Stephen Colbert interviews Joe Biden for fifty minutes
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- Title
- Joe Biden: Trump Put The Country In A Terrible Spot By Failing To Act - EXTENDED INTERVIEW
- Authors
- The Late Show with Stephen Colbert
- Duration
- 50:21
- Published
- May 22 2020
Interesting video, main topics obviously include corona and the current economic situation the US is in because of the pandemic.
But I'm beginning to warm up to Biden. I would've preferred Sanders and if not him then Warren, but they're all better than Trump.
Ditto. The entire Primary, I thought he would just be Hillary 2.0, but he's proving to be a much more promising candidate.
But are you woman enough to vote for a man?
Yeah, they're definitely doing it better than Clinton.
Let's hope he doesn't waste all his money campaigning in California "running up the score" come Octoboer.
Wait, did Hillary 2016 actually do this? Did they blunder the US system that hard?
Yeah, I don't remember that. Democratic candidates mostly come to California to raise money.
It's true that she could have campaigned better, but she didn't do as bad as everyone on the internet says. It's repeated a lot that she didn't campaign in Pennsylvania at all, when in fact she did a lot and still lost there.
It's interesting to see the divisiveness on reddit trying to get Bernie supporters to not vote for Biden.