not too annoying?
      4. Collapse buttons for comment threads (possibly by being able to click the line as well, similar to the reddit redesign)
      10 votes
    11. One more "private" day

      Alright, I'm going to take one more "private" day. I want to work on a few more of the high-priority items, and write up a bit more on the docs site related to questions that people have asked me...

      Alright, I'm going to take one more "private" day. I want to work on a few more of the high-priority items, and write up a bit more on the docs site related to questions that people have asked me so far, and information that still isn't very clear.

      I'll make at least another post or two later today in ~tildes with specific info for features, then let's plan to start trying to get some public attention tomorrow (edit: to be clear, the site is staying invite-only, just attention for the announcement post, I mean).

      If you want some invite codes today to quietly invite a few more people, just let me know and I can give you some.

      15 votes
    12. Some updates for today

      Just a couple quick notes for today: Updates I've made a few minor updates to layout and such here and there. I also changed the site's default sorting to "newest" while it's still pretty...

      Just a couple quick notes for today:


      I've made a few minor updates to layout and such here and there. I also changed the site's default sorting to "newest" while it's still pretty inactive, since that should make it easier to see the new posts. I'm planning to get an update in pretty soon that will remember which sorting settings you change to (on an individual group basis), so you should be able to adjust that soon if you want to.

      Still working on the things I mentioned in this post, hopefully should have a couple of those done in the next day or two. I know the lack of reply notifications is especially painful and hard to keep conversations going at all, so I'm trying to get that in very soon.

      Invites + "going public"

      I'm inviting some more people directly today, so there will probably be various new faces showing up. If any of you have others that you want to invite, definitely let me know and I can contact them myself or give you some invite codes.

      Currently, my plan is to start going more public tomorrow or Wednesday, trying to spread the announcement post out a bit more and get more people invited. I'll probably give all of you some invite codes at that point too, whether you want them or not. If you have particular suggestions for where you think I should (or shouldn't) try to get attention on the post, let me know.

      Thanks, it's really great to see some people getting started using the site.

      17 votes
    13. Added a button to collapse comments and their replies

      Very basic for now, but there's now a button in the top left corner of each comment (before the author's username) to collapse the comment along with its replies. In the future I'll make this...

      Very basic for now, but there's now a button in the top left corner of each comment (before the author's username) to collapse the comment along with its replies.

      In the future I'll make this persist across page loads (so if you come back to the same thread, things will stay collapsed), and have the info at the top change - maybe showing how many comments are in the thread or something similar.

      First issue closed!

      10 votes
    14. Info about site mechanics + some short-term plans

      Hey folks, thanks for trying things out so far. I know it's in a bit of an awkward phase right now where everything is inactive, but this should improve as more people join. Unfortunately I've had...

      Hey folks, thanks for trying things out so far. I know it's in a bit of an awkward phase right now where everything is inactive, but this should improve as more people join. Unfortunately I've had some bad timing today with fun things like a surprise early-morning trip to the vet, so I haven't been able to pay as much attention today as I wanted to.

      Anyway, a few updates:

      Site mechanics

      I did manage to spend some time writing up a page that explains some of the basic site mechanics, which is here: https://docs.tildes.net/mechanics

      Hopefully that helps explain things a bit better, since so far you've just basically had to try things to figure out what they are. Let me know if you have any questions or thoughts about the info on that page.

      Issue tracker

      There's not much there yet either, but I set up an issue tracker here on gitlab (which is where I'll host the site's code eventually): https://gitlab.com/tildes/tildes/issues

      I'm not expecting anyone to register on there and submit issues or anything, but that will be kind of the "formal" location for issues and plans (and I'll transfer things there that get reported on the site itself).

      Invites and other plans

      So far, I've only invited people that already knew what I was working on and that I've been talking to about it. Today and over the weekend, I'm going to start inviting some more specific people that I'd like to have involved but I haven't previously talked with about Tildes. While doing that, I'm also going to be working on the things mentioned in this post yesterday: https://tildes.net/~tildes/a/high_priority_things_to_fix_add

      If any of you have suggestions for people you'd like to invite (who won't be turned off by an inactive site), please let me know. I can contact them or give you some invite codes.

      Early next week, I'd like to start trying to get some public attention and expanding more quickly. This will probably include posting the announcement blog post to some places, as well as giving you all some invite codes. I don't have very specific plans yet though, so again, please let me know if you have any suggestions.

      Thanks again, and please keep posting a bit just so we can get some base activity going - if you read an interesting article or anything, just take a minute to post it here as well. Like I said, I know it's a bit awkward for now, but it will get better.

      11 votes